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Massive manhunt on the way for Bangkok bomb suspect


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The quality of the cctv cameras is pathetic considering its 2015.

Surely some nearby businesses must have some cctv of him en route that would be of much better quality.

It is difficult to get much of a good photo fit from these stills

"The quality of the cctv cameras is pathetic considering its 2015. "

I'm guessing it's 2015 in UK as well and here are some CCTV shots published by BBC Crimewatch there asking for help in identifying the alleged bad guys. I'd say the Thai CCTV is far from pathetic by comparison.

Wonderful, another know-it-all. Before making such comment and draw a conclusion, you might want take distance from subject into account so you don't sound too stupid.

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anyone seen the video footage? it's really hard to see.. but he definitely put the bomb on the bench and fled quickly... bastard!

Just been shown on Sky News and it does look rather conclusive. At the very least he has left his backpack on the bench and walked away - definitely not a normal action.

Should he be the guilty party, I find it rather strange that he is wearing a bright yellow t-shirt with a distinctive design. Almost as if he wanted to be noticed as anyone planning such a horrendous crime would also be fully aware of the multitude of CCTV cameras in that location.

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How do we know that it was TNT ?? Could it be because a Thai BIB official said it was, less than three hours after the incident ?

Identifying the materials used in an explosion takes concentrated sample gathering and recording and analyses, before any such determination can be made , not that this point is really relevant, as a bomb is a bomb regardless of materials used, to cowardly blow up innocent people.

But Thai police are incredible, as we all know

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I won't make any assumptions about the ethnicity of the suspect but the choice of which monument to bomb would lead one to believe that he is Muslim.

with so many other places that attract tourists in Bangkok why this one?

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"Prayut said the suspect was believed to be from an "anti-government group based in Thailand's northeast" -- the heartland of the kingdom's Red Shirt movement that opposes the military junta."

Noticed this item in the Australian media.....quick detective work!!

This is a lost-in-translation message from Australian media. Actually, PM mentioned the man who posed on facebook about violent in Bangkok which will occur during 14-18 Aug on 12 Aug 2015. And he is believed to be a redshirt in northeast so PM asks authority to investigate him. He is not the man who was captured in CCTV.

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There has been time to clean the photos shown of the suspect up and transmitt a faceial profile to every border crossing and on national televison and facebook. He will be seen and snintched on quite quickly as he does appear to be farang. Throw a high 6 figure breward in and wait for the call..

They will get him. So many under cover guys out there that have good contacts. And the interrogation by the police on suspects will find him. Especially that T Shirt some one will remember that.

you watch a lot of tv do you not ?

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The most disturbing factor here is the age of the suspect,whatever his background and agenda.

Can't be much older than early to mid twenties surely.

huh ?..................that is the most disturbing thing ? you are a sick puppy.......

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While Thailand possesses several key advantages over Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, primarily the fact that the US and Shinawatra are incapable of fielding military forces capable of challenging Thailand’s territorial integrity, the prospect of a protracted and viscous terrorist campaign aimed at disrupting Thailand’s capital, including tourism and commuting is seen as a point of viable leverage the US can use against the Thai government.

In addition to ousting and uprooting a loyal US proxy, the current Thai government has been gravitating ever closer to China, disrupting long-laid plans to use Southeast Asia as a united front with which the US can encircle and contain Beijing.

Thailand now faces two choices. It can choose like Libya, Syria, and Ukraine did, and allow increasing violence to threaten the peace, stability, and even survival of Thailand as a functioning nation-state, or it can choose as Egypt has done, rounding up all senior and mid-level leaders left in Shinawatra’s political front, as well as those working throughout US-funded NGOs backing them, try and sentence them – forever removing them from Thailand political landscape once and for all.

The terrorism may still continue, but in vain – and while Thailand will certainly become “unpopular” among the so-called “international community” – a term perceived widely to actually mean “the West,” it will at least survive. The current government is already “unpopular” with the West and the prospects of restoring beneficial ties with them have already diminished irreparably.

In the long run, this is absolutely unachievable, and so controversial and misguided it shouldn't even be considered for a second.

While demonising the shinawatra one has to consider why are certain groups of Thais so anti shinawatra and yet he is so popular? This also begs the question, what proof is there he had anything to do with it.

The issue is not shinawatra or any other politician. The issue is why is Thailand so petrified of any change at all. Chasing stability involves forcing conformity on society.

Only achieved so far in North Korea and I don't think u want to live there. U can't force people to comply.

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The most disturbing factor here is the age of the suspect,whatever his background and agenda.

Can't be much older than early to mid twenties surely.

huh ?..................that is the most disturbing thing ? you are a sick puppy.......

I don't see what issue age has to it. Activists and terrorists come in all shapes and sizes. Young minds can be radicalised very easily.

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I am I the only one who thinks this person looks Asian? As soon as I saw it I thought Thai or Chinese. I also thought it was a woman.

I could be very wrong though as the picture isn't clear.

I thought he looladd Asian too at first, but if he is trying to disguise himself , he could very well be a young caucasian . Remember the Boston terrorist ? He was a young guy originally from Kazakstan . So difficult to tell really.

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While Thailand possesses several key advantages over Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, primarily the fact that the US and Shinawatra are incapable of fielding military forces capable of challenging Thailand’s territorial integrity, the prospect of a protracted and viscous terrorist campaign aimed at disrupting Thailand’s capital, including tourism and commuting is seen as a point of viable leverage the US can use against the Thai government.

In addition to ousting and uprooting a loyal US proxy, the current Thai government has been gravitating ever closer to China, disrupting long-laid plans to use Southeast Asia as a united front with which the US can encircle and contain Beijing.

Thailand now faces two choices. It can choose like Libya, Syria, and Ukraine did, and allow increasing violence to threaten the peace, stability, and even survival of Thailand as a functioning nation-state, or it can choose as Egypt has done, rounding up all senior and mid-level leaders left in Shinawatra’s political front, as well as those working throughout US-funded NGOs backing them, try and sentence them – forever removing them from Thailand political landscape once and for all.

The terrorism may still continue, but in vain – and while Thailand will certainly become “unpopular” among the so-called “international community” – a term perceived widely to actually mean “the West,” it will at least survive. The current government is already “unpopular” with the West and the prospects of restoring beneficial ties with them have already diminished irreparably.

In the long run, this is absolutely unachievable, and so controversial and misguided it shouldn't even be considered for a second.

While demonising the shinawatra one has to consider why are certain groups of Thais so anti shinawatra and yet he is so popular? This also begs the question, what proof is there he had anything to do with it.

The issue is not shinawatra or any other politician. The issue is why is Thailand so petrified of any change at all. Chasing stability involves forcing conformity on society.

Only achieved so far in North Korea and I don't think u want to live there. U can't force people to comply.

Search and you will get the full article...

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While Thailand possesses several key advantages over Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, primarily the fact that the US and Shinawatra are incapable of fielding military forces capable of challenging Thailand’s territorial integrity, the prospect of a protracted and viscous terrorist campaign aimed at disrupting Thailand’s capital, including tourism and commuting is seen as a point of viable leverage the US can use against the Thai government.

In addition to ousting and uprooting a loyal US proxy, the current Thai government has been gravitating ever closer to China, disrupting long-laid plans to use Southeast Asia as a united front with which the US can encircle and contain Beijing.

Thailand now faces two choices. It can choose like Libya, Syria, and Ukraine did, and allow increasing violence to threaten the peace, stability, and even survival of Thailand as a functioning nation-state, or it can choose as Egypt has done, rounding up all senior and mid-level leaders left in Shinawatra’s political front, as well as those working throughout US-funded NGOs backing them, try and sentence them – forever removing them from Thailand political landscape once and for all.

The terrorism may still continue, but in vain – and while Thailand will certainly become “unpopular” among the so-called “international community” – a term perceived widely to actually mean “the West,” it will at least survive. The current government is already “unpopular” with the West and the prospects of restoring beneficial ties with them have already diminished irreparably.

In the long run, this is absolutely unachievable, and so controversial and misguided it shouldn't even be considered for a second.

While demonising the shinawatra one has to consider why are certain groups of Thais so anti shinawatra and yet he is so popular? This also begs the question, what proof is there he had anything to do with it.

The issue is not shinawatra or any other politician. The issue is why is Thailand so petrified of any change at all. Chasing stability involves forcing conformity on society.

Only achieved so far in North Korea and I don't think u want to live there. U can't force people to comply.

Search and you will get the full article...
I have read so many it's boring. Issue is, demonising shinawatra and removing him and all his cohorts won't work.

What do they say. There is nothing so strong and persistent as an idea. I don't want to get into a red shirt shinawatra discussion because there isn't any proof.

I would surmise it's likely to be an international terrorist group bringing the fight to Bangkok in support of the south. If so, it's very very worrying. Let's wait and see if they even get close to identifying who did this.

I doubt it because there is too much political mileage in pinning it on whoever they fancy.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Lets hope the find the right guy quickly and allow life to go on. i know this is a nervous time for all of us foreigners. I just hope they find this person or persons real soon and teach them a good lasting lesson.

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I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

First the Red Shirts would not admit it. But they would tell the military did it, or they tell under Thaksin everything was peaceful and good economic...look now, economic bad, dangerous, no tourists.

Or as you tell an angry fanatic individual or a small militant group without the agreement of the leader in Dubai.

They would not admit it directly, but as I am sure you remember, one of their most famous supporters, the infamous Sae Daeng, was ever so proud of his bomb throwing handiwork in 2010 against Yellow shirt camps and Democrat Party targets. He even boasted about starting a new dance, glorifying the bomb tossing exploits of his men. Now, he commanded a black shirted paramilitary faction who openly supported Thaksin's aims and as far as I am aware, none of his followers have ever been brought to justice, even though he came to a rather sticky end. So that presumably means, there are lots of those Red paramilitary loonies out there still, who would love to see a return of their demagogue leader in Dubai. So while Mr T himself may have nothing to do directly with this horrendous bombing, I wouldn't put it past to a whole section of his support base, who were also implicated in many of the bombs planted and thrown in 2011/12/13/14, and pipe bombs were one of their known specialities.

Now this may all be coincidental, but the full-on return of Thaksin into the political fray a few days ago, condemning the political reform process and the raising of the political stakes by the return of Suthep, suggests a return of the activities of the more militant arms of the Reds is not beyond the bounds of possibility. Certainly they have the means and the motive to create chaos at this juncture.

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I read elsewhere that he took a tuk tuk to the shrine and took a motorcycle taxi away. Both these drivers should be able to come forward and assist on where he was picked up and where he was taken.Also they could be of great assistance in aiding with the description.and nationality

Didn't they have this exact info from the drivers that took the suspect to and from the Paragon bombing? They never did catch him.

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I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

First the Red Shirts would not admit it. But they would tell the military did it, or they tell under Thaksin everything was peaceful and good economic...look now, economic bad, dangerous, no tourists.

Or as you tell an angry fanatic individual or a small militant group without the agreement of the leader in Dubai.

You're a disgrace to the human race making political capital of this tragedy by blaming someone you have not a shred of proof against just because your Thai wife doesn't like their politics. It's a recurring theme amongst the junta groupies on here and it stinks. It gives an accurate example of what sort of people they really are.

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I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

blablabla...or they tell under Thaksin everything was peaceful and good economic...blablabla

One again, someone brings Thaksin into the game. That's ridiculous. When will this end? Stuck in the past. Must be a fetish.

Well love him or hate him he is the reason for the political problems in Thailand and was just ousted the second time by a coup. The discussion if it was the red shirts or if it was the military to let the red shirts look bad wasn't started by me.

But you haven't half joined in enthusiastically.

The lack of any claims of responsibility rather rules out any of the existing or rather identified political groups - if you do something like this to further your (twisted) political aims you make sure people know it was you.

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Lets hope the find the right guy quickly and allow life to go on. i know this is a nervous time for all of us foreigners. I just hope they find this person or persons real soon and teach them a good lasting lesson.

It's a nervous time for the Thais as well, after all, it's their capital city which has been bombed!

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Lets hope the find the right guy quickly and allow life to go on. i know this is a nervous time for all of us foreigners. I just hope they find this person or persons real soon and teach them a good lasting lesson.

It's a nervous time for the Thais as well, after all, it's their capital city which has been bombed!

Better get used to it there will be more on the way..... the Global Elite don't like their puppets being deposed

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