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Special bomb use indicates different suspect group

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Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

How many drinks did you have this morning?

France don't have any military storage in Thailand, try to get sober next time you post more BS.

You must to stop to drink too,.............Refer to other post......

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Could not be more stupid on the way they investigate this case by saying special bomb used indicates different suspects. I really have no clue on what they are talking about.

The bomb maker clearly had expertise. TNT is dangerous to work with and C4 is considerably more powerful and versatile, so my guess is that C4 is more likely. The bomb squad reckons 3-5 lbs of explosive, so 20 kg would be enough to make 10 bombs of that size.

Yes, I agree. My initial response was this was not the work of the same players in the past. The size of the parcel compared to the damage done reveal a very different bomb maker from the past. Clearly powerful explosives were packed with significant secondary products-metal- to inflict as much damage as possible- kill, at a revered shrine (opposed to just the power and terror of a simple smoke bomb product)! The target here was Thailand! Thai people and tourists.

True, this was somewhat more sophisticated and the explosive agent was clearly of a higher order than has been seen in the past in Thailand.

C4 is without doubt more mailable than TNT however their detonation velocities are very close with C4 being marginally faster and easier to trace.

The likelihood of the explosive being only TNT is also doubtful as a TNT detonation leaves a tell tale film of black dust.


Doesn't take much 'intelligence' to make an IED.

But at 1.5 to 2 cm thick piping this was no ordinary 'pipe' bomb.

The amount of damage and death inflicted indicates something more powerful than TNT or C4. Maybe RDX?


With certain accomplice in airport yes. Some of private security agent in French airport come from difficult suburb where islamit problem rise.

Some journalist in France could board in plane with gun and hand grenade to prove security mesure are not enought in France.

Last year French police loose a TNT in a luggague in airport during an excercice, the TNT without detonator have been recover by US autority.

Survey of ilsamist in France are not so serious like French governement want to tell, Chalie Hebdo, Jewish supermarket in Paris and gas plant near Lyon are sad example of lack of means of French security forces.

"Home grown" terrorists who are French citizens have carried out numerous attacks, murders and outrages over the several years. But, I can't recall where they've been involved in activities outside France. If French citizens were involved in terrorist acts outside France it's an escalation in their activities.

But if so, then surely, the responsible organization would have claimed responsibility by now, with some glossy YouTube release?

I agree with your comments on security competence.

Yes I'm agree but some french citizen fight with ISIS, some of them conduct attack ouside French territory : The Jewish museum of Belguim shooting : suspect Mehdi Nemmouche, a 29-year-old french national with algerian origin

Well if you kwonw ISIS Method, they don't claim directly attacks. In the last attack on Europ soil, terrorist lent allegiance to ISIS or ALQAIDA after the attacks. After this this cowards organisations claim to them......

A lot of may french paper citizen commit crime in Thailand. Seen few year a lot of them constitute a real treasure of war with fraudulent withdrawal... Sometime you look some islate offense in news, but if you can link all of them you will see another thing....










Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

The bomb maker clearly had expertise. TNT is dangerous to work with and C4 is considerably more powerful and versatile, so my guess is that C4 is more likely. The bomb squad reckons 3-5 lbs of explosive, so 20 kg would be enough to make 10 bombs of that size. I too hadn't seen any reports of a theft of 20 kg of C4 from "French military storage in the south of Thailand"; indeed I am not aware of French military facilities in Thailand. Some elucidation on this latter point would be interesting?

Sorry, but TNT is on of the most stable explosive compounds known to man and a common ingredient in a host of both military and commercial explosives. Perhaps you are confusing it with Nitro Glycerine

Nitro iseasy to product but many unstable too


Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

How many drinks did you have this morning?

France don't have any military storage in Thailand, try to get sober next time you post more BS.

You must to stop to drink too,.............Refer to other post......

Bander, you really need to get with the program. Do some reading before issuing statements that were stale before posting. The issue of a French storage facility was already established to be in France, scene of the theft. And poster Than is not a native English speaker. Lighten up.


Yesterday the explosive used in both bombs was reported to be the same and TNT. Today they have not identified it as yet.

Somone is a bullshi%%er!

They were claiming it to be TNT within one hour of the first explosion.

For them to do a chemical analysis in that time was very impressive. This was from both official and social media sources.

Edit: TNT was probably the only explosive that came to mind for those making the statements at the time.


Yesterday the explosive used in both bombs was reported to be the same and TNT. Today they have not identified it as yet.

Somone is a bullshi%%er!

They were claiming it to be TNT within one hour of the first explosion.

For them to do a chemical analysis in that time was very impressive. This was from both official and social media sources.

Edit: TNT was probably the only explosive that came to mind for those making the statements at the time.

or, more likely, 'TNT' was the only word for 'explosive' the translator knew.


A sickening event with out a doubt.......

I am looking at the photos and thinking that the damage done, although horrific in terms of the loss of live and injuries, during the event could have been much worse had it been a much larger bomb or more powerful explosive device.

You would think, if the bomber or bombers are angry at something or someone or some "group" of people they would target the police or military or government officials or the offices and or infrastructure related to such government entities.......in other words specific targets that separate the average person from wanton damage caused by a bomb.

They have done nothing but create carnage and confusion and not much else other than showing the world that they can do what they did.....but the heinous act has no substance while it will not stop or drastically effect tourism as suggested by the media...if that was, in any way, the reason and goal of the bombing.



07/04/2015-Miramas: theft of detonators, explosives and grenades on a military site

Some 200 detonators and explosives were stolen from a military depot in the night from Sunday to Monday. Justice and the army each have opened an investigation. The Ministry of Defence has requested an assessment of the internal protection of all the military sites ammunition storage.According to a source close to the investigation, and the perpetrators entered the compound after cutting the fence. Reportedly, they took at least 160 detonators, igniters 70 caps, 40 grenades, 10 explosive loaves of 250 grams.

10 time 250g is 2.5 kg the rest is grenades


Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

French military storage in Thailand - please explain.

People who don't know what they're talking about can't explain.


Sounds a bit high tech for the normal players, so I would be looking as to who has access to people with experience in terrorist activities using explosive devices and who would benefit from creating damage of this nature.

Internet holmes.


Thanks to every one who responded to my post about the scene of crime work. Personally I didn't see any footage of forensic teams at the scene and I'm not saying they weren't there but clearing up after only 17 hours does seem fast for such a major crime especially as much of the searching must have been done under artificial light.

Unfortunately the BIB don't have much of a reputation for securing and controlling a scene of crime properly.

As you say, unfortunately there are many recent examples of the BiB's professional skills in crime scene management and forensics.

I wonder if they have / will / even consider accepting the AFP's offer of assistance.

How can you say that about BIB investigative skills, they have access to some of the best fortune-tellers in LOS.


Saying that TNT is dangerous to work with is wrong. TNT is about the safest explosive we have. It is very stable and can be stored for a long time ( 50years and more) without any problems. C 4 is also normally safe, but if stored in too high temperature it can be dangerous because then it is not stable and will start to change and be sensitive for blows.



Why don't we see more Explosive Sniffing Dogs at the airports.

Can't fool their noses, basically no matter what the explosive is.

Just wondering, lots of dogs that can be trained here in Thailand.

Would be nice to take a few hundred off the streets and get them a real job.

Almost all explosives are "tagged" now days and can be traced!

Obviously not the ones you whip-up your self, but the Ammonium Nitrate is "tagged".

Should be easily smuggled in at land border crossings if your not greedy, a little at a time.

To stop it they need to find the source.

A few years ago they had some at Chiang Mai airport, and they were going crazy over

a mans suitcase,police thought they had caught big drugs smuggler, but the case

contained Northern Thai sausages,maybe because the reported feeding expense

for the dogs was 20 THB per day.

relax Countryman


Mention has not been made about TATP (Triacetone Triperoxide) a.k.a Mother of Satan as a possibility.

No need to raid military depots or other risky operations. This stuff can be made in a tub from nail varnish remover and Hydrogen peroxide! Readily available in Thailand.

Very powerful, but dangerous to work with, this was used in the 7/7 London bombings.

But chemical analysis should have been completed by now!


Did you read this?

People can inform police using 'Police I Lert U' app

BANGKOK, 19 August 2015 (NNT) - The Deputy Metropolitan Police Chief has encouraged people to provide police with information about the bomb suspect’s whereabouts through a new smart phone application called ‘Police I Lert U’.

"I lert U..."

Dear lord.....


Courtesy of Police R us


But surprisingly, the main Erawan Shrine which sits only five metres from the deadly explosion site, suffered only slight damage.

Obviously protected by whatever god(s) the shrine represents. That will make this place even more popular on lottery day!

Obviously, the Hindu god Brahma as the statue is that of a Brahma?

No its Indra a vedic god. One of the names often sometimes substituted for Shiva Top banana of the Hindu gods, nothing Buddhist about it in the slightest.

The shine was just built by the hotel because some ju ju guy told them it was unlucky for this or that without a shrine... so built one.

Nothing sacred about it at all... Its not Buddhist, its got zero to do with any spirit of Bangkok and its simply a superstitious attraction built by the hotel. Certainly not a spirit center of BKK as some articles have claimed which makes it all the less of a story or significance or relevant as a meaningful target.

Even wiki has its simple beginnings explained.


But surprisingly, the main Erawan Shrine which sits only five metres from the deadly explosion site, suffered only slight damage.

Obviously protected by whatever god(s) the shrine represents. That will make this place even more popular on lottery day!

Obviously, the Hindu god Brahma as the statue is that of a Brahma?

No its Indra a vedic god. One of the names often sometimes substituted for Shiva Top banana of the Hindu gods, nothing Buddhist about it in the slightest.

The shine was just built by the hotel because some ju ju guy told them it was unlucky for this or that without a shrine... so built one.

Nothing sacred about it at all... Its not Buddhist, its got zero to do with any spirit of Bangkok and its simply a superstitious attraction built by the hotel. Certainly not a spirit center of BKK as some articles have claimed which makes it all the less of a story or significance or relevant as a meaningful target.

Even wiki has its simple beginnings explained.

very weell used by thai businesspeople for luck


Thanks to every one who responded to my post about the scene of crime work. Personally I didn't see any footage of forensic teams at the scene and I'm not saying they weren't there but clearing up after only 17 hours does seem fast for such a major crime especially as much of the searching must have been done under artificial light.

Unfortunately the BIB don't have much of a reputation for securing and controlling a scene of crime properly.

Just saw BBC News and Jonathon Head found several pieces of shrapnel and ball bearings in the pillars on the road. He tried to give it to the RTP. They weren't interested.

Not much control there.


If they did the job of investigating the sight properly they would have found a good deal of info and by now would know the material and explosive used along with other evidence that has now all been hosed away sadly.


Thanks to every one who responded to my post about the scene of crime work. Personally I didn't see any footage of forensic teams at the scene and I'm not saying they weren't there but clearing up after only 17 hours does seem fast for such a major crime especially as much of the searching must have been done under artificial light.

Unfortunately the BIB don't have much of a reputation for securing and controlling a scene of crime properly.

Just saw BBC News and Jonathon Head found several pieces of shrapnel and ball bearings in the pillars on the road. He tried to give it to the RTP. They weren't interested.

Not much control there.

At 0400 the news reported the BBc still can't get anyone to accept the material.

Maybe the shrapnel found won't make or break the case but it says so much about the scene of crime work or rather the lack of it.

Once again the name of Thailand and the BIB is heard around the world and for all the wrong reasons but will they care ?


Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

The bomb maker clearly had expertise. TNT is dangerous to work with and C4 is considerably more powerful and versatile, so my guess is that C4 is more likely. The bomb squad reckons 3-5 lbs of explosive, so 20 kg would be enough to make 10 bombs of that size. I too hadn't seen any reports of a theft of 20 kg of C4 from "French military storage in the south of Thailand"; indeed I am not aware of French military facilities in Thailand. Some elucidation on this latter point would be interesting?

TNT as you call it is not dangerous to work with if you know how. There is no French Military based in Thailand. Thai ordinance is located in central plains area of Thailand.

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