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Could anyone advise me where in Pattaya To go to to get advice treatment bearing in mind that I am a skintish OAP

I have heard that there are clinics that can treat these problems with lasers or freezing etc

Any sensible advice well appreciated

Thank you

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My brother in law suggested you visit Bangkok

For skin cancer he recommends Siriraj hospital, great but v v busy as its government's. Also Ramathibodi hospital.

Guessing the only way a doctor will know is to do a biopsy if deemed necessary. I'd recommend a full check up, which you can do for around 4000 baht for a basic but still pretty comprehensive one. Blood tests etc. I did one recently and very glad I did...


Dr. Anna at BPH is an excellent dermatologist and unlike most Thai doctors, experienced with farang skin and skin cancers.


I will be going to Dr. Parichart Chalidapongse at St Louis Hospital in Bangkok today for my regular check-up ,

Blond Hair , blue eyes and living near the beach when I was a kid now has me checking with her 2-3 times a year when I am in BKK.

so far , so good as nothing drastic has been found but many small things she has frozen and 2 times I had to get them removed in surgery ,

She was trained in the UK ,

St Louis Hospital is a good place to go , low prices , close to the BTS and a great reputation without all the fancy promotional stuff of the "International" hospitals.


Thank you to all for your kind advices, it looks as though Dr Anna at BPH is the most sensible considering its only down the road from me and not only recommended by Sheryl but the Doctor is well rated in previous threads on the subject.

Bangkok is just to impractical for me at the moment

Skintish is a good word Stoneyboy for my financial position, short of brass, moolah, money honey!

Not skint as in pennyless as have building assets but they were/are for my Mrs when I and the the pension runs out so whilst we have "assets" I dont really want to sell them to pay for treatment at Hospitals in Thailand whom I have been known to utter now and again "only diagnose for profit" hence my OP asking about good clinics ETC


Dermatologist at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.

A Dr (lady) did a few presentations at the Expats Club(s) and spoke good English and focused on skin cancer.

Australian friends have treatment quite often for this so do not over-worry. Just get it checked out.


Dr. Wichai Hongcharu ... St. Louis Hospital Bangkok.... Laser Specialists .... Dermatology Schooling in London ... Laser certification USA .... was a Harvard Fellow.


Thank you to all for your kind advices, it looks as though Dr Anna at BPH is the most sensible considering its only down the road from me and not only recommended by Sheryl but the Doctor is well rated in previous threads on the subject.

Bangkok is just to impractical for me at the moment

Skintish is a good word Stoneyboy for my financial position, short of brass, moolah, money honey!

Not skint as in pennyless as have building assets but they were/are for my Mrs when I and the the pension runs out so whilst we have "assets" I dont really want to sell them to pay for treatment at Hospitals in Thailand whom I have been known to utter now and again "only diagnose for profit" hence my OP asking about good clinics ETC

Thank you, I like your Skintish word, it also applies to me, due to my desire to protect as much as possible of my assets for my Thai wife who loves and looks after me so well, I will be able to pay for treatment but it will eat into the pot designated for her when I am gone

I am on a prostrate cancer warning,PSA 13.1last week I am awaiting retesting next week after course of antibodies, I am 70 and live in KhonKaen, I may have to go to Bang Kok for treatment, and any input on good hospitals at sensible rates able to deal with this would be appreciated


if they look like scaly sores that don't heal ,they will in most cases be basal cell carcinoma and if small be frozen,if larger 20 cm or so will have to be excised and sent to pathology.i've been having them removed for years. i'm in oz so can't recomend clinic in thailand but any doctor especially in the tropics would recoginise them straight off.get checked every 6 months or when a sore doesn't heal or a mole starts to change colour or get bigger. the trouble with freezing and not excising is that you don't know what they are exactly.


Go and get them checked. I have had a lot burnt, cut out etc, but now I self treat using Black Salve. But if it is something bigger than I would not hesitate to have a specialist deal with it.


I can't express strongly enough to you the urgency of your situation if you have a melanoma. The count down has started and days count. I have had three and each time identified I was in surgery the next day.

If you have flakey skin it is probably as Basal carcinoma which is not serious but should be treated.

A melanoma is usually brown or dark purplish and often has a type of scalloped edge. Go and see a dermatologist and do it NOW.


My advice go to see a doctor immediately. My ear was checked by a doctor, he said it should come off and cut the spot off immediately, biopsy confirmed it was skin cancer. 5 years on all OK but go back once a year for a check up.post-192388-0-56986800-1440038975_thumb.post-192388-0-99186000-1440038966_thumb.post-192388-0-22168900-1440038972_thumb.post-192388-0-49934300-1440038978_thumb.post-192388-0-53910200-1440038982_thumb.post-192388-0-60893500-1440038986_thumb.


I second the suggestion(s) to see Dr Anna at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya - she only works limited hours

Tue 09:00 am - 02:00 pm Wed 09:00 am - 02:00 pm Thu 09:00 am - 02:00 pm

She speaks excellent English and spent much of her time in USA until her husband retired and they moved back to Thailand. For her profile and to make an appointment: https://www.bangkokpattayahospital.com/en/doctor-profile?v_id=7&depid=2

She is fully qualified using the Laser and other techniques. If she suspects skin cancer, then she will collect some tissue and send it to pathology (this is done in Bangkok, so it may be a few days to get results). In addition to doing screenings for me over the years, she has also treated some skin infections.


I go back to my country every six months for a check up by my specialist and always have something burnt, scraped or cut out every visit. Skin cancers run in my family genetics and it is best you see a doctor that deals with them on a day to day basis. If something is missed it could be too late. Reality is do not risk it, trying to save a buck, is not really worth your life.

I have familial atypical multiple mole–melanoma (FAMMM) syndrome, so I have a lot of experience of checking moles for signs of abnormality. I have to photograph mine monthly and compare with the previous month as I have a very high risk of skin cancer. This was inherited from my mother who previously had skin cancer. I cannot go in the sun safely for more than 5-10 minutes (with sun cream) and stupidly I exposed myself to sun a lot in my twenties and made things worse. I get new moles on a weekly basis.

The first thing you should know is that Thailand has very low skin cancer rates and therefore very few, if any, doctors skilled enough to recognise the signs and take appropriate action. I have been told this by my consultant in the UK, who has advised me to move home as I should see him every 6 months. He said if I insist on living here that I should fly to Australia to get my check-ups where they have doctors very skilled in identifying rogue moles.

Thailand is good with skin cosmetics, and that's what most skin doctors train in, because that's where the money is.

If I were you, I would consider flying home or to a country where you can see a real professional in this field.


My brother in law suggested you visit Bangkok

For skin cancer he recommends Siriraj hospital, great but v v busy as its government's. Also Ramathibodi hospital.

Guessing the only way a doctor will know is to do a biopsy if deemed necessary. I'd recommend a full check up, which you can do for around 4000 baht for a basic but still pretty comprehensive one. Blood tests etc. I did one recently and very glad I did...

I go every 3 months to Siriraj for freezing basal cell carcinoma. Very cheap too. Specialist all speak English. First time you have to register then you get an appointment. Don't think any good places in Pattaya or elsewhere. Most only do cosmetic skin care


n210mp............First things first as they say: –

Get along to see the skin specialist ASAP and they will determine whether or not you have some form of skin cancer. Solar keratoses are the most common sort and are easily treatable, some with the application of a cream called Aldara over a few week period, others burnt off using liquid nitrogen. Depending upon the severity of it, a laser treatment may also be used.

Basal cell stuff usually requires an incision and removal, along with a biopsy and if it is a melanoma, you have to hope that you've caught it early enough.

I've been having treatment like this over many years as I was a fair skinned redhead in my youth and also worked in places such as the Sahara desert and in West Africa, this long before sunscreen was widely advocated .

Regular checkups now for me are the norm, and luckily I have found a good skin specialist who documents every treatment/removal and the cost for a checkup and a few liquid nitrogen applications usually comes to around 1600 baht.

Good luck, be vigilant and don't be afraid to see the specialist with anything that may look suspicious.


Is that a word skintish ?

I like it anyway,can't offer any advice but good luck I hope everything works out for you.

for that matter, what an OAR??



You are crazy- malignant melanoma kills you. It results in thousands of deaths - the incidence of skin cancer is growing rapidly . This is not a bit of a bit of dermatitis .

Dr Anna has a good reputation - a consultation costs 1000 baht.


So you could be choosing between you love of being skint or your life


Thank you to all for your kind advices, it looks as though Dr Anna at BPH is the most sensible considering its only down the road from me and not only recommended by Sheryl but the Doctor is well rated in previous threads on the subject.

Bangkok is just to impractical for me at the moment

Skintish is a good word Stoneyboy for my financial position, short of brass, moolah, money honey!

Not skint as in pennyless as have building assets but they were/are for my Mrs when I and the the pension runs out so whilst we have "assets" I dont really want to sell them to pay for treatment at Hospitals in Thailand whom I have been known to utter now and again "only diagnose for profit" hence my OP asking about good clinics ETC

Thank you, I like your Skintish word, it also applies to me, due to my desire to protect as much as possible of my assets for my Thai wife who loves and looks after me so well, I will be able to pay for treatment but it will eat into the pot designated for her when I am gone

I am on a prostrate cancer warning,PSA 13.1last week I am awaiting retesting next week after course of antibodies, I am 70 and live in KhonKaen, I may have to go to Bang Kok for treatment, and any input on good hospitals at sensible rates able to deal with this would be appreciated


Thank you to all for your kind advices, it looks as though Dr Anna at BPH is the most sensible considering its only down the road from me and not only recommended by Sheryl but the Doctor is well rated in previous threads on the subject.

Bangkok is just to impractical for me at the moment

Skintish is a good word Stoneyboy for my financial position, short of brass, moolah, money honey!

Not skint as in pennyless as have building assets but they were/are for my Mrs when I and the the pension runs out so whilst we have "assets" I dont really want to sell them to pay for treatment at Hospitals in Thailand whom I have been known to utter now and again "only diagnose for profit" hence my OP asking about good clinics ETC

Thank you, I like your Skintish word, it also applies to me, due to my desire to protect as much as possible of my assets for my Thai wife who loves and looks after me so well, I will be able to pay for treatment but it will eat into the pot designated for her when I am gone

I am on a prostrate cancer warning,PSA 13.1last week I am awaiting retesting next week after course of antibodies, I am 70 and live in KhonKaen, I may have to go to Bang Kok for treatment, and any input on good hospitals at sensible rates able to deal with this would be appreciated

toa1007; I have been treated for prostate cancer in Bangkok, Bangkok hospital, with radiation, which proved extremely successful and was not painful. However, it was rather expensive (nearly Bht500,000). Although I don't live in Khon Kaen, I do know it and I believe that one is able to get a very decent treatment at Khon Kaen Ram. I would suggest you see there Dr. kachit who will advise you further. Why not try, before you do anything else. Best of luck!!


Dr. Anna at BPH is an excellent dermatologist and unlike most Thai doctors, experienced with farang skin and skin cancers.

Agree. I have seen her a couple of times. Excellent. I think she had a practice in California for a number of years, so as Sheryl said, she is experienced in farang skin issues and she's totally fluent in English.

Bangkok Pattaya Hospital may not be the cheapest option, but cheap to begin with can easily turn into expensive in the longer term.


Don't walk, run and get yourself checked by a dermatologist. I baked myself in the sun when I was young and show the aging now.

I have personal experience with Varocha Vahachai (aka Dr. Anna) at Bangkok Pattaya. She is highly regarded and lived and worked formany years in the U.S.---I think she studied or taught at Stanford. She works limited hours. Perfect English.

I also saw a dermatologist, Dr. Nalinee Methachittiphan, at Phayathai Hosp. in Sriracha who did a thorough visual exam, did some laser treatment but sent me to a surgeon, Dulayanat Aranyapala, for an excision she was not comfortable with. It turned out it was a melanoma and I had 2 surgeries---pathologist report says he got it all. Both speak English very well and I recommend them.

Comparing the hospitals, Bangkok Pattaya will usually always be more expensive and English skills, starting at the front door are far superior. Getting to see the doctor may require some Thai fluency at reception and with the nurses but once you're in with the doctors there are no problems communicating.

Don't delay no matter who you see.

btw, Siriraj in BKK was also mentioned to me for good dermatologists.



You are crazy- malignant melanoma kills you. It results in thousands of deaths - the incidence of skin cancer is growing rapidly . This is not a bit of a bit of dermatitis .

Dr Anna has a good reputation - a consultation costs 1000 baht.


So you could be choosing between you love of being skint or your life

Yup, killed my brother at 54 years of age. Started out as a lump on his forearm, he ended up with three brain tumors.

Before then I sounded like a lot of the blokes on here - nothing to worry about, just have it burnt off etc.. But that is BS - go see a qualified dermatologist.


Hit this post by accident, but still read the replies. Can't remember a TV post with more sensible replies and no facetious crap. Hope it works out for you mate.


Something like 80-90% of skin cancer is the basal cell type, very treatable. As has been said, Bangkok (Pattaya) Hospital might be pricey. I know from experience the Bangkok Hospital Phuket bills can be quite shocking.

That Doctor in Pattaya sounds like a good first port of call but if you need longer term hospital treatment and are skintish then your best option is a government hospital such as Siriraj, which has a good reputation for skin cancer treatment. Govt hospitals are less expensive, but have the top doctors (they work in both the private and govt hospitals). Downside is waiting time for making appointment then consultation and treatment.. so cost in time and travel etc. If necessary you could ask the doctor in Pattaya to make the appointment ahead of time perhaps.


I have a lesion on my back. I had it tested and it was non-malignent. Not skin cancer. So it is worth getting tested so as to put your mind at rest. Best of luck.

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