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The lady doesn't like Falang TV. I have digital Sophon Cable.

I want to get a monitor or tablet - something that she can use to watch Sophon while I watch something else. Not too expensive.

Any suggestions?

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Wow, some really lame non-informative replies so far!

Let me be more explicit.

I don't care about your thinking on life, love or what content I should be watching.

I am happy with the content I have available. I watch what I want.

Sophon comes with my condo. It is cheap, and I cannot opt out.

I only asked about hardware solutions so that I can allow my Thai lady to watch Thai TV while I watch something else.

If you want to talk about something else, start your own thread.


Neither can my wife and she is Thai ,she thinks its rubbish , lived in the west to long , her likes are varied from Ceaser Milan ,to 3rd rock from the sun ,and she has just got into Poirot and Father Ted ,ta;lk about old shows.


There's my TV and there's a 32 inch in the bedroom for the gf. Conflicting interests about dinner time. Hour or 2 hour long episodes of thai super drama ..drama.. big drama at every turn then probably a ghost and a robbery and a car accident. Absolute rubbish.

Get a second TV or put up with it. I got a second coax cable and a splitter from Tesco or bigc.

I went to power buy and a lady didn't really know what I meant and some stylish guy had a smirk on his face and talked to us like we were stupid and told us that you can't watch two different channels from the same antenna on 2TVs. He must have thought that the 50 TVs in power buy must have 50 different antennas or satellite dishes.

I really wonder how some of these people can have jobs.


All boils down to who pays the bills I guess ! I also have Sophon ALMOST TV and of it's 60 advertised channels,

only about 5 maybe 6 are actually worth the electricity but True is more expensive then in the US and

isn't a helluva lot better.


If you've got fast enough internet I'm sure she can stream the episodes. You might want something more powerful with a TV tuner like a laptop or pc. There's a way to do it to connect to your cable TV, just not with a tablet. Much easier I think with a TV that's purpose built with the receiver.

Actually there may be a digital set top box you can get that has a vga out or a hdmi out and connect a monitor and sound that way.


Maybe you need to learn how to use Thai Visa and post your question in the proper forum.

Considering your post and where you put it, you deserve the replies you have received.

Try this forum on ThaiVisa, and stop complaining.

Internet, computers, communication, technology

  1. Linux in Thailand ,
  2. Gamers Corner, Computer games and reviews ,
  3. Mobile internet and devices ,
  4. Audio/Visual, HiFi and Home Theatre ,

It is not hard to find.


Wow, some really lame non-informative replies so far!

Let me be more explicit.

I don't care about your thinking on life, love or what content I should be watching.

I am happy with the content I have available. I watch what I want.

Sophon comes with my condo. It is cheap, and I cannot opt out.

I only asked about hardware solutions so that I can allow my Thai lady to watch Thai TV while I watch something else.

If you want to talk about something else, start your own thread.

Maybe if you first admitted how inept you are on the topic, people might understand.

Cable comes into your condo. Just a single connection?

Does Sophon Cable go directly to the connector on the TV set, or does if require a Set Top Box to change channels?

If you really want only what Sophon Cable delivers to you (either straight connected to the cable, or the Set-Top-Box offering subscription channels and on-demand offerings) then you will need to insert an RF-SPLITTER to make TWO F-CONNECTORS available, and then DUPLICATE all the hardware on your side of the CableTV outlet ...and if using a Set-Top-Box then PAYING for another subscription and Set-Top-Box.

What device is used to view the signal from the F-connector or Set-Top-Box Composite / Component / HDMI -connector is up to you, it just needs to work with that connection. Most people use a TV.

If you have INTERNET with WiFi you could easily sidestep all these issues and just get a tablet and download a Thai IPTV app that will get most of the Free-To-Air broadcasts that are also streamed over Internet.


Neither can my wife and she is Thai ,she thinks its rubbish , lived in the west to long , her likes are varied from Ceaser Milan ,to 3rd rock from the sun ,and she has just got into Poirot and Father Ted ,ta;lk about old shows.

Doesn't she like 'On the Buses'?


I have never watched any TV in the last 25 years! Having lived in warm countries such as Italy,Canary Islands & Thailand I have never been interested.(kind respect to those who do..) I would much rather listen to the radio.

I guess it's not easy when living with a Thai Lady as i know they will watch anything on TV.

C.S wai2.gif


Hey stoneboy,

Nice set-up!

Are the speakers connected to the flat TV and if so can the volume be managed by the TVs remote control?

It'd be appreciated if you could also provide source, cost and brand name.


The TV is Panasonic as is the speaker set up.

The TV can be controlled by the speaker remote which also controls the blue ray player etc.

The TV Panasonic with built in Internet although I have an android box which makes things easier.

Total cost was 30,000 baht for the TV and 6,000 for the surround sound.

Hope this helps it's a couple of years old.


Do what I did and get second TV and 2 True boxes , They have the massive wall mounted TV in the living room , while I have something more modest with Platinum True and CTH in "My" The bedroom


I went to Amorn electronics a few weeks ago looking for a box (my vague idea was some kind of thing with a hard drive, wifi, and lots of cable connection options). For the life of me I couldn't work out the difference between any of them, and the staff didn't know anything I couldn't read on the packaging, but going by the price range there must be something. I just went back into my shell and continue to use my laptop, or laptop as a downloaded feed to the main TV.

I don't have answers for the OP, but interested in what is a simple solution, preferably not satelite due to weather. Maybe I'll just get another laptop and use the current one as an entertainment 'hub' (not that I watch much TV), but it's nice to have some chewing gum for the brain once in a while just to have a state break.


Neither can my wife and she is Thai ,she thinks its rubbish , lived in the west to long , her likes are varied from Ceaser Milan ,to 3rd rock from the sun ,and she has just got into Poirot and Father Ted ,ta;lk about old shows.

Doesn't she like 'On the Buses'?

I have never watched any TV in the last 25 years! Having lived in warm countries such as Italy,Canary Islands & Thailand I have never been interested.(kind respect to those who do..) I would much rather listen to the radio.

I guess it's not easy when living with a Thai Lady as i know they will watch anything on TV.

C.S wai2.gif

How very true!

Mine is quite happy to watch anything that moves, then she falls asleep. Don't they just love those god awful rowdy game shows with all those silly sound effects! I have a good setup because I live in NZ and everything is in English so I get the remote. People give us game show Cd's but they keep getting lost, not sure where they go, strange.giggle.gif Oh well when in Rome etc, boot will be on the other foot when I get to Thailand if ever..

Sorry OP well off topic offtopic.gif .......wai2.gif


The answer is simply Netflix.

Get a Netflix account. Get a friend in UK or Australia to get this account.

About $10 Australian

Get a Getflix account. www.getflix.com

About $4 Australian

You can the happily see thousands of movies and TV serials her in Thailand.

I have done this successfully and it took about 5 minutes.

I get all the US Netflix content,


Wow, some really lame non-informative replies so far!

Let me be more explicit.

I don't care about your thinking on life, love or what content I should be watching.

I am happy with the content I have available. I watch what I want.

Sophon comes with my condo. It is cheap, and I cannot opt out.

I only asked about hardware solutions so that I can allow my Thai lady to watch Thai TV while I watch something else.

If you want to talk about something else, start your own thread.

Maybe if you first admitted how inept you are on the topic, people might understand.

Cable comes into your condo. Just a single connection?

Does Sophon Cable go directly to the connector on the TV set, or does if require a Set Top Box to change channels?

If you really want only what Sophon Cable delivers to you (either straight connected to the cable, or the Set-Top-Box offering subscription channels and on-demand offerings) then you will need to insert an RF-SPLITTER to make TWO F-CONNECTORS available, and then DUPLICATE all the hardware on your side of the CableTV outlet ...and if using a Set-Top-Box then PAYING for another subscription and Set-Top-Box.

What device is used to view the signal from the F-connector or Set-Top-Box Composite / Component / HDMI -connector is up to you, it just needs to work with that connection. Most people use a TV.

If you have INTERNET with WiFi you could easily sidestep all these issues and just get a tablet and download a Thai IPTV app that will get most of the Free-To-Air broadcasts that are also streamed over Internet.

To be honest I have never downloaded it ,but could give it a try when the others run out ,


Is two (2) TV's too radical an idea? A small 32" is probably less than 10,000 baht.

Go to any secondhand market and get one for less that 2,000 Bt. I have one 52" and three 32 " ones....she can pick any room she likes to watch Thai TV....but she still prefers "You Tube" on her tablet? where she can watch all the "soaps" to her dear little heart's content.


The answer I think depends on what the OP means when he says he wants to watch "something else."

Does he mean, some other content other than the OTA Thai TV channels that's also available via Sophon? If so, installing a second Sophon service point/cable box to a second TV would be the obvious answer.

If he wants to be cheap/economical about it, as others have noted, there are various Android apps that provide the main Thai TV channels that a person could watch on an Android tablet. Whether the lady would be happy watching her lakorns on a tablet, while he's watching on the big screen is a different question.

FWIW, I bought my wife a 7 inch Nexus 7 tablet, and to my unexpected surprise, she has ended up watching A LOT of Thai TV on the tablet, sometimes more than she watches on the regular TV. In part because a lot of the lakorns are available as episodes on YouTube, so she can watch what she wants when she wants, regardless of the schedule of Channels 3, 7, 8 etc.

Or, if he means he wants to watch stuff OTHER than what's available on Sophon, a laptop and internet connections opens the world of TV content totally apart from what Sophon has on offer.


Neither can my wife and she is Thai ,she thinks its rubbish , lived in the west to long , her likes are varied from Ceaser Milan ,to 3rd rock from the sun ,and she has just got into Poirot and Father Ted ,ta;lk about old shows.

Ahh...dear old "Father Ted"...he died a relatively young man. Did you ever listen to Eamon Kelly's (Father Jack) version of "12 days of Christmas"...You Tube it if you want a really good laugh.


Hey stoneboy,

Nice set-up!

Are the speakers connected to the flat TV and if so can the volume be managed by the TVs remote control?

It'd be appreciated if you could also provide source, cost and brand name.


The TV is Panasonic as is the speaker set up.

The TV can be controlled by the speaker remote which also controls the blue ray player etc.

The TV Panasonic with built in Internet although I have an android box which makes things easier.

Total cost was 30,000 baht for the TV and 6,000 for the surround sound.

Hope this helps it's a couple of years old.

Thanks for the info.

As (most of) the built-in flat TV speakers are generating poor sound quality I am looking for a pair of external speakers (book shelf type or the type you are using) which when connected to the flat TV can be (volume) controlled by the TV remote.

I know they are available but my search was thus far fruitless; They all want to sell elaborate sound systems combined with DVD players and other gadgets of which I have no use.



Neither can my wife and she is Thai ,she thinks its rubbish , lived in the west to long , her likes are varied from Ceaser Milan ,to 3rd rock from the sun ,and she has just got into Poirot and Father Ted ,ta;lk about old shows.

Ahh...dear old "Father Ted"...he died a relatively young man. Did you ever listen to Eamon Kelly's (Father Jack) version of "12 days of Christmas"...You Tube it if you want a really good laugh.
Thanks I will give it a try,our most favourite of all profs though is the world from above, we have watched many of them 2 or 3 times

Hey stoneboy,

Nice set-up!

Are the speakers connected to the flat TV and if so can the volume be managed by the TVs remote control?

It'd be appreciated if you could also provide source, cost and brand name.


The TV is Panasonic as is the speaker set up.

The TV can be controlled by the speaker remote which also controls the blue ray player etc.

The TV Panasonic with built in Internet although I have an android box which makes things easier.

Total cost was 30,000 baht for the TV and 6,000 for the surround sound.

Hope this helps it's a couple of years old.

Thanks for the info.

As (most of) the built-in flat TV speakers are generating poor sound quality I am looking for a pair of external speakers (book shelf type or the type you are using) which when connected to the flat TV can be (volume) controlled by the TV remote.

I know they are available but my search was thus far fruitless; They all want to sell elaborate sound systems combined with DVD players and other gadgets of which I have no use.


Something like this ?


A multi-function remote will solve your problem another way.

In many cases, if you plugin external speakers to the television, you can still use the tv volume control, because that's outputting to the speakers and so you can use either to change the volume.


Register an account with ilikehd for your woman....its a paid service but thai tv channels streaming is free. Lots of thai channels and great resolution.

She can log on and watch on a web browser....alternatively there is also a ilikehd app for smartphone and tablet.

This solution should work.

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