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At least 10 involved in Erawan bombing, some of them Thais, police say


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At least 10 involved in Erawan bombing, some of them Thais, police say

BANGKOK: -- Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri on Thursday said those involved in the deadly bomb attack at the Erawan Shrine worked as team, which probably had no fewer than 10 members.

It is believed that they worked on the planned attack for months, Prawut said, adding he is confident that some Thais were involved.

He also referred to the man in a yellow Tshirt captured by CCTV cameras and for whom an arrest warrant has been issued, saying the suspect did not use the Thai language in communicating with the motorcycle taxi driver he hired.

The police are now hunting for two men and a woman captured on the camera standing near the prime suspect for interrogation.

He is confident that the attackers are still in Thailand.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/aec/At-least-10-involved-in-Erawan-bombing-some-of-the-30267072.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-20

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Edited by metisdead
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10 would be a very large number for a simple pipe bomb, just put down and leave, hardly an Oceans Eleven job, plus more people in a group = more loose lips and someone gets picked up.

This makes no sense, they refuse help from the US. Oz, the UK for terrorist experts and forensics but ask interpol for help even though they dont suspect foreigners but one did place the backpack..

This is ridiculous, why wouldnt you want this solved asap and save your tourist industry ? its almost as if someone is deliberately muddying things and acting like keystone cops on purpose.

They dont have a scooby or they do and are deliberately spreading many theories and rumours whilst refusing international professional help for a reason.

One thing is for sure, in front to the world yet again Thailand has shown itself to be woefully incompetent and unwilling to put security before its paradise safe in our hands image... an image they dont even have anymore... thats long gone.

Edited by englishoak
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10 would be a very large number for a simple pipe bomb, just put down and leave, hardly an Oceans Eleven job, plus more people in a group = more loose lips and someone gets picked up.

This makes no sense, they refuse help from the US. Oz, the UK for terrorist experts and forensics but ask interpol for help even though they dont suspect foreigners but one did place the backpack..

This is ridiculous, why wouldnt you want this solved asap and save your tourist industry ? its almost as if someone is deliberately muddying things and acting like keystone cops on purpose.

They dont have a scooby or they do and are deliberately spreading many theories and rumours whilst refusing international professional help for a reason.

One thing is for sure, in front to the world yet again Thailand has shown itself to be woefully incompetent and unwilling to put security before its paradise safe in our hands image... an image they dont even have anymore... thats long gone.

"10 would be a very large number for a simple pipe bomb, just put down and leave"


How to let people know you have no clue what you are talking about in one simple sentence.

Why, I have pipe bombs laying around everywhere. Complete with fuses and timers. I might go set one off in front of dozens of innocent civilians.

NEVER HAPPENS. This is the work of someone with a higher level strategy. If it was just one guy, he would go shooting with an AK47.

And don't forget another similar bomb was dropped into some water : only luck prevented a lot more deaths. Was this the same man who had left his other backpack at the bus station ?.


Edited by Jai Dee
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Ohhhhh, these useless Police statements and bed time stories ....

I guess when those coward bastard culprits see this, they are happy and feel safe.

And so sorry, but 1 Million B ??? Minimum 10.

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10 would be a very large number for a simple pipe bomb, just put down and leave, hardly an Oceans Eleven job, plus more people in a group = more loose lips and someone gets picked up.

This makes no sense, they refuse help from the US. Oz, the UK for terrorist experts and forensics but ask interpol for help even though they dont suspect foreigners but one did place the backpack..

This is ridiculous, why wouldnt you want this solved asap and save your tourist industry ? its almost as if someone is deliberately muddying things and acting like keystone cops on purpose.

They dont have a scooby or they do and are deliberately spreading many theories and rumours whilst refusing international professional help for a reason.

One thing is for sure, in front to the world yet again Thailand has shown itself to be woefully incompetent and unwilling to put security before its paradise safe in our hands image... an image they dont even have anymore... thats long gone.

"10 would be a very large number for a simple pipe bomb, just put down and leave"


How to let people know you have no clue what you are talking about in one simple sentence.

Why, I have pipe bombs laying around everywhere. Complete with fuses and timers. I might go set one off in front of dozens of innocent civilians.

NEVER HAPPENS. This is the work of someone with a higher level strategy. If it was just one guy, he would go shooting with an AK47.

And don't forget another similar bomb was dropped into some water : only luck prevented a lot more deaths. Was this the same man who had left his other backpack at the bus station ?.

I would stay in your armchair if I were you : things would be a lot worse if you was in charge. I think you just wanted to rant against the Junta more than have anything useful to say.

" I think you just wanted to rant against the Junta more than have anything useful to say."

You mean like your red shirt rants?

BTW, you haven't really refuted anything in the post - just the usual rant/drivel from you.

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To really describe the complete incompetence of the authorities in this matter, you would need to use Roget's Thesaurus, and even then you would be hard pressed to give a full and complete description.

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10 would be a very large number for a simple pipe bomb, just put down and leave, hardly an Oceans Eleven job, plus more people in a group = more loose lips and someone gets picked up.

This makes no sense, they refuse help from the US. Oz, the UK for terrorist experts and forensics but ask interpol for help even though they dont suspect foreigners but one did place the backpack..

This is ridiculous, why wouldnt you want this solved asap and save your tourist industry ? its almost as if someone is deliberately muddying things and acting like keystone cops on purpose.

They dont have a scooby or they do and are deliberately spreading many theories and rumours whilst refusing international professional help for a reason.

One thing is for sure, in front to the world yet again Thailand has shown itself to be woefully incompetent and unwilling to put security before its paradise safe in our hands image... an image they dont even have anymore... thats long gone.

One thing is for sure, in front to the world yet again Thailand has shown itself to be woefully incompetent and unwilling to put security

You remember Charly Hebdo in Paris?

Boston Marathon shooting?

Munich 92 Olympic bombing?

Atlanta Olympic bombing ?

Norway shooting 2011?


You've got tunnel vision

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As usual, RTP (and other) spokesmen say strange things that seem to defy logic and evidence-based reasoning.

I suppose there are two possible explanations:

1) They are sending out clever misdirection so as to confuse the perpetrators, all while the noose is slowly tightening.


2) They are really truly morons.

I don't see a team of 10, and months of planning as the only possibility.

Consider that the only thing evidently sophisticated about this attack was the bomb itself. There is nothing else (so far revealed to us minions) that couldn't be dreamed up by a reasonably intelligent 18-year old.

The bomb took some real skill, combined with sourcing of the materials. That would be a challenge for someone inexperienced.

But I suspect that TNT is available in Thailand more readily than some would like to admit. After all, every time the Army or RTP do a little sweep, they end up with all kinds of weaponry that shows there is a pretty extensive black market in things like military hardware. It is not a stretch to imagine that TNT is in the market as well.

The real challenge as I see it is bomb making "know how". Yes, plans are on the Internet (so everyone says). But my "intelligent 18-year old" is still going to struggle a bit, as gathering and fabricating takes practice.

So the alternative instead of a 10 man team taking months, is a much smaller team with access to a knowledgeable bomb maker. Maybe some guy in the Middle East or Caucasus regions with a little motivation. If that resource were available, then the time frame becomes weeks, not months. And the team on the ground is just big enough to handle the logistics.

Disclaimer: I am not a police investigator, and I will not be holding any press conferences.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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An arrest warrant issued for the person in the yellow shirt?

How on earth do you issue an arrest warrant on someone who youndont know?

You go to the judge and ask for a warrant of arrest in the name of Yellow shirt, male or female, thai or not thai, that wrote a note that in english for motocy taxi.

Jeez they are good

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Quote from the BBC

"The police chief has said he believes they are looking for a group of 10 people or more, but has not said what the evidence is for this number.

In previous criminal investigations that have attracted international attention, notably the murder of two British tourists on the island of Koh Tao last September, the Thai police have seemed incompetent and disorganised. This time, given the seriousness of the attack, they may do better.

It is still too early to say."

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I wonder if it is a dart board they use to find suspects. Sure hope my dog's name isn't on it because she was home alone and no one to vouch for her. Thoughts of the Koh Tao investigation.

Maybe CSI Las Vegas would be a better learning tool than Blue Bloods. At least they usually use clues and evidence before choosing suspects. Even the Thai Visa CSI seems to know more (joking sort of- because stupidity abounds here on TV).

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They have no idea. They just keep making announcements as if they have a clue. They do not. The two others in the shrine, for whom an arrest warrant was issued, just turned themselves in. They are tour guides. Again, the authorities have no clue what they are talking about.

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If he is confident that "the attackers are still in Thailand", why have they asked Interpol for their assistance?

Just more bluff, bluster and B.S from the usual incompetent suspects................

Hmm, may be because Interpol has a huge data base of international terrorist, and may be able to identify the people in the picture?

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An arrest warrant issued for the person in the yellow shirt?

How on earth do you issue an arrest warrant on someone who youndont know?

You go to the judge and ask for a warrant of arrest in the name of Yellow shirt, male or female, thai or not thai, that wrote a note that in english for motocy taxi.

Jeez they are good

The suspected yellow shirt bomber wrote a note in english for a motocy taxi guy to read it ?

Jeez, you are a genius Linky.

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Quote from the BBC

"The police chief has said he believes they are looking for a group of 10 people or more, but has not said what the evidence is for this number.

In previous criminal investigations that have attracted international attention, notably the murder of two British tourists on the island of Koh Tao last September, the Thai police have seemed incompetent and disorganised. This time, given the seriousness of the attack, they may do better.

It is still too early to say."

Actually there was an interview with a guy after the report (sorry I didn't catch his name or position), but basically what he said sums up all the comments here.

Makes the RTP look like the Keystone cops.

A complete embarrassment.

Jonathon Head also found pieces of shrapnel and ball bearings and tried to hnd them over to the police. They weren't interested.

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