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Thai police urge patience as lack of equipment hampers bomb probe

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Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

"General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


you are contradicting yourself Britain (and other countries) offered HELP and were turned down, as you quoted, it's not about "democratic governments disliking cooperating" they wanted to HELP but the Junta, you support, turned this HELP down

Tjeez, you mean democratic countries actually offer help to a junta ?

BTW 'help' and 'assistance' are not the same and neither is equal to 'observing'. Legally active participation of foreigners in an investigation also requires a base in laws.

he makes up the 'law' as he goes stop making excuses for arrogance, racism and nationalism when countries have offered help with VASTLY more experience than Thailand who now says it doesn't have the "equipment" and they admit (GASP!) it is 'hampering' the probe

Arrogance, racism and Nationalism? Oh come on, this is not about Thaksin.

BTW USA help has been accepted it seems, satisfied now?

PS as for 'makes up the 'law' as he goes', there's nothing here in the topic to relate to 'making laws'. Here it trying to uphold the law, catch criminals and prosecute them.

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Unfortunately, the user manuals for a lot of that sophisticated equipment they need is written in English. That could be a big problem.

It's more than 15 years ago last I worked for a foreign company which had dealings with Thai Government agencies, but I vaguely remember that every bloody page had to be translated into Thai, contractually so. and page by page checked as well. That may have changed.

Mind you even (correctly) translated into Thai you still need people to read it and to understand it, of course wink.png


Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

"General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


you are contradicting yourself Britain (and other countries) offered HELP and were turned down, as you quoted, it's not about "democratic governments disliking cooperating" they wanted to HELP but the Junta, you support, turned this HELP down

Tjeez, you mean democratic countries actually offer help to a junta ?

BTW 'help' and 'assistance' are not the same and neither is equal to 'observing'. Legally active participation of foreigners in an investigation also requires a base in laws.

"requires a base in laws."

Seriously, you are not familiar with NCPO's Article 44 that gives it LEGAL absolute power?

I'd think that if Prayut thought it was important enough to invoke Article 44 to straighten out the overpricing of lottery ticket and stop street drag racing that he would use it to grant foreign assistance in this bombing killing event.

But maybe it's a question of priorities for Prayut - which provides the best PUBLIC RELATIONS?

Maybe it has been brought to PM Prayut's attention that TVF posters think it undemocratic when he waves his magic wand too much ?


Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

"General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


Could be also that the current gov. is involved, as they needed a good excuse for the down-spiral of the economy and tourism.

In that case they would never allow any outsiders to look into it.

It would also explain the much to quick clean up of the crime scene ........

And last but not least, they have the knowledge and the material .....

Thank you for your contribution. I will file it with the "9/11 Insider Job", "NASA Moon Deception" and "the JFK answer".

Along with "Thaksin did it!"

Oh come on, be serious. Everyone knows Thaksin was in Berlin that day and hasn't been in Thailand since leaving for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.


wow, just another dog and pony show!!

oh how the excuses will start to roll. Dumb police, secure a crime scene, any semi inteligent "Trained" rookie knows that. not sit around the tv and see what excuses they can make after sweeping every thing up. same old, same old. Thailand is a third world country and will always be. ruled by corruption and inept want to bees!!


if they had borrowed some of the army's expensive dousing rods, this tragedy might never have happened. Hopefully the army will now share those toys with police along with with it's airship and the sophisticated eavesdropping equipment the Israelis sold them. Perhaps the aircraft carrier and the subs will also be of use in defeating Thailand's real and present threat to national security, not to mention the criminal defamation laws.


if they had borrowed some of the army's expensive dousing rods, this tragedy might never have happened. Hopefully the army will now share those toys with police along with with it's airship and the sophisticated eavesdropping equipment the Israelis sold them. Perhaps the aircraft carrier and the subs will also be of use in defeating Thailand's real and present threat to national security, not to mention the criminal defamation laws.

The police also bought the GT200, so they have their own!

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