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Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra


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Activists: Islamic State destroys temple at Syria's Palmyra

BEIRUT (AP) — Islamic State militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.

Palmyra, one of the Middle East's most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Sunday night that the temple was blown up a month ago. Turkey-based activist Osama al-Khatib, who is originally from Palmyra, said the temple was blown up Sunday. Both said the extremists used a large amount of explosives to destroy it.

Both activists relied on information for those still in Palmyra and the discrepancy in their accounts could not be immediately reconciled, though such contradictory information is common in Syria's long civil war.

The fate of the nearby Temple of Bel, dedicated to the Semitic god Bel, was not immediately known. Islamic State group supporters on social media also did not immediately mention the temple's destruction.

The Sunni extremists, who have imposed a violent interpretation of Islamic law across their self-declared "caliphate" in territory they control in Syria and Iraq, claim ancient relics promote idolatry and say they are destroying them as part of their purge of paganism. However, they are also believed to sell off looted antiquities, bringing in significant sums of cash.

Al-Khatib said the Baalshamin Temple is about 500 meters (550 yards) from the Palmyra's famous amphitheater where the group killed more than 20 Syrian soldiers after they captured the historic town in May.

The temple dates to the first century and is dedicated to the Phoenician god of storms and fertilizing rains.

The head of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, said Friday that Islamic State extremists in Syria and Iraq are engaged in the "most brutal, systematic" destruction of ancient sites since World War II — a stark warning that came hours after militants demolished the St. Elian Monastery, which housed a fifth-century tomb and served as a major pilgrimage site. The monastery was in the town of Qaryatain in central Syria.

News of the temples destruction comes after relatives and witnesses said Wednesday that Khaled al-Asaad, an 81-year-old antiquities scholar who devoted his life to understanding Palmyra, was beheaded by Islamic State militants, his bloodied body hung on a pole. He even had named his daughter after Zenobia, the queen that ruled from the city 1,700 years ago.

Meanwhile in Iraq, at least 23 soldiers and government-allied militiamen were killed Sunday in an attack by Islamic State militants in the turbulent Anbar province west of Baghdad, Iraqi military and police officials said, in the second heavy death toll suffered by the Iraqi military and its allies in recent days in the vast Sunni region.

The officials said Sunday's attack, which killed 17 soldiers and six Sunni militia fighters, took place in the rural district of Jaramshah, north of Anbar's provincial capital, Ramadi.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to journalists.

They said the Islamic State fighters used suicide bombings and mortar shells and that chief of army operations in Anbar, Maj-Gen. Qassim al-Dulaimi, was lightly wounded in the attack.

News of Sunday's attack came two days after up to 50 soldiers were killed by the Islamic State group in two ambushes elsewhere in Anbar province, much of which is under militant control, including Ramadi and the key city of Fallujah.

Government forces and allied Sunni and Shiite militiamen have been battling the Islamic State militants in Anbar for months, but, hampered by suicide bombings and booby-trapped buildings, they have only made modest gains.

Associated Press writers Hamza Hendawi and Qassim Abdul-Zahra in Baghdad contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-24

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These people, vile as they're, are about taking the world back a 1,000 years, to it's dark ages and

autocratic draconian regimes of sultans and caliphs.. where people's life were worth nothing and

only the people up the top had absolute power,

what amazing is, that there are huge number of people around the world today that support this and see

nothing wrong with this and willingly want to live in these eras again....

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Sick, backwards, murderous troglodytes....... we'll have to kill them all. I hate to say that... but it's the only way they will be stopped.

They take little girl sex slaves and rape them, cut heads off both adults and children while alive... burn people alive in cages.... lower cages of live conscious men underwater and video it... Have hundreds lie in ditches and empty AK-47's into them... The even have kids do executions, shooting people through the head..

The Taliban destroyed the great Buddhas of Bamiyan...... now ISIS is destroying ancient Roman cities and temples...

Gods.... where will it end... ? ? ? Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good.

Kill them all.... let them have their 72 virgins..... virgin pigs....

I'm really totally fed up with these pieces of excrement that look human, but are examples of backwards evolution...

Edited by Catoni
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Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good.

As Jingthing pointed out the other day, this is exactly what they want, and as Simple1 pointed out the other day, ISIS acts - however seemingly meaningless in barbarity all have method in them. As these people seek endgame on earth anyway, I suppose their hope is that our next move is to have a bomber circling above Mecca and threaten that unless they stand down then we'll obliterate their cherished nexus off the face of the earth.

Heritage lover as I am, the Ka'aba, although once a centre of polytheistic worship, was then largely rebuilt by the Muslims so it is a cherished Muslim symbol even though they continue pre Islamic ritual there to this day.

Question is, would its complete obliteration act as a decisive total crushing psychological shock akin to the atomic bombs? Or would it just now turn millions of former wishy washy followers into raving murderous lunatics? I suspect the later, and then we've got global war on our hands.

.......which is exactly what ISIS wants.

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Coming soon to a cathedral in Europe, a museum in NYC, or perhaps a site such as Angkor Wat in Cambodia. These people are everywhere (perhaps even at the Erawan shrine) and they are on a mission to obliterate all other cultures, religions, and peoples who do not follow their strictly choreographed dance.

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Its a shame that in the year 2015 there are still barbarians living in the world.

It's too nice to call them barbarians. real barbarians probably had some decency. Isis have none.

They should have taken sticks of dynamite and shoved them up their shaded orifices, then lit 'em. Would have done humankind a service.

Should all Muslim boys be castrated and all females get their tubes tied? I could think of worse ways to deal with their continued procreation. We could do air drops with thousands of packaged condoms, but they'd never use them. We think we have it bad now (with muslim extremists farting up the world), but it will be worse for our kids and grandkids. Sorry, but the human mind can be very screwy & harmful. If in doubt, just look at one of a million examples: Saddam ordering the torching of all the oil wells in Kuwait. The environmental damage was immense.

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Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good.

As Jingthing pointed out the other day, this is exactly what they want, and as Simple1 pointed out the other day, ISIS acts - however seemingly meaningless in barbarity all have method in them. As these people seek endgame on earth anyway, I suppose their hope is that our next move is to have a bomber circling above Mecca and threaten that unless they stand down then we'll obliterate their cherished nexus off the face of the earth.

Heritage lover as I am, the Ka'aba, although once a centre of polytheistic worship, was then largely rebuilt by the Muslims so it is a cherished Muslim symbol even though they continue pre Islamic ritual there to this day.

Question is, would its complete obliteration act as a decisive total crushing psychological shock akin to the atomic bombs? Or would it just now turn millions of former wishy washy followers into raving murderous lunatics? I suspect the later, and then we've got global war on our hands.

.......which is exactly what ISIS wants.

I wasn't talking about Mecca in Saudi Arabia. I'm talking about going in, and destroying ISIS. The Saudis don't care for ISIS either. Saudi Arabia has banded together with Egypt and Jordan to go against ISIS.

No need to bomb the Ka'aba in Mecca. Just exterminate ISIS, and the Taliban and Al Queda and their extremists ilk.

Those Muslims who side with us.... good for them.

Islam MUST be fundamentally changed. The extremists MUST be destroyed. No other option. There is no other way to deal with extremist fanatics who are willing to die and take us with them.

To continue to allow them to grow and spread shows almost as much crazy insanity as ISIS itself.

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Personally, every time they start destroying some priceless, historical treasure, the west should discreetly drop a bomb on one of the religious holy sites and famous mosques around the world.

No country should take responsibility. Just take out some of their religious treasures. After all, it's just property being destroyed, no targeting of lives.

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Personally, every time they start destroying some priceless, historical treasure, the west should discreetly drop a bomb on one of the religious holy sites and famous mosques around the world.

No country should take responsibility. Just take out some of their religious treasures. After all, it's just property being destroyed, no targeting of lives.

This is exactly what I have always advocated, treat Islam in a strict pro quo manner. Meet destruction with destruction, ethnic cleansing with ethnic cleansing and intolerance with intolerance.
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Sick, backwards, murderous troglodytes....... we'll have to kill them all. I hate to say that... but it's the only way they will be stopped.

They take little girl sex slaves and rape them, cut heads off both adults and children while alive... burn people alive in cages.... lower cages of live conscious men underwater and video it... Have hundreds lie in ditches and empty AK-47's into them... The even have kids do executions, shooting people through the head..

The Taliban destroyed the great Buddhas of Bamiyan...... now ISIS is destroying ancient Roman cities and temples...

Gods.... where will it end... ? ? ? Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good.

Kill them all.... let them have their 72 virgins..... virgin pigs....

I'm really totally fed up with these pieces of excrement that look human, but are examples of backwards evolution...

Q How will you know if you have killed them all?

A You will NEVER know

It is fine for you to suggest (while sitting at your keyboard in comfort) that, quote "Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good."

Do you have any idea of the number of troops that were killed and injured just during the 2 Iraq and 1 Afghanistan war, let alone the number of innocent men women and children?

How will you identify the IS from the local citizens?

What will you do if the military of a country YOU invade decides to fight you as well?

How many countries will you invade and how many people will you kill in yet another senseless never ending war? Think on this. For every IS terrorist you kill their children may well become a terrorist in their fathers place.

Do you have ANY idea of the time frame, the material costs, the manpower cost it would take to even start something like that?

Will YOU be the person who goes to the wives and children of soldiers and tell them that their Daddy is dead or has lost limbs because YOU thought it was a good idea?

Keyboard warriors make me want to puke.

Edited by billd766
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Personally, every time they start destroying some priceless, historical treasure, the west should discreetly drop a bomb on one of the religious holy sites and famous mosques around the world.

No country should take responsibility. Just take out some of their religious treasures. After all, it's just property being destroyed, no targeting of lives.

This is exactly what I have always advocated, treat Islam in a strict pro quo manner. Meet destruction with destruction, ethnic cleansing with ethnic cleansing and intolerance with intolerance.

yeah, looks good on your resume.

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Let's be more civilised about this.....

Whats that big square box in Mecca?

What's the half life of plutonium

That should send a subtle message

It's got a piece of meteorite inside.

There are many different factions of Muslims. The curtained black box in Mecca could be heathen/apostate for ISIS hot-heads, so we might be doing them a favor if we blow it up.

Here's an idea: write some fake new verses for the Q'ran. You know how they disallow any depictions of Muhammed. How about writing a new verse saying the use of His name is a no-no punishable by death. If it's accepted,then every boy and man with the name Muhammed will be subject to being killed.

Here's another: you know how Muslim men think women are inferior. They particularly abhor anything to do with menstral blood or any bodily fluids from a woman's privates. Well, just write a verse for the Q'ran stating that every person born of woman is cursed because they all have been wrapped in women's bodily fluids. Therefore: another jihad for Muslim radicals, proving that all people are fatally tainted, and must be killed.

Now, how to get the new verses inserted into the Q'ran? ......hmmm, any ideas?

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I had the opportunity to see Palmyra Roman ruins 30 years ago & I still remember how amazing the ruins were; for, it's mammoth size & towering in the middle of a semi/ desert area. No human would ever ever destroy such a historical treasure without feeling guilt. ISIS is a cult of deranged savages that will be written down some day in history as a sewer of the human race

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Has it occurred to anyone just how ineffective 'efforts' have been to stop ISIS? Any theories as to why? They pose a serious threat to both Iran and the Sunni gulf states. It did occur they may be being used as a honey trap to get all the psychopaths in one place to obliterate, but if so why not cancel their passports to stop them returning.

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News of the temples destruction comes after relatives and witnesses said Wednesday that Khaled al-Asaad, an 81-year-old antiquities scholar who devoted his life to understanding Palmyra, was beheaded by Islamic State militants, his bloodied body hung on a pole. He even had named his daughter after Zenobia, the queen that ruled from the city 1,700 years ago.

The Religion of Peace has been working hard this last week; beheading 81 yr old archeologists, attempted terror train attacks, temple destruction. It's a tough job but their message of Peace, Love and Understanding must be heard!.

Edited by LomSak27
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Has it occurred to anyone just how ineffective 'efforts' have been to stop ISIS? Any theories as to why? They pose a serious threat to both Iran and the Sunni gulf states. It did occur they may be being used as a honey trap to get all the psychopaths in one place to obliterate, but if so why not cancel their passports to stop them returning.

Fersure, western government need to take a tougher stance, and not be namby pamby with trying to be PC. It sounds like Slovakia has a pretty good blueprint: If migrants claim to be Muslim, show 'em the door - bye bye. I'm not in favor of categorizing people in terms of religion (religious beliefs can be changed in a minute. It's all a mind-set of convenience). However, Muslim fanatics have forced the issue, so there must be a response. Yes, we've all heard a thousand times how most Muslims are peaceful, la da da. However, even the most peaceful of the lot have kids, and any one of those kids can become a bloodthirsty martyr-wannabe. Rather than keep wringing hands and hoping for the best (while witnessing the worst taking place daily), westerners have to batten down the hatches. To do it effectively will entail seeing tens of thousands of Islamists die before their 'due date.' In other words, the people who are clamoring through Greece and Italy and Turkey (all headed to richer, better-run Christian countries) are desperate to the 10th degree. If the doors are shut, many will die, as they're already dying in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. Can westerners stand to let that happen? I can. But I can't speak for the plethora of bleeding hearts who want liberal policies.

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I had the opportunity to see Palmyra Roman ruins 30 years ago

Me too, but in more recent years. Seeing the news today, I remembered standing outside the temple they've blown up (if the photos they are using, are of the correct temple) with the whole of Palmyra to myself in silence.

I'd woken early around sunrise and the whole site was bathed in a low orange sunlight and a warmish breeze. Seeing it early was the thing to do, so others were expected but nobody else came for about two hours.

Didn't get to stand inside that temple they destroyed (quite a small one, for the overall scale of the site) as a door they had on it was locked. Elsewhere though, took my time wandering around.

For me the memory of people accompanies this, the hotel stayed in where for once I'd splashed out for air conditioning only for the town's power to cut out soon after, for most of the rest of the day (ha), and the preteen son of a local shop keeper displaying his acrobatic skill (well, sort of) to me, the dingy basic fried chicken stands, being introduced to the music of Fairouz for the first time at the aforementioned hotel during breakfast (just before the power cut), after visiting the site.

Later, visiting the tombs further out and then heading up to the fortress on the hill at sunset, which gives you a panorama of the entire Palmyra site.

"All those moments, will be lost in time, like tears in rain"

I can think of similar for places like Aleppo's souq (mostly destroyed now) and Aleppo Citadel (some damage), Bosra citadel (some damage and being used for munitions storage, last I heard) and Crac des Chevaliers (sustained some major internal damage by 'rebel militias' along with damage from Ba'athist munitions designed to get them out with as least damage to the site.

Damn shame.

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Sick, backwards, murderous troglodytes....... we'll have to kill them all. I hate to say that... but it's the only way they will be stopped.

They take little girl sex slaves and rape them, cut heads off both adults and children while alive... burn people alive in cages.... lower cages of live conscious men underwater and video it... Have hundreds lie in ditches and empty AK-47's into them... The even have kids do executions, shooting people through the head..

The Taliban destroyed the great Buddhas of Bamiyan...... now ISIS is destroying ancient Roman cities and temples...

Gods.... where will it end... ? ? ? Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good.

Kill them all.... let them have their 72 virgins..... virgin pigs....

I'm really totally fed up with these pieces of excrement that look human, but are examples of backwards evolution...

Q How will you know if you have killed them all?

A You will NEVER know

It is fine for you to suggest (while sitting at your keyboard in comfort) that, quote "Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good."

Do you have any idea of the number of troops that were killed and injured just during the 2 Iraq and 1 Afghanistan war, let alone the number of innocent men women and children?

How will you identify the IS from the local citizens?

What will you do if the military of a country YOU invade decides to fight you as well?

How many countries will you invade and how many people will you kill in yet another senseless never ending war? Think on this. For every IS terrorist you kill their children may well become a terrorist in their fathers place.

Do you have ANY idea of the time frame, the material costs, the manpower cost it would take to even start something like that?

Will YOU be the person who goes to the wives and children of soldiers and tell them that their Daddy is dead or has lost limbs because YOU thought it was a good idea?

Keyboard warriors make me want to puke.

Okay Neville Chamberlain. After you finish puking, why don't you tell us your brilliant plan on how to deal with ISIS and Al Qaeda and the Taliban ? ?

(How to tell them from local citizens? They have their black flags, carry AK-47's and RPG's and shoot at you, like they shoot at Iraqi troops. Local citizens don't have Humvees and local citizens don't have anti-aircraft guns mounted on Toyota pickups.)

>"How many countries will you invade and how many people will you kill in yet another senseless never ending war? Think on this. For every IS terrorist you kill their children may well become a terrorist in their fathers place."

How many countries would you be willing to let ISIS invade ? ? Do you know what their ultimate goal is ? ? Have you read it ?

Did the German and Japanese children become enemy soldiers in their father's place after we defeated them in World War II ? There are "wives" and girls "belonging" to and "used" by ISIS terrorists that are too young to get pregnant and have kids

We would only go into the countries that we have to go into. The countries that have ISIS in them would love help to get rid of them.

Do you not know that ISIS has plans to expand and grow well beyond the region they hold now? How far would you be willing to let them expand before you finally say "No" to them ?

Do you suggest we sit down and negotiate with them as if they were normal, sane opponents ? ? Try for "...peace in our time." ? ?

>"What will you do if the military of a country YOU invade decides to fight you as well?"

The Iraqi forces would love our help to get rid of ISIS. And we would have several Muslim countries on our side who hate ISIS. Like Jordan and Egypt and Saudi Arabia and probably at least one or two more..

​ What is your answer.... negotiation ? With ISIS ? Seriously ?

You would have us just sit back and let them go their merry way..... taking little girls for sex slaves... cutting the heads off of humanitarian aid workers they catch.. blowing up ancient historical World Heritage Sites... Build and expand their base and territory...

It sounds to me like you are an admirer of Neville Chamberlain. Do you know what he is remembered for ? ?

Edited by Catoni
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Sick, backwards, murderous troglodytes....... we'll have to kill them all. I hate to say that... but it's the only way they will be stopped.

They take little girl sex slaves and rape them, cut heads off both adults and children while alive... burn people alive in cages.... lower cages of live conscious men underwater and video it... Have hundreds lie in ditches and empty AK-47's into them... The even have kids do executions, shooting people through the head..

The Taliban destroyed the great Buddhas of Bamiyan...... now ISIS is destroying ancient Roman cities and temples...

Gods.... where will it end... ? ? ? Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good.

Kill them all.... let them have their 72 virgins..... virgin pigs....

I'm really totally fed up with these pieces of excrement that look human, but are examples of backwards evolution...

Q How will you know if you have killed them all?

A You will NEVER know

It is fine for you to suggest (while sitting at your keyboard in comfort) that, quote "Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good."

Do you have any idea of the number of troops that were killed and injured just during the 2 Iraq and 1 Afghanistan war, let alone the number of innocent men women and children?

How will you identify the IS from the local citizens?

What will you do if the military of a country YOU invade decides to fight you as well?

How many countries will you invade and how many people will you kill in yet another senseless never ending war? Think on this. For every IS terrorist you kill their children may well become a terrorist in their fathers place.

Do you have ANY idea of the time frame, the material costs, the manpower cost it would take to even start something like that?

Will YOU be the person who goes to the wives and children of soldiers and tell them that their Daddy is dead or has lost limbs because YOU thought it was a good idea?

Keyboard warriors make me want to puke.

Okay Neville Chamberlain. After you finish puking, why don't you tell us your brilliant plan on how to deal with ISIS and Al Qaeda and the Taliban ? ?

(How to tell them from local citizens? They have their black flags, carry AK-47's and RPG's and shoot at you, like they shoot at Iraqi troops. Local citizens don't have Humvees and local citizens don't have anti-aircraft guns mounted on Toyota pickups.)

>"How many countries will you invade and how many people will you kill in yet another senseless never ending war? Think on this. For every IS terrorist you kill their children may well become a terrorist in their fathers place."

How many countries would you be willing to let ISIS invade ? ? Do you know what their ultimate goal is ? ? Have you read it ?

Did the German and Japanese children become enemy soldiers in their father's place after we defeated them in World War II ? There are "wives" and girls "belonging" to and "used" by ISIS terrorists that are too young to get pregnant and have kids

We would only go into the countries that we have to go into. The countries that have ISIS in them would love help to get rid of them.

Do you not know that ISIS has plans to expand and grow well beyond the region they hold now? How far would you be willing to let them expand before you finally say "No" to them ?

Do you suggest we sit down and negotiate with them as if they were normal, sane opponents ? ? Try for "...peace in our time." ? ?

>"What will you do if the military of a country YOU invade decides to fight you as well?"

The Iraqi forces would love our help to get rid of ISIS. And we would have several Muslim countries on our side who hate ISIS. Like Jordan and Egypt and Saudi Arabia and probably at least one or two more..

​ What is your answer.... negotiation ? With ISIS ? Seriously ?

You would have us just sit back and let them go their merry way..... taking little girls for sex slaves... cutting the heads off of humanitarian aid workers they catch.. blowing up ancient historical World Heritage Sites... Build and expand their base and territory...

It sounds to me like you are an admirer of Neville Chamberlain. Do you know what he is remembered for ? ?

Firstly I don't have a brilliant plan to deal with them and you certainly don't.

I will copy and answer points.

They have their black flags, carry AK-47's and RPG's and shoot at you, like they shoot at Iraqi troops. Local citizens don't have Humvees and local citizens don't have anti-aircraft guns mounted on Toyota pickups.)

And if they leave the black flags behind, but carry the AK 47 as many people do, hide the RPG and walk around leaving behind the Humvees that they looted from their defeated enemies, leave the pickup at home, how will you know?

How many countries would you be willing to let ISIS invade ? ? How many have they invaded already including those countries who were armed and trained by the USA?

Do you know what their ultimate goal is ? ? Yes and they have time on their side.

Have you read it ? Yes

Did the German and Japanese children become enemy soldiers in their father's place after we defeated them in World War II ?

It took 6 years and how many million men to defeat the Germans? It took more than 4 years, millions of men and 2 atom bombs to defeat the Japanese. If the Americans had invaded Japan the Japanese Armed forces would have fought to the death as would Japanese women and children. It was estimated that over a million American troops would have died invading Japan.

There are "wives" and girls "belonging" to and "used" by ISIS terrorists that are too young to get pregnant and have kids

Do you think Is only started a couple of years ago and only consists of young men?

We would only go into the countries that we have to go into. The countries that have ISIS in them would love help to get rid of them.

How many countries would "WE" have to go into? Why haven't the countries that the IS is in now got rid of them themselves?

Do you suggest we sit down and negotiate with them as if they were normal, sane opponents ? ? Try for "...peace in our time." ? ?

As I said earlier I don't have a brilliant plan. I don't need one. What brilliant plans have the West come up with so that have worked? What brilliant plan do YOU have?

Yes I know of Neville Chamberlain. He was a man who actually managed to gain an extra year of peace (inadvertently) which allowed the British to rearm and re-equip its armed forces.

You on the other hand sound like a warmonger who doesn't think or plan and is careless with peoples lives. Why aren't you on the TV in the USA and UK advocating was against the IS at all costs. Will you be in the front line of the troops who have to go to fight the was that YOU seem to want so much.

What is your motto? Kill them all and let their Gods sort out the innocent.

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Sick, backwards, murderous troglodytes....... we'll have to kill them all. I hate to say that... but it's the only way they will be stopped.

They take little girl sex slaves and rape them, cut heads off both adults and children while alive... burn people alive in cages.... lower cages of live conscious men underwater and video it... Have hundreds lie in ditches and empty AK-47's into them... The even have kids do executions, shooting people through the head..

The Taliban destroyed the great Buddhas of Bamiyan...... now ISIS is destroying ancient Roman cities and temples...

Gods.... where will it end... ? ? ? Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good.

Kill them all.... let them have their 72 virgins..... virgin pigs....

I'm really totally fed up with these pieces of excrement that look human, but are examples of backwards evolution...

Q How will you know if you have killed them all?

A You will NEVER know

It is fine for you to suggest (while sitting at your keyboard in comfort) that, quote "Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good."

Do you have any idea of the number of troops that were killed and injured just during the 2 Iraq and 1 Afghanistan war, let alone the number of innocent men women and children?

How will you identify the IS from the local citizens?

What will you do if the military of a country YOU invade decides to fight you as well?

How many countries will you invade and how many people will you kill in yet another senseless never ending war? Think on this. For every IS terrorist you kill their children may well become a terrorist in their fathers place.

Do you have ANY idea of the time frame, the material costs, the manpower cost it would take to even start something like that?

Will YOU be the person who goes to the wives and children of soldiers and tell them that their Daddy is dead or has lost limbs because YOU thought it was a good idea?

Keyboard warriors make me want to puke.

Okay Neville Chamberlain. After you finish puking, why don't you tell us your brilliant plan on how to deal with ISIS and Al Qaeda and the Taliban ? ?

(How to tell them from local citizens? They have their black flags, carry AK-47's and RPG's and shoot at you, like they shoot at Iraqi troops. Local citizens don't have Humvees and local citizens don't have anti-aircraft guns mounted on Toyota pickups.)

>"How many countries will you invade and how many people will you kill in yet another senseless never ending war? Think on this. For every IS terrorist you kill their children may well become a terrorist in their fathers place."

How many countries would you be willing to let ISIS invade ? ? Do you know what their ultimate goal is ? ? Have you read it ?

Did the German and Japanese children become enemy soldiers in their father's place after we defeated them in World War II ? There are "wives" and girls "belonging" to and "used" by ISIS terrorists that are too young to get pregnant and have kids

We would only go into the countries that we have to go into. The countries that have ISIS in them would love help to get rid of them.

Do you not know that ISIS has plans to expand and grow well beyond the region they hold now? How far would you be willing to let them expand before you finally say "No" to them ?

Do you suggest we sit down and negotiate with them as if they were normal, sane opponents ? ? Try for "...peace in our time." ? ?

>"What will you do if the military of a country YOU invade decides to fight you as well?"

The Iraqi forces would love our help to get rid of ISIS. And we would have several Muslim countries on our side who hate ISIS. Like Jordan and Egypt and Saudi Arabia and probably at least one or two more..

​ What is your answer.... negotiation ? With ISIS ? Seriously ?

You would have us just sit back and let them go their merry way..... taking little girls for sex slaves... cutting the heads off of humanitarian aid workers they catch.. blowing up ancient historical World Heritage Sites... Build and expand their base and territory...

It sounds to me like you are an admirer of Neville Chamberlain. Do you know what he is remembered for ? ?

Yep! He bought us sufficient time to build up the RAF so that Hitler was stopped in his tracks and ended up attacking Russia

Edited by Grouse
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On another thread there is a discussion about the rights and wrong of dropping the two "atom bombs" on Japan.

I would actually favour such a strike on the Mid East. Mecca would be ideal. Advance warnings and then turn the place into a total no go zone with Pu.

Behave yourselves. We've had enough

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Sick, backwards, murderous troglodytes....... we'll have to kill them all. I hate to say that... but it's the only way they will be stopped.

They take little girl sex slaves and rape them, cut heads off both adults and children while alive... burn people alive in cages.... lower cages of live conscious men underwater and video it... Have hundreds lie in ditches and empty AK-47's into them... The even have kids do executions, shooting people through the head..

The Taliban destroyed the great Buddhas of Bamiyan...... now ISIS is destroying ancient Roman cities and temples...

Gods.... where will it end... ? ? ? Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good.

Kill them all.... let them have their 72 virgins..... virgin pigs....

I'm really totally fed up with these pieces of excrement that look human, but are examples of backwards evolution...

Q How will you know if you have killed them all?

A You will NEVER know

It is fine for you to suggest (while sitting at your keyboard in comfort) that, quote "Why don't we get the military of the U.S., Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Each put up 20,000 troops.... Go in.... and end it for good."

Do you have any idea of the number of troops that were killed and injured just during the 2 Iraq and 1 Afghanistan war, let alone the number of innocent men women and children?

How will you identify the IS from the local citizens?

What will you do if the military of a country YOU invade decides to fight you as well?

How many countries will you invade and how many people will you kill in yet another senseless never ending war? Think on this. For every IS terrorist you kill their children may well become a terrorist in their fathers place.

Do you have ANY idea of the time frame, the material costs, the manpower cost it would take to even start something like that?

Will YOU be the person who goes to the wives and children of soldiers and tell them that their Daddy is dead or has lost limbs because YOU thought it was a good idea?

Keyboard warriors make me want to puke.

Okay Neville Chamberlain. After you finish puking, why don't you tell us your brilliant plan on how to deal with ISIS and Al Qaeda and the Taliban ? ?

(How to tell them from local citizens? They have their black flags, carry AK-47's and RPG's and shoot at you, like they shoot at Iraqi troops. Local citizens don't have Humvees and local citizens don't have anti-aircraft guns mounted on Toyota pickups.)

>"How many countries will you invade and how many people will you kill in yet another senseless never ending war? Think on this. For every IS terrorist you kill their children may well become a terrorist in their fathers place."

How many countries would you be willing to let ISIS invade ? ? Do you know what their ultimate goal is ? ? Have you read it ?

Did the German and Japanese children become enemy soldiers in their father's place after we defeated them in World War II ? There are "wives" and girls "belonging" to and "used" by ISIS terrorists that are too young to get pregnant and have kids

We would only go into the countries that we have to go into. The countries that have ISIS in them would love help to get rid of them.

Do you not know that ISIS has plans to expand and grow well beyond the region they hold now? How far would you be willing to let them expand before you finally say "No" to them ?

Do you suggest we sit down and negotiate with them as if they were normal, sane opponents ? ? Try for "...peace in our time." ? ?

>"What will you do if the military of a country YOU invade decides to fight you as well?"

The Iraqi forces would love our help to get rid of ISIS. And we would have several Muslim countries on our side who hate ISIS. Like Jordan and Egypt and Saudi Arabia and probably at least one or two more..

​ What is your answer.... negotiation ? With ISIS ? Seriously ?

You would have us just sit back and let them go their merry way..... taking little girls for sex slaves... cutting the heads off of humanitarian aid workers they catch.. blowing up ancient historical World Heritage Sites... Build and expand their base and territory...

It sounds to me like you are an admirer of Neville Chamberlain. Do you know what he is remembered for ? ?

I see both sides. It's like trying to get rid of a large nest of hornets with a baseball bat and a can of Raid. You'll kill some hornets, and may even destroy their hive, ....but you'll get a lot of stings and still won't wipe out the species. A few will buzz away and create new hives. I'm not saying we shouldn't try to eradicate ISIS and Al Qaeda and Boko Haram and all the other <deleted> groups. I'm just saying it's a messy business with slim chance of changing the overall problem.

There are no painless stop-gap measures, but I think plugging the leaks of migrants would be step in the right direction. Granted, lots of suffering would get exacerbated, but that's the price of having a mean-spirited religion coupled with getting born in a region devoid of natural resources. Slovakia is closing their gates. Bulgaria is building a 4 meter high barbed wire fence along its borders. All the other countries are letting some migrants in, but making sure they go out the back door as soon as possible. ....which channels migrants on to richer better-run, Christian countries - where the migrants can get welfare, and make babies which grow up to be terrorists.

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