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Islamist hacker group attacks Thai government websites

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Sorry my mistake, thought you were agreeing with the BS notion and all the bigotry that lies behind it that gandalf 12 implied in his post.

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admin 12345 just does not cut it any more...

I bet most of their passwords are either 'sawatdee' or 'sanook-sanook'.

Noooo. In my experience they are all OTT complicated, like "SoMcHaI9xhr6yu76MMM34SaNoOkSaNoOk654787679". And that's for a 500 baht phone.


One morning the people of Thailand will wake up to the sounds of the call to prayer. Then it will be too late.


You are entitled to your opinion. Pity you dont follow the trends around the world or you wouldnt come out wih such comments


One morning the people of Thailand will wake up to the sounds of the call to prayer. Then it will be too late.


You are entitled to your opinion. Pity you dont follow the trends around the world or you wouldnt come out wih such comments

You are talking nonsense.


One morning the people of Thailand will wake up to the sounds of the call to prayer. Then it will be too late.


You are entitled to your opinion. Pity you dont follow the trends around the world or you wouldnt come out wih such comments

You are talking nonsense.

Obviously you are someone of limited life experience. As such I can appreciate your naivety. I suggest some self education on world matters as you are obviously lacking in this department.


You are entitled to your opinion. Pity you dont follow the trends around the world or you wouldnt come out wih such comments

You are talking nonsense.

Obviously you are someone of limited life experience. As such I can appreciate your naivety. I suggest some self education on world matters as you are obviously lacking in this department.

Lived in the Middle East, Muslim region of Ghana, West Africa, Muslim majority communities in UK.

I know what you are spouting is fear mongering and nonsense propaganda.


You are entitled to your opinion. Pity you dont follow the trends around the world or you wouldnt come out wih such comments

You are talking nonsense.

Obviously you are someone of limited life experience. As such I can appreciate your naivety. I suggest some self education on world matters as you are obviously lacking in this department.

Lived in the Middle East, Muslim region of Ghana, West Africa, Muslim majority communities in UK.

I know what you are spouting is fear mongering and nonsense propaganda.

I assume you have never spent much time if any in the Middle East. It would be worth your while to spend time there. See and hear the undercurrents and you wont talk in this uninformed way.


You are talking nonsense.

Obviously you are someone of limited life experience. As such I can appreciate your naivety. I suggest some self education on world matters as you are obviously lacking in this department.

Lived in the Middle East, Muslim region of Ghana, West Africa, Muslim majority communities in UK.

I know what you are spouting is fear mongering and nonsense propaganda.

I assume you have never spent much time if any in the Middle East. It would be worth your while to spend time there. See and hear the undercurrents and you wont talk in this uninformed way.

I am going to assume you didn't bother to read my post rather than are calling me a liar.

I spent 5 years in kuwait.

It is you who are uninformed and seeking to spread your propaganda about islam and Thailand.


Hm... muslims seem to have a thing for bombing... why don't we hear so much about other religious groups constantly bombing enemies...? Violence is their thing.

They don't always know what they're doing: concerning the attack on the Thai consulate in Istanbul on the night of 8-9 July, they attacked some koreans tourists, thinking they were Chinese. They also vandalised 2 Chinese restaurants in Istanbul, but the "funny" thing is, one of the restaurants was owned by a Turk, and had some Uighur employees.

While the mob is attacking the consulate and breaking in into the offices, and breaking the glas windows (you can see this on youtube), they are shouting "Allah u Akbar" in an aggressive manner... I thought that religion -even if you might called it brainwashing- is supposed to have a pacifying (or maybe numbing) effect, but in Islam we've got violence. Sure, the the crusaders weren't not that peaceful, but somehow we have left that childish, immature ways behind. The middle ages are over, hopefully for most of us... but not for the muslims.


Hm... muslims seem to have a thing for bombing... why don't we hear so much about other religious groups constantly bombing enemies...? Violence is their thing.

They don't always know what they're doing: concerning the attack on the Thai consulate in Istanbul on the night of 8-9 July, they attacked some koreans tourists, thinking they were Chinese. They also vandalised 2 Chinese restaurants in Istanbul, but the "funny" thing is, one of the restaurants was owned by a Turk, and had some Uighur employees.

While the mob is attacking the consulate and breaking in into the offices, and breaking the glas windows (you can see this on youtube), they are shouting "Allah u Akbar" in an aggressive manner... I thought that religion -even if you might called it brainwashing- is supposed to have a pacifying (or maybe numbing) effect, but in Islam we've got violence. Sure, the the crusaders weren't not that peaceful, but somehow we have left that childish, immature ways behind. The middle ages are over, hopefully for most of us... but not for the muslims.

Muslims are not monolithic.

Even Muslim hipsters!


Wait, they hate us cuz we're Muslims? I thought they hated us cuz we were hipsters!?

One morning the people of Thailand will wake up to the sounds of the call to prayer. Then it will be too late.


You are entitled to your opinion. Pity you dont follow the trends around the world or you wouldnt come out wih such comments

You are talking nonsense.
I disagree completely. Having returned to the UK after 15 years in Thailand, I am now greeted on the streets by a hijab every day walking around East London.

My son returning with me regaled me by telling me we were driving through "Muslim town" when driving through a part of our hometown. I asked him where her heard this and told me he heard it from other kids when on a school coach into town to a trip. Not in East London. Women walk this part of town predominantly in hijab.

Yes indeed, certain parts of every British city are now firmly Muslim with women wearing hijab pushing their kids around and essentially the nearby local population overwhelmingly Muslim.

For me, I have many liberal Muslim friends but I find the whole hijab issue extremely unnerving. Should I help this woman cross the road, who is she, will she be offended.....

It is an abominable dress.

Today, I walked past a man in traditional Muslim robes, hat, beard.....

But he was carrying a large backpack completely out of place. It looked like he had his life possessions in it. Completely out of place.

He was striding towards tesco. I honestly thought to call 999, or whatever iteration it is for non essential calls. I stood and watched him walk along.

Thankfully nothing bad happened.

I have never before felt that feeling in the UK. Ever.



Could any of these groups then be responsible for the recent bombing attack in BKK?

Regardless, the group responsible for the Shrine bombing will certainly be a group involved with The Superstition of Peace (aka Islam)

And where is your evidence for this oh wise and wonderful predictor of the future.

No surprise here whatsoever. When it comes to terror attacks and murdering innocent people...the moniker Captain Obvious would certainly have been more appropriate, but thanks for the wise and wonderful compliment all the same!

Fast Forward 9 days into the future and lo and behold! looks like Uighurs (who practice SURPRISE SURPRISE Islam...The Superstition of Peace)

Mounting Evidence Links Bombing to Turks, Uighurs

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