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Prayut irritated by attacks on charter draft as vote nears

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so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

Thaksin's disdain for charter a good sign


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so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

Thaksin's disdain for charter a good sign


And that's all the justification you need for supporting this charter? Man, that's pitiful - even for a cheerleader.


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

Thaksin's disdain for charter a good sign


And that's all the justification you need for supporting this charter? Man, that's pitiful - even for a cheerleader.

If it pisses off both camps than it is bloody good don't you think?


I seem to read a lot more articles about Prayuth being annoyed with people than I do about the Charter, what it contains and what it means.

Says a lot about the Thai media. I have realised for a long time now that they are a disgrace to journalism : as rotten as every other institution here.

And I read a lot of juvenile comments here from the Thai contingent who support Thaksin and all he stands for. Says a lot about some Thai people as well.

Certain parts of society in this country are rotten and needs an enormous kick up the backside to let the dirty schoolboys know that stealing is wrong.


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

You refer to the American Constitution and it is worth comparing the origins of that document with the proposed Thai charter.The American Constitution was framed by a remarkable collection of geniuses including John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.They were characterised by high intellect, love of freedom and mostly possessed of great moral stature.Within the group of Founding Fathers there was however much diversity and many differences of opinion.Historians have noted the argumentative flavour that make the American Constitution, though honoured and loved, a matter of continuing scrutiny like history itself.

Money quote: "And much like the doctrine of checks and balances in the Constitution, the enshrinement of argument created a permanent collision of juxtaposed ideas and interests that generated a dynamic and wholly modern version of political stability'.With that background the US Constitution has stood the test of time.

The contrast with the pygmies of Thailand is rather striking.The abiding impression of the key players is one of incompetence and mediocrity.The character of the Charter promoters is poor, their intellect unimpressive (many are obvious dullards) and some of the key players suffused with criminality and corruption.The objective of the stooges and placemen of the Junta is not to give voice to the majority of Thai citizens but to stifle it.They rage against democratically elected politicians and their alleged corruption - but this is simply code for a hatred of democracy and the politicisation of the Thai majority.The brutality of these people and their determination to keep power cannot be underestimated.

Abhisit's record in the last two years has been feeble and cowardly on several fronts.But he makes some perfectly fair points here, not least about the power of the state and the crippling role of the proposed Junta sponsored NSRRC.

Difficult at this depressing time to see much hope of compromise or progress.Indeed the clouds seem to be gathering. "As I look ahead I am filled with foreboding like the Roman seer.I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood"


There is one thing that all sides can unite on...this guy is a complete jerk. It's time for the Privy Council to stage a counter coup and get rid of this national embarassment


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

Thaksin's disdain for charter a good sign


And that's all the justification you need for supporting this charter? Man, that's pitiful - even for a cheerleader.

If it pisses off both camps than it is bloody good don't you think?

Not in the least. It pisses of both camps, and that could have been good but unfortunately they have very legitimate concerns regarding the charter draft.

Oh, and no need to shout, I can hear you quite well.


"Many said they would not run in an election. That is good. Keep a note on whoever said that. Keep your word," Prayut said.

He is demanding other people to "keep their Word" ... Thainess at its best ... Where did the Election 2015 go ... ? Try keep your own Word ... sick.gifsick.gifsick.gif


I wonder how he expects the referendum campaign to happen? No critics allowed?

'But neutral people may find it good or acceptable'

When everybody understands, they must all become neutral, then they can have their election..............


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

Actually there have been 33 ammendments. More than Thailand has had constitutions..


"Yingluck claimed it did not link up with the people and gave more power to unelected groups than to elected politicians."

His response? "they hit at me, I hit back".... Key word there perhaps is me. Narcissist for sure. No attempt to refute her argument, because probably isn't any way to refute. It is a fact of the charter as written, so he takes it to the level of school yard fight: "Oh yeah, I'm gonna punch you in the nose!" Showing that in many ways he is a typical Thai politician: forget about substance, let's have at it.


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

Ehhh sorry to burst your bubble mate but the US has been breaking the constitution for years.

There's also a little thing call executive order.

And how many war's (military/police actions) have there been that didn't follow there constitution?

Thailand's last constitution was fine, needed some more work but basically ok, THAT'S why as soon as the PM took power away from the people he gave him and his partners in crime complete and full immunity, or you forget that little chest nut?

So you support a PM calling the media NOT to report on anyone that criticizes the draft charter? only those that support it have the right to agree, Yu'p that's freedom isn't it.

Thailand's last constitution was fine? And the justice system and law enforcement top notch too.

Did you miss the constant bickering and court cases because of different interpretations of the vague bits in the constitution? That's why they needed a Constitution Court which made rulings which PTP tried to influence, remember dear Chalerm reminding the judges of the consequences of the "wrong" decision? And if the politicians didn't like the court ruling, then they openly said they would not obey it,

Those criticizing, or jumping on the bandwagon copying others, now had the chance to be part of the process for a new constitution. But, of course they only want to make changes that favor themselves, forward their own interests. Now they squeal because a proposal might not be in their interests. Complete toads, the lot of them.

As for the PM. He's a military career senior officer who thinks leadership is about giving orders and having them followed. Does anyone think he'll change style overnight, or even ever? He's not used to backchat - or even someone expressing the slightest little difference, let alone major ones. Do as you're told or else. I seriously question if anyone dare tell him how making statements like this appears to people. So he probably thinks it's o k for the "boss" to act like this.


Sorry you are irritated Khun Prayup but who in there right mind would give you control of Thailand until there is peace. Do you really want peace or just be PM in Thailand forever!


Look, I get why many are saying that since the elected politicians have done such a poor job over the last decades things need to change. Great, all for it.

The problem is that logic has been used by all the worlds great dic... uh... that word we are not supposed to use..


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

Thaksin's disdain for charter a good sign


And that's all the justification you need for supporting this charter? Man, that's pitiful - even for a cheerleader.

If it pisses off both camps than it is bloody good don't you think?


Just because it's bad for them doesn't mean it's good for the people of Thailand. Get a grip.


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

You refer to the American Constitution and it is worth comparing the origins of that document with the proposed Thai charter.The American Constitution was framed by a remarkable collection of geniuses including John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.They were characterised by high intellect, love of freedom and mostly possessed of great moral stature.Within the group of Founding Fathers there was however much diversity and many differences of opinion.Historians have noted the argumentative flavour that make the American Constitution, though honoured and loved, a matter of continuing scrutiny like history itself.

Money quote: "And much like the doctrine of checks and balances in the Constitution, the enshrinement of argument created a permanent collision of juxtaposed ideas and interests that generated a dynamic and wholly modern version of political stability'.With that background the US Constitution has stood the test of time.

The contrast with the pygmies of Thailand is rather striking.The abiding impression of the key players is one of incompetence and mediocrity.The character of the Charter promoters is poor, their intellect unimpressive (many are obvious dullards) and some of the key players suffused with criminality and corruption.The objective of the stooges and placemen of the Junta is not to give voice to the majority of Thai citizens but to stifle it.They rage against democratically elected politicians and their alleged corruption - but this is simply code for a hatred of democracy and the politicisation of the Thai majority.The brutality of these people and their determination to keep power cannot be underestimated.

Abhisit's record in the last two years has been feeble and cowardly on several fronts.But he makes some perfectly fair points here, not least about the power of the state and the crippling role of the proposed Junta sponsored NSRRC.

Difficult at this depressing time to see much hope of compromise or progress.Indeed the clouds seem to be gathering. "As I look ahead I am filled with foreboding like the Roman seer.I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood"



Well said. I could not agree more.


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

Actually there have been 33 ammendments. More than Thailand has had constitutions..

The number of amendments to the constitution is not what is important... the point is that there is a defined PROCESS for the amendments to take place when they are needed, and that process requires a significant amount of support from the elected representatives and the people themselves in order to make an amendment.

You can't possibly make any progress when you throw the entire constitution out every couple of years because the last version doesn't let you and your buddies steal as much as the other party...

The entire constitution and "Thai Democracy" is a sham... the real power doesn't give a shit about either one. It's just window dressing for the international community and a circus side show to keep the peasants busy arguing while the elite rape and pillage the country.


It sounds like a good idea to me.

Let the kids(elected government) play in the sandpit and throw dog shit in each others face, but when the teacher (National Strategic Reform and Reconciliation Committee ) blows the whistle playtime is over for today.

excatly, but rather than throwing DS as you put it they will be learning to work together for the country as a whole and not for themselves and getting on with government, they may not feel quite a powerful as before but will still be able to run the country effectively, remember that last government spent most of two years trying to push an amnesty bill through for one person and also managed to to break the economy at cost to the people of some 800billion baht, stellar ...right ?

That's the funniest thing I have read today. ;Working together for the country and not themselves;.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Obviously you do not understand politics and have been watching the 6pm daily drivel and believing it.

firstly I have never watched one of the PM's Friday addresses but I do admire him for doing it, it is lot more than any elected government has done concerning informing the people, open and honest whether you like it or not

and I very obviously know more about Thai politics than you will ever know, if I had my way the past politicians would all be facing charges and jail time, they have done absolutely nothing for this country the past 40 years - check their bank accounts or rather don't bother you'll never find the ones that hold the loot

Wow,,, someone's got tickets on himself,,,, "and I very obviously know more about Thai politics than you will ever know". What a load........

"I do admire him for doing it, it is lot more than any elected government has done concerning informing people, open honest whether you like it or not".

"No there will be no coup" "I am not interested in being PM" "there will be elections soon, 2015, 2016, 2017,,,

Yu'p Stella job at keeping his word huh.post-4641-1156693976.gif


'Prayut called on the media not to cover remarks made by these politicians, saying they had failed to solve the country's problems but insulted his military-led regime, which he said was not fair'.

Before he became PM, everybody knew his name and who he was. I wonder ..where else in the world would the masses know the name of their top general...not many I think. My point is the army has always been a default player in Thai politics and he always knew /believed he had a political part to play in this wonderful circus we call Thai politics.


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

I thought the reason there was a 'revolt' was because a maniac called Suthep, at the behest of the elite, went around threatening to kidnap an elected PM and her children, threatened little kids and their teachers in schools and refused to allow a new election so the military could step in and have a not-a-dictator divvying up the spoils? I didn't realise it was because people were criticising the constitution that was the result of the previous coup...


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

I thought the reason there was a 'revolt' was because a maniac called Suthep, at the behest of the elite, went around threatening to kidnap an elected PM and her children, threatened little kids and their teachers in schools and refused to allow a new election so the military could step in and have a not-a-dictator divvying up the spoils? I didn't realise it was because people were criticising the constitution that was the result of the previous coup...

I thought a bunch of looney, violent red shirts threatened to kidnap Prayut's daughter and cheered the murders of innocent market goers, typical of you to forget about that. Were you one of the crazies that kept shouting "agent provocateur" when Suthep and the PDRC were being bombarded on a nightly basis? Probably, because that is your bias, "the PDRC were bombed? must have done it themselves. Delusional Thaksin supporter or what.


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

Actually there have been 33 ammendments. More than Thailand has had constitutions..

The number of amendments to the constitution is not what is important... the point is that there is a defined PROCESS for the amendments to take place when they are needed, and that process requires a significant amount of support from the elected representatives and the people themselves in order to make an amendment.

You can't possibly make any progress when you throw the entire constitution out every couple of years because the last version doesn't let you and your buddies steal as much as the other party...

The entire constitution and "Thai Democracy" is a sham... the real power doesn't give a shit about either one. It's just window dressing for the international community and a circus side show to keep the peasants busy arguing while the elite rape and pillage the country.

The only people throwing it out are the army and just look at the mess it made trying to change the last one. Elected govts should be able to ammend the constitution.

You are right. The process is the issue. But they should be able to change it.


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

I thought the reason there was a 'revolt' was because a maniac called Suthep, at the behest of the elite, went around threatening to kidnap an elected PM and her children, threatened little kids and their teachers in schools and refused to allow a new election so the military could step in and have a not-a-dictator divvying up the spoils? I didn't realise it was because people were criticising the constitution that was the result of the previous coup...

I thought a bunch of looney, violent red shirts threatened to kidnap Prayut's daughter and cheered the murders of innocent market goers, typical of you to forget about that. Were you one of the crazies that kept shouting "agent provocateur" when Suthep and the PDRC were being bombarded on a nightly basis? Probably, because that is your bias, "the PDRC were bombed? must have done it themselves. Delusional Thaksin supporter or what.

When did that happen? When did they threaten to do that? Please, tell me. I didn't even know he had a daughter and why would anybody threaten to kidnap her particularly when he said (lied) that he had no interest in being a PM and he wanted both sides to talk? You've been taking to many disco biscuits methinks


I seem to read a lot more articles about Prayuth being annoyed with people than I do about the Charter, what it contains and what it means.

Says a lot about the Thai media. I have realised for a long time now that they are a disgrace to journalism : as rotten as every other institution here.

And I read a lot of juvenile comments here from the Thai contingent who support Thaksin and all he stands for. Says a lot about some Thai people as well.

Certain parts of society in this country are rotten and needs an enormous kick up the backside to let the dirty schoolboys know that stealing is wrong.

"as rotten as every other institution here."

I hope you mean governmental institution included your beloved.

And I agree that the thieves of the democracy need the kick up the backside .


so be fore there has even been an election Abhist is talking already about changing the charter and the difficulties that would involve as a reason to reject the current offering.

This is exactly why we had a revolt and collapse of the last government, it is exactly why every government has failed these last 20 years because every time a government is in office they want to remove barriers that will allow them to thieve and cheat, making this charter extremely difficult to change was a primary goal from the start and a very good one

Ask the most powerful man on the planet "The American President" how difficult it is to change or amend the constitution, in fact ask him how difficult it is to get a health bill through the senate and into law lol never mind the constitution

as for having a panel to keep an eye on the government - it seems that Thai governments cannot be trusted so having such a panel representing the peoples interests might just work - bodies like the courts AG DSI Police and NACC etc should have been doing it but it seems they can be all be politically manipulated so that hasn't worked, having a panel that step in and red card the government although not ideal might just work

I thought the reason there was a 'revolt' was because a maniac called Suthep, at the behest of the elite, went around threatening to kidnap an elected PM and her children, threatened little kids and their teachers in schools and refused to allow a new election so the military could step in and have a not-a-dictator divvying up the spoils? I didn't realise it was because people were criticising the constitution that was the result of the previous coup...

I thought a bunch of looney, violent red shirts threatened to kidnap Prayut's daughter and cheered the murders of innocent market goers, typical of you to forget about that. Were you one of the crazies that kept shouting "agent provocateur" when Suthep and the PDRC were being bombarded on a nightly basis? Probably, because that is your bias, "the PDRC were bombed? must have done it themselves. Delusional Thaksin supporter or what.

When did that happen? When did they threaten to do that? Please, tell me. I didn't even know he had a daughter and why would anybody threaten to kidnap her particularly when he said (lied) that he had no interest in being a PM and he wanted both sides to talk? You've been taking to many disco biscuits methinks

13 January 2014, next time look it up yourself. I know you like to spew your anti everything rhetoric without the inconvenience of facts, but here you go. http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/army-slams-red-shirt-activists-abduction-threat-2


You are allowed to have an opinion, as long as it's officially approved.

What's that word we are not allowed to use ?

" "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black" " Henry Ford cheesy.gif

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