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Trump dumps insults on questioners, insists on control


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Trump dumps insults on questioners, insists on control

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump is used to controlling his world like the boss that he is. But as president, he'd answer to the American people. And so far in the rollicking 2016 presidential contest, he's showing little willingness to dial down his famous because-I-said-so style.

For Trump, the joy of the insult seems as compelling as art of the deal. Whether his challengers are reporters or other presidential candidates, they are, according to Trump: a bimbo, incompetent, weak, pathetic, disgusting and/or can't satisfy a husband.

"When somebody hurts you, just go after them as viciously and as violently as you can," Trump has written in a chapter on business advice.

When that fails, he fires them.

On Tuesday night, the billionaire developer dismissed a Latino reporter from his press conference for demanding to know how Trump intended to deport all 11 million people in the country illegally. "I have a right to ask a question," said Univision's Jorge Ramos.

"No you don't. You haven't been called," Trump said. Trump merely tossed a glance to the left and a bodyguard escorted a protesting Ramos out. Trump's primacy re-established, he later let Ramos back into the conference and took his question.

In fact, Trump's reality show campaign is one of the things people like about him. Trump is at the top of the polls in the GOP field, drawing more passion and bigger crowds than his Republican competitors.

"It's totally refreshing," said Leigh Ann Crouse, 55, of Dubuque, as she waited in a 100-yard-long line Tuesday to see Trump. "He has a backbone, and he cannot be bought."

Here are some examples of Trump's I'm-in-charge-here approach to the 2016 presidential contest:



"Go back to Univision," Trump told Ramos, an anchor for the network.

It was the latest salvo in Trump's war with Univision, which began when the network cancelled its contract to broadcast his Miss Universe Organization pageants. Univision said it was responding to Trump's description of Mexican immigrants as "criminals" and "rapists" in his June campaign announcement speech. Trump is suing the network for $500 million for breach of contract and defamation — and bragging about it.

Five times during the news conference, Trump told Ramos to sit down. When that didn't work, the billionaire signaled to a security guard, who hustled Ramos out.

Later, Ramos was allowed back in. Trump extended an upturned hand toward Ramos and said, "Yes? Good, absolutely. Good to have you back."

Trump complained Wednesday on NBC's "Today" show that Ramos had been, "totally, absolutely out of line" and had been "ranting and raving like a madman."

"I'm not a bully," Trump said in the telephone interview. "In fact, I think it's just the opposite way."



Trump succeeded this week into prodding the former Florida governor, whose wife is Mexican-American, onto the defense on immigration issues. The two quarreled over the term, "anchor baby," which some find an offensive term to describe children born to people in the U.S. illegally. Bush defended himself by saying he'd been referring to wealthy Asians who come here to bear children. That earned Bush a chorus of demands for an apology to Asian people.

"Asians are very offended that JEB said that anchor babies applies to them as a way to be more politically correct to Hispanics," Trump gloated on Twitter. "A mess!"



Trump's feud with the popular Fox News anchor began during the first Republican primary debate, when Kelly called Trump out on his previous comments calling women "pigs" and "dogs."

Convinced that the question was out of line, Trump launched a full-blown campaign to discredit the anchor with a series of insulting Tweets and interviews. On CNN, he claimed that she'd had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever" during the debate.

After what had seemed like a detente with the network, Trump's vitriol returned this week when Kelly came back from a long-planned vacation.

"@megynkelly must have had a terrible vacation, she is really off her game," he Tweeted Monday. He retweeted another comment that referred to her as a "bimbo."



Fox News is the kind of beast that Republican wannabes rarely take on. Not Trump.

"I think they cover me terribly," he told reporters at the press conference in Iowa, in which he repeatedly railed against his coverage by the network, despite frequent appearances and phone-ins.

Trump returned to bashing Kelly this week, and the network chief Roger Ailes engaged.

"Megyn Kelly represents the very best of American journalism and all of us at Fox News Channel reject the crude and irresponsible attempts to suggest otherwise," Ailes said in a statement demanding Trump apologize.

"I could not be more proud of Megyn for her professionalism and class in the face of all of Mr. Trump's verbal assaults," he added.

Trump, meanwhile, shows no signs of backing down, responding with his own statement further insulting Kelly.

"Hopefully in the future I will be proven wrong and she will be able to elevate her standards to a level of professionalism that a network such as Fox deserves," he said.



Trump made clear he had zero regard for the rules of political decorum when he proceeded to read South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham's personal cell phone number to a roomful of his supporters after Graham, one of his Republican rivals, called him a "jackass" on TV.

The two have continued to spar, with Graham calling Trump out as a policy lightweight and Trump mocking Graham's standing in the polls.

"Come to South Carolina, and I'll beat his brains out," a riled-up Graham told CNN Tuesday. "I know my state. This is a silly season in politics. He is shallow."

Trump responded: "Congrats @LindseyGrahamSC. You just got 4 points in your home state of SC_far better than zero nationally. You're only 26 pts behind me," he Tweeted.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-27

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Trump is rewriting all of the rules of campaigning. He's showing that turning off the PC switch and telling it like he sees it is attractive to those who see the group of politicians as homogeneous puppets. He gets more free publicity than most candidates can afford to buy, and just keeps walking on, unfazed by the pundits.

It's an interesting tactic he's taking, for sure.

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Hmm, we now know that whoever pulls the strings at the AP is not a fan of The Donald... It's rather funny that the more the establish pundits come out against him, the better his polling numbers... It appears that either the sheeple are waking up -or- they are being entertained by the Jerry Springer style campaign Trump is running...

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Trump is campaigning the way Joe Citizen would campaign if he ever had the chance.

Joe citizen the billionaire who doesn't care about anyone but himself....get real!

Being rich is does not justify to be rude and abusive.

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Hmm, we now know that whoever pulls the strings at the AP is not a fan of The Donald... It's rather funny that the more the establish pundits come out against him, the better his polling numbers... It appears that either the sheeple are waking up -or- they are being entertained by the Jerry Springer style campaign Trump is running...

Not just the AP, of course, but all the mainstream media. This article could have come from any one of them, with only a change of a word or two. To the general public, it appears to be a conspiracy, which is why people hate and despise the media so much and why every time one of these articles or smears on TV come out, his popularity grows.

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Hmm, we now know that whoever pulls the strings at the AP is not a fan of The Donald... It's rather funny that the more the establish pundits come out against him, the better his polling numbers... It appears that either the sheeple are waking up -or- they are being entertained by the Jerry Springer style campaign Trump is running...

You're right about sheeple, and about the (Jerry) Springeresque campaign, but I think your options are off.

There's no waking up! It's just par for the course of the Great Unwashed.

They're not entertained, they're enthralled...as would be expected by Spingeresque sensationalism. They lap it up.

Trump is shallow, boorish, conceited, over-sensitive, undiplomatic, and has no humility. He has all the attributes of a North Korean dictator, and none of the characteristics required of a world leader.

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"On Tuesday night, the billionaire developer dismissed a Latino reporter from his press conference"

I listened to a recording of this exchange on the radio yesterday.

Trump was very rude and condescending.

It was out of context , not knowing what was said before, but Trump had just asked, "Who has the next question" ( paraphrased)

When the Latino reporter spoke up and said that he had a question about immigration,

Trump responded ,"No you don't. You haven't been called,"

Telling the Latino reporter to ""Go back to Univision," can not be interpreted as anything but racist.

I am very disappointed that anyone would consider a man like Trump to be the kind of leader America needs.

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"On Tuesday night, the billionaire developer dismissed a Latino reporter from his press conference"

I listened to a recording of this exchange on the radio yesterday.

Trump was very rude and condescending.

It was out of context , not knowing what was said before, but Trump had just asked, "Who has the next question" ( paraphrased)

When the Latino reporter spoke up and said that he had a question about immigration,

Trump responded ,"No you don't. You haven't been called,"

Telling the Latino reporter to ""Go back to Univision," can not be interpreted as anything but racist.

I am very disappointed that anyone would consider a man like Trump to be the kind of leader America needs.

How many illegals do you hire to work on that farm of yours?

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The electoral college determines the president not the popular vote no?

If so, why do the lemmings get so wound up over the media circus who's job isn't to inform, but provide entertainment and conflict to attract viewers?

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Trump is campaigning the way Joe Citizen would campaign if he ever had the chance.

Joe citizen the billionaire who doesn't care about anyone but himself....get real!

Being rich is does not justify to be rude and abusive.

The journalist was out of turn and should have sat down and waited to be called. Trump had already called someone else. Simple. Instead of focusing on how rude Trump supposedly was, focus on the fact that the journalist was not called. To his credit, Trump allowed the man back in - and didn't have to let him back in - and then answered his question. People focus too little on what's important and win or lose, I love the fact that there's now a politician willing to tell the establishment to stick it. It's about time.

As far as the illegals, get them OUT of the country and stop pandering to them. Nothing wrong with LEGAL immigrants - just like here in Thailand (and I'm a LEGAL immigrant) - but when they're illegal and allowed to roam around freely, that's ridiculous. There's a reason why they are termed "illegal immigrants." People should figure that out. If they sneak across the border, should they expect Americans to treat them like citizens? OUT-OUT-OUT!

Edited by ScottMallon
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Trump is rewriting all of the rules of campaigning. He's showing that turning off the PC switch and telling it like he sees it is attractive to those who see the group of politicians as homogeneous puppets. He gets more free publicity than most candidates can afford to buy, and just keeps walking on, unfazed by the pundits.

It's an interesting tactic he's taking, for sure.

No, he's not. He's a blowhard actor and soon all will be revealed that he has no substance, just attitude. He is more like Ronald Reagan, but instead of being someone who inspires and unifies through his communication skills, he just gets people angry (whether with him or against him). He's completely unfit to be a leader.

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Politics is like a martini, they are better shaken than stirred. I don't much care The Donald, but he sure is shaking the hell out of the political landscape.

This reminds me of a Sean Connery quote from an awards ceremony many years ago: "...I like my audiences stirred, not shaken"


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You're right about sheeple, and about the (Jerry) Springeresque campaign, but I think your options are off.

There's no waking up! It's just par for the course of the Great Unwashed.

They're not entertained, they're enthralled...as would be expected by Spingeresque sensationalism. They lap it up.

Trump is shallow, boorish, conceited, over-sensitive, undiplomatic, and has no humility. He has all the attributes of a North Korean dictator, and none of the characteristics required of a world leader.

I disagree. I think all of the top politicians are proud and arrogant and just show it in different ways. The most arrogant one I've ever seen is Obama. He's often called a narcissist, so someone thinks he arrogant.

The difference to me is that Trump doesn't try to be deceitful about it. He appears to be more real while most politicians appear to be phony.

It's apparent that Trump has caught the imagination of the masses and continues to score points while the pundits predict he lost points. The public opinion of Congress and even Obama is so low that I've predicted an outsider to come in. I'll admit I didn't expect this but it's happening.

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What we are seeing is a widespread public rebuke of the typical politician including the other candidates. Someone finally stood up and said enough is enough of the bullshit in DC from both parties and it's resonating.

I think you are right, as far as the Great Unwashed go.

But undiplomatic, uncouth, boorishness with no solid policy besides divisive popularist bigotted policy, is not presidential material....wouldn't you agree?

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"On Tuesday night, the billionaire developer dismissed a Latino reporter from his press conference"

I listened to a recording of this exchange on the radio yesterday.

Trump was very rude and condescending.

It was out of context , not knowing what was said before, but Trump had just asked, "Who has the next question" ( paraphrased)

When the Latino reporter spoke up and said that he had a question about immigration,

Trump responded ,"No you don't. You haven't been called,"

Telling the Latino reporter to ""Go back to Univision," can not be interpreted as anything but racist.

I am very disappointed that anyone would consider a man like Trump to be the kind of leader America needs.

How many illegals do you hire to work on that farm of yours?

We have never hired an illegal.

The people we pay to work our farms are all from my wife's village, most are family members of mine.

I am the only immigrant involved, but I am a legal immigrant.

Ironically, under Thai law, it is illegal for me to work on our farms in anything but a supervisory capacity.

Any more questions?

P.S. Are you insinuating that since the reporter is Latino, he must be an illegal????

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The irony...Jon Stewart says it like it is, Trump says it like he sees it........

Jon Stewart for President, 2016!!!!

Agreed! If I was a yank he would get my vote!

Unfortunately good people like him wont go through the whole slimy process necessary to get elected.

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"On Tuesday night, the billionaire developer dismissed a Latino reporter from his press conference"

I listened to a recording of this exchange on the radio yesterday.

Trump was very rude and condescending.

It was out of context , not knowing what was said before, but Trump had just asked, "Who has the next question" ( paraphrased)

When the Latino reporter spoke up and said that he had a question about immigration,

Trump responded ,"No you don't. You haven't been called,"

Telling the Latino reporter to ""Go back to Univision," can not be interpreted as anything but racist.

I am very disappointed that anyone would consider a man like Trump to be the kind of leader America needs.

How many illegals do you hire to work on that farm of yours?

We have never hired an illegal.

The people we pay to work our farms are all from my wife's village, most are family members of mine.

I am the only immigrant involved, but I am a legal immigrant.

Ironically, under Thai law, it is illegal for me to work on our farms in anything but a supervisory capacity.

Any more questions?

P.S. Are you insinuating that since the reporter is Latino, he must be an illegal????

No, I was implying (and now I'm stating) that Ramos' listeners are largely illegal and that his power and financial well being come from agitating a group of people who have no right to be in the United States.

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The stink in Washington both left and right has got to a point that anyone who can clear the air gets attention. I don't think most people would really want to see Trump with his finger on the button but most would like to put an end to the Political correctness , the pondering to big business and countries, the current immigration policy, etc . These time require different ideas and a new way of addressing problems, not the politically correct bending over and taking it approach that American politics has had for years. If he does nothing more than to wake up people and open their eyes to a possibility that an outsider might have a chance then perhaps it will also wake up those in office and make them start to change their thinking. The current people in office and policies need some major adjustments and Trump may be just the tool to get this country back in sync.

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What we are seeing is a widespread public rebuke of the typical politician including the other candidates. Someone finally stood up and said enough is enough of the bullshit in DC from both parties and it's resonating.

I think you are right, as far as the Great Unwashed go.

But undiplomatic, uncouth, boorishness with no solid policy besides divisive popularist bigotted policy, is not presidential material....wouldn't you agree?

I don't agree that he doesn't have solid policies.

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I hope Americans wake up and take note with Trump. If by a miracle he can get elected he will at the least shake out the self serving, whinning, unprofessional, and just plain stupid people permeating every office in our govt. He will do what he knows best, make a business operate efficiently and profitably as govt is nothing more than a business. Trump owes no favors, special interest and lobbyists will be beside themselves. Trump will prioritize what is important to America..........Domestic policy and management. 2nd will come dealing with international affairs. Putting Americans first is the right way to manage.

I will support and vote for this dude, in fact I leave today for the USA and the first round of business will be to re register to vote. You naysayers are in for a surprise as to how many Dems AND Reps jump on board with Trump.

Wait and see.

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I hope Americans wake up and take note with Trump. If by a miracle he can get elected he will at the least shake out the self serving, whinning, unprofessional, and just plain stupid people permeating every office in our govt. He will do what he knows best, make a business operate efficiently and profitably as govt is nothing more than a business. Trump owes no favors, special interest and lobbyists will be beside themselves. Trump will prioritize what is important to America..........Domestic policy and management. 2nd will come dealing with international affairs. Putting Americans first is the right way to manage.

I will support and vote for this dude, in fact I leave today for the USA and the first round of business will be to re register to vote. You naysayers are in for a surprise as to how many Dems AND Reps jump on board with Trump.

Wait and see.

Running a country is absolutely NOTHING like running a business.

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