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Building room.


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Hi guys,

I have a question about Labour costs for building a 5.5 by 3 meter room ( about 17 square meters). Yesterday a guy came to my house but did not give me a price yet. He wants to get payed when job finished after about 1 month. He has his wife and son working with him. About how much should I pay them for labour? I buy all the materials.

Thank you all.

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You always get the price quote before starting or committing thats the way its done all over the world right. Very vaque on whats being done also. Try describing exactly what they will do. then people can give you an idea what it is worth.

Have a little story to relate.

A friend of mine was sailing around Vancouver Island. His motor was giving him problems . He was at anchor working on it and a guy rowed up and ask if he needed help . The guy offered to help. Two days later with the help of this guy all was fixed. My friend went to thank the man and received a bill for labour. There had been no mention of salary when he offered to help. My friend could have flown in someone to repair the motor for what this guy charged. So get a quote.

Edited by lovelomsak
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He said he does all himself; plumbing, floortiles, walltiles in bathroom, roof, even electricity.

I already bought 2 meter wide sliding doors and 2 aluminium windows and a wooden standard door for in the back. He asked me how much I was prepared to pay but he has to give me a quote first. He was recommended by a friend.


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He said he does all himself; plumbing, floortiles, walltiles in bathroom, roof, even electricity.

I already bought 2 meter wide sliding doors and 2 aluminium windows and a wooden standard door for in the back. He asked me how much I was prepared to pay but he has to give me a quote first. He was recommended by a friend.


Make him an offer. # people probably a months work. Decide what you will pay for him and 2 workers a day multiply by 30 make an offer.

Example 2 workers 300 baht each a day the main man 400 baht. 1000 baht a day 30 days 30,000. If he is useing family should easily be a done deal if this is in rural Thailand the city another story.

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He said he does all himself; plumbing, floortiles, walltiles in bathroom, roof, even electricity.

I already bought 2 meter wide sliding doors and 2 aluminium windows and a wooden standard door for in the back. He asked me how much I was prepared to pay but he has to give me a quote first. He was recommended by a friend.


Make him an offer. # people probably a months work. Decide what you will pay for him and 2 workers a day multiply by 30 make an offer.

Example 2 workers 300 baht each a day the main man 400 baht. 1000 baht a day 30 days 30,000. If he is useing family should easily be a done deal if this is in rural Thailand the city another story.

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He said he does all himself; plumbing, floortiles, walltiles in bathroom, roof, even electricity.

I already bought 2 meter wide sliding doors and 2 aluminium windows and a wooden standard door for in the back. He asked me how much I was prepared to pay but he has to give me a quote first. He was recommended by a friend.



He might be a great craftsman. Jack-of-all-trades do exist.

But they are rare. Suggest you take a look at work done for others before you get to the money part.

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He said he does all himself; plumbing, floortiles, walltiles in bathroom, roof, even electricity.

I already bought 2 meter wide sliding doors and 2 aluminium windows and a wooden standard door for in the back. He asked me how much I was prepared to pay but he has to give me a quote first. He was recommended by a friend.


Make him an offer. # people probably a months work. Decide what you will pay for him and 2 workers a day multiply by 30 make an offer.

Example 2 workers 300 baht each a day the main man 400 baht. 1000 baht a day 30 days 30,000. If he is useing family should easily be a done deal if this is in rural Thailand the city another story.

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He said he does all himself; plumbing, floortiles, walltiles in bathroom, roof, even electricity.

I already bought 2 meter wide sliding doors and 2 aluminium windows and a wooden standard door for in the back. He asked me how much I was prepared to pay but he has to give me a quote first. He was recommended by a friend.


Make him an offer. # people probably a months work. Decide what you will pay for him and 2 workers a day multiply by 30 make an offer.

Example 2 workers 300 baht each a day the main man 400 baht. 1000 baht a day 30 days 30,000. If he is useing family should easily be a done deal if this is in rural Thailand the city another story.

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Beware ! Some do a great "looking" job when its just finished, 3 months later it all falls apart! remember the old saying "you get what you pay for".

This type of thing in Thailand, especially rural Thailand is never easy, if you can, go look at at some other work he has done, and not something he finished last week.

Best of luck.

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Beware ! Some do a great "looking" job when its just finished, 3 months later it all falls apart! remember the old saying "you get what you pay for".

This type of thing in Thailand, especially rural Thailand is never easy, if you can, go look at at some other work he has done, and not something he finished last week.

Best of luck.

I will certainly do that. He told me that yesterday to have a look where they are currently working, it is near where I live.

Have a nice day.

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He said he does all himself; plumbing, floortiles, walltiles in bathroom, roof, even electricity.

I already bought 2 meter wide sliding doors and 2 aluminium windows and a wooden standard door for in the back. He asked me how much I was prepared to pay but he has to give me a quote first. He was recommended by a friend.


Make him an offer. # people probably a months work. Decide what you will pay for him and 2 workers a day multiply by 30 make an offer.

Example 2 workers 300 baht each a day the main man 400 baht. 1000 baht a day 30 days 30,000. If he is useing family should easily be a done deal if this is in rural Thailand the city another story.

I had my wife's nephew rebuild my house for me. He was like that man,,,,could do most things himself. But to be fair, I wouldn't insult him by only offering him 100 Bt. a day more than the labourers...he was worth his weight in gold.

As it turned out, he hadn't a clue about pricing a job, I knew the price he quoted me was well below what it was worth (and I have never been in the building trade). Over the six months period I gave him 3 times more than he asked me for...it was well worth it because I have no problem when I look at myself in the mirror these days.

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I have a small room attached to the main house about 10 Mts x 4Mts, cost me about 55000 Bt nearly four years ago

which included everything, tiles, windows, painting, electrics etc. took about three weeks to build.

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Beware ! Some do a great "looking" job when its just finished, 3 months later it all falls apart! remember the old saying "you get what you pay for".

This type of thing in Thailand, especially rural Thailand is never easy, if you can, go look at at some other work he has done, and not something he finished last week.

Best of luck.

And don't forget you may have to get resource consent if it doesn't comply with the District Plan. After paying infrastructure costs and you have consulted with an engineer to provide specs and had your plan ( 4 x copies) submitted with the appropriate fees paid, wait for it to be approved after approximately 3 weeks. Once the project is completed and all stage inspections are approved, then apply for a signing off with the issuing of a CCC (code compliance certificate). This is always necessary to show that should you wish to sell in the future, then all work done will be registered as legal and available for on-line inspection at any time....

Or not

Edited by Linzz
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He said he does all himself; plumbing, floortiles, walltiles in bathroom, roof, even electricity.

I already bought 2 meter wide sliding doors and 2 aluminium windows and a wooden standard door for in the back. He asked me how much I was prepared to pay but he has to give me a quote first. He was recommended by a friend.


Make him an offer. # people probably a months work. Decide what you will pay for him and 2 workers a day multiply by 30 make an offer.

Example 2 workers 300 baht each a day the main man 400 baht. 1000 baht a day 30 days 30,000. If he is useing family should easily be a done deal if this is in rural Thailand the city another story.

I had my wife's nephew rebuild my house for me. He was like that man,,,,could do most things himself. But to be fair, I wouldn't insult him by only offering him 100 Bt. a day more than the labourers...he was worth his weight in gold.

As it turned out, he hadn't a clue about pricing a job, I knew the price he quoted me was well below what it was worth (and I have never been in the building trade). Over the six months period I gave him 3 times more than he asked me for...it was well worth it because I have no problem when I look at myself in the mirror these days.

My wifes nephew did work on my house too. When i paid them he wouldnot accept more than agreed and was angry with a worker who owed me 100 baht when i paid and didnot have correct amount. He is never out of work and gets contracts all the time. Has 2 or 3 jobs going at same time is happy to get 100 baht more than his workers, But he is getting it from 2 or 3 places. Over paying here is considered stupid no one does it that wants respect.

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etsllc is right on with the labour costs depends where you are and who you have working.

The only thing I would like to add if I may He said it would take about a month so I would decide what is fair for a days wages for all concerned and multiply by 30 and offfer him that remember everything is negotiable and if he wishs to negotiate do so. If he negotiates give him the advantage makes him feel proud to win the negotiations. and makes little difference in cost usually.

I like to give them something everyrday to eat or something to take home so things stay friendly and easy.

Donot forget to put out a water container with a block of ice in it every morning so they have fresh cold water all day.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Usual pay about 400baht a day, always be there when he is working , and always go with him to buy the building materials. It depends on what you're using to build , if they are thermo blocks about 22 baht each, sand and cement very, Take a look around at the local builders merchants, see what you want then let your Thai partner go buy them the next day, you will get a better price, Otherwise you will pay Falang prices,

Edited by Thongkorn
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Usual pay about 400baht a day, always be there when he is working , and always go with him to buy the building materials. It depends on what you're using to build , if they are thermo blocks about 22 baht each, sand and cement very, Take a look around at the local builders merchants, see what you want then let your Thai partner go buy them the next day, you will get a better price, Otherwise you will pay Falang prices,

I totally agree ...

I have been building my house from scratch over the past 4 years and have my own crew come and work for me 4-6 weeks at a time when I am in Thailand then back to Oz ...

I pay 400 a day for each worker and a few beers/Low-cow's at the end of each day ..

I give my Forman an extra bonus before I go and everyone is happy ... I am lucky to have a building supplier who takes care of me as I spend a lot with him.

You have to be there all the time and make sure it is being done as you want as it will be done "The Thai Way" and unfortunately Thai's don't seem to be able to think ahead and hold the concept of what is wanted ... forward planning ... like wiring and plumbing in place rather than an after thought.

I have 18 months before I retire and want to have everything finished before I come long time and that is well on track ..

My boys want me to keep going and be their project manager on other jobs as well when I do live there ... I would be happy to do that just to keep an interest and keep busy as I have more land and still I do have more projects to do ..

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Beware ! Some do a great "looking" job when its just finished, 3 months later it all falls apart! remember the old saying "you get what you pay for".

This type of thing in Thailand, especially rural Thailand is never easy, if you can, go look at at some other work he has done, and not something he finished last week.

Best of luck.

And don't forget you may have to get resource consent if it doesn't comply with the District Plan. After paying infrastructure costs and you have consulted with an engineer to provide specs and had your plan ( 4 x copies) submitted with the appropriate fees paid, wait for it to be approved after approximately 3 weeks. Once the project is completed and all stage inspections are approved, then apply for a signing off with the issuing of a CCC (code compliance certificate). This is always necessary to show that should you wish to sell in the future, then all work done will be registered as legal and available for on-line inspection at any time....

Or not

Are you talking about Thailand???

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And don't forget you may have to get resource consent if it doesn't comply with the District Plan. After paying infrastructure costs and you have consulted with an engineer to provide specs and had your plan ( 4 x copies) submitted with the appropriate fees paid, wait for it to be approved after approximately 3 weeks. Once the project is completed and all stage inspections are approved, then apply for a signing off with the issuing of a CCC (code compliance certificate). This is always necessary to show that should you wish to sell in the future, then all work done will be registered as legal and available for on-line inspection at any time....

Or not

Are you talking about Thailand???

Doubtful, we did none of that, just a building permit and a drive-by inspection to get the blue book.

Sounds like Linzz is thinking of his home country (NZ I believe).

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And don't forget you may have to get resource consent if it doesn't comply with the District Plan. After paying infrastructure costs and you have consulted with an engineer to provide specs and had your plan ( 4 x copies) submitted with the appropriate fees paid, wait for it to be approved after approximately 3 weeks. Once the project is completed and all stage inspections are approved, then apply for a signing off with the issuing of a CCC (code compliance certificate). This is always necessary to show that should you wish to sell in the future, then all work done will be registered as legal and available for on-line inspection at any time....

Or not

Are you talking about Thailand???

Doubtful, we did none of that, just a building permit and a drive-by inspection to get the blue book.

Sounds like Linzz is thinking of his home country (NZ I believe).

Totally right Crossy, I was joking

Edited by Linzz
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And don't forget you may have to get resource consent if it doesn't comply with the District Plan. After paying infrastructure costs and you have consulted with an engineer to provide specs and had your plan ( 4 x copies) submitted with the appropriate fees paid, wait for it to be approved after approximately 3 weeks. Once the project is completed and all stage inspections are approved, then apply for a signing off with the issuing of a CCC (code compliance certificate). This is always necessary to show that should you wish to sell in the future, then all work done will be registered as legal and available for on-line inspection at any time....

Or not

Are you talking about Thailand???
Doubtful, we did none of that, just a building permit and a drive-by inspection to get the blue book.

Sounds like Linzz is thinking of his home country (NZ I believe).

Totally right Crossy, I was joking

Ohhh OK in that case hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha!

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