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PM: No room for corruption in govt’s policy

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PM: No room for corruption in govt’s policy

BANGKOK, 29 August 2015 (NNT) - Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has emphasized that the Cabinet reshuffle was made to boost confidence in all sectors and the government will not allow corruption to exist.

The PM said on Friday night in his weekly TV program that the Cabinet reshuffle was in line with the domestic and global situation. He expressed his belief that the Cabinet reshuffle would not cause any ripples and it would not affect the government’s overall work. The new Cabinet would urgently drive forward the government’s projects in a transparent and efficient manner for concrete results, said Gen. Prayut.

The PM said he told the Cabinet during their latest meeting that the government strongly rejected corruption, especially corruption in appointment of political officials. He added that the Cabinet reshuffle was not intended to help the government stay in power longer but it was for the government’s second phase of work.

-- NNT 2015-08-29 footer_n.gif

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Is this guy living on the Moon ... ? If they were to arrest (not transfer to inactive post) just the top of the corrupted Officials they would have to rent prisons in Lao, Cambodia and other countries - This is not gonna change anything and there will not be elections until there is 2 thursdays in 1 week ... blink.png

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Does his assertion do anything to prevent it? Sounds like a school principle warning the kids to behave in this term on the first day back.

What sort of salaries are Government officials on? Do they earn enough legitimately to never need to take an envelope? Remove one of the main excuses for taking bribes the world over, the need for money, you are left with greed, then increase the severity of the punishment.

It works in Singapore, very well.

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IF (big if),They could stamp out corruption,they could do a lot

more for the people with the money that was saved by not going

into the offshore accounts of the many,far too many corrupt

officials,politicians,police and anywhere else ,budgets,cash are


But nothing will change until some of these corrupt people are

handed stiff prison sentences,and are promptly put behind bars,

not giving them transfers or sparing them jail for years going through

the appeal system.at the moment they have really nothing to fear.

regards worgeordie

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In order to have a corruption free society would require a society that lives by the rule of law. Such a society would require a good honest transparent police force and judicial system. So until that happens, all this talk of stopping corruption is nothing but hot air.

The general has stated that police reform is NOT on the agenda. So why bother trying to fool people that he is serious about ending corruption. Is he really that stupid, or is something else going on?

The general, so far, has been all talk, but precious little action. Actions speak louder than words, so general, either do something substantial, or get out of the kitchen.

Plus the elephant in the room is that the military are just as corrupt as the police.

As long as this charade continues, I see little hope for Thailand.

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If corruption was actually prosecuted, they would run out of room in the prisons to hold all the politicians, government officials and top businessmen in the country.

don't forget the 1000s of generals and admirals.

Might have to add a couple of wings... whistling.gif

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If corruption was actually prosecuted, they would run out of room in the prisons to hold all the politicians, government officials and top businessmen in the country.

Maybe they could reinstate Tarutao as a prison island exclusively for politicians, state employees, policemen, military officers and businessmen convicted of corruption and graft.

Just imagine the fantastic possibilities: They could set up their own local administration and cheat the hell out of each other as much as they please without interference of any kind, being pretty much isolated from the rest of Thailand and the world. I would perhaps also serve as a wonderfully effective correctional therapy, because once they subject each other to the harm and grief corruption and graft cause, they may actually realize the damage they have done to society.

Of course the island could also become a uniquely quirky tourist attraction that TAT could promote with slogans like...

"Visit Tarutao, where the corrupt corrupt the corrupt. It has to be seen to be believed!"

"Tarutao - Observe a vicious species in its natural habitat."

"Tarutao, where crooks and cheaters try to survive each other. Unexpected plot twists guaranteed!"

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No room for corruption in government policy, but factionalism, promotion buying, conflicts of interest, protecting and taxing smuggling operations, etc. are all acceptable in the military.

After all, these are 'quality people', if they do it it can't be wrong.

Edited by heybruce
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Funny how you all complain about corruption but complain even more when steps are made to try and begin the long process of starting to act against it.

It will take at least a couple generations to change the deep embedded culture of corruption in this country, but if you never start you will never get there!!!

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If corruption was actually prosecuted, they would run out of room in the prisons to hold all the politicians, government officials and top businessmen in the country.

How many new prisons are being built to accommodate the influx? Who is responsible for appointing all the additional staff required to man these sites?

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Funny how you all complain about corruption but complain even more when steps are made to try and begin the long process of starting to act against it.

It will take at least a couple generations to change the deep embedded culture of corruption in this country, but if you never start you will never get there!!!

You're obviously new here..........

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I was in need of a good Saturday laugh. Thank you Gen. Prayut​. I had been surviving for some time on the debacle and joke of the police investigation into the bombing but that is wearing a bit thin. Every day a new giggle from the head honchos. I love it. Never a dull moment; always some new hilarious announcement to look forward to at breakfast time.

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....let's quickly pass some legislation to help protect foreign men from scummy scamming wives.....

...let's bring Thailand in to the 21st century.....

....foreign men have contributed enough to Thailand these past 20-30 years only to find themselves 'kicked to the curb' when the Thai wife has had her fill...

...and is sure that the unsuspecting husband will have little or no recourse....

...that is corruption....

...and it is rampant....

Edited by SOTIRIOS
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