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TOT fiber 2U


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I live in Phrae province, northern Thailand. TOT has just rolled out their Fiber Optic internet service in my area, and are offering a fairly attractive promotion to switch from their ADSL service. Installation is 119 baht, new router is 1,605 baht, monthly fee is 700 baht for 20Mbps down /7Mbps up. 2 year contract required. They have already checked my location, and confirmed there are no extra charges.

I know the speed numbers only apply to within Thailand, and that's my issue. They offer no estimate as to international sites, and of course, that's my primary purpose. I have been pretty satisfied with their 10 Mbps ADSL service for nearly 6 years, but would welcome being able to double my speed. But before I commit to a 2 year contract, I'd like to know what I can realistically expect in improvement over my ADSL in regard to international sites.

I have read mixed reviews here, with a lot of posters saying there is little difference in international speeds due to the ISP's minimal purchase of bandwidth. I'd like to hear some feedback from users in the north who have made the switch from ADSL to Fiber 2U. It all sounds good, but would hate to give up my satisfactory ADSL for something that may be less optimal and unreliable.

Thanks in advance for any helpful advice.

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I changed over from TOT ADSL to Fiber2u, suppose to be a lot more bandwidth,

and it was more money,but it was not much faster than before,so i was not happy,

then maybe for the last 6 months it seemed to be better,until tonight,and streaming

is buffering,they could offer 1000/100, but when all the connections try to squeeze

out of Thailand,it can be crap. the only good thing it never drops out,but neither

did the ADSL.

regards worgeordie

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The new router is only cheaper until the end of this month and 2,100 baht.You must sign a cintract that you'll at least use their service for one year.

700 baht for 20 MB plus 50 baht tax. Speed in lower northeast is really great.

I just got connected a week ag and the installation was free, it took more than four hours for two guys to do it.

Wherever you want you r router, they'll have to connect you. Download speed is always great, upload speed is more than 10 MB !!!

You can't make anything wrong. i don't think that the promotion is different in the north. Do it.

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I changed over from TOT ADSL to Fiber2u, suppose to be a lot more bandwidth,

and it was more money,but it was not much faster than before,so i was not happy,

then maybe for the last 6 months it seemed to be better,until tonight,and streaming

is buffering,they could offer 1000/100, but when all the connections try to squeeze

out of Thailand,it can be crap. the only good thing it never drops out,but neither

did the ADSL.

regards worgeordie

I think it differs from province to province. Like so many other things. I think I made a fair deal.

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from reading extensively, tot seems to be a real crapshoot. Most places its total shit when 3bb is always good. If you can get the more expensive 3bb or CAT telecom you would be happier,

It sucks because its so cheap.. In phuket most people are offline more than online on it.

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Indeed BP ^^^ it does vary with location.

We are very happy with our TOT Fibre2U as we were with the TOT WiNet which we had previously (same location). No significant disconnections, speed is enough for us.

Testmy.net to HK is 23.7Mbs down 3.1Mbs up right now, not too bad for the 25 down 3 up package we have (Northern BKK).

Note that we have the small-business package, rather more expensive than the home package and (at least hopefully) a better contention ratio on international.

The one point where TOT is total carp is their call centre, we made friends with the local tech (ok gave him and his mate "lunch money") and call him direct when there's an issue.

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We made the change about 1.5 years ago and I never regretted.

Its stable, very fast with the non overseas content (which includes Google/youtube, Facebook, Microsoft etc.)

The overseas connections are satisfactory but dependent on time/day of week.

Just now I am watching a stream from a German TV station in good quality (adaptive streaming, so can not determine).

(I use Chrome browser for this purpose as Firefox seems to produce more and more issues, but thats off-topic)

When the buffer is filled I see rates of more than 6 Mbit/s and more (NetSpeedMonitor).

Last test with ICSINetalyzer to US westcoast (http://netalyzr.icsi.berkeley.edu/index.html) shows:

Network bandwidth (?): Upload 2.8 Mbit/s, Download 15 Mbit/s

We also have two phone numbers from the technicians that do the installations in the area in case there is a problem.

Except for a big power outage in their switching centre I had no outages that I could remember.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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