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All my 'farang' friends are dead :(


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Simon you're still a young whipper snapper, not even 60. People croak all the time, death is a part of life as all religions teach us, think of our grandfathers fighting in the last 2 World Wars, they lost their peers, friends before they'd reached 25 and those that survived often felt guilty

And yet our generation lament losing Bowie at 69......, jeez we lost Lennon at 40, Rory Gallagher and Jerry Garcia at 45/6

Live on, rejoice at still being alive and bask in the comforting thought we are all going to where our dearly departed have already gone!. Perhaps we'll meet up, perhaps not, but enjoy the journey there.

It's how we live not when we die that counts ( apparently)

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i am not of the opinion that cancer is inevitable. something gives you cancer, you just arent party to what it is. vary your life, move places frequently and you are less likely to accumulate toxins from a particular unknown source.

Edited by loonytune
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@Bannork, the death of almost all my friends has a profound effect on how many free beers I can get whistling.gif

I'm having to buy my own now

Now I understand your dilemma Simon, I do apologize for my somewhat insensitive remarks, somethings cannot be simply brushed under the carpet, buying your own beer is one of them.

I myself am in somewhat similarly tragic circumstances, rather than my friends dying though it's my enjoyment of beers that is fading. 25 years ago I started on Klosters, then I had to turn to Sing when they closed down, too much rumoured formaldehyde preservative ( good for a corpse though) then turned me to Chang which was good when it was 3 for a 100 baht, but that taste soon palled, forcing me to Leo which is passable but with varying quality.

What a shame we can't brew our own, I'd get the old Boots kit out in a moment if we could.

Edited by bannork
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