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Not your father's mosquito


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These little buggers zig and zag in very erratic patterns. When being hunted, they uncannily abrupty make themselves scarce. Sometimes I swear they can tell when I’ve got a can of bug spray in my hand. They hide on the inside lip of my toilet, and bite my derriere when I’m taking my morning crap. It took me a while to figure out why my butt was covered with mosquito bites. They have the ability to disappear in mid air like a wisp of smoke. I’ve noticed this numerous times while engaged in the most intense visual pursuit you can imagine.

They land so lightly on my skin I can’t sense it, and I never realize I’ve been bitten until after the fact. My hearing is decent, but unless they get right up next to my ear I can’t hear them, so there’s never any auditory warning either. They seem to lurk outside around my front and back door (not wasting their time trying to get through the screened windows) like they’re waiting for a chance to get into the house.

Trying to kill them between two hands is an exercise in futility; maybe only once every twenty attempts do I ever have any success. All I ever end up with are sore palms. This despite being the 'hot-hands' champion in my neighborhood growing up.

Bug spray only seems to work if I get a direct hit, otherwise they fly off like I'm spraying hair spray at them. In the past when I’ve sprayed, the mosquito usually died instantaneously, but the other day I noticed a mosquito I had sprayed an hour earlier was still twitching around. When I saw that I said to myself, ‘This ain’t your father’s mosquito you’re dealing with here.’

Anybody else know what I’m talking about?

Edited by Gecko123
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The time to kill a good majority of these little feckers is during the day.

For example, in the AM, while the Mrs is making coffee, I'll go quietly into my "office" with the mozzie bat (the tennis racket thing) and gently tap around on and under furniture, drapes, couch, rubbish bins - the places I know they hole up during the day. Keep the fans off, be gentle, and they will rise up slowly. Don't swing the bat like a mad man, nice gentle sweep and ZAP!, they meet their ancestors. Spray periodically, close the door(s) and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Also important to keep/area clean. Move furniture, sweep and vacuum under/behind where dust, dirt, dead insects, etc., collect.

If I know we'll sit out on the patio in the evening, I'll fog the whole area about 3pm. Flower beds, potted plants, edge of the patio/lawn, all the places you know they hide during the day. Kill 'em while they sleep, instead of swatting at them one by one later on.

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Well first thing I noticed when building here is to make my buildings air tight , then to never have any doors or windows open, I dont have any outside lights on at night I have pir sensors on the lights so they come on briefly.

See many house by me, doors open watching tv till gone 10pm all lights blazing inside etc, this all attracts swarms of insects.

I have no standing water near my house, nowhere for the lil buggers to live.

I rarely get bitten, Id say around 4-5 times a year and thats often as I have had to go out somewhere else where there are swarms of them.

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You can't avoid getting bitten.

In Thailand's climate, if you scratch a bite, the chance of a serious infection requiring medical attention is pretty high.


Even those with the will power not to scratch bites, tend to scratch them while they sleep.

I find that using this product, that is available just about everywhere in Thailand, for a few baht, numbs the bite and stops the urge to scratch bites almost instantly.


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Evolutionary timeline...

Mosquitos - 79 million years

Modern Homo Sapiens - 200 thousand years.

I would say evolutionary speaking they definitely have the edge on us!

We didn't pop out of the nowhere at 200K years (I thought it is longer), we developed from some monkey who developed from some other mammals which developed from something else......at the end we go back to to some shared ancestor. So we are the same long in the game.

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