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How Buddhism is different from others

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Which is the better path?

Apparently Mahayana has far more followers.

Certainly, due to several reasons, China, Japan, Korea are more populated, people like to listen to stories instead of lessons, using local language is also easier than a foreign language. Last but not least, ignorance is always easier to follow compared to wisdom. This is why Christianity and Islam have more followers compared to Buddhism. The same reason why Buddhism is getting more popular among the more intelligent people, e.g. the west.
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[quote name="KyawSwa" post="9832980" timestamp="1441774610)is is what has been observed,

1. Christianity under the Roman Catholicism waged wars, occupied territories, converted people and executed those who did not agree with them (i.e. Spanish inquisition)

Today, they cannot do in the same way anymore

2. Today, some Muslims under IS is doing pretty much the same

3. Tomorrow, it may be, certain Buddhist sects copy the pattern and take their turn; not to ignore is the recent developments in Sri Lanka and Myanmar (Burma) other religions and ethnics, both are stanch Theravada followers

4. Not sure what Hindus will do after them!

Only time will tell.

But, each one has to reap what he sows!

Enjoy life, make peace, show love and care to needy if you are able to and live as long as you can where you love to.


It is definitely not right to use Myanmar example to say Buddhism practise violence like Christianity or Islam. The bible and Quran both advocated killings(of humans) and slavery. Buddhism don't, not even on animals. As for Myanmar case, you need to understand the cause and who started it first.


Only time will tell.

But, each one has to reap what he sows!

Enjoy life, make peace, show love and care to needy if you are able to and live as long as you can where you love to.


This is not 100% good advice. Christianity also used such advice which is a trick.

How much time needed ? 2500 years already and still no signs of any God or Jesus return, and the Christians are still waiting life after life.

Love alone is not good advice too. Compassion is the right advice. One can kill out of love, with compassion, you don't kill. Out of love, you only care for lovable people, things or animals. With compassion, you care for non-lovable animals or people too.


those here who say Science debunks ideas do not begin to understand science...science deals with FACTS, not ideas that are subject to anecdotal 'proof'. like Religion or Phrenology...Einstein said "..god does not play dice with the Universe"; but he was not debunking Quantum Physics; he was just showing his ignorance, both of science AND religion.


Whatever it is, one should not generalise all religions to be the same.

If any religion is proven to be fake(by science and logic) or proven bad(by logic and practice) eg in the case of Christianity, one must abandon it.


If any religion is proven to be fake(by science and logic) or proven bad(by logic and practice) eg in the case of Christianity, one must abandon it.

To prove a Religion wrong, one begins with the assumption that all teaching is literal.

Unproven assumptions have no place in science.

One should not over look metaphoric speech.

Metaphoric speech is a way of passing on a message by way of a story which needn't have actually happened.

The teaching is in the message rather than the historic occurrence.

Metaphoric speech may also be employed to convey in its limited way, something beyond understanding.

Something not possible to literally convey without personal experience.


If any religion is proven to be fake(by science and logic) or proven bad(by logic and practice) eg in the case of Christianity, one must abandon it.

To prove a Religion wrong, one begins with the assumption that all teaching is literal.

Unproven assumptions have no place in science.

One should not over look metaphoric speech.

Metaphoric speech is a way of passing on a message by way of a story which needn't have actually happened.

The teaching is in the message rather than the historic occurrence.

Metaphoric speech may also be employed to convey in its limited way, something beyond understanding.

Something not possible to literally convey without personal experience.

Those are just words trying to create grey areas and camouflage what is wrong in religions. In religions, they are no grey, just black or white. For examples, if science already discovered evolution, then the Adam and eve and Creator God claims are proven fake. If logic proved that when 2 people pray for the opposites to happen at the same time, it cannot be possible for both to get it. Then it's proven that prayers don't work and religious people should not use it to cheat people.

If any religion is proven to be fake(by science and logic) or proven bad(by logic and practice) eg in the case of Christianity, one must abandon it.

To prove a Religion wrong, one begins with the assumption that all teaching is literal.

Unproven assumptions have no place in science.

One should not over look metaphoric speech.

Metaphoric speech is a way of passing on a message by way of a story which needn't have actually happened.

The teaching is in the message rather than the historic occurrence.

Metaphoric speech may also be employed to convey in its limited way, something beyond understanding.

Something not possible to literally convey without personal experience.

Those are just words trying to create grey areas and camouflage what is wrong in religions. In religions, they are no grey, just black or white. For examples, if science already discovered evolution, then the Adam and eve and Creator God claims are proven fake. If logic proved that when 2 people pray for the opposites to happen at the same time, it cannot be possible for both to get it. Then it's proven that prayers don't work and religious people should not use it to cheat people.

that doesnt prove that prayers dont work for those who deserve results



All human live and embrace faith (or belief) in religion and/or philosophy!

So, never question, if one believes in,

1. Athe(ism), although he may not know that he is in fact putting his faith and trust in something or following someone or something els,


2. Buddh(ism), although he may not know which of the numerous buddhas that he follows nor knows that if the last Buddha, Sittadta Gauttama, actually lived by his own teaching on not to kill even a microorganism. He will be surprised or die-hard to defend on the cause of the death if ever realized,


3. Christian(ity), although he had never seen the original manuscripts (if existed) of the bible or may not know none of the bible translatiors ever dare to claim that they did their job under inspiration by holy spirit (or ghost), or different translators injected their own ideas into their translations to support their doctrines deceive the readers,


4. Hidu(ism), while he is not sure which of the millions of deities that he needs to please or has no idea about the Vidas nor even think of finding and reading them or not thinking why their precious religion teaches its adherents not to treat their fellow believers equally as human being,


5. Islam(ism) although he would never think why the stories in their holy books are sounding like "copy - paste" version of the scriptures that many Jews and Christians treasure and may not even contemplated the very meaning of the words "Islam" and "Islamalacum" their greetings.

The bottom line: everyone involved in the above seemingly different "isms" or "ity" mentioned are, in reality, ignorant in one way or another,

So the saying: "ignorance is bliss"

Enjoy your life as it is short!

Regardless of the isms and ity and all the blissful, wishful hopes, none of the above adherents would ever say "I want to die so that I can materialize the blissful and wishful hope that I treasure so much" on a normal situation.

Why everyone would like to live or maintain their life or try to surrive in a cricle state in their life?

Can we use that desire for present life to unify all human and help them throwaway their ignorance and live in harmony and love?

Who can?

only IMO!


Can we use that desire for present life to unify all human and help them throwaway their ignorance and live in harmony and love?

Who can?

only IMO!

We can if we want to, as the Dalai Lama said, it must come from everyone.

This is exactly what I am trying to do.

Share to more people the truth and knowledge of all the major religions so that people are no longer ignorant to them.

Only then, people will not be victimised by a fake god or "bad" religion.


Can we use that desire for present life to unify all human and help them throwaway their ignorance and live in harmony and love?

Who can?

only IMO!

We can if we want to, as the Dalai Lama said, it must come from everyone.

This is exactly what I am trying to do.

Share to more people the truth and knowledge of all the major religions so that people are no longer ignorant to them.

Only then, people will not be victimised by a fake god or "bad" religion.

You are a true Crusader Only.

I'm sure with your truth will prevail in the world.


I don't mean to crusade. I just dont want to hide facts and go against my own conscience if I don't share my knowledge. Furthermore, unlike wealth, you don't lose any knowledge when you share them. In fact, you gain merits. The Buddha was never considered a crusader, I believe.


If any religion is proven to be fake(by science and logic) or proven bad(by logic and practice) eg in the case of Christianity, one must abandon it.

To prove a Religion wrong, one begins with the assumption that all teaching is literal.

Unproven assumptions have no place in science.

One should not over look metaphoric speech.

Metaphoric speech is a way of passing on a message by way of a story which needn't have actually happened.

The teaching is in the message rather than the historic occurrence.

Metaphoric speech may also be employed to convey in its limited way, something beyond understanding.

Something not possible to literally convey without personal experience.

Those are just words trying to create grey areas and camouflage what is wrong in religions. In religions, they are no grey, just black or white. For examples, if science already discovered evolution, then the Adam and eve and Creator God claims are proven fake. If logic proved that when 2 people pray for the opposites to happen at the same time, it cannot be possible for both to get it. Then it's proven that prayers don't work and religious people should not use it to cheat people.

that doesnt prove that prayers dont work for those who deserve results
It's not a matter of who deserve or don't deserve results. Common sense and logic already proved prayers cannot work.

I repeat, two of you of the same faith prayed equally hard in the same place at the same time for the opposites to happen, who gets it ?

All the religious leaders know this simple logic but the money is too much for them to give it up, so they continue the scam.


your opinions on what is logical and what is not is far from proof.

You don't need or talk about proof when you have logic, that is common sense. E.g. Christians can spin or twist but they will dare talk about logic. They can say there is no proof that their Christian God is not there but they cannot say there is no logic to believe that their God is fake.


your opinions on what is logical and what is not is far from proof.

You don't need or talk about proof when you have logic, that is common sense. E.g. Christians can spin or twist but they will dare talk about logic. They can say there is no proof that their Christian God is not there but they cannot say there is no logic to believe that their God is fake.

to be 100% sure of anything, you need proof. without it, you have a theory. common sense and logic have often found to be incorrect as proof becomes available.


your opinions on what is logical and what is not is far from proof.

You don't need or talk about proof when you have logic, that is common sense. E.g. Christians can spin or twist but they will dare talk about logic. They can say there is no proof that their Christian God is not there but they cannot say there is no logic to believe that their God is fake.

to be 100% sure of anything, you need proof. without it, you have a theory. common sense and logic have often found to be incorrect as proof becomes available.
Lame. According to your logic, you should stay home everyday and don't go out at all because you are not 100% sure that you will not meet an accident.

I repeat, in religion, good logic needs no proof because it will not be debunked by anything. Only illogical claims and beliefs eg creator God need proof. Now no need too, since both logic and science debunked it.


your opinions on what is logical and what is not is far from proof.

You don't need or talk about proof when you have logic, that is common sense. E.g. Christians can spin or twist but they will dare talk about logic. They can say there is no proof that their Christian God is not there but they cannot say there is no logic to believe that their God is fake.

to be 100% sure of anything, you need proof. without it, you have a theory. common sense and logic have often found to be incorrect as proof becomes available.
Lame. According to your logic, you should stay home everyday and don't go out at all because you are not 100% sure that you will not meet an accident.

I repeat, in religion, good logic needs no proof because it will not be debunked by anything. Only illogical claims and beliefs eg creator God need proof. Now no need too, since both logic and science debunked it.

wrong. I go out because I have faith that the odds are good I will not meet with an accident. But logic and common sense cannot reassure me that I will never have an accident. And , you are wrong, the accepted logic and common sense regarding science and nature at particular points in history have often been proven incorrect in later years as more knowledge is discovered. Logic cannot be known to be "good" without proof. Logic told scientists that a single electron shot at a dual slit target could only pass thru one of the slits. But experimentation has proved that a single electron will pass thru BOTH slits. So much for logic and common sense!


Occasionally, some say Buddhism is not a religion because there don't pray to any god; some say it's a philosophy due to all the undeniable or indisputable nice teachings on life and wisdom. Then there are those who say Buddhism is the same as Christianity or Islam which are all faith based.

Rather confusing to someone new to Buddhism, isn't it ?

In this thread, I wish to highlight one most important aspect of Buddhism which most people overlooked, intentionally or unintentionally, that is:

Buddhism until today, is entirely not debunked by science. Then some may say, while science has not discovered or prove anything in Buddhism true or false yet(especially on karma and rebirth), it does not mean they are true. This is right to say but Buddhism teachings are not logically defied in any way, unlike some beliefs in a creator god which had been both debunked by science and defied by logic. Eg how could people today speak different languages if they are really from the same 2 ancestors ? How could prayers to God be favourably answered ? What if Christians and Muslims pray to their same creator god wishing to get rid of the others ? Who gets it ? Of course there are many other beliefs in religions already proven by science to be false or already defied by logic but the beliefs of Buddhism remain unchanged and undisputed by both science and logic after over 2500 years.

Often others can see in one, that oneself cannot.

Rather than going on a crusade to convince others in the fallacy of Christianity (most are unable to change themselves, what makes you think you can change others?), why not try just letting go and spending your precious time in Sitting & Mindfulness practice.

Buddhism isn't about clinging to notions of the illogical nature of Religions, but rather the letting go of attachment and clinging.

But if you persist these are the words of the renowned Arahant the Ven Maha Boowa:

Then the consequences of good and evil and the existence of heaven and hell strike one with the irrefutable force of the obvious. I wish they could strike all you skeptics with such force; all of you who have allowed the

kilesas to deceive you into believing that there is no such thing as the consequences of evil, no such thing as the consequences of goodness, no such thing as heaven and hell.They have existed since time immemorial and they have been all-pervasive. You just have not perceived them yet. Do you understand? These things have existed always. They continue to harm those who are foolishly ignorant of their existence and so blinded by the kilesas’ deceptions that they never glimpse the truth.

WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE HOTTER than the fires of hell?

Ultimately, the regions of hell, and the heavens, and Nibbãna will vouch for who is right and who is wrong, who is virtuous and who is evil. So never make the mistake of believing yourself above a fall into the deepest hell.

Now tell me Only, why can one can be de bunked while another cannot?

Or, alternatively, let go of your obsession, and begin the golden path of practice.


your opinions on what is logical and what is not is far from proof.

You don't need or talk about proof when you have logic, that is common sense. E.g. Christians can spin or twist but they will dare talk about logic. They can say there is no proof that their Christian God is not there but they cannot say there is no logic to believe that their God is fake.

to be 100% sure of anything, you need proof. without it, you have a theory. common sense and logic have often found to be incorrect as proof becomes available.
Lame. According to your logic, you should stay home everyday and don't go out at all because you are not 100% sure that you will not meet an accident.

I repeat, in religion, good logic needs no proof because it will not be debunked by anything. Only illogical claims and beliefs eg creator God need proof. Now no need too, since both logic and science debunked it.

And , you are wrong, the accepted logic and common sense regarding science and nature at particular points in history have often been proven incorrect in later years as more knowledge is discovered.

"But as of now, nothing in Buddhism has been proven wrong by science or logic yet. Where else, Christianity having a creator God but created Islam as well is already debunked by logic beside science debunked them with evolution.

Stay honest if you do believe in karma".



I do not spin and I am not interested in using any religious teachings to spin. As far as Buddhism is concerned, I only understand the 4NT, N8FP and live by the 5 Precepts and I think that gives me enough purpose to share the truth about Christianity in order to save their followers as well as preventing more victims falling to them. I believe in karma and even if I don't, I will be living with guilt and against my own conscience for doing nothing or hiding the truth.



I do not spin and I am not interested in using any religious teachings to spin. As far as Buddhism is concerned, I only understand the 4NT, N8FP and live by the 5 Precepts and I think that gives me enough purpose to share the truth about Christianity in order to save their followers as well as preventing more victims falling to them. I believe in karma and even if I don't, I will be living with guilt and against my own conscience for doing nothing or hiding the truth.

Belief without empirical facts requires faith.

You are displaying faith but will not acknowledge it.


Well said, "faith" and the worst form of faith I have seen is 'blind faith'.

A well-known Buddhist elder once said people often 'imagine that the ordinary wooden table bed they sleep on is a gold plated throne'.

I spent only five years of my life in a catholic land and the rest in Tharavada Buddhist lands. I don't need rocket science to prove true/false about religion. All you need is 'common sense' and 'power of reasoning.' You don't need to worship science just to criticise Buddhism or Christianity or Hinduism or Islam or even the Atheism.

Bye folks! Please enjoy life!


your opinions on what is logical and what is not is far from proof.

You don't need or talk about proof when you have logic, that is common sense. E.g. Christians can spin or twist but they will dare talk about logic. They can say there is no proof that their Christian God is not there but they cannot say there is no logic to believe that their God is fake.

to be 100% sure of anything, you need proof. without it, you have a theory. common sense and logic have often found to be incorrect as proof becomes available.
Lame. According to your logic, you should stay home everyday and don't go out at all because you are not 100% sure that you will not meet an accident.

I repeat, in religion, good logic needs no proof because it will not be debunked by anything. Only illogical claims and beliefs eg creator God need proof. Now no need too, since both logic and science debunked it.

And , you are wrong, the accepted logic and common sense regarding science and nature at particular points in history have often been proven incorrect in later years as more knowledge is discovered.

"But as of now, nothing in Buddhism has been proven wrong by science or logic yet. Where else, Christianity having a creator God but created Islam as well is already debunked by logic beside science debunked them with evolution.

Stay honest if you do believe in karma".

evolution can exist in a universe created by a god.



I do not spin and I am not interested in using any religious teachings to spin. As far as Buddhism is concerned, I only understand the 4NT, N8FP and live by the 5 Precepts and I think that gives me enough purpose to share the truth about Christianity in order to save their followers as well as preventing more victims falling to them. I believe in karma and even if I don't, I will be living with guilt and against my own conscience for doing nothing or hiding the truth.

Belief without empirical facts requires faith.

You are displaying faith but will not acknowledge it.

Displaying faith and quite the evangelical spirit too, trying so hard to save the souls of the Christians...


I do not spin and I am not interested in using any religious teachings to spin. As far as Buddhism is concerned, I only understand the 4NT, N8FP and live by the 5 Precepts and I think that gives me enough purpose to share the truth about Christianity in order to save their followers as well as preventing more victims falling to them. I believe in karma and even if I don't, I will be living with guilt and against my own conscience for doing nothing or hiding the truth.

Belief without empirical facts requires faith.

You are displaying faith but will not acknowledge it.

Displaying faith and quite the evangelical spirit too, trying so hard to save the souls of the Christians...

What! Buddhists don't have souls. Didn't you know that? wink.png



I do not spin and I am not interested in using any religious teachings to spin. As far as Buddhism is concerned, I only understand the 4NT, N8FP and live by the 5 Precepts and I think that gives me enough purpose to share the truth about Christianity in order to save their followers as well as preventing more victims falling to them. I believe in karma and even if I don't, I will be living with guilt and against my own conscience for doing nothing or hiding the truth.

Belief without empirical facts requires faith.

You are displaying faith but will not acknowledge it.

Logic and common sense is not related to faith.

your opinions on what is logical and what is not is far from proof.

You don't need or talk about proof when you have logic, that is common sense. E.g. Christians can spin or twist but they will dare talk about logic. They can say there is no proof that their Christian God is not there but they cannot say there is no logic to believe that their God is fake.

to be 100% sure of anything, you need proof. without it, you have a theory. common sense and logic have often found to be incorrect as proof becomes available.
Lame. According to your logic, you should stay home everyday and don't go out at all because you are not 100% sure that you will not meet an accident.

I repeat, in religion, good logic needs no proof because it will not be debunked by anything. Only illogical claims and beliefs eg creator God need proof. Now no need too, since both logic and science debunked it.

And , you are wrong, the accepted logic and common sense regarding science and nature at particular points in history have often been proven incorrect in later years as more knowledge is discovered.

"But as of now, nothing in Buddhism has been proven wrong by science or logic yet. Where else, Christianity having a creator God but created Islam as well is already debunked by logic beside science debunked them with evolution.

Stay honest if you do believe in karma".

evolution can exist in a universe created by a god.

Of course, just like some Hindus claimed but it will not apply to Christianity and islam As they already claimed Adam and eve. Maybe wait for their 3rd testament new bible.



I do not spin and I am not interested in using any religious teachings to spin. As far as Buddhism is concerned, I only understand the 4NT, N8FP and live by the 5 Precepts and I think that gives me enough purpose to share the truth about Christianity in order to save their followers as well as preventing more victims falling to them. I believe in karma and even if I don't, I will be living with guilt and against my own conscience for doing nothing or hiding the truth.

Belief without empirical facts requires faith.

You are displaying faith but will not acknowledge it.

Displaying faith and quite the evangelical spirit too, trying so hard to save the souls of the Christians...
Displaying evangelical spirits yes but not faith or blindfaith like christians and Muslims.
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