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Mounting evidence links bombing to Turks, Uighurs


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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

What a load of BS, when people enter a country illegaly you send them back where they came from. you don't give them a plane ticket to a place they want to go to.

When they are genuine refugees fleeing persecution you don't.

If they were genuine Uyghur refugees "fleeing persecution" they wouldn't have come all the way to Thailand, any more than the Senegalese boarding trucks in Calais are "fleeing persecution".

They'd have driven a few hundred easy kilometres along Asian Highway 4 to Kazakhstan, where their ethnic colleagues live.

Edited by RickBradford
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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

What a load of BS, when people enter a country illegaly you send them back where they came from. you don't give them a plane ticket to a place they want to go to.
When they are genuine refugees fleeing persecution you don't.

If they were genuine Uyghur refugees "fleeing persecution" they wouldn't have come all the way to Thailand, any more than the Senegalese boarding trucks in Calais are "fleeing persecution". They'd have driven a few hundred of easy kilometres to Kazakhstan, where their ethnic colleagues live.

Those fleeing persecution don't always get to choose their route. They take whatever way out they can and should be supported in every way possible once they escape the terror they fled from.

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Regarding Uighur refugees versus terrorists:

1. It is regrettable that so many members are either ignorant or dismissive of the conventions for humane treatment of refugees.

2. The evidence so far does not support the presumption that there were terrorists among the Uighur refugees in Thailand.

3. The evidence is clear that at some point terrorists came to Thailand .

4. It is possible that the Uighur refugee stream and terrorist elements had only casual connections. Consider this scenario...

Uighurs are transitingthrough Thailand. Some are handled by the Thai government as refugees. Others are working through clandestine routes, not trusting the government.

A safe house, fake passports and some facilitators are part of that illegal operation.

100 Uighur refugees at the mercy of the government are deported back to China.

Radicalized groups in China and/or Turkey decide to act. They make contact with people involved in the illegal pipeline. The safe house is identified.

They come in, make bombs, and carry out their plan.

They keep to themselves except for imposing on a skinny guy who has been left babysitting the safe house.

The bad guys clear out. Two leave the country. One is apprehended at the Cambodian border. Skinny guy sits tight and is rounded up.

I could be wrong about all of this...but it is consistent with what we know today. Perhaps one day we will know the truth.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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The latest bombings. Are these not evidence that there are terrorists among them?


Not one bit of evidence linking those genuine refugees deported to face torture and persecution in china with any direct involvement in the atrocity carried out in bangkok has been released to the public as far as I know.

Not sure any of them have the freedom of movement to travel to Thailand at present.

Fairly sure some of them may have difficulty moving at all...but that's just speculation on my part.

Something you know all about.

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So the Uighurs hope to build international sympathy for their legitimate cause of being treated decently in China by blowing up innocent civilians / tourists at a religious shrine? coffee1.gif Attention -- yes they got attention.

Of course there have been numerous Uighur terror attacks in China and the big ones got lots of international attention ... but I think this one is the biggest one with the most attention as it happened in an internationally popular tourist destination.

A question I have, knowing the actual operatives of course are few, is what is the level of PUBLIC SUPPORT among all Uighurs in China for using terrorism tactics?

Yes, I realize it's not 100 percent confirmed that this was an Uighur attack but I think fair enough at this point to see that as very probable.

not sure anyone is polling the uighurs but its probably on a similar level as american popular support for blowing up random wedding parties in deserts, not doubt they justify it if they think about it at all

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What if Turkey refuses to hand those two suspects (the Turkish guy and his Thai wife, who is possibly a Turkish citizen by now) over to the Thai authorities ? Sadly, this is possible. Because in Turkey, since quite some time back, every critical decision is made by President Erdogan himself, who I am sure many of you know is an Islamist and a fanatic in many ways. There are general elections in Turkey this November; and he has already been playing to nationalist votes as well as Islamist ones. He won't even care about the possible breaking up of relations between Turkey and Thailand. His only aim now is to consolidate his position.

I feel sad for Turks now living in Thailand. I just hope that there won't be much backlash from Thais towards Turks in general. But sadly, as is often the case, a few rotten apples can easily spoil everything.

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What nonsense! Your true colors are coming through!

Never hidden what I believe.

I despise racists, bigots, homophobes, the prejudiced and narrow minded hate fuelled non thinking.

Unless you are a mindless bigot who assumes all Muslims support terror (moronic and stupid I know but that's bigotry I guess) then no one should support the deportation of refugees to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder.

Not if they are genuine refugees, but how many Uighurs are genuine refugees? They are not at war in their homeland. They are oppressed, certainly, but does that mean they all have the right to move en masse to another country? Of course not.

People in many countries are oppressed. Sending out the message that everyone who is oppressed can justifiably migrate to the country of their choice is a recipe for global chaos and probably worse. The solution is for them to fight for representation at home. It's a long hard struggle, but that's history for you.

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Not if they are genuine refugees, but how many Uighurs are genuine refugees? They are not at war in their homeland. They are oppressed, certainly, but does that mean they all have the right to move en masse to another country? Of course not.

People in many countries are oppressed. Sending out the message that everyone who is oppressed can justifiably migrate to the country of their choice is a recipe for global chaos and probably worse. The solution is for them to fight for representation at home. It's a long hard struggle, but that's history for you.


Any group or community facing persecution such as that which china is inflicting upon the Uighurs and their traditions in their ancestral homeland has every right to flee and should be supported and helped once they have done so.

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I think you'll find that's what all terrorist organisations do.

Quite a few countries as well.

Of all faiths.

Or all faiths...

Dear friend it's time to take off the bandage that blinds you. Certainly it is unhealthy to generalize and it is true that most Muslims are perfectly cordial.
Note though that the last thirty years almost all filthy attacks come from this confession.
This does not mean that all Muslims are bad ...
But when it's bad, when it broke out to kill innocents when some slice the gorge with a cutter that comes most probably from Muslims.
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So all this constant talk of ..." but they all are refugees..".

I know someone who works in a consulate, and there are so many scams, you would never believe it. People claiming to be underaged, when it's totally obvious they are in their 20's, and of course not the son/daughter); people who arrive "by foot" to the consulate, but when leaving, at the corner of the next street (trying to hide), a brand-new luxury car is waiting to pick him up (well, he wouldn't want to show his wealth, and his contacts, and who his friends/relatives really are.

I don't say all refugees are scammers. But more and more are, because they know it works...

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Not if they are genuine refugees, but how many Uighurs are genuine refugees? They are not at war in their homeland. They are oppressed, certainly, but does that mean they all have the right to move en masse to another country? Of course not.

People in many countries are oppressed. Sending out the message that everyone who is oppressed can justifiably migrate to the country of their choice is a recipe for global chaos and probably worse. The solution is for them to fight for representation at home. It's a long hard struggle, but that's history for you.


Any group or community facing persecution such as that which china is inflicting upon the Uighurs and their traditions in their ancestral homeland has every right to flee and should be supported and helped once they have done so.

Why ? they should stay in their own lands , why should other countrys have to take on their problems , just so some bleeding heart liberals can feel good , well let me enlighten you , most people dont give a shit , not our problem ,live with it . and dont even bother to answer me ., sick of all the bleeding hearts ,left wing . PC luvvies etc etc etc , i have just read and watched the news abouit those two poor children and the woman who died trying to get to Europe , three times that guy paid people smugglers , yet they were safe in Turkey ,he was a hairdresser been there since 2012 ,but they wanted to go to Sweden , well if he had stayed in his nice Muslim Turkey his lovely kids would still be alive ,

rant over.

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I think you'll find that's what all terrorist organisations do.

Quite a few countries as well.

Of all faiths.

Or all faiths...

Dear friend it's time to take off the bandage that blinds you. Certainly it is unhealthy to generalize and it is true that most Muslims are perfectly cordial.

Note though that the last thirty years almost all filthy attacks come from this confession.

This does not mean that all Muslims are bad ...

But when it's bad, when it broke out to kill innocents when some slice the gorge with a cutter that comes most probably from Muslims.

Last thirty years? Including the Bosnian genocide by the Serbs in that? The war crimes and atrocities committed in the Sri Lankan conflict? The Burmese states attempts to exterminate the Rohingya? The Oklahoma bombing? The completely unwarranted invasion of Iraq to finish off daddy's work and all that followed it? The complete <deleted> up of western intervention in Libya? (No tears shed by me for the death of either leader there but the fact is western intervention did not lead anywhere good).

Yes there are scum that are Muslims but they exist in all faiths.

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Not if they are genuine refugees, but how many Uighurs are genuine refugees? They are not at war in their homeland. They are oppressed, certainly, but does that mean they all have the right to move en masse to another country? Of course not.

People in many countries are oppressed. Sending out the message that everyone who is oppressed can justifiably migrate to the country of their choice is a recipe for global chaos and probably worse. The solution is for them to fight for representation at home. It's a long hard struggle, but that's history for you.


Any group or community facing persecution such as that which china is inflicting upon the Uighurs and their traditions in their ancestral homeland has every right to flee and should be supported and helped once they have done so.

Why ? they should stay in their own lands , why should other countrys have to take on their problems , just so some bleeding heart liberals can feel good , well let me enlighten you , most people dont give a shit , not our problem ,live with it . and dont even bother to answer me ., sick of all the bleeding hearts ,left wing . PC luvvies etc etc etc , i have just read and watched the news abouit those two poor children and the woman who died trying to get to Europe , three times that guy paid people smugglers , yet they were safe in Turkey ,he was a hairdresser been there since 2012 ,but they wanted to go to Sweden , well if he had stayed in his nice Muslim Turkey his lovely kids would still be alive ,

rant over.

When the Chinese state decides you and your culture have no place in their totalitarian state and that it is time for its obliteration then you flee or fight.

Many here seem to think fighting back is terrorism no matter what the Chinese crimes committed through the imposition of their cultural imperialism.

That leaves flight. Any who do should be helped and supported.

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Never hidden what I believe.

I despise racists, bigots, homophobes, the prejudiced and narrow minded hate fuelled non thinking.

Unless you are a mindless bigot who assumes all Muslims support terror (moronic and stupid I know but that's bigotry I guess) then no one should support the deportation of refugees to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder.


Regarding Uighur refugees versus terrorists:

1. It is regrettable that so many members are either ignorant or dismissive of the conventions for humane treatment of refugees.

2. The evidence so far does not support the presumption that there were terrorists among the Uighur refugees in Thailand.

3. The evidence is clear that at some point terrorists came to Thailand .

4. It is possible that the Uighur refugee stream and terrorist elements had only casual connections.

1. Agreed. The cheer squad praising Prayuth's deplorable treatment of the Uighur refugees, including referring to them as animals, are the type of people Bluebspunk & I despise. Still, one can understand why a man of such questionable morals kowtowed to China's demand - in 2009, Cambodia agreed to repatriate 20 Uighurs who had applied for asylum despite the objection of international organisations. Two days later, the country signed economic cooperation deals with China worth a combined $1.2 billion.

2. Depends on what you mean by evidence, and what you accept. From Thailand, as yet, there hasn't been any evidence, but there is plenty of published evidence from elsewhere that proves that Uighurs are becoming increasing radicalised:

Or this one from the International Center for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, which I've linked to before: Thailand’s Uighur Refugees: Security Implications for Southeast Asia. Published on 29 July, 2015, this research paper was somewhat prophetic:

"Thailand recently deported more than 100 Uighur illegal refugees back to China, triggering criticisms from Turkey and US, as well as the UN and human rights groups. The legalistic perspective of the media skirts the existential threat posed by the illegal traffic of Uighur refugees to the security of Thailand and Southeast Asia."

3. Terrorists have been in Thailand for years (deep south), but I'm assuming you mean the totally unhinged fanatics such as ISIS. From the articles linked to above, it does seem that a number of Uighurs are using Thailand as an interim base on their quest to join militant groups, whether it be MIT in Indonesia or ISIS in Syria & Iraq, so how much practical involvement (if any) ISIS provide on the ground in Thailand is anyone's guess.

4. Possible, but considering that radicalised Uighurs are allegedly coming back from training and re-entering China via Thailand, I'd say the connection is more than casual.


Edit: Addendum: Of course, I'm not saying that all Uighur refugees are militants, I'm just providing evidence that there may have at least been some militants amongst the refugees in Thailand. Out of the 10,000 or so Uighurs that China claims have fled to Turkey via South East Asia in recent years, it claims only 300 are fighting alongside the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

And I'm not saying that they should have stayed in Thailand. The facts are, they were on their way Turkey before they were detained by Thai authorities; they wanted to go to Turkey, the Turkish government wanted them to come to Turkey, they should have been allowed to continue on their way to Turkey. No violation of International Humanitarian Law, no adverse security implications for Thailand or its people.

Edited by jamesbrock
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Not if they are genuine refugees, but how many Uighurs are genuine refugees? They are not at war in their homeland. They are oppressed, certainly, but does that mean they all have the right to move en masse to another country? Of course not.

People in many countries are oppressed. Sending out the message that everyone who is oppressed can justifiably migrate to the country of their choice is a recipe for global chaos and probably worse. The solution is for them to fight for representation at home. It's a long hard struggle, but that's history for you.


Any group or community facing persecution such as that which china is inflicting upon the Uighurs and their traditions in their ancestral homeland has every right to flee and should be supported and helped once they have done so.

So the entire Uighur population has the right to flee en masse to another country of their choice? Therefore every Tibetan has the right to flee also? And what about the all the others? - the list of oppressed people is endless - pretty much every country has them. You are saying they are all justified in shifting to someone else's country?

Get real. Promoting mass migration out of some kind of naive philanthropy is not at all the solution - it's totally irresponsible. Encouraging migration will cause global chaos. Well, we already have it.

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Never hidden what I believe.

I despise racists, bigots, homophobes, the prejudiced and narrow minded hate fuelled non thinking.

Unless you are a mindless bigot who assumes all Muslims support terror (moronic and stupid I know but that's bigotry I guess) then no one should support the deportation of refugees to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder.


Regarding Uighur refugees versus terrorists:

1. It is regrettable that so many members are either ignorant or dismissive of the conventions for humane treatment of refugees.

2. The evidence so far does not support the presumption that there were terrorists among the Uighur refugees in Thailand.

3. The evidence is clear that at some point terrorists came to Thailand .

4. It is possible that the Uighur refugee stream and terrorist elements had only casual connections.

1. Agreed. The cheer squad praising Prayuth's deplorable treatment of the Uighur refugees, including referring to them as animals, are the type of people Bluebspunk & I despise. Still, one can understand why a man of such questionable morals kowtowed to China's demand - in 2009, Cambodia agreed to repatriate 20 Uighurs who had applied for asylum despite the objection of international organisations. Two days later, the country signed economic cooperation deals with China worth a combined $1.2 billion.

2. Depends on what you mean by evidence, and what you accept. From Thailand, as yet, there hasn't been any evidence, but there is plenty of published evidence from elsewhere that proves that Uighurs are becoming increasing radicalised:

Or this one from the International Center for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, which I've linked to before: Thailand’s Uighur Refugees: Security Implications for Southeast Asia. Published on 29 July, 2015, this research paper was somewhat prophetic:

"Thailand recently deported more than 100 Uighur illegal refugees back to China, triggering criticisms from Turkey and US, as well as the UN and human rights groups. The legalistic perspective of the media skirts the existential threat posed by the illegal traffic of Uighur refugees to the security of Thailand and Southeast Asia."

3. Terrorists have been in Thailand for years (deep south), but I'm assuming you mean the totally unhinged fanatics such as ISIS. From the articles linked to above, it does seem that a number of Uighurs are using Thailand as an interim base on their quest to join militant groups, whether it be MIT in Indonesia or ISIS in Syria & Iraq, so how much practical involvement (if any) ISIS provide on the ground in Thailand is anyone's guess.

4. Possible, but considering that radicalised Uighurs are allegedly coming back from training and re-entering China via Thailand, I'd say the connection is more than casual.


Edit: Addendum: Of course, I'm not saying that all Uighur refugees are militants, I'm just providing evidence that there may have at least been some militants amongst the refugees in Thailand. Out of the 10,000 or so Uighurs that China claims have fled to Turkey via South East Asia in recent years, it claims only 300 are fighting alongside the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

And I'm not saying that they should have stayed in Thailand. The facts are, they were on their way Turkey before they were detained by Thai authorities; they wanted to go to Turkey, the Turkish government wanted them to come to Turkey, they should have been allowed to continue on their way to Turkey. No violation of International Humanitarian Law, no adverse security implications for Thailand or its people.

Can't disagree with your analysis.

I should have been more specific...but brevity is close to godliness.

I would say the Uighur refugee stream, as with most Muslim refugee streams (and there are many) does contain radicalized people, some of them bent on violence; some of them experienced at violence (although the modus operandi of the Ughurs in China is knife attacks primarily, I believe; and no doubt limited by the Chinese control over stuff like TNT)

I'm just not convinced those violent ones in the ongoing refugee/jihadist stream were diverted to the bombing in Thailand rather than just passing through. I think it is equally possible the bombing crew came from outside on a specific mission, and not as part of the refugee stream. I say this, because they seemed to be efficient and effective, which suggests a higher level of capability than the guys intent on "joining the fight". (But your links are interesting, and I may drift toward, "they are already here")

I still think the Uighur deportation is the most likely "trigger" for the bombing. No justification whatsoever, but predictable given the horrifying "popularity" of bombing these days.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Well, people in different ethnic groups have found reason for violence throughout history. Check out the Jewish zealots around 10 AD who knifed the priests in the temple in Jerusalem. The priests were horribly greedy and abusive and zealous members of the Jewish population took revenge. Jesus of Nazareth was one of their number but he apparently didn't kill anyone although he did some serious damage to the money-changers. His brothers were also zealots and were eventually caught and executed. This is in a book by a UC Riverside prof. called "Zealot." Google it if you like.

Whether or not the bombing in Bangkok was justified will be a matter of opinion. I don't suppose that it is possible, but a poll of the Uighurs in Cnina and Turkey would be interesting. Also, does anyone know what happened to the Uighurs who were returned to China? Someone must know.

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Why should the USA take on someone else's problem?

Uighurs have problems in China because they won't integrate into mainstream Chinese society. The west has exactly the same problem that so many muslim migrants refuse to assimilate into mainstream western culture. They enter the host country and expect the locals to change, not the immigrants. China is facing the same problem as the west and handling it better.

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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

Why ? - because everyone should do what terrorists demand then there will be no bombs like this ?.

Seems like they were linked to terrorism after all - so the Junta did the right thing.

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Why should the USA take on someone else's problem?

Uighurs have problems in China because they won't integrate into mainstream Chinese society. The west has exactly the same problem that so many muslim migrants refuse to assimilate into mainstream western culture. They enter the host country and expect the locals to change, not the immigrants. China is facing the same problem as the west and handling it better.

I'm happy nobody is taking your bait.

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They have revealed their terrorist inclination by bombing, really stupid of them lol... Who wants to protect these violent fanatics ?

I wouldn't put it quite that way and I realize many of them feel totally desperate about the situation in China ... but I just don't even begin to get how the bombing in Bangkok (and more bombing appears to have been planned) really furthers their cause. Their cause per se might be good but it seems to me going the international terrorism path (already numerous events IN China) is not going to win friends and influence people. Now their ethnic group is going to be profiled everywhere in the world.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just because China is seen as the "bad guys" doesn't mean that the Uighur are automatically the "good guys". They can still have malicious and violent intentions and fanatical traits. It's so easy to just see it in black and white. And there are also reports of them going to fight the islamic cause in Syria etc... We need to wake up, we are still too naive in the west, thinking that we are somehow better learned and informed than the rest of the world. There things that are going on behind our backs, that we don't know about ,but somehow many people are arrogant, naive and ignorant, all at the same time.

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They have revealed their terrorist inclination by bombing, really stupid of them lol... Who wants to protect these violent fanatics ?

I wouldn't put it quite that way and I realize many of them feel totally desperate about the situation in China ... but I just don't even begin to get how the bombing in Bangkok (and more bombing appears to have been planned) really furthers their cause. Their cause per se might be good but it seems to me going the international terrorism path (already numerous events IN China) is not going to win friends and influence people. Now their ethnic group is going to be profiled everywhere in the world.

Maybe the attack had nothing to do with furthering their cause and everything to do with carrying out a revenge attack.

(read the article in the link below which suggest allegations were made that a number of Uyghurs were killed resisting deportation).


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They have revealed their terrorist inclination by bombing, really stupid of them lol... Who wants to protect these violent fanatics ?

I wouldn't put it quite that way and I realize many of them feel totally desperate about the situation in China ... but I just don't even begin to get how the bombing in Bangkok (and more bombing appears to have been planned) really furthers their cause. Their cause per se might be good but it seems to me going the international terrorism path (already numerous events IN China) is not going to win friends and influence people. Now their ethnic group is going to be profiled everywhere in the world.

Maybe the attack had nothing to do with furthering their cause and everything to do with carrying out a revenge attack.

(read the article in the link below which suggest allegations were made that a number of Uyghurs were killed resisting deportation).


I don't accept your terms. It was definitely terrorism. "Revenge" would be picking a target that actually has something to do with the situation. Innocent tourists (and Thais) are not legit targets. Of course if they had attacked a "legit" target they would have likely been killed on the spot ... so they took the cowardly tactic of blowing up total innocents. There is no justification for this of any kind. End of story.

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Not if they are genuine refugees, but how many Uighurs are genuine refugees? They are not at war in their homeland. They are oppressed, certainly, but does that mean they all have the right to move en masse to another country? Of course not.

People in many countries are oppressed. Sending out the message that everyone who is oppressed can justifiably migrate to the country of their choice is a recipe for global chaos and probably worse. The solution is for them to fight for representation at home. It's a long hard struggle, but that's history for you.


Any group or community facing persecution such as that which china is inflicting upon the Uighurs and their traditions in their ancestral homeland has every right to flee and should be supported and helped once they have done so.

So the entire Uighur population has the right to flee en masse to another country of their choice? Therefore every Tibetan has the right to flee also? And what about the all the others? - the list of oppressed people is endless - pretty much every country has them. You are saying they are all justified in shifting to someone else's country?

Get real. Promoting mass migration out of some kind of naive philanthropy is not at all the solution - it's totally irresponsible. Encouraging migration will cause global chaos. Well, we already have it.

People have the right to flee terror.

They should not be the ones criticised for doing so, rather it should be the state government that is persecuting them.

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