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Mounting evidence links bombing to Turks, Uighurs


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Have you ever even met a Uighur? I suppose we should also condemn all Christians because of the few of their leaders that advocate dragging black folks behind a moving car?

No, I don't think I have ever met a Uighur. Hundreds of people near the Erawan shrine on August 17 have, it seems, and I'll bet that most of them are wishing they hadn't -- assuming they're still alive to have an opinion on the matter.

On April 19, 1995, hundreds of good folks in Oklahoma "met" a Christian from New York in the same way. Strangely, they didn't blame all Christians, or all New Yorkers.

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So yet again it looks like a Muslim terrorist group do what they always seem to do if they do not get what they want ,blow people up.sad.png

I think you'll find that's what all terrorist organisations do.

Quite a few countries as well.

Of all faiths.

You can stick up for Muslims all you like ,but the truth though it may hurt you is that Muslim terrorism around the world far far out ways any other religion or nationality
A terrorist is a terrorist no matter what their faith.

I don't stick up for any faith, I'm an atheist and think all faiths are superstitious BS.

Its just that I just despise bigots who condemn a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a few.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Yes thailand should have sent uighurs back to Turkey, but that no way makes an excuse for bombing innocent civilians.

And what they have done is very bad for turks like me. From now on, we will be unwanted in Thailand, face discrimination.

Those people probably did this for the sake of turkic people, but now turkic people in Thailand will have a more difficult time thanksthanks to them. And the general view of all terrorists are Muslims will gain even more popularity.

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So yet again it looks like a Muslim terrorist group do what they always seem to do if they do not get what they want ,blow people up.sad.png

I think you'll find that's what all terrorist organisations do.

Quite a few countries as well.

Of all faiths.

You can stick up for Muslims all you like ,but the truth though it may hurt you is that Muslim terrorism around the world far far out ways any other religion or nationality
A terrorist is a terrorist no matter what their faith.

I don't stick up for any faith, I just despise bigots who condemn a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a few.

The actions of a few? Yes just a couple of Muslim terrorists, we all know that is true,well I am not a bigot but I think that so many proponents of this faith are disgusting,and their actions and the inaction of so many make so many feel as I do ,there are none so blind as those who do not want to see ,

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China defines them as terrorists and criminals simply because they have embarrassed the CCP by seeking a better life.

That 'seeking a better life' includes the following statement made by Uyghur leader Abdullah Mansour:

"We have to conquer our own country and purify it of all infidels. Then, we should conquer the infidels’ countries and spread Islam. The infidels who are usurping our countries have announced war against Islam and Muslims, forcing Muslims to abandon Islam and change their beliefs."

I'm not surprised that China defines them as terrorists.

Even a Turkish poster here on TVF says they're terrorists. And it has to be seen if China tortures them (the group that was send back). I don't believe it. And Thailand has enough problems (incl terrorism) already. I am not surprised Thailand has handed them over to China.
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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

The issue I suppose is that Turkey was willing to accept them as they are a Turkic people. Perhaps the terror threat they may pose against Chinese and now Thai targets was not concerning to Turkey. But now things are hotter in Thailand over all this.

I doubt many of them want to live in Thailand permanently. Turkey is preferred.

Of course they prefer to live in Turkey. They have been marginalised in China, homeland invaded by Han Chinese, religious and cultural observances restricted, opportunities for their kids limited

They have been radicalised by oppression in the same way as Palestinians

Amazing and predictable. A news story that has nothing to do with Israel twisted yet again. Obsessive Israel demonization -- the "gift" that keeps on giving.
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Have you ever even met a Uighur? I suppose we should also condemn all Christians because of the few of their leaders that advocate dragging black folks behind a moving car?

No, I don't think I have ever met a Uighur. Hundreds of people near the Erawan shrine on August 17 have, it seems, and I'll bet that most of them are wishing they hadn't -- assuming they're still alive to have an opinion on the matter.

On April 19, 1995, hundreds of good folks in Oklahoma "met" a Christian from New York in the same way. Strangely, they didn't blame all Christians, or all New Yorkers.

Possibly because "Christians" at that time hadn't been carrying out daily atrocities all over the globe for many years, which include, but are not limited to, indiscriminate massacres, the burning down of entire villages, the forced abduction, torture, rape and slavery of children on a massive scale, ethnic cleansing and attempted genocide, beheading and burning people alive.

If your moral compass can equate all that, with the evil committed by Timothy McVeigh, then you might benefit from taking a long hard look at yourself.

Edited by RickBradford
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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.
What if they had a Chinese passport just like the guy the caught last night?
That's where they're from. CHINA!!
So why did bruce64 say that the Thai government didn't honor human rights if they are from China and were sent back to China?

The principle of 'non-refoulement' is considered the cornerstone of international protection. This principle is enshrined in the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, and has acquired the status of customary international law, meaning that it has become binding on all States, regardless of whether or not they are signatories to the 1951 Convention - which Thailand isn't.

All countries must respect the principle of non-refoulement, which includes:

  • Not returning asylum seekers or refugees to a place where their life or liberty would be at risk;
  • Not preventing asylum seekers or refugees—even if they are being smuggled or trafficked—from seeking safety in a country, if there is a chance of them being returned to a country where their life or liberty would be at risk;
  • Not denying access to their territory to people fleeing persecution who have arrived at their border (access to asylum).
The principle of non-refoulement therefore applied to the Uighur repatriation, which was condemned by the the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees as "a flagrant violation of international law.”

The separation of these families, and the refoulment of the men to almost certain persecution at the hands of the Chinese government also drew harsh condemnation from Turkey's Foreign Ministry, saying the deportation violated international humanitarian laws and came despite "numerous initiatives" by Turkey to prevent their repatriation.

And, no, I'm not rationalising, condoning, or otherwise making excuses for this abhorrent terrorist attack.

Principles? Lol

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I keep pondering what this all means for the Thai government's new BFF, China, and with its former BFF, the US. *Before anyone gives me a lesson in international relations, this is said tongue in cheek.

The US used to use the Uighur issue as a human rights bargaining chip against China before these Uighurs started extraterritorial terror. Now the US and China seem more aligned in the effort against Islamist extremism. Meanwhile, Thailand has been caught in the middle, as another poster put it, due to their human trafficking tolerance and due to their new pal status with China, where they quickly turned over those Uighurs.

At the same time, one can reason that the US and China intelligence agencies have supplemented Thailand's efforts a lot during this time, but they have officially said they don't need or accept any help, but who knows? Could this signal the start of a new love triangle menage a trois? biggrin.png

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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

The issue I suppose is that Turkey was willing to accept them as they are a Turkic people. Perhaps the terror threat they may pose against Chinese and now Thai targets was not concerning to Turkey. But now things are hotter in Thailand over all this.

I doubt many of them want to live in Thailand permanently. Turkey is preferred.

Of course they prefer to live in Turkey. They have been marginalised in China, homeland invaded by Han Chinese, religious and cultural observances restricted, opportunities for their kids limited

They have been radicalised by oppression in the same way as Palestinians

Amazing and predictable. A news story that has nothing to do with Israel twisted yet again. Obsessive Israel demonization -- the "gift" that keeps on giving.
No, there are significant similarities. In any event, England and The USA are culpable in respect of Palestine just as it is the Chinese at fault in Xinjiang
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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

A: No evidence those refugees fleeing persecution were terrorists. None at all.

B: They didn't want to stay here and turkey agreed to take them in.

C: No genuine refugee should be sent back to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder. .

No evidence that they were genuine refugees. They could as well have been terrorists. It will always be risky to accept them knowing what some are capable of. Edited by Nickymaster
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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

A: No evidence those refugees fleeing persecution were terrorists. None at all.

B: They didn't want to stay here and turkey agreed to take them in.

C: No genuine refugee should be sent back to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder. .

No evidence that they were genuine refugees. They could as well have been terrorists. It will always be risky to accept them knowing what some are capable of.?

Accept them? They wanted to go to Turkey. Turkey wanted them to go to Turkey. What risk to Thailand to send them where they wanted to go, and where they were welcome?

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Thailand does have some responsibility for this incident, but it's only tangentally related to the Uighurs-China situation.

The responsibilty is that illegal activity is allowed by people who are supposed to be preventing it.

When law enforcement officials are taking a cut from a small-time illegal casino, blowback is not a problem. But when the allowed illegal activity is the movement of violent groups, the consequences can be problematic.

Solving thet problem is more difficult when there there is political in-fighting by among so many different factions... there will be people who will happy if the current government needs to deal with some chaos.

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Have you ever even met a Uighur? I suppose we should also condemn all Christians because of the few of their leaders that advocate dragging black folks behind a moving car?

No, I don't think I have ever met a Uighur. Hundreds of people near the Erawan shrine on August 17 have, it seems, and I'll bet that most of them are wishing they hadn't -- assuming they're still alive to have an opinion on the matter.

On April 19, 1995, hundreds of good folks in Oklahoma "met" a Christian from New York in the same way. Strangely, they didn't blame all Christians, or all New Yorkers.

Possibly because "Christians" at that time hadn't been carrying out daily atrocities all over the globe for many years, which include, but are not limited to, indiscriminate massacres, the burning down of entire villages, the forced abduction, torture, rape and slavery of children on a massive scale, ethnic cleansing and attempted genocide, beheading and burning people alive.

Forget your history already? Catholics in South America had been committing daily atrocities for decades, Catholics and Protestants in Ireland had been committing atrocities against each other for hundreds of years. Buddhists have been committing atrocities against Muslims in Asia for centuries. Catholics are beheading and burning other Catholics in Mexico on a daily basis, even today.

Nice personal attack deflection, BTW. If your moral compass can equate all that, with the evil committed by Timothy McVeigh, then you might benefit from taking a long hard look at yourself. What does that even mean? Sounds like about 3 meaningless platitudes and a few buzzwords in one sentence.

I don't blame all Christians for Timothy McVeigh, just like I don't blame all Muslims or Uighurs for the despicable actions of a few of their people. And I sleep just fine with that.

Edited by impulse
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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

The issue I suppose is that Turkey was willing to accept them as they are a Turkic people. Perhaps the terror threat they may pose against Chinese and now Thai targets was not concerning to Turkey. But now things are hotter in Thailand over all this.

I doubt many of them want to live in Thailand permanently. Turkey is preferred.

Of course they prefer to live in Turkey. They have been marginalised in China, homeland invaded by Han Chinese, religious and cultural observances restricted, opportunities for their kids limited

They have been radicalised by oppression in the same way as Palestinians

Amazing and predictable. A news story that has nothing to do with Israel twisted yet again. Obsessive Israel demonization -- the "gift" that keeps on giving.
No, there are significant similarities. In any event, England and The USA are culpable in respect of Palestine just as it is the Chinese at fault in Xinjiang
So Turkey is their Zion then?
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@ i claudius

What is disgusting is those who preach hate and intolerance towards any faith.

Whether that be Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jew, Christian, Buddhist or whatever.

Hate is hate no matter who preaches it.

Edited by Bluespunk
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This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

Actually more of a reason to send them back.....

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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

A: No evidence those refugees fleeing persecution were terrorists. None at all.

B: They didn't want to stay here and turkey agreed to take them in.

C: No genuine refugee should be sent back to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder. .

No evidence that they were genuine refugees. They could as well have been terrorists. It will always be risky to accept them knowing what some are capable of.?

Accept them? They wanted to go to Turkey. Turkey wanted them to go to Turkey. What risk to Thailand to send them where they wanted to go, and where they were welcome?

Turkey wanted them to go to Turkey? Can't find any info on that.

"Thailand sent around 100 Uighurs back to China yesterday. Thailand has worked with China and Turkey to solve the Uighur Muslim problem. We have sent them back to China after verifying their nationality," Colonel Weerachon Sukhondhapatipak, deputy government spokesman, told reporters on Thursday.

A group of more than 170 Uighurs were identified as Turkish citizens and sent to Turkey, he said. Fifty others still need to have their citizenship verified.


Edited by Nickymaster
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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

A: No evidence those refugees fleeing persecution were terrorists. None at all.

B: They didn't want to stay here and turkey agreed to take them in.

C: No genuine refugee should be sent back to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder. .

No evidence that they were genuine refugees. They could as well have been terrorists. It will always be risky to accept them knowing what some are capable of.

Absolutely no evidence any of them were anything but genuine refugees.

Absolutely none.

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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

A: No evidence those refugees fleeing persecution were terrorists. None at all.

B: They didn't want to stay here and turkey agreed to take them in.

C: No genuine refugee should be sent back to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder. .

No evidence that they were genuine refugees. They could as well have been terrorists. It will always be risky to accept them knowing what some are capable of.
Absolutely no evidence any of them were anything but genuine refugees.

Absolutely none.

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@ i claudius

What is disgusting is those who preach hate and intolerance towards any faith.

Whether that be Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jew, Christian, Buddhist or whatever.

Hate is hate no matter who preaches it.

I agree,but only the Muslim faith seem to have made it their religion ,to kill all and sundry even their own kind ,the other faiths are mere beginners compared with them
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It's pretty clear some of them probably were terrorists.

Periodically, the Chinese army will go to villages in Xinjiang and round up all the men, irrespective. Thailand repatriated 200. How many were women and children? Not many if I remember.

China is overwhelming the population by importing Han Chinese and slowly removing all the men.

This story that the Uighur were travelling to join ISIS has come from China. A rather convenient story which I can't find elsewhere and it doesn't fit with reality that Turkey is facilitating it.

Thailand should never have sent them back and now the problem is 10 times bigger. One could say what goes around comes around, but karma might be simpler.

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The principle of 'non-refoulement' is considered the cornerstone of international protection. This principle is enshrined in the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, and has acquired the status of customary international law, meaning that it has become binding on all States, regardless of whether or not they are signatories to the 1951 Convention - which Thailand isn't.

All countries must respect the principle of non-refoulement, which includes:

  1. Not returning asylum seekers or refugees to a place where their life or liberty would be at risk;
  2. Not preventing asylum seekers or refugees—even if they are being smuggled or trafficked—from seeking safety in a country, if there is a chance of them being returned to a country where their life or liberty would be at risk;
  3. Not denying access to their territory to people fleeing persecution who have arrived at their border (access to asylum).

The principle of non-refoulement therefore applied to the Uighur repatriation, which was condemned by the the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees as "a flagrant violation of international law.”

add to that the cambodians the RTA sent back during Khmer Rouge terror. add to that the cambodian refugee camps the RTA allowed to be attacked by Khmer Rouge. add to that the Karen and Karenni refugees the RTA sent back during SLORC and DKBA terror. add to that the Karen and Karenni refugee camps the RTA allowed to be attacked by SLORC and DKBA. add to that the hmong the RTA deported back to Laos (where they were imprisoned, tortured, killed). shall I continue?

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Why would Thailand want to keep foreign Muslim terrorists in Thailand when they have entered the country illegally?

Thailand is doing what all countries should do. Send all illegal migrants back to their country of origin

A: No evidence those refugees fleeing persecution were terrorists. None at all.

B: They didn't want to stay here and turkey agreed to take them in.

C: No genuine refugee should be sent back to face persecution, torture and state sanctioned murder. .

No evidence that they were genuine refugees. They could as well have been terrorists. It will always be risky to accept them knowing what some are capable of.
Absolutely no evidence any of them were anything but genuine refugees.

Absolutely none.


China says.

Ha ha ha ha ha

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@ i claudius

What is disgusting is those who preach hate and intolerance towards any faith.

Whether that be Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jew, Christian, Buddhist or whatever.

Hate is hate no matter who preaches it.

I agree,but only the Muslim faith seem to have made it their religion ,to kill all and sundry even their own kind ,the other faiths are mere beginners compared with them

Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews have all also killed those of other faiths in the recent past.

A terrorist kills because they are a hate fuelled bigot. Not because of their faith.

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I do not know if the Uighurs were terrorists or genuine refugees, but there is no excuse in the world ever for killing innocent tourists, and if it is the case this guy did it ,its yet another Muslim atrocity which seems to be what they do all round the world

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