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Father of dead Syrian boys: 'All I want is to be with my children'


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stay home, would not have happend

what they want? europe to pay social welfare for everybody

while MUSLIM countries, their own religion, their brothers, don't want them ?

time for IS to finally invade SA

Terrible story but what are the other Islamic (oil rich) countries doing to help their brethren?

How many refugee"s are they taking? I believe the answer starts with a "Z"

always quick to blame the UK and Europe for not accepting an overwhelming number of immigrants from the hotbed of terrorism but whatabout all the oil rich Arab Nations surrounding Syria? How many refugees are Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, The UAE and the rest of them, accepting into their own countries and helping?

It's sad that a little boy died but the future consequences of allowing all of these people into our country unchecked (and then all of their families in the future) will be much graver for us all.

Little dose of reality:

The vast majority of Syrian refugees have been taken in by the bordering Muslim nations:


If you can read a map, it's easier to get to other countries on the Mediterranean than to those distant non-bordering Arab countries. And Syrians don't have anything more in common with the UAE than they have with Greece - we're all human and we all should be looking out for each other. It's ridiculous to blame our lack of compassion on someone else's lack of compassion.

The number of refugees is NOT overwhelming. English-speaking nations (specifically the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand) have taken in barely any refugees compared to other nations. Right now the world leader in taking in refugees is Turkey, before that it was Pakistan. If each nation simply took in 2.4 refugees per 1,000 population, every refugee in the world would be covered. 0.24% of the population doesn't sound "overwhelming".


Indeed. The other Islamic countries are of course delighted to see hundreds of thousands of muslim immigrants join the 50 million already in Europe. This is a demographic conquest of Europe. Muslim armies have repeatively invaded and occuppied Europe over the centuries. Spain was occuppied for 700 years and Greece for 400. 150,000 Turkish soldiers got all the way to Vienna before being defeated. In most cases they were turned back by European armies. For the last 5 decades they have been conquering Europe through immigration; both legal and illegal. Europe has been betrayed by its own corrupt and incompetent " elite" class which has ignored the desires of the European people and allowed this invasion to happen. Don't expect Arab oligarchs to lift a finger to stop what their ancestors armies tried to do by force of arms. They despise us for our weakness and stupidity. I can't blame them really. If Europe wants to commit demographic suicide; why should they protest or prevent them from doing so?

Ridiculous fear-mongering. The UK is not in any danger of becoming majority-Muslim and never will be. If we want something other than cultural suicide, we should be attracting others to our cultural way of life rather than pushing them away.

That's for sure.

Truly depressing to be watching "Christian Europe" freaking out because they might actually have to really practice Christian Charity and live up to the ideals that they vocally proclaim constitutes their civilization and elevates it from the rest. It's now one the moments or epochs that the rhetoric is tested and it's determined whether the rhetoric determines behavior or is just a fig leaf for venality and fear.

Yep. The more of us acting like Christians, the more people would actually want to be Christians and take on our cultural values. The more we act like , the more they'll want to combat us. It's not a difficult concept.

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Replying to #32, as you posted too many quotes to reply to in your post

we should be attracting others to our cultural way of life rather than pushing them away.

apologies for continuing in bold but this stupid OS won't let me go off it- probably W8

The ​fact is though, that they don't want to conform to our way of life, they want us to be like them. It's part of their religion, which is the most important thing in their life.

BTW, would you be so ​willing to have them stay if you get woken at dawn every day to loudspeakers calling the faithful to prayer, which is what you'll get if they come in significant numbers.

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Only one - maybe two European leaders can count and know what geometric progression is .. .The number of migrants and refugees from Africa and the Mideast getting to Europe - trying to get to Europe and wanting to get to Europe is rapidly growing to a staggering. The projection of migrants and refugees who insist on going to Europe -- especially Germany and hoped for U.K. ... will soon in a year or two (as the percentages and numbers double every 3 - 6 - 9 months) will become unmanageable regardless of the depth of sympathy and do gooderism that flows outward to get them. It will cause social and political upheaval that cannot be stamped out... As populations realize they are going to be replaced and outnumbered even the sob sister German Chancellor will have to back off.

The answer is to spend huge amounts of money to convince African and Mid East countries to form protectorate zones and fund them and provide security. This should have been done by large scale Military intervention in Syria in such a way to slice off a huge strip of territory along the Turkish border -- straddle the border and pay Turkey. Such intervention could still be done - but not to remove Asad or destroy ISIS but to carve out a protectorate zone with NATO and UN forces creating temporary place of safety to house the Syrians

The Economic Migrants will just have to be returned home by ship or plane .

This is not a matter of being harsh or cruel ... It is just that I can count, look at a map and calculate percentages.

At migration levels of only a few years ago - one could plot a map of European and U.K. population replacement in 40-50 years. With the unbridled migratory invasion that is being allowed now ... 15 years is top ... before Europe is unrecognizable populationwise.

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Very tragic events ... If the EU and the UK stopped the Assad regime from bombing it's own people the families would not need to make this risk taking boat trip.

Kill Assad and his murderous regime and go after ISIL at the same time and stop the bombings of their own people and you stop people fleeing.

The reason these people now have to flee their countries is just because of the illegal Iraq invasion and the involvment in Libya and Syria by the US and it's (allies)servants.

disagree ... that's the blame game and the excuse that the anti US puppets use all the time. That's long done finished and over ... forget that and move on to real reasons. That's not the reason imo.

After the US and UK invaded, Al Queda in Iraq formed, which then moved to Syria when the war started and morphed into IS.

Those countries who invaded Iraq need to accept responsibility for what they've done.

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Some people are asking themselves why the rich muslims-countries are not open for/help this refugees .. Maybe the reason ,...muslims are driven away... to Europe..like sheeps to slaughters...the goal... ..gratulate overtake Europe.. I think we have nothing seen yet... just seen the canari-bird sent in the mine ... I did read about Nastrodamus - prophecies, many years ago..

I never forget this one... because I thought he were talking about the start of the War 3 : Muslims will flood over Europe, coming from the south ... Nastrodamus did only predict something terrible happenings, in the future.. So we will just wait and see.....

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Only one - maybe two European leaders can count and know what geometric progression is .. .The number of migrants and refugees from Africa and the Mideast getting to Europe - trying to get to Europe and wanting to get to Europe is rapidly growing to a staggering. The projection of migrants and refugees who insist on going to Europe -- especially Germany and hoped for U.K. ... will soon in a year or two (as the percentages and numbers double every 3 - 6 - 9 months) will become unmanageable regardless of the depth of sympathy and do gooderism that flows outward to get them. It will cause social and political upheaval that cannot be stamped out... As populations realize they are going to be replaced and outnumbered even the sob sister German Chancellor will have to back off.

The answer is to spend huge amounts of money to convince African and Mid East countries to form protectorate zones and fund them and provide security. This should have been done by large scale Military intervention in Syria in such a way to slice off a huge strip of territory along the Turkish border -- straddle the border and pay Turkey. Such intervention could still be done - but not to remove Asad or destroy ISIS but to carve out a protectorate zone with NATO and UN forces creating temporary place of safety to house the Syrians

The Economic Migrants will just have to be returned home by ship or plane .

This is not a matter of being harsh or cruel ... It is just that I can count, look at a map and calculate percentages.

At migration levels of only a few years ago - one could plot a map of European and U.K. population replacement in 40-50 years. With the unbridled migratory invasion that is being allowed now ... 15 years is top ... before Europe is unrecognizable populationwise.

Some nonsense posted, but the safety zone issue is under discussion right now, though some very tough issues need to be resolved.


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If, as mentioned above, the man was already living in Turkey, why did he not bring his family to stay with him in Turkey? It seems from the news source that the man was coming to Europe to get his teeth fixed, (there are no dentists in Turkey?), and his sister had already wired thousands of $ to him.

Genuine refugee or economic migrant?

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If, as mentioned above, the man was already living in Turkey, why did he not bring his family to stay with him in Turkey? It seems from the news source that the man was coming to Europe to get his teeth fixed, (there are no dentists in Turkey?), and his sister had already wired thousands of $ to him.

Genuine refugee or economic migrant?

From the Wall Street Journal article it is claimed his immediate family was living with him in Turkey for three years, but...

Mr. Kurdi told a Syrian radio station that he had worked on construction sites for 50 Turkish lira (roughly $17) a day, but it wasn’t enough to live on. He said they depended on his sister, Tima Kurdi, who lived in Canada, for help paying the rent.

Additionally it is claimed 11 members of his extended family were killed in Syria, including his SIL who was beheaded by Daesh. Now he has lost his two children and wife. Whatever opinion one may hold on the matter of 'migrants' surely to god the man is deserving of understanding in his attempts to seek a better life for himself & family, rather than the continual posts denigrating / despising the individual.

Edited by simple1
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If, as mentioned above, the man was already living in Turkey, why did he not bring his family to stay with him in Turkey? It seems from the news source that the man was coming to Europe to get his teeth fixed, (there are no dentists in Turkey?), and his sister had already wired thousands of $ to him.

Genuine refugee or economic migrant?

From the Wall Street Journal article it is claimed his immediate family was living with him in Turkey for three years, but...

Mr. Kurdi told a Syrian radio station that he had worked on construction sites for 50 Turkish lira (roughly $17) a day, but it wasn’t enough to live on. He said they depended on his sister, Tima Kurdi, who lived in Canada, for help paying the rent.

Additionally it is claimed 11 members of his extended family were killed in Syria, including his SIL who was beheaded by Daesh. Now he has lost his two children and wife. Whatever opinion one may hold on the matter of 'migrants' surely to god the man is deserving of understanding in his attempts to seek a better life for himself & family, rather than the continual posts denigrating / despising the individual.

He is being criticised because the scum media have chosen to make him the centerpiece of their pro unlimited illegal economic migrant propaganda.

He was in no danger of being killed, hence his safe return to hometown to bury his family, so he damages every genuine refugee's prospects by his noteriety.

Why does he have more right to better himself in another country than those that have been waiting years in the queue?

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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If, as mentioned above, the man was already living in Turkey, why did he not bring his family to stay with him in Turkey? It seems from the news source that the man was coming to Europe to get his teeth fixed, (there are no dentists in Turkey?), and his sister had already wired thousands of $ to him.

Genuine refugee or economic migrant?

From the Wall Street Journal article it is claimed his immediate family was living with him in Turkey for three years, but...

Mr. Kurdi told a Syrian radio station that he had worked on construction sites for 50 Turkish lira (roughly $17) a day, but it wasn’t enough to live on. He said they depended on his sister, Tima Kurdi, who lived in Canada, for help paying the rent.

Additionally it is claimed 11 members of his extended family were killed in Syria, including his SIL who was beheaded by Daesh. Now he has lost his two children and wife. Whatever opinion one may hold on the matter of 'migrants' surely to god the man is deserving of understanding in his attempts to seek a better life for himself & family, rather than the continual posts denigrating / despising the individual.

He is being criticised because the scum media have chosen to make him the centerpiece of their pro unlimited illegal economic migrant propaganda.

He was in no danger of being killed, hence his safe return to hometown to bury his family, so he damages every genuine refugee's prospects by his noteriety.

Why does he have more right to better himself in another country than those that have been waiting years in the queue?

There is no orderly queue, that's a myth propagated and constantly repeated, to use your word, by "scum" politicians and the right wing.

Edited by simple1
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If, as mentioned above, the man was already living in Turkey, why did he not bring his family to stay with him in Turkey? It seems from the news source that the man was coming to Europe to get his teeth fixed, (there are no dentists in Turkey?), and his sister had already wired thousands of $ to him.

Genuine refugee or economic migrant?

From the Wall Street Journal article it is claimed his immediate family was living with him in Turkey for three years, but...

Mr. Kurdi told a Syrian radio station that he had worked on construction sites for 50 Turkish lira (roughly $17) a day, but it wasn’t enough to live on. He said they depended on his sister, Tima Kurdi, who lived in Canada, for help paying the rent.

Additionally it is claimed 11 members of his extended family were killed in Syria, including his SIL who was beheaded by Daesh. Now he has lost his two children and wife. Whatever opinion one may hold on the matter of 'migrants' surely to god the man is deserving of understanding in his attempts to seek a better life for himself & family, rather than the continual posts denigrating / despising the individual.

He is being criticised because the scum media have chosen to make him the centerpiece of their pro unlimited illegal economic migrant propaganda.

He was in no danger of being killed, hence his safe return to hometown to bury his family, so he damages every genuine refugee's prospects by his noteriety.

Why does he have more right to better himself in another country than those that have been waiting years in the queue?

There is no orderly queue, that's a myth propagated and constantly repeated, to use your word, by "scum" politicians and the right wing.

Orderly or not, the new so called refugees should be at the back of it, not being allowed to jump it.

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Replying to #32, as you posted too many quotes to reply to in your post

we should be attracting others to our cultural way of life rather than pushing them away.

apologies for continuing in bold but this stupid OS won't let me go off it- probably W8

The ​fact is though, that they don't want to conform to our way of life, they want us to be like them. It's part of their religion, which is the most important thing in their life.

BTW, would you be so ​willing to have them stay if you get woken at dawn every day to loudspeakers calling the faithful to prayer, which is what you'll get if they come in significant numbers.

There is no "they" - there are more than a billion Muslims in the world and they can't be lumped into the same category. Go to America, and the vast majority of Muslims there conform to American culture just fine. Go to India, and the enormous number of Muslims there are "Indian" before they are "Muslim" or "Arab" (200,000,000 or so, one of the top 2-3 Muslim populations in the whole world).

I bet if you walked through India, you wouldn't be able to distinguish 80% of the Muslims you saw there from other Indians. South Indians look South Indian, Mumbai wallas look Mumbai, Bengalis look Bengali, North Indians look North Indian, Kashmiris look Kashmiri...only a minority of Muslims are more "Muslim" than they are adapted to the local culture.

And there are definitely nations that have done this better than others. Which is probably why you see far more Muslims failing to conform in some nations than in other nations. Which is probably why you see far more Muslims joining ISIS from some nations than in other nations. How many of Americas couple million Muslims have joined ISIS? Maybe a few dozen? How many of India's 200,000,000 Muslims have joined ISIS? Maybe 15-20? Those countries could do even better, but it's proof that with even a minor effort, people will acculturate just fine.

Oh, and FYI, I live within 100 meters of a mosque. It doesn't wake me up because I sleep through it, like every other person I know. If that's your big scary story of what will happen when the Muslims, come, I have to laugh at you. I wouldn't mind city ordinances that stated that artificial loudspeakers can't be used between certain hours, just to keep the peace, but it's one of the biggest non-issues I can imagine.

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