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Britain set to accept 'thousands' more refugees


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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

As someone has already pointed out the vast majority of the refugees from Syria and Iraq are in Islamic countries.

Yes but most are kept in camps , no roaming around like in europe.

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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

As someone has already pointed out the vast majority of the refugees from Syria and Iraq are in Islamic countries.

Yes but most are kept in camps , no roaming around like in europe.

They are people like you and me, not wild animals.

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There is growing unrest amoung the British Public, about immigration and freebies handed out to people who have paid nothing into the system.

There is growing unrest amoung the British Public, about people who have paid into the system all their lives and no longer live in the UK.

In what respect please ?

I'm referring to expats who have retired in the sun, UK plc (and the resident population) is beginning to question what value they add to the UK economy whilst continuing to benefit from things such as state pension, winter fuel allowance, personal tax allowance, the removal of free access to the NHS is just the tip of that iceberg. Australia and the US both have models which set dangerous precedents: the US taxes worldwide income and Australia withholds state pension from overseas based expats, expect the UK model to follow similar paths at some point.

Britain gains by having its retired live overseas (outside EU). No FREE bus passes, NO social security, NO FREE prescriptions, NO FREE cataract operations, NO FREE hip replacements.

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Cameron = worthless, lying weasel.

He has actually done the only thing that might bring about an end to this crisis if more EU states copied him.

What he has agreed to is to give asylum to around 4000 syrian refugees that are at the moment in camps around the Syrian borders and have applied for asylum there. He is sending out a clear message that this is the only way to get asylum and that those people that do not apply at the first safe refuge point will get deported back to where they came from.

At present we have thousands of so called refugees DEMANDING to be allowed to go to a country of their choice without making any claim for asylum just DEMANDING to be given it. No country in the world is going to accept this arrangement regardless of how many pictures of dead babies the Lefty media tries to use to make this so

I haven't heard of a single Muslim country saying they will help their fellow Muslims by offering them asylum. NOT 1

Hungary has just told it like it is and seems not to understand the meaning of political correctness which makes a refreshing change

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So . . . it's necessary to destroy the village in order to save it, eh? Welcome to Vietnam.

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There is growing unrest amoung the British Public, about immigration and freebies handed out to people who have paid nothing into the system.

There is growing unrest amoung the British Public, about people who have paid into the system all their lives and no longer live in the UK.

In what respect please ?

I'm referring to expats who have retired in the sun, UK plc (and the resident population) is beginning to question what value they add to the UK economy whilst continuing to benefit from things such as state pension, winter fuel allowance, personal tax allowance, the removal of free access to the NHS is just the tip of that iceberg. Australia and the US both have models which set dangerous precedents: the US taxes worldwide income and Australia withholds state pension from overseas based expats, expect the UK model to follow similar paths at some point.

Britain gains by having its retired live overseas (outside EU). No FREE bus passes, NO social security, NO FREE prescriptions, NO FREE cataract operations, NO FREE hip replacements.

Not forgetting they have paid their national insurance all their working lives. I understand that after residing overseas for more than 1 year free access to the NHS has been stopped and if one returns for an operation then one must pay the cost +. The winter fuel payment has been stopped and any rise in pension is blocked, even though you may have paid NI for 40+ years. There are many more benefits for pensioners of limited means residing in the UK but if you retire overseas you get nowt. As for the tax allowance, if you earn less than 10,000 pounds p.a. ( or whatever the figure is now) everyone pays no tax.
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Russia is helping Assad stay in power. Wasn't it you who just said these countries need dictators ?

You can't have it both ways just because you are a racist and hate Russians

Never said that. Don't believe in dictators. Not even a necessary evil. Most of the time, the masses suffer under them.

one of you socialists did

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Sir Bob Geldof, has offered his 2 Bedroom Central London Flat to 'Syrian Refugees'' kind of ''Sir Bob''...

Great believe in Charity begins at home...

I hope they thoroughly check for fake passports held by would be ISIS infiltrators otherwise Sir Bob might follow Live Aid with Death Aid.
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Russia is helping Assad stay in power. Wasn't it you who just said these countries need dictators ?

You can't have it both ways just because you are a racist and hate Russians

Never said that. Don't believe in dictators. Not even a necessary evil. Most of the time, the masses suffer under them.

one of you socialists did

I'm about as far from a socialist as you can get.

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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

My point exactly! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Taking in more than non muslim countries, if you'd care to read.

Umm how many non Arab refugees have these states taken when other parts of the world were in trouble ?> How about zero ?

What other parts of the world? And not sure many non-Arab refugees would want to go there anyway! laugh.png

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Umm how many non Arab refugees have these states taken when other parts of the world were in trouble ?> How about zero ?

What other parts of the world? And not sure many non-Arab refugees would want to go there anyway! laugh.png

True, though there are a few exceptions. Prior to being made stateless by Burma, Saudis permitted around 300k Rohingya entry back in the late 70s; could be cynical and say cheap labour. Also Saudi permitted Somali refugees entry, believe they've now all been sent back.

Edited by simple1
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I better say I am being ironic in case our cousins miss understand.

Actually this is a huge tragedy and it is difficult to balance HUMANE considerations against selfish thoughts.

Cameron is NOT helping people at actual risk.

I think it is time for Europe to take the hard line. Invade Syria and carve out a secular state.

When Assad was in charge that is essentially what Syria was.

This being going on so long, I can't remember why the civil war in Syria started! I certainly don't recall Assad being any worse than the average Middle East tyrant!

I was actually thinking about ISIS and the rather limp response to date

When the Kurds re took Kabala, safe zones should have been established

I would certainly support boots on the ground to purge the area and destroy ISIS

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I better say I am being ironic in case our cousins miss understand.

Actually this is a huge tragedy and it is difficult to balance HUMANE considerations against selfish thoughts.

Cameron is NOT helping people at actual risk.

I think it is time for Europe to take the hard line. Invade Syria and carve out a secular state.

When Assad was in charge that is essentially what Syria was.

This being going on so long, I can't remember why the civil war in Syria started! I certainly don't recall Assad being any worse than the average Middle East tyrant!

I was actually thinking about ISIS and the rather limp response to date

When the Kurds re took Kabala, safe zones should have been established

I would certainly support boots on the ground to purge the area and destroy ISIS

Assad has been one of the worst dictatorships in the region, even prior to the current war his security forces were torturing and killing thousands in his prisons. As is well known also a State Sponsor of terrorism. Just as a reminder the war in Syria was kicked off by the Assad suppression of unarmed civilians during the Arab Spring demonstrations in 2011.


Though all all parties are guilty of terrible crimes in Syria, Assad's militias, Shabiha, have used 'cleansing' and rape as a tool of war. Numerous accusations Assad regime has manipulated Daesh and other Islamic terrorist organisations as leverage for his cause.


Yep, Syria was a caring secular state under Assad; not.

Edited by simple1
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Cameron = worthless, lying weasel.

He has actually done the only thing that might bring about an end to this crisis if more EU states copied him.

What he has agreed to is to give asylum to around 4000 syrian refugees that are at the moment in camps around the Syrian borders and have applied for asylum there. He is sending out a clear message that this is the only way to get asylum and that those people that do not apply at the first safe refuge point will get deported back to where they came from.

At present we have thousands of so called refugees DEMANDING to be allowed to go to a country of their choice without making any claim for asylum just DEMANDING to be given it. No country in the world is going to accept this arrangement regardless of how many pictures of dead babies the Lefty media tries to use to make this so

I haven't heard of a single Muslim country saying they will help their fellow Muslims by offering them asylum. NOT 1

Hungary has just told it like it is and seems not to understand the meaning of political correctness which makes a refreshing change

Link here


No, what he is doing is giving hope to the other million odd refugees in Turkey and Syria that they will be able to go to the UK and Euro. Where does it end?

The only thing that will "stop" this crisis is either to return all illegal economic migrants to their first port of entry to Europe which is where real asylum seekers should stay, or to set up a camp in the deserts of north Africa where they will be safe and send them there.

Policy should not be dictated by horrific images on tv, but by what is best for the country, and allowing thousands of potential terrorists to immigrate willy nilly is not in the country's best interests.

It is not insignificant that the next thread in line is about IS blowing up the world's heritage because they are Islamic thugs and care nothing for other cultures.

The only thing this is going to create will be race riots in the UK, IMO. Then we will have Cameron et al whining on tv and blaming their own people for behaving badly.

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Umm how many non Arab refugees have these states taken when other parts of the world were in trouble ?> How about zero ?

What other parts of the world? And not sure many non-Arab refugees would want to go there anyway! laugh.png

True, though there are a few exceptions. Prior to being made stateless by Burma, Saudis permitted around 300k Rohingya entry back in the late 70s; could be cynical and say cheap labour. Also Saudi permitted Somali refugees entry, believe they've now all been sent back.

HJ is just a troll and doesnt deserve your considered response.

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I better say I am being ironic in case our cousins miss understand.

Actually this is a huge tragedy and it is difficult to balance HUMANE considerations against selfish thoughts.

Cameron is NOT helping people at actual risk.

I think it is time for Europe to take the hard line. Invade Syria and carve out a secular state.

When Assad was in charge that is essentially what Syria was.

This being going on so long, I can't remember why the civil war in Syria started! I certainly don't recall Assad being any worse than the average Middle East tyrant!

I was actually thinking about ISIS and the rather limp response to date

When the Kurds re took Kabala, safe zones should have been established

I would certainly support boots on the ground to purge the area and destroy ISIS

Assad has been one of the worst dictatorships in the region, even prior to the current war his security forces were torturing and killing thousands in his prisons. As is well known also a State Sponsor of terrorism. Just as a reminder the war in Syria was kicked off by the Assad suppression of unarmed civilians during the Arab Spring demonstrations in 2011.


Though all all parties are guilty of terrible crimes in Syria, Assad's militias, Shabiha, have used 'cleansing' and rape as a tool of war. Numerous accusations Assad regime has manipulated Daesh and other Islamic terrorist organisations as leverage for his cause.


Yep, Syria was a caring secular state under Assad; not.

If you live under a brutal dictatorship it pays to think about the consequences before rebelling. Either take the crap or be prepared to suffer for change.

Assad is not the only brutal dictator. There have been several others, but because they were American glove puppets they were OK.

Mao killed millions ( Assad is small beer in comparison ), but Nixon thought he was OK to snuggle up with.

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I better say I am being ironic in case our cousins miss understand.

Actually this is a huge tragedy and it is difficult to balance HUMANE considerations against selfish thoughts.

Cameron is NOT helping people at actual risk.

I think it is time for Europe to take the hard line. Invade Syria and carve out a secular state.

When Assad was in charge that is essentially what Syria was.
This being going on so long, I can't remember why the civil war in Syria started! I certainly don't recall Assad being any worse than the average Middle East tyrant!

I was actually thinking about ISIS and the rather limp response to date

When the Kurds re took Kabala, safe zones should have been established

I would certainly support boots on the ground to purge the area and destroy ISIS

Assad has been one of the worst dictatorships in the region, even prior to the current war his security forces were torturing and killing thousands in his prisons. As is well known also a State Sponsor of terrorism. Just as a reminder the war in Syria was kicked off by the Assad suppression of unarmed civilians during the Arab Spring demonstrations in 2011.


Though all all parties are guilty of terrible crimes in Syria, Assad's militias, Shabiha, have used 'cleansing' and rape as a tool of war. Numerous accusations Assad regime has manipulated Daesh and other Islamic terrorist organisations as leverage for his cause.


Yep, Syria was a caring secular state under Assad; not.

Neither Assad, nor Gahdaffi for that matter, have to win any beauty contests to be preferable to what followed. I realize this is a bitter and unpalatable thing to weigh up in any case. It is not intervention per se that is the culprit, rather intervention with no viable exit strategy. On a rare optimistic note I suspect that a Kurdish state may emerge from the debris and furthermore any migrants with a realistic chance of being settled in or near their old homes should be housed locally, to give them the 'right of return' if you see what I mean.
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When Assad was in charge that is essentially what Syria was.
This being going on so long, I can't remember why the civil war in Syria started! I certainly don't recall Assad being any worse than the average Middle East tyrant!

I was actually thinking about ISIS and the rather limp response to date

When the Kurds re took Kabala, safe zones should have been established

I would certainly support boots on the ground to purge the area and destroy ISIS

Assad has been one of the worst dictatorships in the region, even prior to the current war his security forces were torturing and killing thousands in his prisons. As is well known also a State Sponsor of terrorism. Just as a reminder the war in Syria was kicked off by the Assad suppression of unarmed civilians during the Arab Spring demonstrations in 2011.


Though all all parties are guilty of terrible crimes in Syria, Assad's militias, Shabiha, have used 'cleansing' and rape as a tool of war. Numerous accusations Assad regime has manipulated Daesh and other Islamic terrorist organisations as leverage for his cause.


Yep, Syria was a caring secular state under Assad; not.

Neither Assad, nor Gahdaffi for that matter, have to win any beauty contests to be preferable to what followed. I realize this is a bitter and unpalatable thing to weigh up in any case. It is not intervention per se that is the culprit, rather intervention with no viable exit strategy. On a rare optimistic note I suspect that a Kurdish state may emerge from the debris and furthermore any migrants with a realistic chance of being settled in or near their old homes should be housed locally, to give them the 'right of return' if you see what I mean.

I'm sure you're well aware of the recent proposition to establish safe zones within Syria to house refugees, parallel to the Turkish & Jordanian borders, though now it's apparent the regional players cannot even agree to get this up & running.

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Here's something else sickening. An estimated 4,500 British ex-servicemen are sleeping rough on the streets of Britain, whilst we let in more than that number of Syrians, who you can be assured will be found shelter. The biggest irony is some of these migrants might be ISIS operatives, precisely the terrorists UK servicemen the were sent overseas to fight on our behalf in the first place.

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