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Britain set to accept 'thousands' more refugees


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Turkey does not convey Refugee Status. It is not a country of first asylum. They are not afforded the same protection as a country that provides asylum. Thailand is another country which does not provide asylum That means they may allow them to stay, or they may repatriate them.

But that is not the point. Your earlier post indicated that to be considered a refugee, the person must establish a fear of persecution. So, if they are in Turkey and living there for a couple of years, with food, housing, and medical care, how are they being persecuted?

Did you see that pic? The girls in the tent? They do not look like they are doing to well for food, housing and medical care.

Neither are billions of other people across the globe. So, is your point to let in those billions as well?

What seems apparent to me is that the current global politic cannot stumble on much longer in its current form. It is no longer possible for the rich to keep exploiting the poor in the vain hope that they won't realise it; the world is changing as the people at the bottom understand that they have the power to cause serious upsets. This is true on a national level (people increasingly opposing the 1%ers) as well as on a global level - so to put it in context, the refugees in Europe were initially mobilised by war; now they are mobilised by wanting to improve their lot. This is only the start.

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in my home country, the working, tax paying people, wanting social housing (rent at a reasonable price) have to wait years

if you want social benefits, you must prove you have no other incomes, own almost nothing, and you will have to go beg every month to keep your benefits

refugees, economical or not, get everything & inmmediatly for free

how long before people start to revolt ?

In the US, you may have a chance. If you're in Europe, where they have already taken all your guns, and where the government may indeed turn around and arm the "refugee militias," you are out of luck.

Nonsense, licensed civilian gun ownership is permitted in Europe. Government armed refugee militiascheesy.gif ,

Edited by simple1
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in my home country, the working, tax paying people, wanting social housing (rent at a reasonable price) have to wait years

if you want social benefits, you must prove you have no other incomes, own almost nothing, and you will have to go beg every month to keep your benefits

refugees, economical or not, get everything & inmmediatly for free

how long before people start to revolt ?

In the US, you may have a chance. If you're in Europe, where they have already taken all your guns, and where the government may indeed turn around and arm the "refugee militias," you are out of luck.

Nonsense, licensed civilian gun ownership is permitted in Europe. Government armed refugee militiascheesy.gif ,

Or Janissaries, if you like.

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But that is not the point. Your earlier post indicated that to be considered a refugee, the person must establish a fear of persecution. So, if they are in Turkey and living there for a couple of years, with food, housing, and medical care, how are they being persecuted?

Did you see that pic? The girls in the tent? They do not look like they are doing to well for food, housing and medical care.

Neither are billions of other people across the globe. So, is your point to let in those billions as well?

What seems apparent to me is that the current global politic cannot stumble on much longer in its current form. It is no longer possible for the rich to keep exploiting the poor in the vain hope that they won't realise it; the world is changing as the people at the bottom understand that they have the power to cause serious upsets. This is true on a national level (people increasingly opposing the 1%ers) as well as on a global level - so to put it in context, the refugees in Europe were initially mobilised by war; now they are mobilised by wanting to improve their lot. This is only the start.

Well, at least you're honest and state your goal: to pillage the West and hand out the property and belongings of Europeans and Americans to Africans and Middle Easterners.

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Did you see that pic? The girls in the tent? They do not look like they are doing to well for food, housing and medical care.

Neither are billions of other people across the globe. So, is your point to let in those billions as well?

What seems apparent to me is that the current global politic cannot stumble on much longer in its current form. It is no longer possible for the rich to keep exploiting the poor in the vain hope that they won't realise it; the world is changing as the people at the bottom understand that they have the power to cause serious upsets. This is true on a national level (people increasingly opposing the 1%ers) as well as on a global level - so to put it in context, the refugees in Europe were initially mobilised by war; now they are mobilised by wanting to improve their lot. This is only the start.

Well, at least you're honest and state your goal: to pillage the West and hand out the property and belongings of Europeans and Americans to Africans and Middle Easterners.

My goal? My goal would be to have us all sit on a blanket and sing kumbaya but that isn't going to happen any time soon.

But nowhere in my post did I suggest that I was looking forward to that which I fear might happen; I was merely pointing out that the seeds of discontent have been sown for a long time now, but globalisation and the information age means that the genie is out of the bottle.

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This might have a good side effect as it is pushing people to vote to leave the EU and I am one of them. Then we can start working on how to repatriate some of the dross.

Actually, you're right. Worse is better, because if it happens gradually nobody notices. With this invading horde the crisis is being thrown into people's faces. Now, they'll either do something about, or act like sheep and be sheared.

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If the crusade is against the one percenters, why are they not revolting in their own countries or the neighbouring ones . Why come all the way to Europe where the spread of wealth is actually more even than their own countries.

Actually I don't believe this a revolt against the rich. These people have nothing against the rich they simply want to become one of them. They will take the easiest and what they see as the quckest way to achieve it.

It is only the comfortably off western liberals that are against the rich. The rest of the world simply strives to become one of them and for many if they have to trample the pushover liberals on the way, that is fine.

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Great one Bob, shame you will house foreigners, what's wrong with giving your empty properties to homeless Brits. Publicity hungry weasel.

Sir Bob Geldof, has offered his 2 Bedroom Central London Flat to 'Syrian Refugees'' kind of ''Sir Bob''...

Great believe in Charity begins at home...

Pity he didnt offer it to the people in England who have lost their homes. Seems like a publicity stunt to me. As quoted charity begins at home

Why does charity have to begin "at home"? With all the benefits and opportunities open to westerners, I know where my charity lies.

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They simply cannot afford to allow more foreigners in when their very identity is so fragile.

That phrase would apply to many places these days. Same could be said for many parts of the UK and Germany etc.

The difference is stark - according to this report from about a year ago, foreign workers (EU and non-EU) make up around 15% of the UK workforce.

The Business Insider article explains that Oman has an almost 90% foreign workforce.

It would be a good idea for members to articulate why Syrian refugees should relocate to Saudi & the Gulf State dictatorships, many of whose citizens are the ideologues & financiers of the Sunni extremists who they are fleeing from in the first place.

Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.

If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.

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There is a big difference between being housed in a refugee camp, where the likes of the Red cross and other NGO's take the main responsibility of caring for these people and being welcomed as part of society like they are when they arrive in an EU country but then the Islamic apologists never let facts get in the way of defending Muslims regardless.

The UK has also given over a BILLION Pounds to Syria to help its people unlike the very rich Arabic states

Can you provide figures on how much the Arab states have contributed in aid to the refugees?

Do the research yourself... You know what Google is right?


Rather than relying on dramatic headlines from the rabidly right wing press, you should scroll down a little - read the Business Insider article and try to understand the situation from a gulf state perspective, where the locals are already hugely outnumbered by immigrants.

So you had to scroll past all the top hits in order to find ONE that suited you.... How very biased of you [emoji106]

The Gulf is outnumbered by immigrants because they brought in Indians as cheap labour and now in character with the Indian people they are taking over the country. The locals, Omani's excepted, dont want to work. They are to coin a term bloody lazy. You can never show me a hard working Saudi. They come in to the office at 10am drink tea, read the newspaper and chat with their friends then leave for lunch and never come back that day.

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Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.

If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.

Don't worry, there are plenty of Muslim areas and mosques in the UK and Germany. They'll be fine.

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Great one Bob, shame you will house foreigners, what's wrong with giving your empty properties to homeless Brits. Publicity hungry weasel.

Sir Bob Geldof, has offered his 2 Bedroom Central London Flat to 'Syrian Refugees'' kind of ''Sir Bob''...

Great believe in Charity begins at home...

Pity he didnt offer it to the people in England who have lost their homes. Seems like a publicity stunt to me. As quoted charity begins at home

Why does charity have to begin "at home"? With all the benefits and opportunities open to westerners, I know where my charity lies.

Because if you are asking people to pay for you, which is what will happen via taxes and the like, you give to your own people. Do you think if you went to their country before th conflict and said you are a refugee and could prove you were they would give you anything? Not a chance in hell. In the UK we have enough people who need help and who the government says it doesnt have the funds. If that is the case why should people in their own country be sacrificed by the government for people who come because the know we are a soft touch?

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Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.

If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.

Don't worry, there are plenty of Muslim areas and mosques in the UK and Germany. They'll be fine.

The UK is being slowly taken over by the Muslims. We are a Christian country and if they want to live in the UK they should accept our right to practice our religion. This includes Christmas and other religious holidays. Russia has the right attitude when Putin said "We welcome people who wish to come and live here but we have our rules, regultions and laws and we will not change them for anyone"

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Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.

If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.

Don't worry, there are plenty of Muslim areas and mosques in the UK and Germany. They'll be fine.

The UK is being slowly taken over by the Muslims. We are a Christian country and if they want to live in the UK they should accept our right to practice our religion. This includes Christmas and other religious holidays. Russia has the right attitude when Putin said "We welcome people who wish to come and live here but we have our rules, regultions and laws and we will not change them for anyone"

A diverse multi-faith culture is one of the UK's strengths. I'd hate the UK to be like Putin's Russia!

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Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.

If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.

Don't worry, there are plenty of Muslim areas and mosques in the UK and Germany. They'll be fine.

The UK is being slowly taken over by the Muslims. We are a Christian country and if they want to live in the UK they should accept our right to practice our religion. This includes Christmas and other religious holidays. Russia has the right attitude when Putin said "We welcome people who wish to come and live here but we have our rules, regultions and laws and we will not change them for anyone"

A diverse multi-faith culture is one of the UK's strengths. I'd hate the UK to be like Putin's Russia!

So you are prepared to give up your freedom for others. Very generous. I can tell you have never been to a Muslim country or you may have a different opinion. I dont mean for a holiday I mean to live there.

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Islam doesn't play the multi-faith game so well.

The UK also needs to be less apologetic for its native population and customs.

How many Christian churches in Saudi ? Face the facts which is that this crisis in the most part stems from Saudi originated extremism and then ask yourself how much is Saudi a multi faith society.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

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Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.
If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.
Don't worry, there are plenty of Muslim areas and mosques in the UK and Germany. They'll be fine.
The UK is being slowly taken over by the Muslims. We are a Christian country and if they want to live in the UK they should accept our right to practice our religion. This includes Christmas and other religious holidays. Russia has the right attitude when Putin said "We welcome people who wish to come and live here but we have our rules, regultions and laws and we will not change them for anyone"

A diverse multi-faith culture is one of the UK's strengths. I'd hate the UK to be like Putin's Russia!

So you are prepared to give up your freedom for others. Very generous. I can tell you have never been to a Muslim country or you may have a different opinion. I dont mean for a holiday I mean to live there.

Eh? Who said anything about giving up freedom? I'm not religious myself but don't have any issues with those who are, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu. As I said, Britain's diverse multi-faith culture is one of its strengths.
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Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.

If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.

Don't worry, there are plenty of Muslim areas and mosques in the UK and Germany. They'll be fine.

The UK is being slowly taken over by the Muslims. We are a Christian country and if they want to live in the UK they should accept our right to practice our religion. This includes Christmas and other religious holidays. Russia has the right attitude when Putin said "We welcome people who wish to come and live here but we have our rules, regultions and laws and we will not change them for anyone"

A diverse multi-faith culture is one of the UK's strengths. I'd hate the UK to be like Putin's Russia!

So you are prepared to give up your freedom for others. Very generous. I can tell you have never been to a Muslim country or you may have a different opinion. I dont mean for a holiday I mean to live there.

Eh? Who said anything about giving up freedom? I'm not religious myself but don't have any issues with those who are, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu. As I said, Britain's diverse multi-faith culture is one of its strengths.

I am not remotely religious myself (the UK's fastest growing religious affiliation is irreligion according to the 2011 census results, so this 'Muslim invasion' is clearly a flop) however from what I recall from Sunday School many years ago, Jesus was a lot more tolerant than the people on this threads who are worried about the future of Christianity.

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Islam doesn't play the multi-faith game so well.

The UK also needs to be less apologetic for its native population and customs.

How many Christian churches in Saudi ? Face the facts which is that this crisis in the most part stems from Saudi originated extremism and then ask yourself how much is Saudi a multi faith society.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

I think you have been to Saudi. I have and it isnt tolerant as you know of other religous beliefs

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Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.

If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.

Don't worry, there are plenty of Muslim areas and mosques in the UK and Germany. They'll be fine.

The UK is being slowly taken over by the Muslims. We are a Christian country and if they want to live in the UK they should accept our right to practice our religion. This includes Christmas and other religious holidays. Russia has the right attitude when Putin said "We welcome people who wish to come and live here but we have our rules, regultions and laws and we will not change them for anyone"

A diverse multi-faith culture is one of the UK's strengths. I'd hate the UK to be like Putin's Russia!

So you are prepared to give up your freedom for others. Very generous. I can tell you have never been to a Muslim country or you may have a different opinion. I dont mean for a holiday I mean to live there.

Eh? Who said anything about giving up freedom? I'm not religious myself but don't have any issues with those who are, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu. As I said, Britain's diverse multi-faith culture is one of its strengths.

You have no idea about Islam do you? Christmas is made a low level thing now in the English schools because tey dont want to offend the Muslims. I suggest you come out from under your blanket and find out what is really going on. You have already lost a lot of freedoms so far and it is only going to get worse.

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Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.

If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.

Don't worry, there are plenty of Muslim areas and mosques in the UK and Germany. They'll be fine.

The UK is being slowly taken over by the Muslims. We are a Christian country and if they want to live in the UK they should accept our right to practice our religion. This includes Christmas and other religious holidays. Russia has the right attitude when Putin said "We welcome people who wish to come and live here but we have our rules, regultions and laws and we will not change them for anyone"

A diverse multi-faith culture is one of the UK's strengths. I'd hate the UK to be like Putin's Russia!

So you are prepared to give up your freedom for others. Very generous. I can tell you have never been to a Muslim country or you may have a different opinion. I dont mean for a holiday I mean to live there.

Eh? Who said anything about giving up freedom? I'm not religious myself but don't have any issues with those who are, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu. As I said, Britain's diverse multi-faith culture is one of its strengths.

You have no idea about Islam do you? Christmas is made a low level thing now in the English schools because tey dont want to offend the Muslims. I suggest you come out from under your blanket and find out what is really going on. You have already lost a lot of freedoms so far and it is only going to get worse.

No, I'm not Muslim. But neither do I believe your UKIP talking points about loss of freedom. In any case I can't see their relevance to the current humanitarian refugee crisis.

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Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.

If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.

Don't worry, there are plenty of Muslim areas and mosques in the UK and Germany. They'll be fine.

The UK is being slowly taken over by the Muslims. We are a Christian country and if they want to live in the UK they should accept our right to practice our religion. This includes Christmas and other religious holidays. Russia has the right attitude when Putin said "We welcome people who wish to come and live here but we have our rules, regultions and laws and we will not change them for anyone"

A diverse multi-faith culture is one of the UK's strengths. I'd hate the UK to be like Putin's Russia!

So you are prepared to give up your freedom for others. Very generous. I can tell you have never been to a Muslim country or you may have a different opinion. I dont mean for a holiday I mean to live there.

Eh? Who said anything about giving up freedom? I'm not religious myself but don't have any issues with those who are, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu. As I said, Britain's diverse multi-faith culture is one of its strengths.

You have no idea about Islam do you? Christmas is made a low level thing now in the English schools because tey dont want to offend the Muslims. I suggest you come out from under your blanket and find out what is really going on. You have already lost a lot of freedoms so far and it is only going to get worse.

No, I'm not Muslim. But neither do I believe your UKIP talking points about loss of freedom. In any case I can't see their relevance to the current humanitarian refugee crisis.

There is no relevance, just a toxic brew of Daily Mail headlines all flowing out like a William Burroughs novel.

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Obviously because they are Muslims. familiar culture and no one is going to complain about noise pollution when they blast the call to prayer on loudspeakers at dawn. strangely they don't want to live in a Muslim country, but want to live in an infidel country- the answer is obvious.

If they don't want to go to a Sunni country because they are Shiites, there is Iran.

Don't worry, there are plenty of Muslim areas and mosques in the UK and Germany. They'll be fine.

The UK is being slowly taken over by the Muslims. We are a Christian country and if they want to live in the UK they should accept our right to practice our religion. This includes Christmas and other religious holidays. Russia has the right attitude when Putin said "We welcome people who wish to come and live here but we have our rules, regultions and laws and we will not change them for anyone"

A diverse multi-faith culture is one of the UK's strengths. I'd hate the UK to be like Putin's Russia!

Why do you think it is a "strength". I worked for 10 years in London and to me the UK seems like an overly PC, over regulated, weak country that spies on it's citizens excessively and treats them like ignoramuses that must be treated like children. I can't visualise the British as the people that conquered half the world.

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They are people like you and me, not wild animals.

But they are in desperate need, aka "begging"... Beggars can't be choosers and you should never look a gift horse in the mouth.

With all the safe countries they go through its clear they're heading to the richer countries for a free ride on the benefits systems...


Its all about financial gain... NOT just about being in a safe country

Google Earth says that's 3,760 kms from Syria to Germany. Turkey is obviously next door... They are also crossing at least 7 nations...

Goodbye Germany. Goodbye Europe. They are going to out-need you and out-breed you.

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A diverse multi-faith culture is one of the UK's strengths. I'd hate the UK to be like Putin's Russia!

So you are prepared to give up your freedom for others. Very generous. I can tell you have never been to a Muslim country or you may have a different opinion. I dont mean for a holiday I mean to live there.

Eh? Who said anything about giving up freedom? I'm not religious myself but don't have any issues with those who are, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu. As I said, Britain's diverse multi-faith culture is one of its strengths.

I am not remotely religious myself (the UK's fastest growing religious affiliation is irreligion according to the 2011 census results, so this 'Muslim invasion' is clearly a flop) however from what I recall from Sunday School many years ago, Jesus was a lot more tolerant than the people on this threads who are worried about the future of Christianity.

I don't think many on here care about the future of Christianity. What we do care about is how subservience to an alien and vicious religion is affecting the citizens that are not Muslim and have no desire to affected by them. They can have their religion, but they can keep it to themselves and not try and make those of us that reject islam totally accept their way of life.

They don't accept other religions in Saudi, so let's give them the same situation in our countries. When there is a church in Riyadh they can build one in our countries ( unfortunately that is too late now, as they have built them all over ).

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Remember all those protests trying to stop the Iraq invasion? All those lefty do gooders? Well, this is what they were trying to prevent, but it's too late now.

Those protester didn't see this invasion and were protesting for different reasons than this.

It's your "lefty do gooders" who are allowing this invasion.

Wake up!

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The determination of whether someone is a refugee is done through a screening process. It involves people fleeing because of a well founded fear of persecution as the main criteria.

These people are traversing six or seven western countries to get to Germany or the UK. whistling.gif

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