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Cooking with game


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Morning, I'm up on the farm with the wife and I have been told I am head chef for the weekend. The brother in law dropped of some game meat this weekend they has be caught over the week. I am a total loss of what to do with it. Firstly, I have some wild pig, it seems tough and chewy so it will need a marinade I would think. The next type of meat is the odd one: badger. How should I cook it? I'm shocked and looking at the critter as me type. It's not pretty it looks demented and his a tilted grin. It's been gutted, so I'm thinking of fill the cavity with a surprise melody of herbs. No idea where the bro in law got it but me guess is it's a dead pet for JJ market.

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No matter how you cook them make sure you have lots of spicy hot dips. Thais will eat it s long as they have something to dip it into. I ate wild boar here before it was tough chewy as you said and tasteless so dip gives it flavour. If you arenot eating it just grill it same as thais. Badger make laep.

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For the badger, rub garlic, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper into the skin.

Then leave it to marinade for about one hour in a mixture of diesel, Loh Khao, formaldehyde and wooly bobble hats.

I would then stuff the badger with Richard Gere but you will need a Tapered Richard Gere Application Unit for this.

Alternately, you could use the Bishop of Water Orton as the stuffing.

Cook on a very low heat for about 5 hours or until the badgers ears become crunchy.

Serve over a bed with loads of vino.

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For the badger, rub garlic, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper into the skin.

Then leave it to marinade for about one hour in a mixture of diesel, Loh Khao, formaldehyde and wooly bobble hats.

I would then stuff the badger with Richard Gere but you will need a Tapered Richard Gere Application Unit for this.

Alternately, you could use the Bishop of Water Orton as the stuffing.

Cook on a very low heat for about 5 hours or until the badgers ears become crunchy.

Serve over a bed with loads of vino.

This one is a great recipe.

I eat mine with a sauce Soutpeel recomnended over on the Pattaya forum some years ago.

He called it "My very own splash juice" and likened it to the chicken and the egg.

Salty but with honey overtones...it goes well with a nice IPA from an artisan brewer.

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whistling.gif A good marinade for "gamey" meats is a milk based marinade.

Many meats are acidic and milk is a base (basic) PH. so it can remove and neutralize the "gamey" flavor.

Also a good soak in a milk marinade for 24 hours can also soften and tenderize the meat also.

Then throw away and discard the milk and wash the meat clean with water before cooking it.

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