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Merkel sees no legal limit on asylum-seekers

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The Latest: Merkel sees no legal limit on asylum-seekers
By The Associated Press

The latest news as tens of thousands of migrants pour into countries across Europe. All times local (CET):

9:00 a.m.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says there is no legal limit to the number of asylum seekers her country can receive.

Merkel told the Funke consortium of newspapers in an interview published Saturday that "the right to political asylum has no limits on the number of asylum seekers."

She says that "as a strong, economically healthy country we have the strength to do what is necessary" and ensure every asylum seeker gets a fair hearing.

But Merkel repeated her government's position that those migrants who stand no realistic chance of getting permission to stay need to be returned to their home country.

Germany has seen tens of thousands of migrants arriving each month, many of them refugees fleeing war and persecution in Syria, Eritrea and elsewhere.


7 a.m.

More than 1,000 people from the Middle East and Asia, exhausted after breaking away from police and marching for hours toward Western Europe, have arrived before dawn Saturday on the border with Austria.

The breakthrough became possible when Austria announced that it and Germany would take the migrants on humanitarian grounds and to aid their EU neighbor.

In jubilant scenes on the border, hundreds of migrants bearing blankets over their shoulders to provide cover from heavy rains walked off from buses and into Austria, where volunteers at a roadside Red Cross shelter offered them hot tea and handshakes of welcome.

Many collapsed in exhaustion on the floor, smiles on their faces.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-05

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Maybe this has something to do with this?


Germany passes Japan to have world's lowest birth rate - study

So, Japan returns to a 19th century population level, when things were not as crowded and polluted??? And relies on robots and automation for labor intensive services? Sounds pretty good to me.

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Same-o Same-o as the USA ... the political Elites are for opening the gates ... as does Merkel... When one has a top level salary, lives on perqs handed out freely, hob nobs with other elite, travels in top notch fashion, physically lives in a gated community, is immune from all that they deem necessary for others ... She might as well say 'Let them eat cake'... She has pledged - JUST FOR GERMANY - THIS YEAR ... 800,000 .... Fricken AMAZING... the aloofness that can be acquired in such a short time ...

So - there are not enough German - mostly Christian babies to make up a future workforce... Hmmm? And importing Middle East Muslims - with a 180 degree opposite life view and encourage them to populate is a reasonable answer. Holy Hell the logic is astounding -- astoundingly broken... It would be more sane to import South and Central American Catholics -- OH WAIT ... America has several million that we would gladly export ...

A Politician making decisions that will destroy a thousand years of German Culture at the blink of an eye in the overall time scale ... And the people of Germany have not been offered a referendum to vote on this ... JUST A DECREE supported by MPs who are supposed to be representatives of the people - but obviously do not represent ... because they didn't even ask.

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If I were a conspiracy theorist, I could almost believe that Merkel is taking orders from the Kremlin to trash western Europe as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

After all, she did grow up in East Germany .....

In the past everything looks like she takes orders from USA. Actually USA also let all the Mexicans. What purpose?

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Same-o Same-o as the USA ... the political Elites are for opening the gates ... as does Merkel... When one has a top level salary, lives on perqs handed out freely, hob nobs with other elite, travels in top notch fashion, physically lives in a gated community, is immune from all that they deem necessary for others ... She might as well say 'Let them eat cake'... She has pledged - JUST FOR GERMANY - THIS YEAR ... 800,000 .... Fricken AMAZING... the aloofness that can be acquired in such a short time ...

So - there are not enough German - mostly Christian babies to make up a future workforce... Hmmm? And importing Middle East Muslims - with a 180 degree opposite life view and encourage them to populate is a reasonable answer. Holy Hell the logic is astounding -- astoundingly broken... It would be more sane to import South and Central American Catholics -- OH WAIT ... America has several million that we would gladly export ...

A Politician making decisions that will destroy a thousand years of German Culture at the blink of an eye in the overall time scale ... And the people of Germany have not been offered a referendum to vote on this ... JUST A DECREE supported by MPs who are supposed to be representatives of the people - but obviously do not represent ... because they didn't even ask.

Before this is all over, all these Euros are going to be wishing they had a constitutionally right to bear arms and protect themselves--both from the invaders and their government.

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A news source which adds short printed updates by the hour: bigstory.ap.org

Europeans spent centuries building up communities. Lots of mistakes and blood and tears along the way, but they're moving along pretty well.

Now M.Easterners who have spent centuries destroying their environments and popping out babies (Palestinian women average 9 each) and adhering to a mean-spirited belief system - want to walk/ride into Europe and get all the benefits - including welfare payments. ....all the benefits (free speech, democracy, hospitals, schools, green parks, fair justice system, pensions/SS, uncensored libraries/internet) ...which they've trashed in their own countries.

As for Merkel: there will be an ugly backlash to her bleeding-heart policy. Perhaps she's still harboring guilt for her Fatherland's xenophobic killings of WWII. That war ended only 70 years ago. I had thought Merkel was clear thinking, but this new open door policy is plain dumb, and will bring harm to Germany and Europe. ....and it shits on all the blood and effort of long-ago Europeans who fought so hard to keep out the Turks and other Islamists of olde.

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There seriously has to be more to this than we know. Can't for the life of me think what it can be.

Your average non European has to jump through hoops just to get a visa.

I would agree: Why do EU leaders bar a couple, seem so hellbent on alienating their populations like this?

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One of the richest countries in the world Saudi Arabia has done nothing to help the Syrian refugees

Typical.They'll cut off your hand but they won't lend one..............................coffee1.gif

Mostly non Muslims or not extremist Muslim flee the country.....they aren't welcome.

Iran helps....

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PM of Finland has offered to personally take some refugees into his home and requesting others in the country to do the same.

Nice to see some humanity out there.

Bob Geldof has also offered four families of Syrians refuge in his two homes.

There has been no response as they have been through enough already.........................coffee1.gif

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Same-o Same-o as the USA ... the political Elites are for opening the gates ... as does Merkel... When one has a top level salary, lives on perqs handed out freely, hob nobs with other elite, travels in top notch fashion, physically lives in a gated community, is immune from all that they deem necessary for others ... She might as well say 'Let them eat cake'... She has pledged - JUST FOR GERMANY - THIS YEAR ... 800,000 .... Fricken AMAZING... the aloofness that can be acquired in such a short time ...

So - there are not enough German - mostly Christian babies to make up a future workforce... Hmmm? And importing Middle East Muslims - with a 180 degree opposite life view and encourage them to populate is a reasonable answer. Holy Hell the logic is astounding -- astoundingly broken... It would be more sane to import South and Central American Catholics -- OH WAIT ... America has several million that we would gladly export ...

A Politician making decisions that will destroy a thousand years of German Culture at the blink of an eye in the overall time scale ... And the people of Germany have not been offered a referendum to vote on this ... JUST A DECREE supported by MPs who are supposed to be representatives of the people - but obviously do not represent ... because they didn't even ask.

A Politician making decisions that will destroy a thousand years of German Culture at the blink of an eye in the overall time scale ... And the people of Germany have not been offered a referendum to vote on this ... JUST A DECREE supported by MPs who are supposed to be representatives of the people - but obviously do not represent ... because they didn't even ask.

Its in the German constitution so it has nothing to do about Merkel. Germany took 40% of all Bosnian's during the Bosnian war and most of them returned.

I support the German constitution for asylum seekers but the economic immigrants should be send back asap.

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Hello Europe, kiss goodbye your rolling green fields and chirping birds, here come da Syrians and Afghanis.......

Hopefully the West is next time more careful of executing regime changes such as in Libya, Iraq, Syria etc then they wouldn't have to come to Europe. clap2.gif

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still : super rich muslim countries do not welcome any ... muslim brothers ...

No - they're not as daft as Merkel and the other loony tune politicians.

They know what these people are like, how they will behave and what effects they will have on any country that admits them.

UAE, Qatar, Saudi, Kuwait - nope, they won't let them ruin their countries.

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