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SURVEY: Should EU countries continue to accept refugees and migrants?

SURVEY: Should the EU continue to accept migrants and refugees?  

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The flow of migrants and refugees has continued unabated. In your opinion, do you think that the EU countries should continue to accept these arrivals?

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Hey Vogie, who do think made these places this way ? it is a true crisis for sure, but all because of religion and power, and the lack of tolerance by a mostly Muslim population. Now they all want to go to Europe where they in most cases will not try to fit in, but want their own country standards and norms recreated for them at the expense of the Europeans! If anything send peace keepers and militaries to stop the conflict. Sounds counter intuitive but tear out the problem like a cancer cell before it is allowed to spread.


Is there any Muslim Countries Taking any Refugees besides Turkey ??. In my opinion, Europe is in for big problems ahead

Over 4 million registered Syrian refugees since 2011. Nearly half of those are in Turkey. 40% is in other surrounding countries like Libanon. Less than 10% came to Europe, with Germany alone taking in nearly half of those. That leaves around 180,000 refugees scattered over the rest of Europe. On over 600 million European residents in total I don't see the problem some are seeing.


It was once said that Islam would conqueror Europe without a bullet being fired.

I think we are just witnessing the seeding of the cancer.


People need to accept this is all by design.

Gadaffi promised that Europe would be flooded by immigrants without him and sought funding from the EU to keep acting as their buffer. He was betrayed in a move that any global strategist would have quickly identified as a direct attack on the migration controls of all the countries of Europe. The same goes for Syria - can anyone remember why Assad and Gadaffi were allowed to be replaced by Islamic terror states? Where were the front-page photos of the children lying headless from 2 years ago thanks to ISIS?

You only have to look at the hysteria around that poor, drowned 3 year-old economic migrant, compared to the horror which has been steadily ignored for years, to understand that social manipulation of epic proportions is underway.

"Freedom of Movement" inside the EU is not a "red line" for no reason. Without it, the EU project can be reversed. With it, each nation-state becomes so diluted in culture and loyalty, that the opportunity for a country to seize back sovereignty is very short-lived. This mass injection of people who have no loyalty to their host nation is one of the final moves in the set-piece. We are witnessing the final years of the nation-states of Europe; "Ever-closer union" is being delivered as promised.


this is the furst tme i have tae agree wwith this arshole david cameron on the opinion he has expressed, accepting refuges wont solve the problem the uk is currently facing the day, there are and will still be millions o them oot theur, willing to settle down in european countries in the hope of having a better life due to living in proverty in the middle east, there are almost 2 millions of refuges living in turkey, half of whom are trying to live off by stealing robbing e.t.c well more refugees means more conflict in the balance of income tax!!!-(this is one of the biggest problems turkey is currently going through), that means more tax, lower income, lower standarts of living, resulting in more poverty, the european economy is fragile!!!, we have all seen this, greece is a big example!!, what must be done is to stop the war in syria, making a pact with the esad regime!!!!!!, dry the swamp than to deal with the mosquitos!!!


People need to accept this is all by design.

Gadaffi promised that Europe would be flooded by immigrants without him and sought funding from the EU to keep acting as their buffer. He was betrayed in a move that any global strategist would have quickly identified as a direct attack on the migration controls of all the countries of Europe. The same goes for Syria - can anyone remember why Assad and Gadaffi were allowed to be replaced by Islamic terror states? Where were the front-page photos of the children lying headless from 2 years ago thanks to ISIS?

You only have to look at the hysteria around that poor, drowned 3 year-old economic migrant, compared to the horror which has been steadily ignored for years, to understand that social manipulation of epic proportions is underway.

"Freedom of Movement" inside the EU is not a "red line" for no reason. Without it, the EU project can be reversed. With it, each nation-state becomes so diluted in culture and loyalty, that the opportunity for a country to seize back sovereignty is very short-lived. This mass injection of people who have no loyalty to their host nation is one of the final moves in the set-piece. We are witnessing the final years of the nation-states of Europe; "Ever-closer union" is being delivered as promised.

We are also in an endless war cycle. These immigrants have through social media seen the prosperity of European countries and want a piece of the pie. Unfortunately all that prosperity is built on a mountain of debt almost unpayable. Now all these bankrupt Euro countries are expected to step in and fix the problem created by others? People as well as big business are embracing the idea of a global community and the immigrants are just "moving in" to claim their fair share as they see it.


First thing they need to do is to stop bringing so called refugees that are in boats off the Libyan shore to Europe. return them to the Libyan shore. If they aren't within the EU border, there is no legal requirement to allow them into Europe.


I voted the forth option. Unfortunately there is no fifth - ban Islam, ban mosques, deport Muslims.

I think one African state is leading the rest of the World in this respect. Good for them.


I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.


It was once said that Islam would conqueror Europe without a bullet being fired.

I think we are just witnessing the seeding of the cancer.

So it was said.

Yes, we are witnessing it happening.

But there will be lots of bones and fired bullets, just you wait.


I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

Oh change the record please, birth rates in the UK have rocketed since the Labour & Tory governments threw the doors open to the world. Any strategy which is not formed with control as a pivotal component is not a strategy at all.

Immigration is no exception, and currently there is not sufficient housing and infrastructure in the UK for the people who live there now, nevermind adding 800,000 to the annual influx of 600,000 per annum (not to mention the many thousands of illegal immigrants). These numbers are ridiculous and unsustainable; how can we be in a position to help others if we do not first ensure we remain strong enough to help - and that means having enough homes, schools, jobs and hospital places for everyone first.

Yes, help the refugees by funding the best help available in the bordering countries - bring the UN to bear and make sure the host countries treat them humanely. Also, with a pool of 4 million refugees to select from, why in 3 years has there been no effort made to train, arm and mobilise a liberation force backed by Western air power & logistics? I'll tell you why, because they don't want that to happen!

Encouraging people to get into the sea and risk thousands of lives is what's morally wrong here.


I think the U.S. should take more of them but also I think Europe should take more from Latin America. Result? Better Mexican food in Europe and then later Thailand.


I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

Oh change the record please, birth rates in the UK have rocketed since the Labour & Tory governments threw the doors open to the world. Any strategy which is not formed with control as a pivotal component is not a strategy at all.

Immigration is no exception, and currently there is not sufficient housing and infrastructure in the UK for the people who live there now, nevermind adding 800,000 to the annual influx of 600,000 per annum (not to mention the many thousands of illegal immigrants). These numbers are ridiculous and unsustainable; how can we be in a position to help others if we do not first ensure we remain strong enough to help - and that means having enough homes, schools, jobs and hospital places for everyone first.

Yes, help the refugees by funding the best help available in the bordering countries - bring the UN to bear and make sure the host countries treat them humanely. Also, with a pool of 4 million refugees to select from, why in 3 years has there been no effort made to train, arm and mobilise a liberation force backed by Western air power & logistics? I'll tell you why, because they don't want that to happen!

Encouraging people to get into the sea and risk thousands of lives is what's morally wrong here.

Yeah, that's (Full of selfishness. It's a shame) the expected answer according 2 sayings:

Wash me, but don't make me wet" or

Let me have my cake and eat it too

Go dtaga do riocht


Allow them to go to the countries whose foreign policies are responsible for the mess.

That's wrong. The Americans are mainly responsible for that chaos, death and terror. Do they take refugees?


Yeah that'll work.


The problem is how to help these fourth world migrants, without Europe also looking like this in few decades.


Allow them to go to the countries whose foreign policies are responsible for the mess.

Agreed! So that would be Russia, USA and the EU countries....

How far do you want to go back? I'd say the UK is in that mix too. Drawing middle east countries with borders that make no sense ... this mess is endless.


Allow them to go to the countries whose foreign policies are responsible for the mess.

That's wrong. The Americans are mainly responsible for that chaos, death and terror. Do they take refugees?

While I agree that United States (not American) foreign policies have precipitated many of these problems, those problems are with refugees. A refugee is someone fleeing from a problem. The majority of these people are not refugees -- they are fourth world migrants seeking to gain from others. This is not merely a refugee problem


I don't blame them but even the legit refugees, and there are many, are showing a strong motivation to go to places that will be much better for them, like Germany, rather than some other places that might take them but won't be as good.


I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

Why is it only Europe's responsibility? What about Saudi helping their brothers?
I have lived in a Muslim country and they hate everything you ( assuming you aren't a Muslim ) believe in and want to make YOU conform to THEIR beliefs. Are you OK with that? Are you going to convert to Islam?
It is not my, or anyone else's responsibility to give Syrians a future. That is for them to do.
Many of the so called refugees are illegal economic migrants, not in fear of their lives at all.
There are millions of Phillipinos, a Christian culture, that will happily move to the west to work and pay taxes, and they will do so legally. Why are you so keen on having people that want to change your culture come to live with you?
I hope you are volunteering to take a few of those refugees to live in your house with you.

I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

Oh change the record please, birth rates in the UK have rocketed since the Labour & Tory governments threw the doors open to the world. Any strategy which is not formed with control as a pivotal component is not a strategy at all.

Immigration is no exception, and currently there is not sufficient housing and infrastructure in the UK for the people who live there now, nevermind adding 800,000 to the annual influx of 600,000 per annum (not to mention the many thousands of illegal immigrants). These numbers are ridiculous and unsustainable; how can we be in a position to help others if we do not first ensure we remain strong enough to help - and that means having enough homes, schools, jobs and hospital places for everyone first.

Yes, help the refugees by funding the best help available in the bordering countries - bring the UN to bear and make sure the host countries treat them humanely. Also, with a pool of 4 million refugees to select from, why in 3 years has there been no effort made to train, arm and mobilise a liberation force backed by Western air power & logistics? I'll tell you why, because they don't want that to happen!

Encouraging people to get into the sea and risk thousands of lives is what's morally wrong here.

Germany is taking more than 800000 refugees this year despite housing problems and so called "illegals". Why Germany will do that? Because of their guarantee of giving asylum to EVERYBODY. No other country got that law and right in their constitution.

Of course it's a challenge but ALL European countries are involved but not the cherry picker's country UK?

First we have to take the refugees giving them shelter, food and medical supply, then language lessons/education, last give them a tax paying job: win-win

Good example Sweden: everybody can enter this country. If he finds a tax paying job within 3 months he can stay. For me the best solution.

Actually there is a "GOOD COUNTRY INDEX". I'm proud to say that Ireland is No. 1

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