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how do you stop1000 birds in my tree of a night screaming


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Hang a string of those firecrackers they use for scaring away ghosts during Buddist ceremonies.....set them off in about 2hr intervals for a couple of nights...

They will be gone. But not for long, probably a couple of weeks and they will be back....

And no one will take any notice of you in the village, they will think you are doing a ceremony......

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You chose to live there ! and I bet the birds were there a long time before you were, and there is more of them than you, so you move.

In Europe there are always these people who buy a house direct at the airport (cheap) and complain about the sound of starting airplanes and try to restrict times.....blink.png

Same Same

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chances that the airport is a known thing when you buy a house there...

and again, chances are that OP didn't go at 2am for house buying to be aware of this situation?

anyway, the birds has the right to make noise wherever they want,

and the OP has the right to get rid the tree, and the noise with it.

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Get a stuffed owl or falcon and tie it up in the branches or something ? I dont know, without knowing the species, would be touch exploiting their predators.......just an idea,,,

A friend of mine had a pigeon problem at his condo.....so he got a Falcon statue that he put on his balcony.

When I visited a few weeks later saw that the Falcon statue was covered in pigeon poop. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Why do those thousands of birds choose that particular tree?

You see it regularly. Some random tree is the roosting place for thousands of birds in the middle of lots of trees. Is it a party tree?

Why that tree?

It's something that I have always pondered.

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Why do those thousands of birds choose that particular tree?

You see it regularly. Some random tree is the roosting place for thousands of birds in the middle of lots of trees. Is it a party tree?

Why that tree?

It's something that I have always pondered.

safety in numbers, as to why? dont know

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Watch Hitchcock's The Birds film and you'll be happy not to get any sleep.

Or download owl / eagle / hawk sounds and play those to the birds. Not sure, but there might also be some distress call's which make the birds leave the location. At least it would be interesting to see, how the birds would react.

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Get a stuffed owl or falcon and tie it up in the branches or something ? I dont know, without knowing the species, would be touch exploiting their predators.......just an idea,,,

Get a real owl or falcon and train him to eat the intruders! Might be a fun hobby!

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chances that the airport is a known thing when you buy a house there...

and again, chances are that OP didn't go at 2am for house buying to be aware of this situation?

anyway, the birds has the right to make noise wherever they want,

and the OP has the right to get rid the tree, and the noise with it.

I was with you on the first three lines; but it's bamboo, not a tree, and it is not known whether the OP owns the bamboo or not. I play my favorite music on the stereo, turn-down the aircon, cuddle with my lady under a down comforter, and have a great night's sleep. Never have a problem sleeping.

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I mean its a long shot but what about a Scarecrow ?

Not a long shot at all.....We had one of them annoying 'Peeeet peeeeeet peeeeeet' birds what whistle all day in a tree in the garden but every time I went to look for it it shut up so the missus got an old T Shirt of mine and stuffed it with paper and it went away.

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wombat i did that once

i was working outback in oz a area where plenty of wild quail

afriend rang and said was coming up in 2weeks and shot him alof of quail

as were going to have alarge dinner party

i forgot till day before he came asked if i had

the town was a roosting place for 1000s starlings of anight

itook the shotgun and blasted the trees and had 200 starlings in no time

plucked and put on ice he took next day back to city

he rang latter to tell me he and friends said were the best quail ever tasted

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Don't know why some posters are always "kill the tree, kill the birds". Guess they have the same mentality as some yankee dentist that went to Africa to shoot tourist attraction animals. Small dick syndrome. Don't kill them, many posts with some suggestions about how to move them on. Or move on yourself. When the frogs, toads and crickets make too much noise, I use ear plugs. Always have a good sleep then.

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We had this exact problem in our bamboo grove as well. Your local booze or funeral supply store will have fireworks rockets that look like an M80 with the fuse in the middle. Pound a 1 inch diameter PVC pipe into the ground and launch a rocket right into the tree after the birds have arrived. Those fireworks going off took care of the problem after about two nights! Keep a few handy if they come back.

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