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homeless farang in Thailand, what you do here?


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some Thai people have reported me last time seeing homeless farangs picking (from trash) plastic bottles to recycle.

what happened to these guys? I know a farang, he is totally broke and he want stay in Thailand. he lost his house to a lady and he doesn't want go back to his home country because he is too old or too lazy. he still hope he will get his money back maybe.

why not to go home? get assistance, get a job back on track and maybe come back later.

I think too many got the big Thai dream(like the American dream) and it didn't work for them apparently.

it' s sad to see that some guys have left their brain at the airport.

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I don't think this is a troll post.

I always wonder how desperate someone must be and just how difficult times some people must have fallen on when they are forced to live homeless in Thailand.

I often see a farang guy in Ao Manao in Prachuap Khiri Khan who seems to be living homeless. With this guy it's the juxtaposition of his situation which strikes me: he sits all day and night looking out over a beautiful beach, in a spectacular setting, yet his life is obviously far from beautiful.

I imagine the cause of many of these guys who have fallen on hard times in now particular order is drink/drugs, broken relationships, money problems.

Desperately sad.

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Where would you rather be homeless - warm Thailand or miserable Europe/America?

Tell him to get on a boat. Head for Greece or Hungary. He will then be given a free house, free food, free schooling for his children, free medical care, money free every week, a job and a visa to travel in most parts of Europe. If he commits a crime he will be able to stay in the country he is in, claiming that it is against his human rights to send him back. Lots of people are doing it so he won't feel alone.

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some of these guys might just be addicts...

cheap drugs and the weather keep them here.

also, they may have overstayed, and are afraid of the penalties/jail.

more accurately, vices

they end up controlling you, rather then the other way around.

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Things happen. Usually, when ppl watch their money deplete and their leads dry up, one should consider an exit while they still have money/their mind.

However, I believe quite a few have mental illness, as no one wants to live on the street. We've all heard the stories, and some have come on here, and the usual suggestions are made:

Go to your embassy, international agency that deals with westerners & temples.

IMO, if one decides to stay and live on the street without receiving assistance then they'll either die here or go mad.

I just don't understand how ppl get this far off.

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The same story plays out almost everyday.

1) Guy flies to Thailand.

2) 2 week millionaire - living in a hotel, eating in restaurants, partying all night, waking up next to beautiful young women he'd never be able to score back home.

3) Money starts getting short. Drain bank. Max out credit cards. Sell valuables (if any). Anything to keep the party going !

4) Move to cheaper accommodations, cheaper eating choices, cheaper "entertainment" options.

5) Almost broke - cash in plane ticket, start trying to borrow money from family/friends.

6) Broke - sell, er I mean, "lose" passport. Play on people's sympathies. Try begging.

That is primarily why I won't even consider lending someone I don't personally know any money, or have much in the way of sympathy for most of them. Most of them could have gone back home, kept working (or whatever) until they could afford another holiday but instead decide to (literally) piss it all away and then hope others will feel sorry for them.

We read stories about "hard luck" cases all the time but more often than not, "luck" had nothing to do with their situation. Poor choices and lack of control (or will power) has more to do with it than "luck". 60+ year old guys finding the 20(ish) year old "love of their life" in a bar and handing her every penny they have a week after meeting her. I suspect that happens far more often than we read about, it's just that many are too embarrassed to admit it or have gone back to where they came from, possibly never to return.

Doesn't help when people get suckered into helping "poor homeless guy" only to see his face in the news a week later partying it up on the money he even admits "people were stupid enough to give him". I've seen a few too many BS artists in my time and look at each case with a very healthy dose of skepticism.

Just imagine what Thailand would look like if they didn't have all their immigration rules that people whine about all the time. We read enough stories on TV about people who can't meet the requirements for various visas and are searching for cheaper ways to stay here. I suspect a lot of them are sitting at #4 (above) and sliding towards #5.

Without the rules they have now I dare say that a stroll along Beach Road (or Khao San or wherever) would find you running into very large throngs of pickpockets and addicts, only most of them would be foreigners instead of ladyboys.

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These homeless people should just go back home, create the next Apple, and come back rich!!!!

Or, get a PhD, teach for a few decades, retire rich!!!

Or just marry rich, easy. Get divorced, take a few million, retire.....super easy.

Or start a youtube channel, get a billion subs, and be rich!!!!

I am shocked most of the world has less than $100,000 USD in their savings account.

To all you people living on $1 a day......I will pay you $1.25 a day to go out and make me rich!!!!!!!! lol

Maybe they are living like each day is their last!!!!! LOL


Edited by puukao
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Some have serious mental health issues. A former colleague was schizophrenic. He arrived here quite lucid and well-presented, and his credentials were very good, so I hired him. Within a month I was beginning to regret it as his schizophrenia took over, mostly because of the booze, but likely also because of culture shock. I ended up having to sack him, and he then wandered the streets for some time before I heard he was put on a plane and sent home. A couple of years later, he returned, came into the office and said he was "cured" after a year or so in a mental institution. Given his history of drinking, I suggested this wasn't the best place for him, and a couple of weeks later the stories of him being spotted drunk and roaming the streets filtered in. Then I got a phone call from him seeking help. He was in the Somdej Chao Phaya institution, having been picked up naked on the street somewhere. With the help of his parents, I got him out and sent him home. Incidentally, at the institution were a lot of foreigners in varying states of mental accuity - from what I could see, the foreign patients numbered about 20, about 20% of the people in the gardens and the wards (that I could see).

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Yet again the usual mix of ill informed, prejudiced and 'holier than thou' attitudes permeate throughout this thread. Here are the facts:

The vast majority of homeless people have mental health issues. A recent survey in the UK shows that some 80% of homeless people reported some form of mental health issues with 45% actually being diagnosed with serious problems (http://www.homeless.org.uk/facts/our-research/homelessness-and-health-research). Granted this is just the UK but it is widely acknowledged that these sort of figures permeate throughout the world so I can't see how this will differ greatly in Thailand.

Saying this, I have lived in Bangkok for 6 years now and have never seen a homeless farang. If I did though, my first thought would not be 'now there's a man who spunked all his money on 20 year old bimbos and now has to riffle through bins to make ends meet". I'd be thinking he has problems; serious problems and if I knew him then I would be trying to guide him towards help rather than chastise him for what may not be his fault.

As the original poster asks, why don't these people go home? The answer is, it may not be as simple as that.

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Most the homeless aren't as diabolic as some have suggested. See them wandering the streets trying to scrape together whatever they can. Mos-likely they made the choice to try to stay-on when they should have left. Regardless, doubt they were pleased with life prior to whatever led up to bumming in Thailand.

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Where would you rather be homeless - warm Thailand or miserable Europe/America?

Well the logical choice would be the country that provides some kind of assistance to get your life back together again with medical assistance if needed.

Of course, there's probably some brain damaged folks who would be happy fighting street dogs for the food in trash cans and sleeping on a tropical beach exposing themselves to malaria or leprosy or elephantiasis or whatever tropical disease is spreading.

Edited by Time Traveller
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Over the years I've seen a few throughout Bangkok, mainly alcoholics that have come here for a easy life and then lose it.

I saw one near a market the other day walking with my son sleeping on the steps of a shop house with a old pair of shorts and dirty t shirt.

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A lot of assumptions here...and posts of holier-than-thou who think they are safe from all the bad going on in the world. Not to mention falling ill, not being able to get help or money running out for reasons unnoticed in time.

I hope that those who feel affluent could turn their vitriol for something more useful like going to one of these guys and simply asking how he can help. I prefer to see people put their monies where their mouth is. Very few seem to have good heart, most just spread their ignorance and hatred around. I bet the guy on the street is less prone to attack others with prejudice.

If you just like to feel more entitled for the good things in life, I have news for you: You could be next!

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Over the years I've seen a few throughout Bangkok, mainly alcoholics that have come here for a easy life and then lose it.

I saw one near a market the other day walking with my son sleeping on the steps of a shop house with a old pair of shorts and dirty t shirt.

How many have you personally known? It is no wonder if one has to live on the street that one is tempted to drink to forget the pain and misery.

Isn't it awful that they go around in old pair of shorts and dirty T-shirt? Why didn't you offer your maids service and in the meantime some food and pair of new clothes? Oh, I forgot, you are one of those people who likes to step on others so you can feel better.

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How can you be homeless in a country where rent is as little as 900 baht a month?? Must have absolutely no income whatsoever.

I ain't homeless or desperate but just curious where you rent a place for 900/month?

I am paying 3500 for a bolt hole in Bangkok which I think is a bargain but 900 sounds pretty sweet.

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I think theres many factors involved in these poor farangs ending up like this , like the ones mentioned , being ripped off , having alcohol or drug abuse issues, or simply not wanting to go back to their previous lives, which many fortunate fellows who are financially stable are able to do with ease, but what happens to the few who don't want to go back and arent financially stable?? The ones who can are fortunate and should count themselves lucky( even if they have planned and worked) it's a blessing to be able too, some come from circumstances that hasn't allowed them these oppurtunities, personally i have fallen in love with love with Thailand and was involved with a thai girl who " no surprise tunred out to be a shallow user.But the experiences and even the times i speant with her have left a lasting desire to want to reside permantely in Thailand, its always on my mind , even though im back in my own country now working saving money etc, i totally get why these blokes end up like this , i even vision myself living in a hut fishing like a thai, i have travelled the world many times and i'm yet to find anything that comes close to Thailand , knowing this and considering the many factors that can effect peoples lives, i get it totally!!

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How can you be homeless in a country where rent is as little as 900 baht a month?? Must have absolutely no income whatsoever.

I ain't homeless or desperate but just curious where you rent a place for 900/month?

I am paying 3500 for a bolt hole in Bangkok which I think is a bargain but 900 sounds pretty sweet.

Mate, it likely won't be anywhere pleasant. Might I suggest you consider booking a flight home?

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