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Global financial meltdown/other crisis - do you want to be in Thailand?


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I didn't know what a prepper was either until I read the other posts by a bunch of poorly educated, paranoid-schizophrenic survivalist gun nuts who have the temerity to lecture the rest of us on world affairs. And what a Zombie apocalypse has to do with any real potential economic collapse can, I think, only be found in the mind of a lickspittle computer-game junkie.

Per the example i gave in another thread

Common sense dictates that in a home we have a first aid kit and a few fire extingishers while in Prepper land they will build a triage in their gardenshed, buy a full blown fire engine and will have the kids practicing heart transplants on squirrels

A lot of them are very obcessive almost to the point of them being in a religious cult , they are not prepping in the off chance something bad is going to happen, they are hoping its going to happen

Its a cult they are involved in.....Koolaid anyone ?

Edited by Soutpeel
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yeah, HOPE is highly overrated, the lowest of emotions. I suspect that those people thought that the world was coming to an end when Vesuvio acted up; or when the Mongolian hordes raced through their villages, sacking, looting and raping. Overpopulation is driving the planet to certain destruction. But the elitists still have more to do, extracting yet more real equity from the Proles. A likely scenario that would really shake things up is an EMP going off above Kansas, U.S.A. As I understand it, the crucial electronics that control almost all the data centers exist in non-hardened devices. In the 20th cent. billions of people were removed from the land and herded into cities, thereby uncoupling food supplies from burgeoning population centers. If/When the digital infrastructure is rendered inoperative by virtue of a nuclear device that melts every integrated circuit, who are you going to call-Bill Gates?.If society collapses. for ex. in the U.S., how long would it be before those desperate and starving folks find your 'prepped' stash and kill you for that last jar of peanut butter? But there still could be a Hollywood ending to all this, IF that small commune up there in Montana finds a way to reboot the new civilization...LOL.

Yes yes understand all this but at what point do Zombies arrive ?

The zombies discharged the EMP. Get with the program.

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IMHO Thailand is one of the best places to be if the s hits the fan. My family and I are prepared and can live self sufficient if the grid cracks, EMP hits, tourism goes belly up, or even if civil war breaks out. My wife grew up in the jungle, with her family living on bare essentials, dad hunting and building traps, building their life up from scratch. In an extreme situation where we would have to survive in the jungle, she most likely will be able to teach me more than what I could ever teach her. In any case - Thailand is a top country to sit out what is coming, because there's no winter and there's food all over the place, fresh water, etc.

I find it very alarming that most people are so ignorant to the fact that society as we know it may come to an end at any given moment, especially in times like this. Look at what happens to Europe right now. What they do to Germany is geopolitical warfare! The tsunami of immigrants will destroy Europe from within. Sweden is now the rape capital of the world and has bypassed India with a 4 times higher rate of rapes, after massive immigration. The US is in an alarming condition, as are China, Japan, you name it... Wall Street is waiting for the next bubble to burst, most likely this month it will happen...

No light at the end of the tunnel, and then you get replies to your question here that just say "yawn"... Says a lot about how brainwashed, lazy and superficial most people have become. Thinking for yourself and outside the box is not chique these days, because most know that something big (and negative) is coming, but they prefer to stick their heads into the sand until it is too late.

Almost forgot - big cities and islands, like Phuket are not a good idea in case of a meltdown because of logistics, violence, water and food shortage, plus would you be in a concrete desert where nothing grows, except anger and desperation once people start dying of thirst or hunger.

I would suggest being half a petrol tanks drive from the large cities or have 1 Million people visiting you in the Jungle when the SHTF. Heads Up

Edited by Norvabc
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IMHO Thailand is one of the best places to be if the s hits the fan. My family and I are prepared and can live self sufficient if the grid cracks, EMP hits, tourism goes belly up, or even if civil war breaks out. My wife grew up in the jungle, with her family living on bare essentials, dad hunting and building traps, building their life up from scratch. In an extreme situation where we would have to survive in the jungle, she most likely will be able to teach me more than what I could ever teach her. In any case - Thailand is a top country to sit out what is coming, because there's no winter and there's food all over the place, fresh water, etc.

I find it very alarming that most people are so ignorant to the fact that society as we know it may come to an end at any given moment, especially in times like this. Look at what happens to Europe right now. What they do to Germany is geopolitical warfare! The tsunami of immigrants will destroy Europe from within. Sweden is now the rape capital of the world and has bypassed India with a 4 times higher rate of rapes, after massive immigration. The US is in an alarming condition, as are China, Japan, you name it... Wall Street is waiting for the next bubble to burst, most likely this month it will happen...

No light at the end of the tunnel, and then you get replies to your question here that just say "yawn"... Says a lot about how brainwashed, lazy and superficial most people have become. Thinking for yourself and outside the box is not chique these days, because most know that something big (and negative) is coming, but they prefer to stick their heads into the sand until it is too late.

Almost forgot - big cities and islands, like Phuket are not a good idea in case of a meltdown because of logistics, violence, water and food shortage, plus would you be in a concrete desert where nothing grows, except anger and desperation once people start dying of thirst or hunger.

I would suggest being half a petrol tanks drive from the large cities or have 1 Million people visiting you in the Jungle when the SHTF. Heads Up


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I don't believe it.


When i was younger i took it upon myself to learn to be

self sufficient, with my friends we would go out camping

hunting fishing and (trapping) i learn't sailing and did it

solo, i learn't everything about boats and boat-building,,

i learn't how to fly a Cessna, got a PPL license, also

learn't how to start a car (you know) learn't how to cook

distill water etc, it's all in the memory bank, if things go

belly up will i worry, not really, but if the internet goes

i'll scream like a girl for days.

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From what I understand Thailand is sitting on tons of rice for which there is no current market. I see there are still some buffalo out in the countryside, for when fuel for tractors, etc., is no longer available. Fruit and coconuts seem to be growing everywhere. I suspect the people in Issan, for instance, are not that far removed from a subsistence agrarian society that they could not readily adapt.
Survival for any given individual may not have good statistical odds, but I think Thailand and the rest of SEA has a better profile for species survival than many other areas of the world.
Malthus will likely prove correct at some point. There will be war, famine and plague. Many will believe "Aha! Revelation was correct!" I believe at some point there will be a massive population correction, but there will be a nucleus of survivors to begin a new cycle. I just hope that they retain a memory of what happenned and do not allow a repeat "Duggarization" of society.

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Or return to your home country?


Imagine a zombie holocaust of breakdown in society and infrastructure.

Do you want to be a prepper in Utah/Oz or Thailand? If so, where?

I think you forgot to put this in a form of a survey. I'm pretty open minded, but what kind of questions are these?

As long as one has their own exit strategy.

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Yawn..Stock market goes down..rich people lose a few$..or make $$ on a short sale..

Market has been on a tear ..

Slight correction.. Already higher than ever..Dow 20,000?


Better in Thailand as Shermanator stated..

Edited by KonaRain
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IMHO Thailand is one of the best places to be if the s hits the fan. My family and I are prepared and can live self sufficient if the grid cracks, EMP hits, tourism goes belly up, or even if civil war breaks out. My wife grew up in the jungle, with her family living on bare essentials, dad hunting and building traps, building their life up from scratch. In an extreme situation where we would have to survive in the jungle, she most likely will be able to teach me more than what I could ever teach her. In any case - Thailand is a top country to sit out what is coming, because there's no winter and there's food all over the place, fresh water, etc.

I find it very alarming that most people are so ignorant to the fact that society as we know it may come to an end at any given moment, especially in times like this. Look at what happens to Europe right now. What they do to Germany is geopolitical warfare! The tsunami of immigrants will destroy Europe from within. Sweden is now the rape capital of the world and has bypassed India with a 4 times higher rate of rapes, after massive immigration. The US is in an alarming condition, as are China, Japan, you name it... Wall Street is waiting for the next bubble to burst, most likely this month it will happen...

No light at the end of the tunnel, and then you get replies to your question here that just say "yawn"... Says a lot about how brainwashed, lazy and superficial most people have become. Thinking for yourself and outside the box is not chique these days, because most know that something big (and negative) is coming, but they prefer to stick their heads into the sand until it is too late.

Almost forgot - big cities and islands, like Phuket are not a good idea in case of a meltdown because of logistics, violence, water and food shortage, plus would you be in a concrete desert where nothing grows, except anger and desperation once people start dying of thirst or hunger.

Out standing post my friend. You hit it spot on. This is one of the reasons ( not the only one ) why I escaped americka before it was too late. I also have a wonderful wife and family around me and we teach each other. It is a symbiotic relationship. We will survive everything you spoke of. These negative comments are the shills that don't know squat about geopolitics and are going to whine like little babies when the s@#t hits the fan. Don't even give these morons the time of day. They are the 80% of the world population that should be recycled to live out their KARMA till they get it right. As for you barstool bums just keep on doing what your doing. As the world governments keep pounding into your brain ( mind control through media and advertising ) everything will be OK. Dream on fools.

Kudos to you Bro.

I concur ....however, you forgot to mention the part about how ( most likely ) the Thai government officials, in all their Thai wisdom, would blame the foreigners for the problems and go about having all the foreigners removed from Thailand.

As in: Get out, you filthy Farang while that would include you and maybe you first because you Amerikans are the biggest world wide problem makers anyhow and more than likely the first foreigners on their problem solving hit list ..lol

Seeing as the trouble making foreigners caused all the problems the foreigners would be blamed and persecuted...while that would be to their Thai Way of thinking....lol


Edited by gemguy
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IMHO Thailand is one of the best places to be if the s hits the fan. My family and I are prepared and can live self sufficient if the grid cracks, EMP hits, tourism goes belly up, or even if civil war breaks out. My wife grew up in the jungle, with her family living on bare essentials, dad hunting and building traps, building their life up from scratch. In an extreme situation where we would have to survive in the jungle, she most likely will be able to teach me more than what I could ever teach her. In any case - Thailand is a top country to sit out what is coming, because there's no winter and there's food all over the place, fresh water, etc.

I find it very alarming that most people are so ignorant to the fact that society as we know it may come to an end at any given moment, especially in times like this. Look at what happens to Europe right now. What they do to Germany is geopolitical warfare! The tsunami of immigrants will destroy Europe from within. Sweden is now the rape capital of the world and has bypassed India with a 4 times higher rate of rapes, after massive immigration. The US is in an alarming condition, as are China, Japan, you name it... Wall Street is waiting for the next bubble to burst, most likely this month it will happen...

No light at the end of the tunnel, and then you get replies to your question here that just say "yawn"... Says a lot about how brainwashed, lazy and superficial most people have become. Thinking for yourself and outside the box is not chique these days, because most know that something big (and negative) is coming, but they prefer to stick their heads into the sand until it is too late.

Almost forgot - big cities and islands, like Phuket are not a good idea in case of a meltdown because of logistics, violence, water and food shortage, plus would you be in a concrete desert where nothing grows, except anger and desperation once people start dying of thirst or hunger.

You have a very apt avatar there Sherman.......................wink.png

Looks like a person who is willing to believe everything they read or see and willing to issue advice on what to do without actually doing anything about it.

Or hoping that you are living in a jungle when it happens......................thumbsup.gif

Not criticizing, each to their own, but have some respect for those of us that aren't so paranoid about global events.

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The Thai currency will follow all the others down in a race to the bottom, so relative values will not be affected to any great degree.

I do like the gold shops in most major shopping centres, something you don't see in the so-called advanced Western world. A useful hedge for really bad times.

Thailand is a food bowl for a lot of Asia, so I don't think falangs here would starve.

Most prophets of doom seem to forget all the meltdowns are just a stream of electrons in the financial sector - companies producing real things such as food, clothing, cars and household appliances will not suddenly disappear.

Savings are another matter - never underestimate the capacity of politicians and governments to commit outright theft.

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IMHO Thailand is one of the best places to be if the s hits the fan. My family and I are prepared and can live self sufficient if the grid cracks, EMP hits, tourism goes belly up, or even if civil war breaks out. My wife grew up in the jungle, with her family living on bare essentials, dad hunting and building traps, building their life up from scratch. In an extreme situation where we would have to survive in the jungle, she most likely will be able to teach me more than what I could ever teach her. In any case - Thailand is a top country to sit out what is coming, because there's no winter and there's food all over the place, fresh water, etc.

I find it very alarming that most people are so ignorant to the fact that society as we know it may come to an end at any given moment, especially in times like this. Look at what happens to Europe right now. What they do to Germany is geopolitical warfare! The tsunami of immigrants will destroy Europe from within. Sweden is now the rape capital of the world and has bypassed India with a 4 times higher rate of rapes, after massive immigration. The US is in an alarming condition, as are China, Japan, you name it... Wall Street is waiting for the next bubble to burst, most likely this month it will happen...

No light at the end of the tunnel, and then you get replies to your question here that just say "yawn"... Says a lot about how brainwashed, lazy and superficial most people have become. Thinking for yourself and outside the box is not chique these days, because most know that something big (and negative) is coming, but they prefer to stick their heads into the sand until it is too late.

Almost forgot - big cities and islands, like Phuket are not a good idea in case of a meltdown because of logistics, violence, water and food shortage, plus would you be in a concrete desert where nothing grows, except anger and desperation once people start dying of thirst or hunger.

Out standing post my friend. You hit it spot on. This is one of the reasons ( not the only one ) why I escaped americka before it was too late. I also have a wonderful wife and family around me and we teach each other. It is a symbiotic relationship. We will survive everything you spoke of. These negative comments are the shills that don't know squat about geopolitics and are going to whine like little babies when the s@#t hits the fan. Don't even give these morons the time of day. They are the 80% of the world population that should be recycled to live out their KARMA till they get it right. As for you barstool bums just keep on doing what your doing. As the world governments keep pounding into your brain ( mind control through media and advertising ) everything will be OK. Dream on fools.

Kudos to you Bro.

Thanks, bro! Great to see that there are more people out there who are immune to the mainstream media brainwash telling people that "everything's just gonna be ok". Always keep a stiff upper lip, my friend! God bless you!

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Donot know what a prepper is so cannot answer that one.

When will this global meltdown happen?

I can imagine a zombie holocaust of breakdown in society and infrastructure, but doesnot mean it will happen or I should be concerned about it.

So what exactly are you trying to say?

So many posters either can't write above third-grade level (8 years old) or somehow think it's clever to write in riddles to a readership of about 3 people. I didn't know what a prepped was either until I read the rest of the posts only to discover they're your garden variety paranoid schizophrenic survivalist gun nuts. And what on earth a zombie holocaust has to do with the reality of possible Great Recessions or Depressions is beyond me

Arrogant and superficial denialists like this one will be hit the hardest, or - given the level of subliminal aggression in their comments - will be the ones who suddenly turn predator, simply evolving from mainstream loving role model citizen to a person that will plunder, rape and murder as in "Now we all got served a new set of cards, one I wasn't prepared for, so what? Hand over what you got, you stupid prepper idiot!" Can only hope that most of them will get the answer they deserve which is a bullet to the head. I have plenty stocked up for them...

Some were ridiculing the "Zombie Holocaust" as an idiotic fiction... Here a question: Take Ebola and the synthetic cannibal drug "Bath Salt" - combine it, respectively give Bath Salt to Ebola infected people as "cure" and what do you get??? Are all of you denialists really so stupid and arrogant to believe that everything, the endless money printing, the bubbles created on Wall Street, the endless lending of money, and infinite growth (what a stupid concept) will just continue without a big, massive "reset"???

Back in the old days people believed Rome would never fall, Germans hailed Hitler as he promised a Reich that would last a 1.000 years and ended up in the dust, and you guys believe that the US will always remain world police, world ruler, the "law and justice" of the world? Well look, where your "law and justice" has gotten the world into: Wars all over the place. Under the cover of "humanity" you invade and destroy countries that formerly were stable ruled by "bad guys" you shook hands and weapons or oil dealed with them, destabilizing those countries to leave just ruins behind, calling for Red Cross and other humanitarian organisations to clean up the mess for you.

It's sickening and you can't truly believe this all will continue onwards without punishment. How brainwashed, superficial and arrogant a person you must be to believe you can only take but never give. I pity you!

Edited by Shermanator
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Donot know what a prepper is so cannot answer that one.

When will this global meltdown happen?

I can imagine a zombie holocaust of breakdown in society and infrastructure, but doesnot mean it will happen or I should be concerned about it.

So what exactly are you trying to say?

So many posters either can't write above third-grade level (8 years old) or somehow think it's clever to write in riddles to a readership of about 3 people. I didn't know what a prepped was either until I read the rest of the posts only to discover they're your garden variety paranoid schizophrenic survivalist gun nuts. And what on earth a zombie holocaust has to do with the reality of possible Great Recessions or Depressions is beyond me

Arrogant and superficial denialists like this one will be hit the hardest, or - given the level of subliminal aggression in their comments - will be the ones who suddenly turn predator, simply evolving from mainstream loving role model citizen to a person that will plunder, rape and murder as in "Now we all got served a new set of cards, one I wasn't prepared for, so what? Hand over what you got, you stupid prepper idiot!" Can only hope that most of them will get the answer they deserve which is a bullet to the head. I have plenty stocked up for them...

Some were ridiculing the "Zombie Holocaust" as an idiotic fiction... Here a question: Take Ebola and the synthetic cannibal drug "Bath Salt" - combine it, respectively give Bath Salt to Ebola infected people as "cure" and what do you get??? Are all of you denialists really so stupid and arrogant to believe that everything, the endless money printing, the bubbles created on Wall Street, the endless lending of money, and infinite growth (what a stupid concept) will just continue without a big, massive "reset"???

Back in the old days people believed Rome would never fall, Germans hailed Hitler as he promised a Reich that would last a 1.000 years and ended up in the dust, and you guys believe that the US will always remain world police, world ruler, the "law and justice" of the world? Well look, where your "law and justice" has gotten the world into: Wars all over the place. Under the cover of "humanity" you invade and destroy countries that formerly were stable ruled by "bad guys" you shook hands and weapons or oil dealed with them, destabilizing those countries to leave just ruins behind, calling for Red Cross and other humanitarian organisations to clean up the mess for you.

It's sickening and you can't truly believe this all will continue onwards without punishment. How brainwashed, superficial and arrogant a person you must be to believe you can only take but never give. I pity you!

..."Some were ridiculing the "Zombie Holocaust" as an idiotic fiction... Here a question: Take Ebola and the synthetic cannibal drug "Bath Salt" - combine it, respectively give Bath Salt to Ebola infected people as "cure" and what do you get???"

The 'legal high' bath salt (that a handful of people have flipped out on and then sensationalised in the MSM (that you don't follow) given (by the government/s for dubious reasons?) as a fake cure to people dying (yep, very sick, bed ridden, bleeding out the eyes kinda sick) from ebola.

I dont know!! Please tell me what would, in reality happen?

I guess they'd mostly die whilst high....To you they'd form a united zombie army eating all of us?


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In case of an apocalypse, in our modern and globalized world it would be nowhere nice and safe to be. Nervona, you could use your dollars as toilet paper, and Shermanator, self-suffiziency is a good thing, but don't forget, in such a desaster scenario there would be thousends of people running trough the woods in desperate search for food and clean water.

Been lurking in the background since Dr Strangelove.

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I have bought my .50 cal and hazmat suits already funny you mention Utah and preppers in the same sentence, isnt that where the mormons orginated ? Seems to be a lot a "cults" in Utah....must be the chemicals the goverment puts in the drinking water

You put an extra 'm' in mor(m)ons, mistake?

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In the USA and maybe worldwide, the most ardent 'preppers' are the Mormons and, on this website, all anybody ever does is make fun of them.

You can only prepar for so a fixed period. In the event of a nuclear war you cant stock up for that

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