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Bargirl love?

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In this day and age of internet and all the books you can read and websites with stories you can check from the past I can't help but wonder why do so many people still fall for a bargirl.

This is really perplexing because over the years we learned about scams, tuktuk drivers, taxis, jewelry shops....but there seems to be an endless supply of Westerners who are ready and willing to fall for the oldest scam on earth. My gf often tells me that she doesn't understand why so many people go for hookers when there are so many educated women willing to settle for love in Thailand and want nothing in return.... just love. I understand that someone will be here shortly and claim his bg is different. It's ok.... maybe so, but statistically most relationships with bargirls are not about love.

I wouldn't normally post this done to death topic, but every single day there is a new thread about yet another bargirl. Some of it must be trolling, but surely not all of it?

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It's because they're fun.

It's because they are talented flirts.

Love is vastly over-rated!

When was the last time an educated woman rubbed herself against you in a sexy way?

And told you how hansum you were?

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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The answer is simple .

Because bar girls are the only ones who would pay any attention to a foreigner.

Bar girl is rather a loose term as many do not just work in the bar, but work in shops and hotels in search of a foreigner, ie financial support.

Smart ones talk sweet and make lonely foreigner feel warm and fuzzy. Right about then his brain stops to work or even wonder why someone young and attractive would be interested in him.

So it becomes "love"

The fear of loosing that "love" makes him open his wallet .

However shortly, no doubt all the TV members married to "good" girls will offer a much better explanation.

Indyguy has a profound understanding , would love to hear his theories . ;)

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It's because they're fun.

It's because they are talented flirts.

Love is vastly over-rated!

When was the last time an educated woman rubbed herself against you in a sexy way?

And told you how hansum you were?

Mind you, I have nothing against people hooking with bargirls. I do not judge and although I have never been with one one day I maybe will.

However, I highly doubt I will get into a relationship with one, even if I am completely alone.

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It's because they're fun.

It's because they are talented flirts.

Love is vastly over-rated!

When was the last time an educated woman rubbed herself against you in a sexy way?

And told you how hansum you were?

Mind you, I have nothing against people hooking with bargirls. I do not judge and although I have never been with one one day I maybe will.

However, I highly doubt I will get into a relationship with one, even if I am completely alone.

I agree. Stay away from hookers. They will never believe you anyway cheesy.gif

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Reading this place so many topics demeaning to women. Are there no women on this forum that object to this?

I take offense to that. My post above was demeaning to men. So there.giggle.gif

Try the ladies forum. Although what does your post have to do with mine? Men who date bar girls are stupid. That is not offensive to women. It is offensive to men.

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So many posts about bar girls and love.

Bar girls aren't for love, they are for entertainment.

A bit of flirty fun, no need to have sex with them, no need to take them home and introduce them to your family and friends.

You can have a wife or girlfriend and still flirt with a bar girl.

The bar girl provides services your wife or girlfriend doesn't (well, not after the first week or two anyway).

Harmless, lighthearted fun ..... no strings.

Don't you guys ever just want to go out and have a bit of fun?

Went out to the bars with my bro last week.

4 bars, 4 bar girls for each of us, for me 32 and chubby, 38 and slim, 23 and WOW! (forgot the other one, too much beer)

Bit of chat, bit of flirting and flattery, bit of rubbing against us.

Total cost for our and their drinks 1,200bht (x2).

Great evening out, great entertainment, came home and shagged the wife silly.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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It's because they're fun.

It's because they are talented flirts.

Love is vastly over-rated!

When was the last time an educated woman rubbed herself against you in a sexy way?

And told you how hansum you were?

Buying a dog is way cheaper and it really loves you.....And expensive gift: 300 Baht for a beef steak vs 20.000 for an iPhone.

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People get lonely

Yes they do.

So they sell their homes, hop on a plane and come here to find exactly the right hooker. Give them anything they want....and end up not only lonely..but penniless, anyways.

Sort of like a 17 year old kid ripping out his own wisdom teeth, when there is a dentist living right next door.

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Couldn't help notice the irony in OP's title....

Bargirl and Love....

Poetic...but an unlikely combination.

It use to exist.

Some 10 or so years ago, most bar girls were looking to marry and get out of bar.

They did not want to keep on doing it and were happy with having stable income, many from those times remained happily married.

In recent years, i guess new generation or internet or new gadgets, this concept no longer exists.

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Couldn't help notice the irony in OP's title....

Bargirl and Love....

Poetic...but an unlikely combination.

It use to exist.

Some 10 or so years ago, most bar girls were looking to marry and get out of bar.

They did not want to keep on doing it and were happy with having stable income, many from those times remained happily married.

In recent years, i guess new generation or internet or new gadgets, this concept no longer exists.

Ya, agreed. Those were the days. Now the bar has moved to the internet and the bar girls have become coeds and beauty operators and som tom sellers (in their minds).

I have a acquaintance who can run 24 conversations at a time with unsuspecting farang and they wonder why the ladies can write such good English but not speak it very well. biggrin.png

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I rather admire these girls- do you think they actually enjoy their job? Looking around at the male specimens walking around; I would think not.

With cheap fares and more affluence in the West and the rise of the Lad culture ( think certain football players) it now seems perfectly acceptable to exploit citizens of poor countries.

Sex is pleasant- but it seems to define the lives of some men- a nice dinner out with good friends is much more rewarding.

The fact they are sex workers does not remove them from the human race. It may come as a shock, but they have aspirations, feelings, emotions just the same as everyone else.

So when I read of some stupid sexpat being fleeced and making a difference to the girl and her family- I think go for it girl! A bit of pay back for exploitation.

And some may end up as a life long companion - and make you happy and laugh a lot .

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I rather admire these girls- do you think they actually enjoy their job? Looking around at the male specimens walking around; I would think not.

With cheap fares and more affluence in the West and the rise of the Lad culture ( think certain football players) it now seems perfectly acceptable to exploit citizens of poor countries.

Sex is pleasant- but it seems to define the lives of some men- a nice dinner out with good friends is much more rewarding.

The fact they are sex workers does not remove them from the human race. It may come as a shock, but they have aspirations, feelings, emotions just the same as everyone else.

So when I read of some stupid sexpat being fleeced and making a difference to the girl and her family- I think go for it girl! A bit of pay back for exploitation.

And some may end up as a life long companion - and make you happy and laugh a lot .

They may not like the punters but they sure love the game and the bar.

The lifestyle and complete carefree along with being drunk 7 days per week does mess with head and becomes the new norm.

I do not think many of them even understand the difference between their reality and actual reality, also the reason for so many lies, hard to keep up with days/months/years

Edited by konying
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I rather admire these girls- do you think they actually enjoy their job? Looking around at the male specimens walking around; I would think not.

With cheap fares and more affluence in the West and the rise of the Lad culture ( think certain football players) it now seems perfectly acceptable to exploit citizens of poor countries.

Sex is pleasant- but it seems to define the lives of some men- a nice dinner out with good friends is much more rewarding.

The fact they are sex workers does not remove them from the human race. It may come as a shock, but they have aspirations, feelings, emotions just the same as everyone else.

So when I read of some stupid sexpat being fleeced and making a difference to the girl and her family- I think go for it girl! A bit of pay back for exploitation.

And some may end up as a life long companion - and make you happy and laugh a lot .

At least the BG's get paid for it. Most of the guys here had wives and girlfriends in the West who were giving it to them for free now that is really disgusting to think about.

It is one thing to get paid to clean out septic tanks quite another to do it for fun. I personally don't think the girls in the West ever give it away but I'm told by posters on here that they do.whistling.gif

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Best to just avoid bar girls all together for a relationship. Their thinking gets all twisted and Lying becomes too common and acceptable by even you. Most will keep in contact with their old friends who they met at the bar. When an old customer stops by the bar and asks where so and so is the girls will call your gf and tell her and if it is safe to do your gf might just talk to them and make arrangements. Also, after jumping so many guys it becomes too easy. She can be a freelance and when coming home after spending all afternoon in one of the short time bars she will act as normal as any other girl. Professional liars ! There are some nice girls who work at the bars but I believe they are all liars.

One more thing to think about ... If being a bar girl is ok why do these guys who have married them hide the fact that there wives were hookers ? Why do they and their wives make up stories (lies) ? Why not just be proud and admit what they did ? They hide the truth because they know it is wrong and not acceptable. Drop her and move on and save all the future lies.

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I rather admire these girls- do you think they actually enjoy their job? Looking around at the male specimens walking around; I would think not.

With cheap fares and more affluence in the West and the rise of the Lad culture ( think certain football players) it now seems perfectly acceptable to exploit citizens of poor countries.

Sex is pleasant- but it seems to define the lives of some men- a nice dinner out with good friends is much more rewarding.

The fact they are sex workers does not remove them from the human race. It may come as a shock, but they have aspirations, feelings, emotions just the same as everyone else.

So when I read of some stupid sexpat being fleeced and making a difference to the girl and her family- I think go for it girl! A bit of pay back for exploitation.

And some may end up as a life long companion - and make you happy and laugh a lot .

They may not like the punters but they sure love the game and the bar.

The lifestyle and complete carefree along with being drunk 7 days per week does mess with head and becomes the new norm.

I do not think many of them even understand the difference between their reality and actual reality, also the reason for so many lies, hard to keep up with days/months/years


I think we have had a few run-ins in the past.

But there may be some truth in your post- it's a lifestyle that is a direct result of the sex industry .

I have said in many posts that the removal of the go- gos , bars etc in places such as Pattaya would be in the long run a good thing for Thailand.

It messes up so many people- selling your body should not be a career option.

Maybe being drunk / high helps the girls to get through what is not a very pleasant reality.

I still say I admire the boys and girls and I'm not too sure that deep down they love the game and career choice- they are human you know - not just a receptacle .

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It's because they're fun.

It's because they are talented flirts.

Love is vastly over-rated!

When was the last time an educated woman rubbed herself against you in a sexy way?

And told you how hansum you were?

Tonight.....but she didn't mention how handsum I am....it's a given.

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Best to just avoid bar girls all together for a relationship. Their thinking gets all twisted and Lying becomes too common and acceptable by even you. Most will keep in contact with their old friends who they met at the bar. When an old customer stops by the bar and asks where so and so is the girls will call your gf and tell her and if it is safe to do your gf might just talk to them and make arrangements. Also, after jumping so many guys it becomes too easy. She can be a freelance and when coming home after spending all afternoon in one of the short time bars she will act as normal as any other girl. Professional liars ! There are some nice girls who work at the bars but I believe they are all liars.

One more thing to think about ... If being a bar girl is ok why do these guys who have married them hide the fact that there wives were hookers ? Why do they and their wives make up stories (lies) ? Why not just be proud and admit what they did ? They hide the truth because they know it is wrong and not acceptable. Drop her and move on and save all the future lies.

I think it is hidden because they may run into narrow minded bigots like yourself. If they are in a secure environment with friends they openly talk about their past.

Strange thing is, they NEVER talk about it when then are among normal riap roy Thai women, why would that be?

Making up stories about working in the laundry etc etc, the normal Thais can smell these women out from 20 paces.

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