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Koh Tao murders: 2 DNA profiles from alleged murder weapon do not match defendants' DNA


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Linky, on 03 Oct 2015 - 14:57, said:

So let me try to understand this.

Defence has a dna expert to testify re the Thai dna results.

Prosecution know defence have this guy so decide to refuse to tender the chain of custody and other docs relating to dna and expect the court to accept the word of the RTP saying 'they did it because we say so'

Is that the crux of it?


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DNA on the Hoe

This is likely a red herring. There is every possibility that David and Hannah's DNA got on to the Hoe from the gloved hands of a policeman who helped to put the victims in body bags.

The crime scene was not secured and was contaminated so it is not possible to rely on this DNA evidence.

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BoristheBlade, on 03 Oct 2015 - 07:27, said:

Whoever released the crime pictures of the victims, should be sent to jail immediatly and sacked from their employment.

Any human being that can upload pictures of the two murder victims is a very sick individual, and in my opinion is just as bad as the people who committed these acts, maybe the people are known to each other?

The irony is that if those crime scene photos hadn't been posted on the internet, this case would have been done and dusted already and the B2 would be dead.

It's quite possible that these photo's were posted to back up the rape scenario to maintain this as the motive for the murders. The clothing has disappeared because of possible DNA from whoever has staged the scene whether or not they committed the murders. They were not expecting all this attention from the international community and now the staged scenario has come back to bite them where it hurts. MOO

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DNA on the Hoe

This is likely a red herring. There is every possibility that David and Hannah's DNA got on to the Hoe from the gloved hands of a policeman who helped to put the victims in body bags.

The crime scene was not secured and was contaminated so it is not possible to rely on this DNA evidence.

You know, that is a clever idea. It surely would not happen that both victim's touch DNA would adhere in a brief transfer of the hoe to an evidence bag, but this is certainly the kind of possibility we should always consider. Keep an open mind everyone.

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DNA on the Hoe

This is likely a red herring. There is every possibility that David and Hannah's DNA got on to the Hoe from the gloved hands of a policeman who helped to put the victims in body bags.

The crime scene was not secured and was contaminated so it is not possible to rely on this DNA evidence.

You know, that is a clever idea. It surely would not happen that both victim's touch DNA would adhere in a brief transfer of the hoe to an evidence bag, but this is certainly the kind of possibility we should always consider. Keep an open mind everyone.

I didn't want to post my thoughts before about the hoe, but I have thoughts that if a Thai cop was involved with the murders then a part of the staging of the scene and quick thinking on his part could have involved making sure Hannah and David's DNA was on the hoe. I also wonder whether all the early reports from the RTP which alluded to Hannah running 50m or so whilst the crime was happening, David's body being dragged in the sand (scratches on his back) and David putting up a fight have any truth in them. I wonder if this was all part of the grand script which began being directed by the owner of the AC bar Montruit Toochivan when he was questioned and released after 3 hours. He won't supply the CCTV from that morning. He was all over the crime scene as we can see clearly. He told Sean McAnna to hang himself (according to McAnna) whilst cornering him in the store (accompanied by the Thai cop (Big Ears). It was reported that Toochivan said he was 'running man' in the cctv. He is the manager of the AC bar where Hannah and David were last seen alive by the friends. There have been reports that there was an altercation in his bar before the murders took place. He told the 'half blind' beach cleaner to don gloves and return the hoe to the vegetable garden after the cleaner moved it (not seeing any blood on it). A young inspiring blonde female journalist died in Toochivan's Ocean View accommodation a few months after the double murder, apparently from natural causes (she had a chest infection).

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Whoever released the crime pictures of the victims, should be sent to jail immediatly and sacked from their employment.

Any human being that can upload pictures of the two murder victims is a very sick individual, and in my opinion is just as bad as the people who committed these acts, maybe the people are known to each other?

"in my opinion is just as bad as the people who committed these acts"

Really? Just as bad? Really? Come on now...

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Hope the defence have been able to speak with the taxi driver.


Taxi driver says he was beaten up by Thai police investigating murder of two British backpackers because he refused to accept bribe to give false evidence
  • Pornprasit Sukdam claims he was offered £13,300 to implicate football team
  • Thai police investigating the murder of two British backpackers tried to bribe a taxi driver to give false evidence against a football team then beat him up when he refused, it was claimed today.

    Pornprasit Sukdam claims he was offered 700,000 baht (£13,300) if he agreed to be a fake witness to events leading up to the deaths of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge in Koh Tao.

    But when he turned down the offer, he claims the officers became angry and attacked him before releasing him on Monday evening.

    He said he complained to the district chief Kobchai Saowalak and asked for protection over fears of another attack after the officers said they intended to question him again yesterday.

  • He said: 'They said they would give me 700,000 baht to be a witness but I was not a witness,' Pornprasit told Thai journalists from ASTV-Manager online, as cited by Prachatai.

    'I never saw anything. Then they became angry.'

    Pornprasit, 37, is a member of the Sun Service Football team, who became the latest suspects in the murder inquiry when they were questioned by police last week.

    A spokesman for the Royal Thai Police confirmed that DNA samples were taken from 'more than eight' footballers - who reportedly threw a late-night party at the AC nightclub where the victims spent their final hours - and officers were awaiting the results.

    The amateur footballers were allegedly at the nightclub celebrating the end of a tournament while the British backpackers were there.

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I wonder if this was all part of the grand script which began being directed by the owner of the AC bar Montruit Toochivan when he was questioned and released after 3 hours. He won't supply the CCTV from that morning. He was all over the crime scene as we can see clearly. He told Sean McAnna to hang himself (according to McAnna) whilst cornering him in the store (accompanied by the Thai cop (Big Ears). It was reported that Toochivan said he was 'running man' in the cctv. He is the manager of the AC bar where Hannah and David were last seen alive by the friends. There have been reports that there was an altercation in his bar before the murders took place. He told the 'half blind' beach cleaner to don gloves and return the hoe to the vegetable garden after the cleaner moved it (not seeing any blood on it). A young inspiring blonde female journalist died in Toochivan's Ocean View accommodation a few months after the double murder, apparently from natural causes (she had a chest infection).

....and that's just a small portion. All indications point to Mon. He claims it was him shown in the Running Man video. A 45 yr old man looking like a 20 year old skinny kid?! Ridiculous, yet RTP lapped it up. Look closely at Mon, and the case is cracked - all the puzzle pieces would fit together.
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It's disgusting. The investigation has discovered NO evidence that can be corroborated 100% as being genuine that ties these 2 luckless young men to the crimes.

If it is proved unequivocally to be a fit up then those responsible should themselves face the gallows / the needle.

This is a serious black eye that will hang over Thailand for many years.

In the event of executions, if it is later proved that the defendants were innocent, those who fabricated evidence would be guilty of conspiracy to murder which is indeed a death penalty offence, as would the paymaster or mastermind. Those who knew about a frame-up but failed to report it to the 'authorities' or make a public disclosure would be accessories to murder. Those who ordered or intimidated others to fabricate evidence or make perjured testimony would also be guilty of conspiracy with the mastermind. If they are not executed but the rest of the above holds true, then it would be attempted murder.

British police and FCO officials who knew or should have known of a conspiracy to murder by virtue of the evidence placed before them should also face prosecution. In fact, they should face prosecution, even if the 2B are rightly convicted, whether they are executed or not, for wilfully aiding abetting foreign police and prosecutors in a capital murder case.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Whoever released the crime pictures of the victims, should be sent to jail immediatly and sacked from their employment.

Any human being that can upload pictures of the two murder victims is a very sick individual, and in my opinion is just as bad as the people who committed these acts, maybe the people are known to each other?

"in my opinion is just as bad as the people who committed these acts"

Really? Just as bad? Really? Come on now...

At face value and by Western standards where one could hope for an impartial investigation, Boris was right. But he seems to have overlooked the possibility that whoever posted the photographs wanted them in the public domain to create greater public and international outrage and, thereby, greater public scrutiny of the investigation in the knowledge that a cover-up or, at least, a botched investigation was highly likely. Remember that a senior policeman and, presumably, his loyalists too were sidelined after taking a 'wrong tack' in the investigation and life may now never be quite the same again for them and their families.

Whatever the reasons for posting the photographs they did result in greatly heightened public outrage and interest in the crimes and dubious police investigation. Would the hundreds of thousands of followers accrued by CSI LA or the petition to David Cameron (irrespective of the British government's irresponsible and possibly criminal decisions made consequent to it) have happened without the photographs? I doubt if. Now it seems they are they only photographs of the crime scene, including the possible criminal alterations that were made to it, that the defence has been allowed to see, since police refused to share their official crime scene photographs.

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Yet another proof of police orchestrating a frame-up, as if any more were needed........

"Aung Soe, a Burmese Embassy attache, told the court he had interviewed a friend of the accused, Mao Mao, who was on the same beach as them, and the victims, in the early hours of the morning of September 15th 2014.

“When he arrived at the Embassy it was obvious he was extremely scared,” said Aung Soe. “He said he had been held in police custody for ten days during which he claimed he was beaten, hit in the chest and shoulders, and kicked in the chest. When we showed him pictures he was able to identify the person who attacked him and show us exactly how he was assaulted.”

Mao Mao allegedly told the embassy staff that he was threatened with becoming a suspect if he did not cooperate thoroughly with them. However, he has not testified at the trial as the Royal Thai police have said they do not know where he is now."

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The crime scene management was the first issue that has come to haunt the cops as it was never done properly.

The Judges themselves must be aware that procedures were not carried out correctly.

The crime scene and the bodies themselves were not subject to forensic pathologists, which Dr. Porntip highlighted on several occasions, it would have taken a couple of hours to get one on scene, why didn't the coppers request one, unless they already know that an "outside agency" would be all over it like a tramp on chips, and thier "theory/stories/version of events" would possibly have been blown out of the water, pretty much like it has been already.

The decision to not produce the chain of custody documents must also have the judges question why not?

If this was as watertight as the police and the prosecution claimed, they would have been producing these documents in triplicate and ramming it down the defence's throat.

Just like the DNA match, it's nothing more than RTP hearsay, no chain of custody documents, is really the final unraveling of the charade of a watertight case, I feel sorry for the families of the victims as whatever "evidence" it was that they felt comfortable in releasing theses statements with regards to the accused having a case to answer to, with compelling and overwhelming evidence to support this.

Look, this goes back to the development of the legal system in the Kingdom of Siam. There were no scientists. There were no police. In China the investigation was conducted by the local (appointed, civil service) magistrate. In Thailand it was done by the kamnan, or whatever the equivalent was under the Ayutthaya Monarchy.. The courts developed a heavy reliance on eye witness testimony. Under King Chulalongkorn the legal code was rewritten to persuade the colonial powers to abrogate the unequal treaties, which included extraterritoriality because the Siamese legal system was so unpredictable compared to Western systems. Judges are very conservative, and the reliance on eye witness testimony remains. The courts remain very suspicious of physical evidence. Don't expect the judges to hold the police to any standard; the judges' role is to safeguard society and prevent any threats to the order of things.

This was all discussed when Dr. Phornthip first became a national celebrity. High police officers do not know how to make use of forensic science. Dr. Phorntip treats them with contempt, so they hate her and all forensic technicians. You can see their ignorance in the way they talk about and try to use DNA. They think it's some kind of magic, like what you see in kids' TV on Saturday mornings. The public and international criticism is something they don't understand. They're hi-so, the "good" people, why isn't their word sufficient to end all these annoying questions? The police and the judges seem to have slept through all the science classes in their schools, so they don't have any idea what we're talking about.

This is why the courts give a 50% discount on the sentence if the accused confesses.

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The crime scene management was the first issue that has come to haunt the cops as it was never done properly.

The Judges themselves must be aware that procedures were not carried out correctly.

The crime scene and the bodies themselves were not subject to forensic pathologists, which Dr. Porntip highlighted on several occasions, it would have taken a couple of hours to get one on scene, why didn't the coppers request one, unless they already know that an "outside agency" would be all over it like a tramp on chips, and thier "theory/stories/version of events" would possibly have been blown out of the water, pretty much like it has been already.

The decision to not produce the chain of custody documents must also have the judges question why not?

If this was as watertight as the police and the prosecution claimed, they would have been producing these documents in triplicate and ramming it down the defence's throat.

Just like the DNA match, it's nothing more than RTP hearsay, no chain of custody documents, is really the final unraveling of the charade of a watertight case, I feel sorry for the families of the victims as whatever "evidence" it was that they felt comfortable in releasing theses statements with regards to the accused having a case to answer to, with compelling and overwhelming evidence to support this.

Look, this goes back to the development of the legal system in the Kingdom of Siam. There were no scientists. There were no police. In China the investigation was conducted by the local (appointed, civil service) magistrate. In Thailand it was done by the kamnan, or whatever the equivalent was under the Ayutthaya Monarchy.. The courts developed a heavy reliance on eye witness testimony. Under King Chulalongkorn the legal code was rewritten to persuade the colonial powers to abrogate the unequal treaties, which included extraterritoriality because the Siamese legal system was so unpredictable compared to Western systems. Judges are very conservative, and the reliance on eye witness testimony remains. The courts remain very suspicious of physical evidence. Don't expect the judges to hold the police to any standard; the judges' role is to safeguard society and prevent any threats to the order of things.

This was all discussed when Dr. Phornthip first became a national celebrity. High police officers do not know how to make use of forensic science. Dr. Phorntip treats them with contempt, so they hate her and all forensic technicians. You can see their ignorance in the way they talk about and try to use DNA. They think it's some kind of magic, like what you see in kids' TV on Saturday mornings. The public and international criticism is something they don't understand. They're hi-so, the "good" people, why isn't their word sufficient to end all these annoying questions? The police and the judges seem to have slept through all the science classes in their schools, so they don't have any idea what we're talking about.

This is why the courts give a 50% discount on the sentence if the accused confesses.

There is also the hangover from the caste system - Sakdina, which gave more weight and credence to evidence of those from a higher caste.......I think many underestimate the power and influence that the residue from this system still has....

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It's disgusting. The investigation has discovered NO evidence that can be corroborated 100% as being genuine that ties these 2 luckless young men to the crimes.

If it is proved unequivocally to be a fit up then those responsible should themselves face the gallows / the needle.

This is a serious black eye that will hang over Thailand for many years.

In the event of executions, if it is later proved that the defendants were innocent, those who fabricated evidence would be guilty of conspiracy to murder which is indeed a death penalty offence, as would the paymaster or mastermind. Those who knew about a frame-up but failed to report it to the 'authorities' or make a public disclosure would be accessories to murder. Those who ordered or intimidated others to fabricate evidence or make perjured testimony would also be guilty of conspiracy with the mastermind. If they are not executed but the rest of the above holds true, then it would be attempted murder.

British police and FCO officials who knew or should have known of a conspiracy to murder by virtue of the evidence placed before them should also face prosecution. In fact, they should face prosecution, even if the 2B are rightly convicted, whether they are executed or not, for wilfully aiding abetting foreign police and prosecutors in a capital murder case.

Not sure how this is going to play out but I think Prayuth would have consulted with Pornthip and Justice Officials and is well aware of what is going on most likely already had a tap on the shoulder from the Burmese government .

He must now be able to see that these two are scapegoats and he has advised everyone to let it continue to play out in the courts, let the prosecution keep digging their hole bigger and bigger.

Prayuth is unable to defend the prosecution side so his only option is to take action against them , in past years he would have been able to protect them.

Investigations are surely going on in the background hopefully forensically checking all phone calls around the time of the murders why police changed there story , boats leaving the island,DNA on the hoe etc etc.

I know people say the protected are untouchable but I think that this time there is no other choice than to aggressively go after the killers and all those involved in the setting the B2 up as scapegoats.

I honestly don't think we will have long to wait for a not guilty verdict it could come in the next 4 weeks.

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we are unable to link this story but worth a look if you google "the-chilling-effect-koh-tao-suspects"

I tried to open this article and it is now blocked by the Thai government, a sad day for democracy and a brilliant day for the best police force in the world, I now hold little hope for the B2 as this pack of sorry individuals who set up this scape goat are determined to have them put away, a very sad and sorry day on the world stage, and a sorry day for English politicians who have no intestinal fortitude.

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BritTim, on 03 Oct 2015 - 08:56, said:
transam, on 03 Oct 2015 - 08:01, said:

Wouldn't it be great if they found out who's DNA was on the hoe besides Hannah's...Ain't the B2's, so whose is it. If Hannah's was on it the actual killer will definitely be on it...As for Dave's demise, other stuff was involved.

We need 'real' police work here, the technology is out there, even the technology to have a 'good' look at video stuff........

Touch DNA of both Hannah and David was on the hoe's handle. Hannah's blood (but not David's blood) was also found. There was also a partial DNA profile of another male insufficient for identification.

By far the most likely explanation of the DNA evidence is that the hoe was not the murder weapon. On the contrary, it appears Hannah and David were trying to use the hoe to defend themselves. When the attack was over, the hoe was used to mutilate Hannah's head and make it appear as though it was the murder weapon.

If Hannah's clothing resurfaces, and is subjected to DNA analysis, it may reveal the DNA profiles of one or more of the attackers. This is not certain if, as now seems possible, there was no actual rape.

If Hannah's clothing resurfaces, and is subjected to DNA analysis, it may reveal the DNA profiles of one or more of the attackers. This is not certain if, as now seems possible, there was no actual rape.

Someone has to have touched her clothing because when her body was found, her strapless top was pulled down around her waist and her skirt had been pulled up to make it look like she had been sexually assaulted. However, everything from that crime scene must be so contaminated by now that her clothing could contain many people's DNA.

When will the amateur Sherlocks realise that their "clues" have nothing to do with the matter in hand....the issue is there is no fair trial - the "evidence" or their Clues are irrelevant.

They have everything to do with the matter in hand - making it public is all we can do and this might be very effective

With people like you the RTP gangsters could continue with their crimes too easily. May be we even save the lives of some innocent people

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To fit Pontip and her staffs' findings on the hoe, here is an updated scenario:

I've already postulated that David and Hannah were not together for much of the early morning, the 15th. It appears David left AC bar to go back to his g.h. room, and probably spoke with Mr. Ware. David was concerned about Hannah, so he went out again, about 3:30 am to find her. He did find her at the beach and it was obvious she was in dire straits. Here's the connection to the hoe: As he approached the problem area, he may have snatched the hoe from the tiny garden area, to use as a weapon. Alternatively, one of the Thai trouble makers (probably someone associated with Mon, if not Mon himself), might have grabbed the hoe first, and gone to ward off David's approach. David protected himself by trying to deflect/grab the hoe. Am not sure how Hannah's DNA got on the handle, though I could venture some guesses. It's obvious that if Ms Pontip's forensic team found DNA traces of one or two 'as yet unidentified' people on the hoe handle, then there should be a concerted effort to find who matches.

Shame on Thai forensics for not investigating any of the clothing. Double shame on them for losing the blonde hair. Triple shame for losing or destroying or not looking at potentially implicating CCTV and the plethora of other things they royally screwed up. The detectives in this case deserve the harshest sentencing if/when it's proved they intentionally skewed evidence. First order of business toward that end is to confiscate passports of all top brass who've been involved, including Somyot and his replacement Jaktip. If precedence is anything to go by, they'll do runners if/when they're indicted for intentionally botching the investigation.

What a nice dream

May it come true - for justice and humanity

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I think the blonde hair is the link

who had blonde hair?

who changed their hair colour after the crime?

I agree. The blonde hair could have been very significant. But because it could implicate people the RTP is trying to shield (at least two island cops prance around to parties in blonde wigs), it was conveniently 'lost' by RTP. Go figure.

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DNA on the Hoe

This is likely a red herring. There is every possibility that David and Hannah's DNA got on to the Hoe from the gloved hands of a policeman who helped to put the victims in body bags.

The crime scene was not secured and was contaminated so it is not possible to rely on this DNA evidence.

If Pornthip does not confirm this it is not true

Edited by sweatalot
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Hope the defence have been able to speak with the taxi driver.


Taxi driver says he was beaten up by Thai police investigating murder of two British backpackers because he refused to accept bribe to give false evidence
  • Pornprasit Sukdam claims he was offered £13,300 to implicate football team
  • Thai police investigating the murder of two British backpackers tried to bribe a taxi driver to give false evidence against a football team then beat him up when he refused, it was claimed today.

    Pornprasit Sukdam claims he was offered 700,000 baht (£13,300) if he agreed to be a fake witness to events leading up to the deaths of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge in Koh Tao.

    But when he turned down the offer, he claims the officers became angry and attacked him before releasing him on Monday evening.

    He said he complained to the district chief Kobchai Saowalak and asked for protection over fears of another attack after the officers said they intended to question him again yesterday.

  • He said: 'They said they would give me 700,000 baht to be a witness but I was not a witness,' Pornprasit told Thai journalists from ASTV-Manager online, as cited by Prachatai.

    'I never saw anything. Then they became angry.'

    Pornprasit, 37, is a member of the Sun Service Football team, who became the latest suspects in the murder inquiry when they were questioned by police last week.

    A spokesman for the Royal Thai Police confirmed that DNA samples were taken from 'more than eight' footballers - who reportedly threw a late-night party at the AC nightclub where the victims spent their final hours - and officers were awaiting the results.

    The amateur footballers were allegedly at the nightclub celebrating the end of a tournament while the British backpackers were there.

Is there evidence that Pornprasit is still alive? Or did he get another 700.000 Bath for keeping silent now?

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It's disgusting. The investigation has discovered NO evidence that can be corroborated 100% as being genuine that ties these 2 luckless young men to the crimes.

If it is proved unequivocally to be a fit up then those responsible should themselves face the gallows / the needle.

This is a serious black eye that will hang over Thailand for many years.

In the event of executions, if it is later proved that the defendants were innocent, those who fabricated evidence would be guilty of conspiracy to murder which is indeed a death penalty offence, as would the paymaster or mastermind. Those who knew about a frame-up but failed to report it to the 'authorities' or make a public disclosure would be accessories to murder. Those who ordered or intimidated others to fabricate evidence or make perjured testimony would also be guilty of conspiracy with the mastermind. If they are not executed but the rest of the above holds true, then it would be attempted murder.

British police and FCO officials who knew or should have known of a conspiracy to murder by virtue of the evidence placed before them should also face prosecution. In fact, they should face prosecution, even if the 2B are rightly convicted, whether they are executed or not, for wilfully aiding abetting foreign police and prosecutors in a capital murder case.

Not sure how this is going to play out but I think Prayuth would have consulted with Pornthip and Justice Officials and is well aware of what is going on most likely already had a tap on the shoulder from the Burmese government .

He must now be able to see that these two are scapegoats and he has advised everyone to let it continue to play out in the courts, let the prosecution keep digging their hole bigger and bigger.

Prayuth is unable to defend the prosecution side so his only option is to take action against them , in past years he would have been able to protect them.

Investigations are surely going on in the background hopefully forensically checking all phone calls around the time of the murders why police changed there story , boats leaving the island,DNA on the hoe etc etc.

I know people say the protected are untouchable but I think that this time there is no other choice than to aggressively go after the killers and all those involved in the setting the B2 up as scapegoats.

I honestly don't think we will have long to wait for a not guilty verdict it could come in the next 4 weeks.

The `no place for corruption in this government` comment is getting more absurd by the day.

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she tried to leave a message

"Natural Justice" The phrase used by the UK coroner when releasing the autopsy report that blew apart the credibility of the Thai version.

Unfortunately we are seeing anything but natural justice here. Instead we are witnessing evidence that likely holds the key to the real perpetrators that is being deliberately hidden from the court and to scrutiny by the defense team and its experts.

There's no question about this.

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I think the blonde hair is the link

who had blonde hair?

who changed their hair colour after the crime?

who left the Island when police initially started to focus on AC bar and its employees - cctv witheld and DNA refused

keep the feet for dancing

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