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Prayut off to the UN 'so world knows him better'

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Let's hope he gets and acts on some good PR advice.

The international media are not as compliant as the local version and he's not playing at home so if he throws a tantrum etc they'll shred him.

That would be such fun to watch....

hope he does....

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Prayuth will explain the King's Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.

It's a bit sad that he could not find anything more up-to-date and worthwhile to talk about than this concept conceived in the '70s. I mean to say: it sure is a great concept which is still valid, but in 40 odd years did nobody in Thailand come up with anything they can be equally proud of? Anything???

Nope but they sure are proud anyway aren't they?


"The United Nations at 70: the road ahead for peace, security and human rights."

I would like to hear Prayut teach the UN about sustainability of human rights.


Anyone who challenges him will be "A threat to national security" but unfortunately he is on non Thai soil and no one will listen to his gibberish.

Actually i think the leaders of a few countries would consider the example of Thailand a threat to their national security.

Cant have the sheeple rising up and forcing the corrupt out of their positions of power now, can we?


A billionaire general with wealth way beyond what his salary can account for will harp on about sufficiency economy? cheesy.gif

I think disparity and inequality are his forte.555


"The premier's attendance at the upcoming UN forum will allow officials from other countries to get to know him and the internal situation better as they may have only learned about him through the media only. This meeting will provide an opportunity for discussions and talks in order to know the Thai leader more," Werachon said.

Does the current deputy spokesperson for the "government" seriously believe that "officials from other countries" only have information on the current Thai government via the media?

Drivel. coffee1.gif

and can they speak Thinglish


Sure he will be the "Center of Attraction", spouting his mantra and threatening Attitude Adjustment for those who have a different opinion.

And the arrogance of thinking anybody gives a flying fork about knowing him at all, never mind better. Even the population of the country he hijacked has no interest in knowing him better.


A billionaire general with wealth way beyond what his salary can account for will harp on about sufficiency economy? cheesy.gif

Hope there will be press coverage when he starts espousing how Thai people with little or nothing should shut up and be happy with what little they have and make every effort to sustain their sufficiency of zilch so the "owners" of Thailand can jet set about and consume conspicuously.


Let's hope he gets and acts on some good PR advice.

The international media are not as compliant as the local version and he's not playing at home so if he throws a tantrum etc they'll shred him.

That would be such fun to watch....

hope he does....

I'm pretty sure that he will avoid any interaction with foreign journalists like the plague.


A billionaire general with wealth way beyond what his salary can account for will harp on about sufficiency economy? cheesy.gif

Hope there will be press coverage when he starts espousing how Thai people with little or nothing should shut up and be happy with what little they have and make every effort to sustain their sufficiency of zilch so the "owners" of Thailand can jet set about and consume conspicuously.

Gentlemen, gentlemen: surely by now you have realised that sufficient is relative.

What is sufficient for some poor sod in the back end of Issaan, with 15 rai of paddy and no water to grow a crop is far from sufficient for one of those born to rule, with a fleet of expensive cars to wash, prestigious adresses to maintain and children to educate abroad.

When the poor sods have " had enough" of being told they have sufficient there will be a hell of a rumpus. It will come - probably after the inevitable sad event.

I wonder what the spark will be? My money is on scrapping the universal health care provision.


Don't worry Un-elected Prime Minister Prayut- O, the world does know you and they, including the UN , wish you would disappear, any one who takes over an elected Government ( regardless of the situation ) at the point of a gun and under your dubious motives, will get a cordial but cold welcome and a big welcome General to the real world.coffee1.gif

yes of course the corrupt politician don't want that the army of other countries also get the idea to clean house as they did in Thailand and Egypt....They could block it in Turkey where it would have been most needed.

Having the house being cleaned by an even bigger corrupted organization is what is happening now..I am waiting the next International corruption report for Thailand with interest


He ought to be worried that they do get to know him better

The way intelligence people operate in Embassies, every country excepting perhaps only a very few (Chad perhaps, or Libya), already know Mr Prayuth as well as they need to, The conference will not change any minds.

Not that Thais will get any kind of truth about it unless it's available on TV. Which it won't be - there'll be a soapie on instead. Screeching and caterwauling semi-intelligent bimbos will abound so it'll all be OK.


This could get interesting or it could be a fizzer?

Those in the UN that are interested in Thailand and it's political landscape as well as it's future will already have a reasonable idea of what is going on and know just how the junta's treats those that criticize the junta.

Not to sure on the PM's grasp of English but I would think he will have interpreter's that are well briefed on approved answers to questions that could come up there for limiting any possibility of uncle too from looing his biscuit at questions asked.

It's not necessary for the P.M. to speak English, although, one would be inclined to think a man who has risen to his exalted position would have the level of English of a graduating student with a BA. Or at least at the level of the lady he replaced.

However since English is not the only official language at the U.N., maybe Prayuth can address them in Chinese.


Pheu, that's a heavy read! I wish the PM luck when he attempts to explain this to the UN, given that the total time for his speech is 10 minutes, and that his style of delivery is not exactly suited to brevity! It's all good stuff, but there is little there that is mind-blowingly new.


Anyone who challenges him will be "A threat to national security" but unfortunately he is on non Thai soil and no one will listen to his gibberish.

Actually i think the leaders of a few countries would consider the example of Thailand a threat to their national security.

Cant have the sheeple rising up and forcing the corrupt out of their positions of power now, can we?

the problem in Thailand's case is that the sheep are just as corrupt as the people they have forced out of power, with the added problem that those sheep don't seem to care about the constitution, gaining an electoral mandate and basic human rights of the citizens they claim to represent.


I was under the impression (and I could be wrong) that he and all members of the Junta were banned from the US and EU? If so, he can't even get a visa to get into the US, so how the hell will he address the assembly?

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