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Matt Damon apologizes for diversity comments

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Matt Damon apologizes for diversity comments

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Matt Damon has apologized for comments regarding diversity in filmmaking that sparked widespread backlash, after a portion of a conversation from HBO's "Project Greenlight" circulated online.

In the segment, Damon was shown shutting down producer Effie Brown ("Dear White People") who made a case that a script dealing with sensitive subjects like prostitution should have a diverse directing team behind it. Damon responded that diversity should be handled in "the casting of the film, not in the casting of the show."

In a statement, Damon said he believes "deeply that there need to be more diverse filmmakers making movies." His comments, he said, were part of a broader conversation that did not make the show. He also apologized for any offense caused, but is happy that it started a conversation.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-18


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

This story is a beat up for a low rent reality TV show which pitches wannabe directors against each other in getting a project 'Greenlit'

Taking a comment out of context is a cheap shot at publicizing this detritus, seemingly after Matt Damon gave it some support.

Who can guess if he has authorized this publicity to lift the shows appeal. He knows how the game is played and its a fairly innocuous remark.

None the less. Its reality TV so inn the end- who cares.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

So, what's your plan? Nationalise Hollywood and force them to put women and minorities into producer positions?

I think you are confusing the US and communist countries.

When the viewing public gives a monkey's about anyone behind the scenes it will change, but as of now I'm certainly not going to boycott films based on the gender of who produced/ directed them.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

So, what's your plan? Nationalise Hollywood and force them to put women and minorities into producer positions?

I think you are confusing the US and communist countries.

When the viewing public gives a monkey's about anyone behind the scenes it will change, but as of now I'm certainly not going to boycott films based on the gender of who produced/ directed them.


OTT absurd. So who suggested the swill put in to the post? It is a rightwingnut fantasy creation....nationalise and be like communist countries. cheesy.gif

Extremist tripe.

Deal with the issues which means get a grip.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

So, what's your plan? Nationalise Hollywood and force them to put women and minorities into producer positions?

I think you are confusing the US and communist countries.

When the viewing public gives a monkey's about anyone behind the scenes it will change, but as of now I'm certainly not going to boycott films based on the gender of who produced/ directed them.


OTT absurd. So who suggested the swill put in to the post? It is a rightwingnut fantasy creation....nationalise and be like communist countries. cheesy.gif

Extremist tripe.

Deal with the issues which means get a grip.

I wish I had a clue as to what you mean!


I watched the episode last night and at the very least the producers knew there would be controversy. If they had any concerns it would have been edited out. And the possibility also exists that the entire exchange was planned as a promotional strategy for a fledgling show.


Boy, have the Amers changed. What a bunch of powder puffs. If you voice an opinion and you believe that you are correct and can back it up with facts, then stick to it. But now it seems that one must bow to the group think-group speak of the media in that country. "Speak only as we agree and dictate or you will be ostracized, pilloried and reconditioned", so sayeth the TV set. Freedom of speech, huh...yea, ok.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

About 90% of that 40% eschew education, embrace thuggery, and/or consider themselves 'victims'. Get back to us when productive, hard-working members of that group fail to thrive.

Your nonsense does large injustice to those minorities who have actually worked hard and succeded...

Matt Damon knows where his bread is buttered, and his apology reflects that fact.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

This story is a beat up for a low rent reality TV show which pitches wannabe directors against each other in getting a project 'Greenlit'

Taking a comment out of context is a cheap shot at publicizing this detritus, seemingly after Matt Damon gave it some support.

Who can guess if he has authorized this publicity to lift the shows appeal. He knows how the game is played and its a fairly innocuous remark.

None the less. Its reality TV so inn the end- who cares.

American "reality" tv is as "real" as tv wrestling.


Jason Bourne would never have apologised for anything. Guess Matt's not a tough guy after all.

It takes more guts to apologize for a perceived wrong than it does to continue to uphold the wrong


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

About 90% of that 40% eschew education, embrace thuggery, and/or consider themselves 'victims'. Get back to us when productive, hard-working members of that group fail to thrive.

Your nonsense does large injustice to those minorities who have actually worked hard and succeded...

Matt Damon knows where his bread is buttered, and his apology reflects that fact.

Voting for Trump I see.

Trump is a loser.


It's called show business, not show friends. Whoever is providing the money should be able to

choose whoever he/she wants to make the project. I would like to see more diversity but it

is a business and those providing it should be able to make decisions that they believe will make

the show successful. If women/minorities with money want to get behind women/minorities to

make films and TV shows featuring subjects that interest them, great. If successful I am sure old

white men will follow. As far as I am concerned there are a lot of very talented people

men-women-minorities out there. Many are capable of acting-directing-working in the industry.

Don't tell people how they should spend/invest there money. Raise the money and make your

passion project. Roll the dice and invest your money. Matt Damon has nothing to apologise for

except for being politically incorrect coffee1.gif


I don't know what he's apologising for.

Seems he's apologizing for having said that in the filming of 'sensitive subjects' like prostitution there is no more and no less need to have a 'diverse' film crew than there is for any other film on any other topic. I think he was right the first go around and really had nothing to apologize for. I reckon that 'diverse' is a code word in this context. I can imagine some people getting really worked up by the fact that a 'real' trans sexual didn't play the trans sexual in Dallas Buyers Club. I imaging they would get even more worked up by a film about trans sexuals that wasn't directed by trans sexuals. All this identity cultural politics is tiring, boring demeaning and ultimately absobloodyuseless.


Matt Damon morphed into a thread about rightwingnutosphere extremists and Donald Trump.

Only Publicus could pull this one off. Well done.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

So, what's your plan? Nationalise Hollywood and force them to put women and minorities into producer positions?

I think you are confusing the US and communist countries.

When the viewing public gives a monkey's about anyone behind the scenes it will change, but as of now I'm certainly not going to boycott films based on the gender of who produced/ directed them.


OTT absurd. So who suggested the swill put in to the post? It is a rightwingnut fantasy creation....nationalise and be like communist countries. cheesy.gif

Extremist tripe.

Deal with the issues which means get a grip.

I wish I had a clue as to what you mean!

That is why I suggested to get a grip.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

I would respect far more a person that said something and then stuck to it as that is what he believed in against a spineless Luvvie apologising and kissing butt because he offended the politically correct thought and speech Nazi's that are everywhere today. Far too many people are too quick to prostrate themselves at the feet of these Nazi's for saying what they perceive to be the wrong thing. Please don't ever give up your wonderful free speech like we have in the UK. Once it is gone you will never get it back ever again

here is a British guy trying to tell you just this in, I find a very amusing way for something so deadly serious

Remember people once it has gone it is gone forever !!


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

Sure let everyone compete and let the cream rise to the top. However, quotas do not work and neither does putting people in positions just because of their background, etc. What works is ability and hard work and talent. That goes for white males as well as Jewish males (unquestionably the most over represented group in Hwood and this is not racist it is fact). Let everyone compete on even footing.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

I would respect far more a person that said something and then stuck to it as that is what he believed in against a spineless Luvvie apologising and kissing butt because he offended the politically correct thought and speech Nazi's that are everywhere today. Far too many people are too quick to prostrate themselves at the feet of these Nazi's for saying what they perceive to be the wrong thing. Please don't ever give up your wonderful free speech like we have in the UK. Once it is gone you will never get it back ever again

here is a British guy trying to tell you just this in, I find a very amusing way for something so deadly serious

Remember people once it has gone it is gone forever !!

WOW! Well said that man.

There are some on here that shouldn't watch it because they are the sort of people he is disparaging.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

So, what's your plan? Nationalise Hollywood and force them to put women and minorities into producer positions?

I think you are confusing the US and communist countries.

When the viewing public gives a monkey's about anyone behind the scenes it will change, but as of now I'm certainly not going to boycott films based on the gender of who produced/ directed them.

In regressive land The 'this is Sparta' scene from 300 should have accurately reflected the demographic of 2015 United States rather than Sparta 300 BC. I guess this is relatively harmless compared to the usual fare from the totalitarian morality police of the progressive left.

Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

About 90% of that 40% eschew education, embrace thuggery, and/or consider themselves 'victims'. Get back to us when productive, hard-working members of that group fail to thrive.

Your nonsense does large injustice to those minorities who have actually worked hard and succeded...

Matt Damon knows where his bread is buttered, and his apology reflects that fact.

Voting for Trump I see.

Trump is a loser.

Nope, but thanks for playing. Pick up your parting gift from the lovely hostess.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

I would respect far more a person that said something and then stuck to it as that is what he believed in against a spineless Luvvie apologising and kissing butt because he offended the politically correct thought and speech Nazi's that are everywhere today. Far too many people are too quick to prostrate themselves at the feet of these Nazi's for saying what they perceive to be the wrong thing. Please don't ever give up your wonderful free speech like we have in the UK. Once it is gone you will never get it back ever again

here is a British guy trying to tell you just this in, I find a very amusing way for something so deadly serious

Remember people once it has gone it is gone forever !!

Freedom of speech is faring fine despite the histrionics to the thread from over on the much entertained right.

It was the right political sector that some 40 years ago adopted the term 'politically correct' to apply to a language proscriptively developed by others to lessen social distances among us. When the right appropriated the term pc it dug a chasm between diverse groups and identity groups in the society vs the right, as we see today in its attacks against Matt Damon.

pc is a political term intended to defeat social or cultural parity in an increasingly diverse society that the right itself rejects outright. The term pc is, in its contemporary use by the right that appropriated it, tossed out and around to demonise opponents as anything from Nazis to Stalinists and much else, all of which is intended to detract from whatever the particular issue of parity may be. Barking the pc bark puts the attention on the barking rather than on the bite.

pc has never risen to be a Constitutional issue before SCOTUS for some grand First Amendment ruling nor is pc likely to be before SCOTUS because there is nothing involved in things pc or things not pc that threaten freedom of speech or of thought. pc is a rightwing construct of no Constitutional interest to SCOTUS.

Hollerings of pc are but roadblocks to a measure of social parity yet after four decades of shouting pc at progressives and their language proscriptions, the right continues to lose.


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

About 90% of that 40% eschew education, embrace thuggery, and/or consider themselves 'victims'. Get back to us when productive, hard-working members of that group fail to thrive.

Your nonsense does large injustice to those minorities who have actually worked hard and succeded...

Matt Damon knows where his bread is buttered, and his apology reflects that fact.

Voting for Trump I see.

Trump is a loser.

Nope, but thanks for playing. Pick up your parting gift from the lovely hostess.

Trump getting the R party nomination would be the greatest gift of them all in politics.

Lemme know how I can help out.... thumbsup.gif

It's more than likely Trump will fail to get the nomination but, still, some of us are more than willing to work to keep him in the race and contest right up to his end. (hope that came out right..)

And if Trump does get the nomination, can I have the hostess....gigglem.gif


Jason Bourne is the character, Matt Damon is the powerful guy and rich besides, so maybe he should run for prez. smile.png

Intelligent confident people can apologise, the weak cannot do so.

This Boston guy is a shining asset to Hollywood and to cinema goers everywhere. Just last week saw Goodwill Hunting again on Netflix which might well be his best work to date.

Forty percent of the US population are 'minorities' yet the Hollywood hierarchy of producers and directors et al continues to be dominated by white males, to include Damon himself, which is the beef. That era needs to be gone with the wind too. thumbsup.gif

Not only are they white. Ask Mel what he thinks.

Mel Gibson or going back to Mel Brooks??

Those of us who learned our history of the world from Mel B (in two parts of course) are well armed and prepared to deal with yahoos so we thank him for it.

Mel Gibson on the other hand, who grew up in a fanatically religious American family long before Pope Benedict said the Jews did not kill Christ, took his youthful fanaticism with him to Australia where he had to chill on a lot of that stuff. Once Gibson made Hollywood millions and millions, he let loose against the false demons of his religious neurosis. Gibson is properly ostracised for it outside of Hollywood as well he should be, from coast to coast in both countries.

The mad passion of Mel.

I wouldn't ask Mel Gibson what he thinks for a lifetime free cinema pass. Come to think of it I didn't ask anyone what 'Mel' thinks about anything. Nor would I.

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