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Prisoner Ali Mohammed al-Nimr facing death by crucifixion in Saudi Arabia

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Prisoner Ali Mohammed al-Nimr facing death by crucifixion in Saudi Arabia

SYDNEY: -- IN many respects, Saudi Arabia is one of the most advanced nations in the world.

It’s the world’s largest oil producer and its cities are glitz and glamour — thriving metropolis’ in the middle of the desert.

In other ways, the desert kingdom is far from advanced, a place where barbaric rituals still occur and where the country’s citizens are subjected to horrific punishments.

It’s hard to imagine that in Saudi Arabia this week preparations are being made to not only execute a young man but to crucify him. Literally.

The world is pleading with the Saudi government to reconsider. Advocates say what’s about to take place makes them feel physically ill.

The boy at the centre of it all — Ali Mohammed al-Nimr — says he’s done nothing wrong.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/prisoner-ali-mohammed-al-nimr-facing-death-by-crucifixion-in-saudi-arabia/story-fnh81ifq-1227533534610

-- News.com.au 2015-09-18

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Prisoner Ali Mohammed al-Nimr facing death by crucifixion in Saudi Arabia

Incorrect dramatic headline and thread title.

Reading the report he is to be beheaded, then his headless body crucified.

So no, he isn't facing death by crucifixion unless he his body lives on without his head. rolleyes.gif


Thats Muslims for you, and please lets not hear that they are not all Muslims, the country is a un- civilized Muslim run country, And the only reason countries put up with their shit is because they have oil, And people in other countries moan about silly little things, go live there then


Thats Muslims for you, and please lets not hear that they are not all Muslims, the country is a un- civilized Muslim run country, And the only reason countries put up with their shit is because they have oil, And people in other countries moan about silly little things, go live there then

The only solace we can have is that their oil is a finite product. It won't run out in our lifetimes, but it will some day run out.


Saudi Arabian Sharia law and the religious police who enforce it need no further comment. I would observe that I suspect there is a trend developing in the press where Saudi Arabia is painted in a more negative light and Iran in a more positive one. Yemen springs to mind. Quite why this is remains to be seen, but I'll wager it's no accident.


Political Killing. I remember years ago watching a Saudi propaganda commercial series in the U.S. " The Good people of Saudi Arabia are your friends" At the time they were getting ready to behead a Fillipino guest worker for saying the Catholic Mass on Xmas.

After 9/11 the only flights that wernt grounded were all the Saudis getting the he// out of the U.S......Saudi Arabia is ruled by pigs is grandoise robes.


Coming to a country near you very soon.

Europe is being overwhelmed by fanatical adherents to the "religion of peace" As "good" muslims they support Sharia "law" and its draconian punishments.


The best Allie to the West. None of western leaders have ever criticized their barbaian way of dealing with political activists or their non respect of human rights. Hypocrisy is what western powers practice every day.


The young man and his family are Shi-ites, from Qatif. Saudi is run by Sunni's. All the menial and low paid jobs are done by the Shi-ites, All the nice cosy top jobs are done by Sunnis, and never the twain shall meet. It is exactly the same in Bhahrain. Speak out, and you see what happens.

A Profligacy in the extreme.


A bit misleading. He is to be executed first, then crucified.

OK, so they were only desecrating the body. Had me worried for a minute there...facepalm.gif

Spell Syllables
shameless dissoluteness.
reckless extravagance.
great abundance.
I choose #1, and offer:
Spell Syllables
indifferent to moral restraints; given to immoral or improper conduct; licentious; dissipated.
Let me agree 100%. Damn, i wish the sunnis and shias could solve their mutual hate problems without involving anyone else.

Thats Muslims for you, and please lets not hear that they are not all Muslims, the country is a un- civilized Muslim run country, And the only reason countries put up with their shit is because they have oil, And people in other countries moan about silly little things, go live there then

my Saudi friends are very depressed because of your unkind comment. one is even crying bitterly cheesy.gif


Im all for real crucifiction alive ...for children killers..... and children bombers Like in Yemen ...or in Lebanon or Gaza ...half of the heads of states are murderers and accomplices then ...i hope the pope is wrong and there is a hell...

Voltaire said

it is perfectly desirable that poeple belive there is a avenger God who will punish my farmers if they want to steal my wheat


Saudi Arabia one of the most advanced country's in the world ????

Yes for sure lets all go .......NOT

One of the most advanced countries in the world? Obviously the writer has not been there. Incidenially Saudi oil is not as abundant s these writers would have you believe. Mostly it is secondary injection being used to extract it.

As for the headline Saudi does not crucify people, they behead them first. Please get your facts right before writing such articles


A bit misleading. He is to be executed first, then crucified.

OK, so they were only desecrating the body. Had me worried for a minute there...facepalm.gif

Isn't this a desecration of the cross, the symbol of Christianity. Christians world wide should be gathering in protest of this shameless desecration. March to all the Saudi Embassies, smash them up and burn them ! Peacefully , of course !


Saudi Arabia one of the most advanced country's in the world ????

Yes for sure lets all go .......NOT

One of the most advanced countries in the world? Obviously the writer has not been there. Incidenially Saudi oil is not as abundant s these writers would have you believe. Mostly it is secondary injection being used to extract it.

As for the headline Saudi does not crucify people, they behead them first. Please get your facts right before writing such articles

It doe,s not matter which way or in what order they do it, you are f@@ked either way


A bit misleading. He is to be executed first, then crucified.

OK, so they were only desecrating the body. Had me worried for a minute there...facepalm.gif

Isn't this a desecration of the cross, the symbol of Christianity. Christians world wide should be gathering in protest of this shameless desecration. March to all the Saudi Embassies, smash them up and burn them ! Peacefully , of course !

Actually Jesus is considered a minor prophet within Islam so it could be argued that the cross is also a part of their faith. The counter argument is that if the cross is a part of their faith, why is it banned in Saudi?


Gandalf, I like your question, but the answer may lie somewhere in........

Why are cinemas banned,

Why are women banned from driving,

Why are mixed sex beaches banned,

Why is alcohol banned ( yet they all go to Bahrain at the weekends!! )

Why is the Bible banned,

Why is gambling banned,

Why are fireworks banned

Why are single men banned from shopping malls after 4p.m.

They have even banned Corned Beef !!!

Shall I go on...whistling.gif


It's about time the world woke up to this nasty sandpit LINK

Thse of us who have worked there know what a place it is. Unfortunately on TV you can only say nice things about them. I spent a number of years there and in my opinion it would make a nice nuclear testing ground


It's about time the world woke up to this nasty sandpit LINK

Thse of us who have worked there know what a place it is. Unfortunately on TV you can only say nice things about them. I spent a number of years there and in my opinion it would make a nice nuclear testing ground

I believe, sir, the politically correct term we use here nowadays is "to glass it". giggle.gif For those not in the know, what does sand do when exposed to extremely high temperatures.thumbsup.gif

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