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PM to lobby for Security Council seat

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As soon as all of you at the UN fully understnad thhat Thailand is ALWAYS right and never will accept any assiistance, advice, input, suggestions, or itereference this will all go alote easier.

moreover if you will always believe our words and promices to fix what is only percieved as being broken by the outside work we will all get along famouosly. Full stop!!

A couple of million GI's were stationed in Thailand between 1965 and 1975 and built airports, deep water ports and roads along with other infrastructure projects that allowed Thailand to become the tiger of Asia.

Thailand has accepted massive amounts of aid and help over the years.

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This man suffers delusions of grandeur, his personal attitude is a hindrance to anyone sane believing him. Most of Thailand ignores him hopefully the rest of the world will too. His obvious disdain of any foreign interference in Thailand puts him in a difficult position, how can he in all honesty assist anyone else, his experience of the world is almost ZERO .


To achieve this goal, he will need to do some serious horsetrading for votes.

What will he give in return? Which countries will he target?


You have 2 chances at getting a seat at the Security Council. "SLIM and NON" and slim just left town

2 chances???

Actually, you are closer to the truth than you may realise. Thailand has a 50/50 chance of actually getting a seat!

Of the 5 non-permanent seats available in the 2016 election, one is for the Asia-Pacific Region.

Guess what - there are only two candidates (Thailand and Kazakhstan) contesting this Region.

Apart from the impact Thai domestic issues may have, the fact that Kazakhstan borders Russia and China (both permanent members of UNSC) may also have some bearing on the outcome.


A country that barely accepts the ' outside ' world exists wants a seat on a world body cheesy.gif

Thainess, face !

Prayut will attend key functions including the UN Sustainable Development Summit to endorse the new development goal "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". He will also attend the UN General Assembly

Dear general you have already transformed our world. 2030 for Sustainable Development hmm you better add another decade or two to that one. Yeah I know others will pile onto this one. He will no doubt get the red carpet treatment when he returns home and the band will be playing "All hail to the chief" providing the media does not blow it.


You have 2 chances at getting a seat at the Security Council. "SLIM and NON" and slim just left town

2 chances???

Actually, you are closer to the truth than you may realise. Thailand has a 50/50 chance of actually getting a seat!

Of the 5 non-permanent seats available in the 2016 election, one is for the Asia-Pacific Region.

Guess what - there are only two candidates (Thailand and Kazakhstan) contesting this Region.

Apart from the impact Thai domestic issues may have, the fact that Kazakhstan borders Russia and China (both permanent members of UNSC) may also have some bearing on the outcome.

Here it is read it and weep.



"Sek said Thailand retained a good chance to take the seat."

I don't know if that's true or not, I suppose stranger things have happened, but it certainly shouldn't be true. Thailand should get a good bit of mockery for having the cheek to push themselves forward, given their track record.

And as for "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", it's really difficult to think Prayuth might actually be serious. He has no sense of embarrassment it seems.


You have 2 chances at getting a seat at the Security Council. "SLIM and NON" and slim just left town

2 chances???

Actually, you are closer to the truth than you may realise. Thailand has a 50/50 chance of actually getting a seat!

Of the 5 non-permanent seats available in the 2016 election, one is for the Asia-Pacific Region.

Guess what - there are only two candidates (Thailand and Kazakhstan) contesting this Region.

Apart from the impact Thai domestic issues may have, the fact that Kazakhstan borders Russia and China (both permanent members of UNSC) may also have some bearing on the outcome.

Here it is read it and weep.


Read it and wept.

It;s a funny old world sometimes, when people like this get taken seriously.


A country that barely accepts the ' outside ' world exists wants a seat on a world body cheesy.gif

Thainess, face !

And the centerpiece of their position is a policy of poverty four decades old. The fact that they would use a failed economic policy in pursuit of a security seat demonstrates precisely why they should be denied.


"Sek said Thailand retained a good chance to take the seat."

I don't know if that's true or not, I suppose stranger things have happened, but it certainly shouldn't be true. Thailand should get a good bit of mockery for having the cheek to push themselves forward, given their track record.

And as for "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", it's really difficult to think Prayuth might actually be serious. He has no sense of embarrassment it seems.

He probably meant that while nobody was looking they could take the seat.


A country that barely accepts the ' outside ' world exists wants a seat on a world body cheesy.gif

Thainess, face !

Some of the current members, like Angola, Chad, Nigeria and Venezuela aren't exactly a pillar of democracy and stability,

not to mention some very questionable former members, so Thailand will not be the worst choice as a member ever been made,

by the council, at least Thailand will be more sympathetic and balanced to the affairs in the Middle east and Israel, that the other

' bought and paid for ' and ' in the pocket ' members, under the influence of Islamic and Arab world and or being a Palestinians


Thailand sympathetic and balanced ?

Of course they'll speak in a totally responsible and independent way and won't be influenced by China in the least.

Like all the other non permanent members they'll be influenced and do as their patron country tells them.

Thailand is a little bit more mercenary and would switch patron's depending on the offer. Do under estimate the Thai ability to route out the best deal for themselves; and change directions if it pays better.


To achieve this goal, he will need to do some serious horsetrading for votes.

What will he give in return? Which countries will he target?

He probably has that skier Mae's agent handing brown envelopes to the decision makers.


You have 2 chances at getting a seat at the Security Council. "SLIM and NON" and slim just left town

2 chances???

Actually, you are closer to the truth than you may realise. Thailand has a 50/50 chance of actually getting a seat!

Of the 5 non-permanent seats available in the 2016 election, one is for the Asia-Pacific Region.

Guess what - there are only two candidates (Thailand and Kazakhstan) contesting this Region.

Apart from the impact Thai domestic issues may have, the fact that Kazakhstan borders Russia and China (both permanent members of UNSC) may also have some bearing on the outcome.

Here it is read it and weep.


Read it and wept.

It;s a funny old world sometimes, when people like this get taken seriously.

It's a funny old world alright Jon. Some people advocate husband's taking their wives in hand, kicking them up the jacksie and denying them the right of political opinion.


did I miss something? Is it fool's day already......cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

No, sadly they're serious. In fact the previous regime were also harping on about this. Yingluck and cousin number 1 were saying Thailand should have a UNSC non permanent seat.

Must me money in there somewhere?


A country that barely accepts the ' outside ' world exists wants a seat on a world body cheesy.gif

Thainess, face !

Some of the current members, like Angola, Chad, Nigeria and Venezuela aren't exactly a pillar of democracy and stability,

not to mention some very questionable former members, so Thailand will not be the worst choice as a member ever been made,

by the council, at least Thailand will be more sympathetic and balanced to the affairs in the Middle east and Israel, that the other

' bought and paid for ' and ' in the pocket ' members, under the influence of Islamic and Arab world and or being a Palestinians


"Angola, Chad, Nigeria and Venezuela aren't exactly a pillar of democracy and stability"

But they all are elected presidential republics, unlike the current Thai government. One might even say the USA and UK aren't exactly piollars of democracy either. But you cannot deny that democracy CURRENTLY exists in the nations however, flawed - unlike Thailand.


You are unfair to the General! Look at the picture! The "crowd" of people amazed at having the opportunity to see the great leader of Thailand, and taking pictures to remember this moment of grace, is quite impressive!

Er.... Wait! It looks like they are all Thai!

His staff maybe? ;)


A country that barely accepts the ' outside ' world exists wants a seat on a world body cheesy.gif

Thainess, face !

Some of the current members, like Angola, Chad, Nigeria and Venezuela aren't exactly a pillar of democracy and stability,

not to mention some very questionable former members, so Thailand will not be the worst choice as a member ever been made,

by the council, at least Thailand will be more sympathetic and balanced to the affairs in the Middle east and Israel, that the other

' bought and paid for ' and ' in the pocket ' members, under the influence of Islamic and Arab world and or being a Palestinians


hey... I'm a 'Palestinian sympathizer' is that a dirty word???

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