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5 day overstay.go to immigration now or pay at airport ?

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i arrived in thaialand 20th aug i fly home on 23rd sept. 5 days overstay.. should i take my chances at airport or go straight to jomtien immigration and get an extension for 1900 baht . and is it a half day wait at soi 5 immigration to get an extension ? .

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Getting the extension is the best option. That way you don't have to worry about getting caught with an overstay before you get to the airport. You will also save 600 baht.

It just depends upon the day you go and how busy they are as to how long it will take to get the extension. If you go on Tuesday it should be less busy than Monday.

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Since your permission to stay expired yesterday (Friday the 18th of September), you should have gone too get the extension yesterday. If you go Monday you will most likely be fined 1,500 Baht for three days overstay before getting the extension (for a fee of 1,900 Baht).


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hey I paid for 7 days overstay last year and it was 3500 bht...best to say mistake and not happen again. I came backin on tourist visa next time no probs

The point is you took 7 days of risk and paid 1500 baht for the privilege.

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Make sure you apologies profusely....as that is what they like to hear......while asking them to forgive you for your lack of oversight while asking them for their consideration along with a respectful Thai Wai included........

Can you please help me: Chuewoy Pom Noi,---Di My Cap

In this country, a little bit of sincere groveling goes a long way in the presence of authority.....lol


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Pay at airport 5 days is not classified as a big breach and immigaration are a bigger problem

Trust me at airport its easy

Yes it's easy to pay at the airport. But when you or others advise people about how easy it is to leave the country with an overstay, by paying the fine at an airport/border, you really should make them aware of the consequences of getting caught during the overstay too!

If overstaying isn't such a "big breach" why do people that get caught get locked up and put through the deportation process?

Anyone that plans an overstay is bonkers. That's what extensions are for!

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Pay at airport 5 days is not classified as a big breach and immigaration are a bigger problem

Trust me at airport its easy

And what happens if you are stopped on the way to the airport at a police check and they find out you have overstayed? This could happen!

You get arrested and thrown in jail until you appear before a magistrate where you are fined. After you pay the fine you are transported to IDC where you will stay until you can purchase a ticket to your home country. If you had a "cheap seat" ticket that's gone and you will have to buy a new one full fare your home country. If you can't pay the fine you stay in a Thai prison until you work it off at so many baht/day and are then transported to IDC. Better to get legal and pay the 1900 baht for and extension.

Absolutely spot on. TV does itself no favours by continually having Posts from Senior Members referring to for example "pay 20,000 Baht at exit and all is forgiven" or another "thai law/immigration allow this"

Anyone who was not hospitilised and has overstayed 30 days or more, should be given an immediate on the spot 10 Year ban. Soon stamp out this overstay nonsense

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Make sure you apologies profusely....as that is what they like to hear......while asking them to forgive you for your lack of oversight while asking them for their consideration along with a respectful Thai Wai included........

Can you please help me: Chuewoy Pom Noi,---Di My Cap

In this country, a little bit of sincere groveling goes a long way in the presence of authority.....lol


Nonsense. You'll look like an idiot and probably make them think you're trying to hide something else. Farang throwing about wais like confetti just appear ridiculous and may even look like you're mocking a Thai custom.

Just be polite as you would (or should) when dealing with anyone who's already heard every lame excuse known to mankind. Of course, for some farang "acting" polite is a difficult performance since it doesn't come naturally.

You do it your way and I will do it my way while many times I have given the immigration officers a sincere Thai Wai and politely asked for their assistance....

Works great and lessens the chance of them possibly turning you down.

Like I said...you handle the authoritarian types your way and I will handle them my way while I have no problems recognizing their authority and let them know it...just because it is in my best interest to do so and makes things go smoother.

Have a nice day and try not to be so cantankerous with your retortssmile.png

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Anyone who was not hospitilised and has overstayed 30 days or more, should be given an immediate on the spot 10 Year ban. Soon stamp out this overstay nonsense

Something like that was suggested as a done deal last year but did not happen. You can keep hoping.

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