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'Defrauded by my wife and criminals in Thailand' - BBC special report

Jonathan Fairfield

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This reminds me of what happened to an American guy who was married to a Thai girl here in Chiang Mai. When I first came here 4 years ago, I would see them out together at the bars drinking and playing pool together...they seemed very happy together then. A Thai friend told me that they had a daughter and owned a 10 mil baht house south of town. About 2 years ago, they bought a bar downtown. I would go in for drinks and noticed that she was always there soliciting customers to come in to drink, but seldom saw him there. My friend (who bartended at the bar) told me that he didn't want to buy the bar but that she did because she was bored at home. Within about 6 months, I heard that they were getting divorced. When I asked my friend for details, she said that the wife was not satisfied with her sex life with her husband and want to "play the field" you might say. After that, she was going out with a different guy almost every night (and probably still is). I don't go to the bar anymore but I occasionally see the guy wandering around downtown with a lost look on his face. I'm sure she got the bar "lock, stock, and barrel"...and maybe even the house. I've always felt sorry for the daughter...if she's with her father, I doubt if mom is around much...and if she's with her mom, then her mom is out carousing every night and the daughter is probably in he care of family members.

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Look at him, look at her.

Everyone can see what's gonna happen ........ except him.

Question from interviewer, "What would you say to people that want to come here?"

Answer from me, "Don't marry a woman 1/3 your weight and 1/2 your age and expect her to love you or be trustworthy"

This isn't rocket science.

Maybe...but 15 years ago he probably looked considerably better. It's a sad story. He seems like a decent chap, the kids look nice and he is obviously a loving dad Let's not be tempted to blame the victim.

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To the senior member who says our PM should look into this is he talking about Thai minister or that <deleted> up in No 10 who cant stop his own ministers fiddling and stealing from the British public. Cameron pent an absolute fortune of taxpayers money when he moved in is that any worse than stealing.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with the UK Government if you have money or property here and cannot keep a track of it tough sh%t, it dose not matter where you go in this mad bad world of ours someone will always try to steal from you, you just have to be alert.

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Put a hand on your heart and think in yourself....is it normal that young women ( girl ) fall in love with retired man???

Whats normal........?


Not normal:


Really Normal - young guys on the way to Thailand.




Edited by lostoday
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Having said that, it would be interesting to see real statistics instead of all this anecdotal stuff. While there are a lot of guys who have been screwed, there are also a lot of successful partnerships. Too early to say whether mine is one of them. ( 6 years )

I know loads of foreigners in CM with Thai wives.

Not one of them has a successful marriage, but most of them don't know it.

Their wives aren't even very secretive about their plans to fleece and steal, they usually talk about it in front of me (they don't know I can understand).

Some of them I know their real Thai bfs or husbands, some try it on with me, some discuss stealing plans with my wife (who promptly tells me).

I have to clear out my foreigner pals on a regular basis, cos I don't want to be blamed when it all goes horribly wrong for them.

You can't tell them, because they either get angry with you (and violent) or repeat your revelations to their wife who gets angry with you (and often threatening).

One girl said to me ....... "you interfere with my business and I have you hurt"

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Look at him, look at her.

Everyone can see what's gonna happen ........ except him.

Question from interviewer, "What would you say to people that want to come here?"

Answer from me, "Don't marry a woman 1/3 your weight and 1/2 your age and expect her to love you or be trustworthy"

This isn't rocket science.

Maybe...but 15 years ago he probably looked considerably better. It's a sad story. He seems like a decent chap, the kids look nice and he is obviously a loving dad Let's not be tempted to blame the victim.

The poster who grew up in Hollywood and by that fact alone considers himself very handsome is just plain nasty. He, as much as anyone else could easily be another victim, even if he marries his equally beautiful Thai bride. This story is by no means unique and it won't be long before we're reading it all over again. Show him some compassion because you could be next whether you believe it or not

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Put a hand on your heart and think in yourself....is it normal that young women ( girl ) fall in love with retired man???

Whats normal........?


Not normal:


Really Normal - young guys on the way to Thailand.


Yes, whatever. I'm staying at a very nice hotel and saw a good looking older gentleman just like that. He was with a barely 21 year old girl waiting for the elevator to arrive. The girl was very pretty I admit and I wish I look this good then I reach 60. But facts are facts. She totally ignored him while starting on her phone while the guy was looking at her like he was a 16 year old boy.

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did at the end of the video it was said he got married again and had a kid? hahahahahahahaha and ha!

very important lesson. You need to know the girls associates-mafia men, gigolos, thai criminals, mom and pop, it all matters in Thailand!

Edited by Nomyai
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Well well well,,,Everyone here Knows or should Know,,,,NEVER invest more then you CAN afford to lose ,,,Saying that than you can't winge about it . Problem solved,.If the Shit hits the fan at my place I know that I can afford to lose what I invested in Thailand,,,,Don't get me wrong I don't like to lose ,,But Hey no matter where you go or live it is going to cost you,so chin up bite your tongue and move on.....thumbsup.gif

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Having said that, it would be interesting to see real statistics instead of all this anecdotal stuff. While there are a lot of guys who have been screwed, there are also a lot of successful partnerships. Too early to say whether mine is one of them. ( 6 years )

I know loads of foreigners in CM with Thai wives.

Not one of them has a successful marriage, but most of them don't know it.

Their wives aren't even very secretive about their plans to fleece and steal, they usually talk about it in front of me (they don't know I can understand).

Some of them I know their real Thai bfs or husbands, some try it on with me, some discuss stealing plans with my wife (who promptly tells me).

I have to clear out my foreigner pals on a regular basis, cos I don't want to be blamed when it all goes horribly wrong for them.

You can't tell them, because they either get angry with you (and violent) or repeat your revelations to their wife who gets angry with you (and often threatening).

One girl said to me ....... "you interfere with my business and I have you hurt"

Perhaps if you had friends who did not find their wives at bars it might help. My friends it is the Thai women who have the problems keeping the men faithful. biggrin.png

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Doesn't answer my question........Whats normal..?

Are folk saying a disfigured guy, perhaps by military stuff, can't or should not wed a lovely lady...?

Not saying that...

But "disfigured guy, perhaps by military stuff" again is NOT normal.


conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
Synonyms for normal:

























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Just another example of never buying property in Thailand and never Invest any Money in anything here ...

Tell that to Bill Heinecke who made his US$ 1.14 billion fortune in Thailand

Or my good friend Peter who built Cape Yamu in Phuket, or my good friend Alan Zeman and his Paradise Group that built Andara in Phuket....

I know a lot of guys who've done very well in Thailand.

Far more than the ones who've lost money.

I don't agree.There are some foreign success stories in Thailand but they are few.

Bill Heinecke is of course the exception but is frankly in a different category - brought up here, excellent connections and understands the Thai way.Clever too which helps.

I've never heard of the others you mention but I'm sure there has been some success in the hotel sector.

But generally the opportunities are in the SME space.The business legal structure is not helpful for foreigners.

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Put a hand on your heart and think in yourself....is it normal that young women ( girl ) fall in love with retired man???

Put your hand on your heart and say, "I never lost a Thai women to an old man."biggrin.png

I can put my hand on my heart and say that.

I can also put my hand on my heart and say I would never have picked the girl he picked in a million years, hardly a looker is she?

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Just another example of never buying property in Thailand and never Invest any Money in anything here ...

Tell that to Bill Heinecke who made his US$ 1.14 billion fortune in Thailand

Or my good friend Peter who built Cape Yamu in Phuket, or my good friend Alan Zeman and his Paradise Group that built Andara in Phuket....

I know a lot of guys who've done very well in Thailand.

Far more than the ones who've lost money.

I see it the same way,

and would not generalize this like:

- never buy a house,

- never do business or

- never marry a thai woman.

There are those who are lucky and others have bad luck.

I consider myself one of the lucky.

More than 20 years married, healthy children and my Thai wife is diligent.

But who knows in advance how it goes in the future?


This applies to businesses and for women

That's why

My advice is, no matter in which country you are going:

50% of your funds should be in your name and in your home country.

The other 50% of your funds you can then invest with appropriate safeguards in a foreign country.

Never, put your entire fortune on a single horse.

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Perhaps if you had friends who did not find their wives at bars it might help. My friends it is the Thai women who have the problems keeping the men faithful. biggrin.png

This thread isn't about 'faithful', it's about scamming. Faithful is a concept that never really caught on in Thailand.

I don't mind if my wife has a shag on the side, up to her. She doesn't mind if I have a shag on the side, it's the Thai way.

But I do care if she steals from me, especially if it's my home she steals.

Thai women who want to keep their men faithful,

Usually a lie told to a gullible foreigner to explain away their 'serial foreigner hunter' ways.

"Thai man no good, he big butterfly, I want fat, old, bald farang with big heart (senile brain and limp dick)"

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I love this thread, there must be at least 100 guys that think so little of thai women and are advising people not to get involved, married or to buy things. It's hilarious that they don't realize that the problem isnt the thais but themselves being worthless people that are trying to get involved with people above them in standings.

There's thousands of farang men and women married to thai partners, with families, with kids in international school and with thai partners that would simply divorce without taking everything if there was a reason to divorce that didnt involve cheating. It's not because you are a worthless person trying to get better than you would in your country that everyone else is. Most of us are normal people, with decent income surrounded by decent thais. 80% of thai partners of kids in international school are way better than the average men/woman in the west.

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Put a hand on your heart and think in yourself....is it normal that young women ( girl ) fall in love with retired man???

Put your hand on your heart and say, "I never lost a Thai women to an old man."biggrin.png

I can put my hand on my heart and say that.

I can also put my hand on my heart and say I would never have picked the girl he picked in a million years, hardly a looker is she?

she isnt bad looking compared to all the others. Downright ugly if you ask me.

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Just another example of never buying property in Thailand and never Invest any Money in anything here ...

Tell that to Bill Heinecke who made his US$ 1.14 billion fortune in Thailand

Or my good friend Peter who built Cape Yamu in Phuket, or my good friend Alan Zeman and his Paradise Group that built Andara in Phuket....

I know a lot of guys who've done very well in Thailand.

Far more than the ones who've lost money.

I see it the same way,

and would not generalize this like:

- never buy a house,

- never do business or

- never marry a thai woman.

There are those who are lucky and others have bad luck.

I consider myself one of the lucky.

More than 20 years married, healthy children and my Thai wife is diligent.

But who knows in advance how it goes in the future?


This applies to businesses and for women

That's why

My advice is, no matter in which country you are going:

50% of your funds should be in your name and in your home country.

The other 50% of your funds you can then invest with appropriate safeguards in a foreign country.

Never, put your entire fortune on a single horse.

50% of your funds in Thailand? A bit high!

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