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PM vows to resolve past mistakes and problems of previous governments

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PM vows to resolve past mistakes and problems of previous governments


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha has vowed to try his best to resolve all the mistakes and problems inherited from previous administrations within the term of his government.

“This is not an election campaign, but a promise from the government with the people,” he said as he urged members of the public to join hands with his government in tackling the past mistakes and problems.

Addressing a seminar of people’s power for grassroot economy, the prime minister called on all organizations, including human rights organizations, not to further drive wedge between the government and the people. He also urged the people to open up their minds to divergent views and to use their judgements to decide.

Perfect democracy, he said, is that the people will have an elected government which practices good governance. He added he hoped future governments would be honest, free from corruption and responsive to people’s aspirations and wishes.

But the prime minister said that he alone could not realize democracy but would require cooperation from all stakeholders. Nevertheless, he pointed out that there were some ill-intent elements who have been undermining the government’s efforts to resolve conflicts and to bring about strong democracy.

(Thai PBS File Photo)

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-vows-to-resolve-past-mistakes-and-problems-of-previous-governments

-- Thai PBS 2015-09-20


Try and resolve the deficiencies with the present government first. You know,the friends and assiociates you have appointed but are clearly out of there depth.


Corrupt and influential personalities will NEVER EVER DEVER learn form their past mistakes from just rudiculous attitude adjustments Aja slaps on the wrist and zero jail terms....


There is no such thing as a perfect democracy. Fact remains that the past shina governments were luting the Kingdom big time. I prefer the far from perfect present junta.


Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha has vowed to try his best to resolve all the mistakes and problems inherited from previous administrations within the term of his government.

Too bad his best is so far away from what is needed here in this mess and worst thing is that he only make everything worse ... facepalm.gif


He has made a tonne of promises and none seem to have been acted on - how about start with corruption - you remember you promised to rid Thailand of that?


The sycophants on here would have us believe you are the best PM in 20 years *puke* but every time they are asked for proof of this (without mentioning ending the protests that you dear general helped stir) they come up blank.

Tanking economy

Tourism floundering

Corruption still happening across the board including in your own ranks dear general

Terrorist bombs killing and maiming in Bangkok and business as usual in the south

Suppression of free speech and human rights

No reconciliation

We know about Thaksin and what he is, but you know what? I am SICK and TIRED of hearing this 'savior of Thailand' bullpoo. It is really starting to grate when everything is the same if not worse than when Yingluck was in power!


There is no such thing as a perfect democracy. Fact remains that the past shina governments were luting the Kingdom big time. I prefer the far from perfect present junta.

Have to agree, the present Junta is far from perfect and the biggest problem is they he will not listen or take heed of any criticism....


There is no such thing as a perfect democracy. Fact remains that the past shina governments were luting the Kingdom big time. I prefer the far from perfect present

Have to agree, the present Junta is far from perfect and the biggest problem is they he will not listen or take heed of any criticism....

Also, they have absolutely no idea how to run the country.


Of course, with the UN visit coming this week, he's now sprouting "Democracy" promises....front page everywhere.......but meanwhile, he will not relent on his endeavour for the silencing of the media!


20 months in power and seem the past, previous and the presents mistakes are growing and no where we see any sign of tapering. Don't bet on him solving any of the mistakes. Just pray he don't aggravate and grow the mistakes to such insurmountable level that future governments will be handicapped with more burden.


Fixing all mistakes within the term of his government. How long is a piece of string?

Q;How long is a piece of string?

A;Twice the half of it.

Make me a better offer


only words...as always. When he will resign and give chance for an elected government. How can a General rule a country without any experience and knowledge?


Mai Pen Rai ! They say that every cloud has a silver lining , Thailand may be in shadow now , but one day the sun will break through again .

Don't just single out Thailand the whole world is in the shade or shadiest position I have ever viewed it in all of my years. I keep looking for your silver lining maybe you could point it out to me. All I can see is a world that is threatened and bullied by big business and their political allies. Dictators still running amok looting their treasuries. Presidents who want to extend their feeding at the public trough by changing already frail constitutions to suit their greed. Special "constitutions" dreamed up that make people in power virtual dictators. Failed efforts by countries trying to force "democracy" down the throats of other countries that have practiced beheading people for centuries. People just fed up with politically correct politicians backed up by Super Pac money people who want to buy the rest of the world they do not already own on the cheap. Bankrupt economies failing their citizens with infrastructure that is literally falling apart before our very eyes. Politicians farming out good manufacturing jobs under the guise of free trade agreements. Idiots ordering 75 million dollar cakes while millions starve to death or wander around looking for a bomb free place to live out the rest of their lives. There is lots more but my fingers are getting tired.


When I see a spoiled rich kid who killed a cop put in prison and kept there for a normal term, when I see a soap opera star also imprisoned for killing a cop, and when I see dozens of politicians and rich businessmen imprisoned, and kept there for normal terms, then I will start to believe that you are serious about straightening things out.

Cut out corruption completely. Punish, with no mercy, both bribe givers and bribe takers no matter what their position in society or how much money they have.

There can be no half measures. It's all or nothing.

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