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illegal refugees in Europe and a legal thai wife ?

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All western countries that have aged pensions and free medical care will collapse.

It is a mathmatical certainty. There are not enough people in the tax system to fund the welfare requirements of the Baby Boomer generation.

Governments are currently applying band aids such as raising the retirement age for Gen X and Gen Y and increasing taxed population by taking in HipHopslims, but none of the will solve the fundamental problem.

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Like I said just wait and see how bad it's really going to get letting them in.....

Europe will die ,"not with a bang ,but with a whimper"sad.png

Could well be with a bang if some of these ISIS terrorists are disguised as refugees

entering Europe right now!


"some European countries are offering 10 years legal residence to illegal asylum seekers from Syria with very generous welfare benefits"

Which countries ?

Links to this important information please.


Belgium, France, Sweden and Germany.



The OP's close friend's wife isn't seeking asylum, so the situation is completely different.

Voila - there is the solution. Just get the OP's friend's wife to commit Lese-Majeste, (a simple text message or Facebook comment will do), and then she will certainly be in fear of a lengthy prison sentence.


"some European countries are offering 10 years legal residence to illegal asylum seekers from Syria with very generous welfare benefits"

Which countries ?

Links to this important information please.


Belgium, France, Sweden and Germany.


Sweden is actually giving permanent residence permits to any and all syrians. And when they get it they are entitled to the same benefits as anyone else. And in some cases the benefits are higher and better than working.


"some European countries are offering 10 years legal residence to illegal asylum seekers from Syria with very generous welfare benefits"

Which countries ?

Links to this important information please.


Belgium, France, Sweden and Germany.


Sweden is actually giving permanent residence permits to any and all syrians. And when they get it they are entitled to the same benefits as anyone else. And in some cases the benefits are higher and better than working.

Sweden is a very progressive country. Cameron can obfuscate all he wants, but once the asylum seekers gain their citizenship (in Sweden, Germany or wherever they can) they'll be able to enjoy freedom of movement within the EU anyway.

Unless the UK votes to leave!


Sweden is actually giving permanent residence permits to any and all syrians. And when they get it they are entitled to the same benefits as anyone else. And in some cases the benefits are higher and better than working.

Sweden is a very progressive country. Cameron can obfuscate all he wants, but once the asylum seekers gain their citizenship (in Sweden, Germany or wherever they can) they'll be able to enjoy freedom of movement within the EU anyway.

Unless the UK votes to leave!

Norway, Finland, Denmark has been taking refugees for years, until they realized recently that their welfare system was complement ruining their economy and that almost 85% of the welfare beneficiaries were Muslims !!!


Looking on the news reports of these"seekers"there don't seem to be many females in the crowd,only youngish men well dressed with plenty of 'phones in their hands.


Unless the UK votes to leave!

the french, Italians, and Belgians has been voting for extreme radical right wing parties such as (La Liga, FN etc..) for years and even some entire towns and municipalities became entirely controlled by extreme right wing parties and yet it did not solve the main problem, today there are some elders in some Italian towns dying from dehydration because they are scared to buy groceries as they are constantly attacked and robbed by gypsies recently arriving from Romania and the Roma gangsters cause massive damage to the electrical grid as they constantly steal the copper wires to sell it to metal scrappers, in Switzerland 80% of reported crimes are committed by Romanian nationals the Swiss police is the only police force in Europe to publish crime statistics online by nationality.

famous Somali journalist Amun Abdullahi decided to move out of Sweden and move back to Somalia saying that it has became more dangerous then Mogadishu !!!

Cameron was so smart to dissuade UK voters from voting massively to the UKIP party, corporations lobbyists always managed to find a way out to bring in more illegal immigrants !!! the latest BBC documentary is a complete propaganda joke to spread totally fake facts to convince voters that massive immigration is good for the country !!!

I believe that the only way to put a real pressure on the government is to start an economic boycott revolution if only 25% of the people withdraws all their savings from the banks and bought gold instead kept it at home while starting a massive work strike and demand the immediate deportation of all of the criminal illegals and welfare parasites the government will be obliged to accept the will of the people otherwise I don't see how things will change !!!


After paying all my dues in the UK I cannot retire in Syria, seems not on a list. BUT, Syrians can come to the UK and get everything, totally taken care of. I have no problem with that but why won't the UK take me into account when I paid what was asked of me for my old age.......

Because it is now classed as a "benefit" as we have paid in for 40 odd years i cannot see how ,but then who cares about us ,out of sight out of mind .,much easier to give money to some rioting refuge carrying banners than you and i living quietly abroad .

Yes even your State Pension,paid for with 40-50 years NI Contributions is also classed as "Benefits" don't take my word for it,look it up at the DWP web site,or benefits in general.


After paying all my dues in the UK I cannot retire in Syria, seems not on a list. BUT, Syrians can come to the UK and get everything, totally taken care of. I have no problem with that but why won't the UK take me into account when I paid what was asked of me for my old age.......

Because it is now classed as a "benefit" as we have paid in for 40 odd years i cannot see how ,but then who cares about us ,out of sight out of mind .,much easier to give money to some rioting refuge carrying banners than you and i living quietly abroad .

Actually despite what the government may say the state pension is NOT a benefit but an entitlement. I paid in for 44 years and had no choice in doing so therefore I am entitled to a return on the money which was taken from me.



Line breaks: en¦title|ment

Pronunciation: /ɪnˈtʌɪt(ə)lmənt/
Definition of entitlement in English: noun

[mass noun]

1The fact of having a right to something: full entitlement to fees and maintenance should be offered
1.1The amount to which a person has a right: her annual leave entitlement

1.2The belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment: no wonder your kids have a sense of entitlement [as modifier]: this entitlement mentality is completely out of control


Line breaks: bene|fit

Definition of benefit in English: noun
1An advantage or profit gained from something: enjoy the benefits of being a member [mass noun]: the changes are of benefit to commerce

2A payment made by the state or an insurance scheme to someone entitled to receive it: part-time jobs supplemented by means-tested benefits [mass noun]: families on benefit More example sentences

"some European countries are offering 10 years legal residence to illegal asylum seekers from Syria with very generous welfare benefits"

Which countries ?

Links to this important information please.


Belgium, France, Sweden and Germany.


Sweden is actually giving permanent residence permits to any and all syrians. And when they get it they are entitled to the same benefits as anyone else. And in some cases the benefits are higher and better than working.

Sweden is a very progressive country. Cameron can obfuscate all he wants, but once the asylum seekers gain their citizenship (in Sweden, Germany or wherever they can) they'll be able to enjoy freedom of movement within the EU anyway.

Unless the UK votes to leave!

We wish


Merkel will be the cause of WW3 in the next 10 to 20 years for sure. Most of these so called refugees are moslems,they are going to want their own way of life,slaughtering animals by throat slitting ,mosques being built,not integrating and no desire to work

Cameron has shot himself in the foot on in/out referendum in UK ,most will want out now for sure


Merkel will be the cause of WW3 in the next 10 to 20 years for sure. Most of these so called refugees are moslems,they are going to want their own way of life,slaughtering animals by throat slitting ,mosques being built,not integrating and no desire to work

Cameron has shot himself in the foot on in/out referendum in UK ,most will want out now for sure

So how does that result in WW3? Multi-cultural societies are the norm these days.


Merkel will be the cause of WW3 in the next 10 to 20 years for sure. Most of these so called refugees are moslems,they are going to want their own way of life,slaughtering animals by throat slitting ,mosques being built,not integrating and no desire to work

Cameron has shot himself in the foot on in/out referendum in UK ,most will want out now for sure

So how does that result in WW3? Multi-cultural societies are the norm these days.



Merkel will be the cause of WW3 in the next 10 to 20 years for sure. Most of these so called refugees are moslems,they are going to want their own way of life,slaughtering animals by throat slitting ,mosques being built,not integrating and no desire to work

Cameron has shot himself in the foot on in/out referendum in UK ,most will want out now for sure

So how does that result in WW3? Multi-cultural societies are the norm these days.

the conflicts and the genocide in the Balkans on 1992 and the recent terrorist and ethnic riots in France and Sweden ( The Wind Before the Storm )


Merkel will be the cause of WW3 in the next 10 to 20 years for sure. Most of these so called refugees are moslems,they are going to want their own way of life,slaughtering animals by throat slitting ,mosques being built,not integrating and no desire to work

Cameron has shot himself in the foot on in/out referendum in UK ,most will want out now for sure

So how does that result in WW3? Multi-cultural societies are the norm these days.

the conflicts and the genocide in the Balkans on 1992 and the recent terrorist and ethnic riots in France and Sweden ( The Wind Before the Storm )

Terrorism, riots and regional conflicts, yes. But the post I quoted suggested it would be the cause of "WW3" which is nonsense.


Merkel will be the cause of WW3 in the next 10 to 20 years for sure. Most of these so called refugees are moslems,they are going to want their own way of life,slaughtering animals by throat slitting ,mosques being built,not integrating and no desire to work

Cameron has shot himself in the foot on in/out referendum in UK ,most will want out now for sure

Terrorism, riots and regional conflicts, yes. But the post I quoted suggested it would be the cause of "WW3" which is nonsense.

ISIS will smuggle and recruits hundreds if not thousands of jihadists from all those refugees whom will start a holy jihad against all infidels using the huge stock of smuggled weapons in Albania, Belarus and former Yugoslavia and the nukes in France they will launch suicide bombing against all EU members , time to wake up Europe and learn from previous religious conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, former Yugoslavia, Mali and Algeria !!!


The refugee is a messy situation. But countries have a right to protect their own self interests. I don't agree with the countries being so nice and taking on the problems of others. I feel very sorry for all the refugees. It sounds like a wonderful idea to help out everybody, but that simply is not possible, and it is very unfair to others that have tried legal means to immigrate.


Stop bennies , asap .. no immigrants .

The rich Arab gulf states such as Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE has extremely generous welfare system but it s exclusive to its citizens only even hospitals and clinics are separated one for expats and the others for the citizens, 90% of the population of UAE and Qatar are expats but they are supposed to work and once their contract finish they must leave the country immediately the fine for overstaying is very very harsh in the UAE, newly arrived or long term foreigners are not entitled for any sort of welfare benefits or public assistance, Qatar didn't even bother to sign the Geneva convention of 1951 and this country is ranked first in terms of GDP per capita in the world (wealthiest).

this mix of nationalistic and liberal policies proved very successful as those countries today are in the top 10 in terms of GDP yet I do not understand how someone crossing the border illegally via a mafia trafficking ring could get better benefits then a legal spouse or a family member of a legitimate citizen I don't understand why a Ph.d scholar or a wealthy tourist faces huge difficulty in obtaining his simple tourist visa while those illegals gets 2-5 yrs residency permits so easily, a town in northern France where some of its legitimate citizens are homeless and feeding from the trash bin of a nearby supermarket offered some refugees 80 sqm furnished apartments for free with payment bonuses every month !!!

your postings are really funny Marco cheesy.gif


Merkel will be the cause of WW3 in the next 10 to 20 years for sure. Most of these so called refugees are moslems,they are going to want their own way of life,slaughtering animals by throat slitting ,mosques being built,not integrating and no desire to work

Cameron has shot himself in the foot on in/out referendum in UK ,most will want out now for sure

So how does that result in WW3? Multi-cultural societies are the norm these days.

No they are not , the other cultures that come to the west from places like Africa , Iran eCt etc , never integrate and become "multicultural" just left wing rubbish that has been shown to be just that ,over and over again .

my old home town in the UK was not multicultural ,it was and is even more so now DIVIDED.


Merkel will be the cause of WW3 in the next 10 to 20 years for sure. Most of these so called refugees are moslems,they are going to want their own way of life,slaughtering animals by throat slitting ,mosques being built,not integrating and no desire to work

Cameron has shot himself in the foot on in/out referendum in UK ,most will want out now for sure

So how does that result in WW3? Multi-cultural societies are the norm these days.

No they are not , the other cultures that come to the west from places like Africa , Iran eCt etc , never integrate and become "multicultural" just left wing rubbish that has been shown to be just that ,over and over again .

my old home town in the UK was not multicultural ,it was and is even more so now DIVIDED.

I guess everyone has different interpretations. My UK hometown is delightfully multi-cultural as have been most places I've lived in the UK.


Merkel will be the cause of WW3 in the next 10 to 20 years for sure. Most of these so called refugees are moslems,they are going to want their own way of life,slaughtering animals by throat slitting ,mosques being built,not integrating and no desire to work

Cameron has shot himself in the foot on in/out referendum in UK ,most will want out now for sure

So how does that result in WW3? Multi-cultural societies are the norm these days.

No they are not , the other cultures that come to the west from places like Africa , Iran eCt etc , never integrate and become "multicultural" just left wing rubbish that has been shown to be just that ,over and over again .

my old home town in the UK was not multicultural ,it was and is even more so now DIVIDED.

I guess everyone has different interpretations. My UK hometown is delightfully multi-cultural as have been most places I've lived in the UK.

I was working in Burnley at the time of the riots,2002 I think, absolutely horrendous.

Merkel will be the cause of WW3 in the next 10 to 20 years for sure. Most of these so called refugees are moslems,they are going to want their own way of life,slaughtering animals by throat slitting ,mosques being built,not integrating and no desire to work

Cameron has shot himself in the foot on in/out referendum in UK ,most will want out now for sure

So how does that result in WW3? Multi-cultural societies are the norm these days.

No they are not , the other cultures that come to the west from places like Africa , Iran eCt etc , never integrate and become "multicultural" just left wing rubbish that has been shown to be just that ,over and over again .

my old home town in the UK was not multicultural ,it was and is even more so now DIVIDED.

I guess everyone has different interpretations. My UK hometown is delightfully multi-cultural as have been most places I've lived in the UK.

I was working in Burnley at the time of the riots,2002 I think, absolutely horrendous.

Yes but hardly WW3! It's a sensitive subject but hyperbole and exaggeration don't help.


No they are not , the other cultures that come to the west from places like Africa , Iran eCt etc , never integrate and become "multicultural" just left wing rubbish that has been shown to be just that ,over and over again .

my old home town in the UK was not multicultural ,it was and is even more so now DIVIDED.

thumbsup.gif David Blunkett always warned that the huge influx of Roma and Muslims migrants will cause a massive racial tension in UK and will lead to riots comparable with those between whites and Asians in 2001.


another important issue as while the NHS services and medical care is deteriorating in the UK those migrates from sub-Sahara Africa are importing extremely infectious diseases such as (HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis etc..) to the UK, the french and Belgian authorities are already dealing with an epidemic of tuberculosis coming from migrants from Georgia and Africa !!!

the Europeans gov don't impose even a health certificate from those migrants !!!

in one vice news documentary a commander of an immigrant detention center in Libya warned all Europeans from the high rate of infectious diseases these illegal migrants are carrying he estimated from the medical center result that as much as 20% of them are having (hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis etc..)

the massive arrival of migrants to the USA in the 1920s brought catastrophic pandemic to the local population and while most gov are cutting the cost of medical care this is not good news at all !!!

delightfully multi-cultural

I hate conspiracy theories but one theory states that the international powerful lobby want to commit an indirect genocide towards all the ethnic whites and decided to replace them gradually by bringing massive hordes of criminal and diseases laden zombies and that policy is targeted towards the elder ones since it will ease the burden of paying the pension to them as medicine is progressing and age expectancy is improving.

otherwise why they don't even impose a legal criminal records verification and medical check up on these migrants !!!

they intentionally close the doors for all form of legal migration while opening it wide to uncontrollable ones ??

as for the UK and to avoid all laws they found a loophole by smuggling migrants directly from Calais note that more then 50 migrants are crossing the channel every day !!


No they are not , the other cultures that come to the west from places like Africa , Iran eCt etc , never integrate and become "multicultural" just left wing rubbish that has been shown to be just that ,over and over again .

my old home town in the UK was not multicultural ,it was and is even more so now DIVIDED.

thumbsup.gif David Blunkett always warned that the huge influx of Roma and Muslims migrants will cause a massive racial tension in UK and will lead to riots comparable with those between whites and Asians in 2001.

He's likely to be as prophetic as Enoch Powell was!


Like I said just wait and see how bad it's really going to get letting them in.....

Europe will die ,"not with a bang ,but with a whimper"sad.png

True, Ang Murk, has caused EU chaos.

We are all doomed , welcome to Britainistan.

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