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VW has cheated and lied to at least 11 million customers. 11 Million people will loose money because of this. The company does not deserve to survive.

Nonsense, complete over reaction.. So some lost a few hundred dollars on their car purchase, that's not the priority here nor is it relevant much. No one will go broke on this, more people lost their entire life savings and such just a few years ago when the market crashed, that was far more significant, a few got convicted, some got fired or resigned many are now rebuilding or rebuilt but all moved on and life continues. All will forgotten in short order, as they say, "time heals all wounds", actually it may be a nice time to buy a nice new VW they may be having a BOGO soon if all indications continue.


Buying ugly VW in Thailand fhe price of a BMW or Benz :-)

I was thinking that only the European cheap charlies were buying VW...

Well that was going to change anyway, the price problem was the import tax once that was gone due to home soil production the price would be quite reasonable for a much better car then most of what you could buy in Thailand.


I wonder what VW are going to display on their "Eco Stickers" that become mandatory this December? http://car.go.th/

For that matter, I wonder what they're all going to display tongue.png

Under the 2016 tax rules, it's not just about fines - it's about taxes applied too. Double whammy.

Governments will no doubt get their "fine" money first then comes owners of these polluters, then they say they have emitted over 1 million tonnes of extra pollution another fine, shareholders have eaten a 40% drop another court case, workers could even sue for malfeasance if the company starts to fall apart. I think 8 billion is just a drop in the bucket as to what the total costs will be. Will this be another to big to fail with a government bailout if it looks like curtains for this well known brand? I heard one news report that this could be worse for Germany than the Greek problem. Now other car manufacturers are coming under the microscope. Watching the stock market this could be the beginning of a real Black Swan event as greed is running rampant among all companies looking to goose the bottom line for profit hungry shareholders. The innocent will get hurt the most as usual.


This article says Audi A3, 2009 – 2015 are also affected by this.

I'm not sure the image of VW will ever recover.

I also wouldn't bet against VW being the only car maker involved in such malpractice.

And I've no idea if VW in Thailand are affected.

I would be pretty angry if I was a VW owner right now

Like tourism here big business comes first worldwide. Interesting to see how this will play out. I somehow think that somebody will step in and save the company. Maybe India will buy the brand and blueprints in the end. Call it Indiawagon.


Don't get too upset about this. The U.S has for years tried to keep out foreign diesel cars from their markets as domestic manufacturers have shown little appetite for making such vehicles. The U.S has set emission standards for diesels way above what Europe does, well knowing they are not currently achievable at this time..

If you buy one in Thailand, it will either be a grey import from Europe, or from Malaysia or China and they will comply with the latest EURO emission standards.

As any VW/Audi Owner will tell you, these are just about the best cars you can buy.


CNN reported Thailand was indeed affected as well, they posted number of countrues and Thailand is one of them.......??


When the cars have there programs corrected and the performance and fuel consumption drop. Then the value of the car drops because the VW name is in the gutter. How is that not cheating the customer?


The latest news reveals that the German government was aware of cheat software being used by German car manufacturers. That says it all.


It won't make any difference to Thai sales I suspect. In fact it may help them as they will now be more competitive in pricing as they will be dumping cars here that the Europeans or Americans ( yes all 5 of them) won't be buying now.

Thais do not have any comprehension of environmental matters. just look at the poorly maintained cars belching out Nox probably 500% more then a Jetta. All Thais care about is the foreign badge on the bonnet as it is solely about "face". Why the garage Thai showroom sales assistant are generally totally incompetent when asked about any technical details of the power units. They have just about mastered the art of connecting their iPhones by bluetooth let alone understanding anything else.

You ask the average Thai man about service intervals and he will assume you are asking personal questions about his Mia Noi (s)


So how do the US states work California strictest others less so, you buy a vehicle in the latter and then want to drive to Los Angeles you leave it at the border and go by bus the rest of the way?


Seriously, has anyone with an ounce of sense ever believed these 65mpg 'claimed' manufacturers figures?

And please don't say "I purchased my car because they said it produced 1% less CO than it actually does so I have the right to compensation"

This drivel usually comes from people who are too bone idle to walk 50 Meters to the shops so take the car instead.


Seriously, has anyone with an ounce of sense ever believed these 65mpg 'claimed' manufacturers figures?

And please don't say "I purchased my car because they said it produced 1% less CO than it actually does so I have the right to compensation"

This drivel usually comes from people who are too bone idle to walk 50 Meters to the shops so take the car instead.

You are so right. We all know that tested figures are far from what is achieved on the road. Just look at consumption for instance. I don't know anybody opting for or against a car because of its CO2 emissions, unless it affects taxes....

Just read in a non-English paper that it involves several other brands as well. So far no US brands mentioned, but that might be because they're not present in that market. Mentioned are BMW X3, Audi A8, VW, Opel Zafira, Citroen C4, Peugeot 308.

I'm convinced more will follow.


Seriously, has anyone with an ounce of sense ever believed these 65mpg 'claimed' manufacturers figures?

And please don't say "I purchased my car because they said it produced 1% less CO than it actually does so I have the right to compensation"

This drivel usually comes from people who are too bone idle to walk 50 Meters to the shops so take the car instead.

You are so right. We all know that tested figures are far from what is achieved on the road. Just look at consumption for instance. I don't know anybody opting for or against a car because of its CO2 emissions, unless it affects taxes....

Yes like in the UK https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/419799/V149_Budget_2015_Final_version.pdf

so if the CO is 120 = £30 per year road tax

if the CO is 1% more 121 then is £110 per year

so only 1% makes a huge difference


How many here ever look at emission stuff.Al I know is that those Dam Catalytic tings suck power I've paid for to appease Green Freaks.[emoji572]️

With the excise tax being based on CO2 next year, and the mandatory "eco sticker" this December, I think it's safe to say Thai authorities will care.


How many here ever look at emission stuff.Al I know is that those Dam Catalytic tings suck power I've paid for to appease Green Freaks.[emoji572]️

Maybe up to this year.......... not 100% sure but is not the tax here from next year going to be re the 'emission' stuff ?


How many here ever look at emission stuff.Al I know is that those Dam Catalytic tings suck power I've paid for to appease Green Freaks.[emoji572]️

With the emissions being so high some cars may be banned from certain cities, I think many people will have to care, whether they like it or not.


Should be some cheap VWs on the market going forward... even the petrol ones being savaged by this!

I wonder if it will bring down any bad sentiment on their other brands such as Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche??

If it has a diesel it would be the same system.

I have read the American government will assess a fine of $37,500 per car. Yikes! Lawsuits from owners who lose value and when they "fix" the diesel the mileage will go way down. Unsaleable cars on sales lots etc. Billions and billions and the CEO was hoping to keep his job. 5555555555


^The amount of fines is not yet determined, that is a possible amount per car not yet the actual fines being levied.

Most US manufacturers are not as sold on the diesels as the euro's and I guess maybe it's because they can't get the artificial numbers in the real world that the Germans have been fudging all along and have been scratching their heads how to do it. Now they're probably sitting back laughing in their chairs, but I think this is ultimately going to mushroom so badly that the powers that be are going to have give waivers for the cars already produced and sold and pick up from here after some pretty stiff fines and intense future scrutiny concessions.


Ive noticed another Claim Discrepancy. Been retired here for nearly 6Years,.Had BM n Benz as Company rides,but they never did the KPL Claimed.. yet the 2 Civics have done as claimed from new. My Wife's new benz coupe doesnt do as claimed either so far..Just crossed my mind, not bothered really, just the Topic got me TINKING.coffee1.gif


This will be devastating news for Thailand as they are so well known globally for their pollution controls you never seen a wif of fumes from an exhaust in Bangkok even from these old green 1940's and 50s classics busses

Whoa! This is an old stager? Had your head in the sand have you?

Those are mostly all gone, not only the green buses but also the black smoke. Don't see many fumes from orange buses, at least not where I live. Some older truck and hopped up pickups but not buses.

Most US manufacturers are not as sold on the diesels as the euro's and I guess maybe it's because they can't get the artificial numbers in the real world that the Germans have been fudging all along and have been scratching their heads how to do it.

The US governments don't want high mileage cars because they collect too much money from gasoline tax. Sure you can get 65mpg out of a real gallon with a small diesel car.

On the pollution front, people say they are concerned about but don't base purchasing decision on. Are there any stats on how much more the 450-odd thousand vehicles effected have added to the pollution load, say , compared to all the other millions of cars driving around. This is another Toyota saga, lets find a reason to bash a non-US successful company.

The EPA has to take some responsibility for this for having a stupid static predictable test. Smokey Yunick would be proud of the VW engineers for getting their cars past such a childishly simple test.

I read that even big rig trucks are using similar software and it changes the parameters as soon as it detects long distance, continuous speed mode.

Then there is the article where in the state of Victoria, known for its use of brown coal, that a Tesla is more polluting than a small diesel car.

Also it is only one engine in the VW line-up.

Sadly this may effect VW going into F1, as F1 needs more guys that think the way the VW engineers do.


Ive noticed another Claim Discrepancy. Been retired here for nearly 6Years,.Had BM n Benz as Company rides,but they never did the KPL Claimed.. yet the 2 Civics have done as claimed from new. My Wife's new benz coupe doesnt do as claimed either so far..Just crossed my mind, not bothered really, just the Topic got me TINKING.coffee1.gif

I think there is some confusion what was fiddled with and what effect it had. The issue found in the US is that the unhealthy NOx pollutant was artificially low during testing. On the road many times more NOx than allowed was measured. Performance and mileage was better on the road than during the test.

In Europe the situation is different. There CO2 is the gas they mostly check for. Although this in not unhealthy to humans there is a belief that it adds to global warming/ climate change. During testing manufacturers try to get the CO2 number as low as possible as many countries levy taxes based on this. As a result both CO2 and mileage during the test is better than on the road.

pinkpanther99, on 24 Sept 2015 - 09:20, said:

This article says Audi A3, 2009 – 2015 are also affected by this.

I'm not sure the image of VW will ever recover.

I also wouldn't bet against VW being the only car maker involved in such malpractice.

And I've no idea if VW in Thailand are affected.

I would be pretty angry if I was a VW owner right now

why be angry the cars have no safety problems (TOYOTA)Honda) had quality problems VW`s quality is still good does not affect fuel consumption, so how does this affect you, do you stick your mouth over the exhaust pipe of cause not, the press are making this out as if VW is the most terribly company in world it is not warranted the amount of bad press they are dishing out.fine them and get over it,

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