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Dollar flying against the baht

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Right and look for local prices to increase proportionally. My apartment price has already gone up 10% and I expect it to continue to rise to reflect the Baht weakness against the dollar.

Has anyone else condos gone up in rent? I've got to resign next week I hope not.

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Right and look for local prices to increase proportionally. My apartment price has already gone up 10% and I expect it to continue to rise to reflect the Baht weakness against the dollar.

Spot on.

Look for price gouging across the board with the excuse of a weak baht.

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whistling.gif I am not complaining.

I get a pension direct deposit from the U.S. to my Thai bank in dollars each month.

I'm waiting for when the Baht drops below 37 to a dollar.

If the Fed would just increase the interest rate in October, it just might put the dollar rate above 37 Baht,

That would make me happy, as it would make my monthly pension over 65,000 Baht monthly

For September itt was slightly over 62 K Baht,

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USA dollars are too easy to counterfeit. worth nothing.

Exactly right. The US Federal Reserve has been "counterfeiting" them in unimaginable quantities since 2008. Their counterfeiting scheme (aka "QE1,2,3) has slowed, at least temporarily, and the value of the Dollar is rising from "nothing" to "something". And Yellen says that interest rates are poised to rise (to a quarter of a percent!) sometime this year (first rate increase by the Fed since 2008). How long will it last; how high can it go? -- same answer to both questions. Enjoy it while it lasts.....

Edited by Thailaw
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Super Rich exchange HQ 36.16. Sub office 35.90. KHon Kaen branch 35.80.

No one really knows where it will go. It could crash so fast tomorrow if the fed farted in a worrying way. The thing is every man ad his dog get into the $ if problems come up in the world. Remember the saying "Sound as a Pound" well it all changed "Sound as the USA $"

The USA can just print as much money as they want it would not weaken the $. Europe started printing the Euro with their problems and that crashed the Euro. Same with Rusha they started printing the rubble and that crashed. It would be the same if China started printing a load to get out of the ship, that would crash.

You can't beat the Us$.

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36.37 at the moment. I've been following this for weeks. It certainly increases my "value" in Thailand.

Owning property in Thailand with a sliding baht is not going tonic tease ones value. But so far I am still about even from what I paid when purchasing (on average). That said, of course the local rentals and resale prices will adjust somewhat to account for the forex. That said, things can and do swing both ways.

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36.37 at the moment. I've been following this for weeks. It certainly increases my "value" in Thailand.

Owning property in Thailand with a sliding baht is not going tonic tease ones value. But so far I am still about even from what I paid when purchasing (on average). That said, of course the local rentals and resale prices will adjust somewhat to account for the forex. That said, things can and do swing both ways.

I arrived in Thailand when the baht was roughly 32 - $1. I don't 'own' property here but rented as I was uncertain as to whether or not I would be staying long term.

The coup and other factors have caused irreparable damage to the economy of Thailand. The US markets are strong and the economy is strong, thus influencing the interest rates at the Fed. If we all knew exactly which way the dollar or baht would go and when, we'd all be trading in Forex, but we don't. We analyze to the best of our abilities and from everything I can see, the dollar doesn't look like it's going to be dropping against hte baht any time soon but there is a chance it could rise even further. How high? That's of course the gambling man's guess.

Though I certainly have been looking more closely at buying a place here as the value has declined and prices remained steady so that I may resell when the value regains some footing.

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When I arrived in Thailand the Dollar was 20 Baht. Then it went to 25 for years and years. The big change came during the Tom Yam Kung crisis of the 90's when it went into the 50's. Right now, the US economy looks good but everything is cyclical. I am guessing 37-38 Baht by years end. Then depending on how the rest of the World's economies go as well as Thailand's, it is anyone's guess. In addition, there are other events in Thailand that could happen to influence the exchange rate. I would not invest in property in Thailand at this time with all the uncertainty. Yes, I know that foreigners can not own free standing property without all the gimmicks. I do know this, that Thailand was one heck of a lot cheaper when the Baht was 20 to the Dollar and I had less money to exchange..Either I got poorer or things continued to get more expensive- maybe a little of both.

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When I arrived in Thailand the Dollar was 20 Baht. Then it went to 25 for years and years. The big change came during the Tom Yam Kung crisis of the 90's when it went into the 50's. Right now, the US economy looks good but everything is cyclical. I am guessing 37-38 Baht by years end. Then depending on how the rest of the World's economies go as well as Thailand's, it is anyone's guess. In addition, there are other events in Thailand that could happen to influence the exchange rate. I would not invest in property in Thailand at this time with all the uncertainty. Yes, I know that foreigners can not own free standing property without all the gimmicks. I do know this, that Thailand was one heck of a lot cheaper when the Baht was 20 to the Dollar and I had less money to exchange..Either I got poorer or things continued to get more expensive- maybe a little of both.

Yea, as a young military guy back in the 70's setting foot in Thailand for some tours of duty I remember well the 20 baht per USD days. Anyway, here's a graph from 1960 to today of the USD-THB exchange rate.


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The Bangkok afternoon temperature is now 36 C. How far will it rise.

Who knows?

i am thinking you post not to make a statement but because you are shallow and do post because you can ....yes methinks .........

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Super Rich exchange HQ 36.16. Sub office 35.90. KHon Kaen branch 35.80.

No one really knows where it will go. It could crash so fast tomorrow if the fed farted in a worrying way. The thing is every man ad his dog get into the $ if problems come up in the world. Remember the saying "Sound as a Pound" well it all changed "Sound as the USA $"

The USA can just print as much money as they want it would not weaken the $. Europe started printing the Euro with their problems and that crashed the Euro. Same with Rusha they started printing the rubble and that crashed. It would be the same if China started printing a load to get out of the ship, that would crash.

You can't beat the Us$.

If the rest of the world decides the US$ is no longer the reserve currency, beware. It's all smoke and mirrors. Unemployment statistics for the USA count someone working for one hour a month as employed. Over 40% of the population are on food stamps. Heavily indebted shale oil companies with steeply declining well production rates are in a price war with the Saudis, whose production costs are minimal. The "defence" industry soaks up trillions.

I suspect we will have another GFC, and the US emperor will have no clothes. Buy gold.

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