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Trying to keep the ants out of the dog food


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Have those rotten little red ants here that attack on mass and burn. In the dogs food every day. The bowls have the little lip around them to fill with water and I've sprayed under the bowls with ant spray but no go. Anyone have any ideas?

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Try putting the food bowls in a different location.

I had a related problem with black ants, tiny ones, which found their way into the old detergent bucket in which I keep the dry dog food. The bucket appears to be airtight, but the ants still found a way in. I cleared ants away several times a day.... until the supply dried up!

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I have always carefully tracked down where the ants are coming from and spray that one area and keep an eye on it day after day. Keep spraying where they come in or out of their holes. Eventually they will go elsewhere. Spraying the ants themselves only kills them, but then they are right back in a day or two.

Also, they make a very cheap white chalk like stick sold in many places here in Thailand that you can draw a line around what you are trying to protect and it works really well. At least it did for me everywhere I used it.

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I mean the dogs bowls. Foods in there 5 minutes and the ants are onto it

Ant's don't swim. We use a plastic lid from a 5 gallon paint container which has about a 1 cm lip, fill it with water and place the bowl in the middle. No ants.

Spraying poison around your dog's food bowl? Would you spray poison around your dinner plate? lol

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You feed your dog to much!!! My dogs (3 german shepherd dogs) get their food and 3 minutes later it's already eaten. No probs with ants. Only if they 're not hungry and the food bowl stay longer ants come.

I feed in the morning and evening.

Hurah the only sensible solution comes from snowgard.

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There is an ant killer, Chaindrite I think, that is sold in sticks like chaulk. You just make a circle around the bowl on the floor and the ants won't cross it

That is the best solution, we do it all the time with the food for the cats. Waste of time for our dogs, they push the bowls around as they are eating, just have to lift the bowls as soon as they leave it.

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Spraying poison around your dog's food bowl? Would you spray poison around your dinner plate? lol

The pesticides used in ant chalk and powder are highly toxic to fish and insects but relatively safe for humans and pets.

Living in the country we use a lot of the chalk in the kitchen to keep them at bay.

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Feed the dogs steak and the ants will never be a problem. On a more serious note the wider bowls work and if you still have a problem use the special ant chalk to encircle the bowls the ants will at first come but later on the chalk will kill them. To spray with normal households sprays is like f...ing against thunder.

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