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Why aren’t rich Gulf states welcoming Syrian refugees… or are they?

Lite Beer

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I didn't see China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia on the list of countries taking immigrants. The Japanese, Chinese, and South Koreans are very racists nations.

Why should they?

These migrants have no right to demand another country should take them in and look after them.

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I am all for Every country accepting their fair share of these desperate folks...

The fear...of these countries...is the social and cultural long term implications of a people who have proven to be resistant to assimilation into a host country.

History shows that these folks...after a few years... gathering into their own closed communities...are apt to start insisting on governing themselves and forcing folks within their sphere of influence to adhere to their own set of rules, regulations, and laws...effectively setting up a Muslim state with in a sovereign country...

If the host country resists...then often violence against innocent civilian follows...as the former immigrants demand to have their way...

This is already happening in many parts of the world...now the stage is set for the entire world to be embroiled in conflict with religious overtones...

Islam is not bashful about their ambition to control the world under Sharia Law...

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Let me see........

What will I get in Europe when I claim Ayslum : Hmmmm..

A House

A phone ( oh, Already have the latest Apple )

Free Medical

Free Education

Free Money ( courtesy of the stupid hard working taxpayers )

Free Clothing

In a few years a new passport, then I can bring my 100 relatives over...

Now if I go to Saudi Arabia What will I get.......Hmmmmm........No contest.....

Seriously, why not support building decent refugee camps on the Borders of Syria, Then they would be taken care of on the doorstep ready to return when things improve....

Also, weed out the mass of economic Pakistani, and Bangladashi migrants that, and I quote, "Want a job so I can send money home"

Good idea but there are already 1.8 MILLION refugees in Turkey which is bordering Syria.

1.8 million is already a crazy number for Turkish government

I hear what you are saying, but they could cope better with help from other countries, why does Britain not channel the 40 Billion a year we give Pakistan in foreign aid, a country by the way that can afford to build nuclear weapons.

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I didn't see China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia on the list of countries taking immigrants. The Japanese, Chinese, and South Koreans are very racists nations.

Actually they know better than to sow the seeds of civil strife and future problems with a 7th century dogma from the convert or die crowd. As far as the Gulf states they are in the same wagon and have enough problems trying to maintain their control without any complaints or ideas from any new arrivals.

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What gets me, why dont they stay and fight for freedom and democracy,WE had to do this over 100s of years, or is it easier to just jump on the gravy train , dont mind visitors coming got my house but they have to respect my rules as a quest.

The Syrians did want the transformation of the Assad dictatorship & were tortured / killed when they protested. Nobody came to their aid. Now those not aligned to Assad or Islamist groups are between a rock or a hard place with currently no future in Syria, no government is training & equipping them for combat. The US had a go with some training, but proved to be a complete failure.

Up until very recently the camps bordering Syria were underfunded and under resourced & those able to find somewhere to live outside of the camps were running out of money; compound this scenario with no viable end to the fighting in order to go home to rebuild their lives. No safe zones are being developed for refugees within Syria bordering Turkey & Jordan. Many gave up & left for EU.

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Australia also refused to let anybody in while they have plenty of empty land there.

It's not only about space. There are also costs that need to be borne. Australia has 24,000,000 people (not all paying taxes, eg, Children, students, pensioners, and unemployed pay little or no taxes) with that as a tax base and realizing that between unemplyment and old aged pensioners which totals 16.5% or almost 4,000,000 people, how many refugees can Australia afford to house and feed? And remember they also have the military and the police and other government workers to support out of the taxes collected.

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It would seem to be the case that nobody has bothered to read the link provided by Steely Dan in post number 24.

His link is from the Huffington Post affiliate and is... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anhvinh-doanvo/europes-crisis-refugees_b_8175924.html

A read of this would find that Saudi Arabia has already taken in some 2.5 million from Syria but does not call them "refugees" They are provided with resident papers, housing, education, medical care and jobs.

From the HuffPost article:

"With Saudi Arabia's non-signatory status, the Syrians residing in Saudi Arabia are classified as "Arab brothers and sisters in distress" instead of refugees covered by UN treaties. According to Nabil Othman, the UNHCR regional representative to the Gulf region, there were 500,000 Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia at the time of his statement. The government itself of Saudi Arabia has stated that it has, over the past five years since the start of the conflict hosted 2.5 million refugees."

Because the noted treaties establish treatment standards for refugees, some might raise concerns regarding the conditions that Saudi Arabia's refugees may be living in. However, Al-Arabiya, a news outlet based in the UAE, has noted that "Saudi authorities granted Syrians the right of residency and work, and provided them with education and health services for free." According to the Saudi government, over 100,000 children are currently receiving education in the country's schools. Saudi Arabia is not alone in attempts to provide education for the refugees, with Lebanon now providing schooling for another 100,000 child refugees.

The silence on this issue has redirected the conversation to an absurd idea instead of progressing towards verification of Saudi Arabia's treatment of Syrian refugees. By focusing on a myth that could easily be debunked with even a cursory look at the UN's procedures for publishing refugee statistics, the West's media organizations have been too distracted to verify the Saudi government's claims."

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All you armchair smart arse critics start educating

yourselves by viewing youtube film on the subject

or reading more as well, the face of Europe will

change and friction will arise once these people

(mainly young men) start competing for non

existent jobs, go to Berlin, Frankfurt or any

other city and play the spot the German game or

i can say Paris or London, then say oh send them

to Australia, (bloody idiots) most of the place is a

desert, uninhabitable, no rainfall, spring ground

water is so salty it can't be used,, get your facts

right before posting smart remarks with funny

smileys, they are not funny, they are stupid.

Actually at least some EU countries are facing future labour shortages - the worst future labour shortage of the lot will be Germany, estimated to be in excess of 800,000.

By labour shortage I mean the demographic time bomb whereby as the population ages there will not be enough people of working age to keep the retirees in pensions.

All successful world cities are going to be full of "foreigners." World-class successful cities do a lot of trade and create a high demand for expertise from around the world. This was true of the first city, the city of Ur, part of the Sumerian civilisation that flourished in Mesopotamia - that city and its neighbours held a lot of foreigners too.

The city of Rome was full of foreigners too. That was part of what made it great. Same with New York today, and London and Berlin too.

Nothing every stays the same. Otherwise it remains static. The most successful country in the world is USA - a country made up of immigrants.

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We should take them in because OUR governments were the one who caused this crisis to begin with. Syrians were just fine living under Assad until WE decided they needed an Iraq style democracy there. Anybody who can't fathom that simple fact can go and eat a d**k.

Now instead of bickering about this stupidity, we should be trying to solve the root cause of the problem. Namely stop funding the terrorists, and start funding and supplying Assad with weapons so he can end this civil war, just as the Russians are doing. Only then will people be able to go back.

Edited by tumama
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Simple answer to the OP's question:

The Syrians are Shi'ites, heretics. The Arab countries are Sunnites.

I also can not remember many followers of Paisley seeking asylum in Ireland...

Religions, all the same.

the various Shia "heretics" in Syria are much less than the 70-75% Sunnis.

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Actually at least some EU countries are facing future labour shortages - the worst future labour shortage of the lot will be Germany, estimated to be in excess of 800,000.

By labour shortage I mean the demographic time bomb whereby as the population ages there will not be enough people of working age to keep the retirees in pensions.

All successful world cities are going to be full of "foreigners." World-class successful cities do a lot of trade and create a high demand for expertise from around the world. This was true of the first city, the city of Ur, part of the Sumerian civilisation that flourished in Mesopotamia - that city and its neighbours held a lot of foreigners too.

The city of Rome was full of foreigners too. That was part of what made it great. Same with New York today, and London and Berlin too.

Nothing every stays the same. Otherwise it remains static. The most successful country in the world is USA - a country made up of immigrants.


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These migrants have no right to demand another country should take them in and look after them.

We had no right to decide the fate of Libya, Syria and Iraq either. But we did, so now we deal with the consequences. If you don't like it, vote for another party that is not in bed with NATO next time.

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From 1992 until recently I spent a total of 19 years in the Gulf Middle East. First off, nobody wants to live in Saudi Arabia except the very pious. Certainly you wouldn't see a stream of Syrians headed toward Saudi if they have a chance at Europe. The Emirates, especially Dubai, is a different story. Everybody thinks Dubai is a glittering, glamorous world city, which to some extent I suppose you can say it is. It's certainly a lot more fun than Riyadh. Oman is too small a country to deal with thousands and thousands of refugees, who would ruin the country anyway. Oman is famous for friendly people and peace and quiet. Imagine adding a half million Palestinians and Syrians and so on. Goodbye Muscat, nice to visit while it lasted.

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These migrants have no right to demand another country should take them in and look after them.

We had no right to decide the fate of Libya, Syria and Iraq either. But we did, so now we deal with the consequences. If you don't like it, vote for another party that is not in bed with NATO next time.

The Arabs and Iranians nevertheless create their own problems. The US left Iraq five years ago. Then you had the Arab Spring. No outsider has forced the Middle East as a whole to be disorganized, chaotic, religiously bigoted, incompetent, lazy and (some) bloodthirsty.

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We should take them in because OUR governments were the one who caused this crisis to begin with. Syrians were just fine living under Assad until WE decided they needed an Iraq style democracy there. Anybody who can't fathom that simple fact can go and eat a d**k.

Now instead of bickering about this stupidity, we should be trying to solve the root cause of the problem. Namely stop funding the terrorists, and start funding and supplying Assad with weapons so he can end this civil war, just as the Russians are doing. Only then will people be able to go back.

The West is not responsible for the Syrian civil war.

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Have to disagree with THIAN and NOITOM. It does not matter how much land you have. Once you get too many Muslims, you have a problem. Look at Europe now. This situation Islam throughout the world. This is the Islam master plan. The rich Muslim countries are not taking the refugees because they are already Muslim. Japan has laws against admitting Muslims. They are smart. Ace of Pop said it all with his cartoon which I will add here.


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Let me see........

What will I get in Europe when I claim Ayslum : Hmmmm..

A House

A phone ( oh, Already have the latest Apple )

Free Medical

Free Education

Free Money ( courtesy of the stupid hard working taxpayers )

Free Clothing

In a few years a new passport, then I can bring my 100 relatives over...

Now if I go to Saudi Arabia What will I get.......Hmmmmm........No contest.....

Seriously, why not support building decent refugee camps on the Borders of Syria, Then they would be taken care of on the doorstep ready to return when things improve....

Also, weed out the mass of economic Pakistani, and Bangladashi migrants that, and I quote, "Want a job so I can send money home"

Good idea but there are already 1.8 MILLION refugees in Turkey which is bordering Syria.

1.8 million is already a crazy number for Turkish government

I hear what you are saying, but they could cope better with help from other countries, why does Britain not channel the 40 Billion a year we give Pakistan in foreign aid, a country by the way that can afford to build nuclear weapons.

Well it's actually 400m but the last thing we want is Pakistan falling apart because we know where they'll all head don't we.

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Let me see........

What will I get in Europe when I claim Ayslum : Hmmmm..

A House

A phone ( oh, Already have the latest Apple )

Free Medical

Free Education

Free Money ( courtesy of the stupid hard working taxpayers )

Free Clothing

In a few years a new passport, then I can bring my 100 relatives over...

Now if I go to Saudi Arabia What will I get.......Hmmmmm........No contest.....

Seriously, why not support building decent refugee camps on the Borders of Syria, Then they would be taken care of on the doorstep ready to return when things improve....

Also, weed out the mass of economic Pakistani, and Bangladashi migrants that, and I quote, "Want a job so I can send money home"

Good idea but there are already 1.8 MILLION refugees in Turkey which is bordering Syria.

1.8 million is already a crazy number for Turkish government

I hear what you are saying, but they could cope better with help from other countries, why does Britain not channel the 40 Billion a year we give Pakistan in foreign aid, a country by the way that can afford to build nuclear weapons.

Well it's actually 400m but the last thing we want is Pakistan falling apart because we know where they'll all head don't we.

They would have to change the name of Glasgow's district of Shawlands to Pakilands if they haven't done so alreadywink.png

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The problems are enormous,when the PC Brigade,and the stupid Do Gooders spending other peoples money, will wake one day,and have to spend their own money,that is when they will wake up. and underststand Utopia is never free,it's a Myth,created by the poor!

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Thian, what a load of rubbish, Australia is taking 12,000, our land maybe large but the population is small so doesn't have resources to cover the cost of these people. But I say, why go to a country so alien to your culture when you are welcomed next door???? Economics , that's why

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Thian, are you really that ignorant, or are you just joking. Surely you can google & read or perhaps go to the library & read. Do u think you could survive in the desert??? The cows that live in very rural areas look like skin & bones but are a special bread that can survive on little. And if you really must know for a land mass (country) this size we don't actually have a lot of "cows" we have cattle & not a lot for a country this size. We don't get enough rain for people to live out there or animals, we don't have " a mirage" in the middle of our deserts.

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Australia has plenty of empty land.......but no refugee will want to go or stay there. They want to be in the large towns or big cities. What a silly comment, obviously someone not knowing anything about it. As for the remark about how do the cows (or sheep) drink. The water is brought in or sometimes there are streams, weirs etc. and during drought time, they are dry. Not enough for people on a daily level.

Quite agree with you and refugees wants to live in the city...

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