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NCPO advises public to use discretion when obtaining information online

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NCPO advises public to use discretion when obtaining information online

BANGKOK, 26 September 2015 (NNT)- The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has advised the public to use discretion when obtaining information online.

During a televised broadcast, NCPO spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvaree warned people who used social media as a news source to use discretion when obtaining their information. He advised people to consider various factors such as the credibility of the source when reading the information, in an effort to prevent people from being misled, which can in turn affect national security.

Meanwhile, National Police Spokesman Lieutenant General Prawut Thavornsiri said netizens could help authorities by reporting inappropriate online contents, including those that promote violence. He asked netizens to save inappropriate content and report it the police hotline 191 or 1599, in a bid to help protect the country.

-- NNT 2015-09-26 footer_n.gif


Yes, we are always sceptical of any government, military or police announcements as the are likely to be proven incorrect the next day, reconfirmed the following day, denied the next and blamed on the media misunderstanding within a week.

But we understand thainess and loss of face which we also know does not exist and is just another problem created by those undesirable aliens.


Yes, social media can affect national security. Facebook and line should be classified as weapons of mass destruction. Whereas the government should be classified as weapons of mass debation!


In other words

"Don't go snooping around looking for the truth behind our propaganda, don't dare go looking for truth hidden behind veils of LM laws that expose us all for what we really are."

They are so scared because they have something to hide.


I am sure people can think for themselves, and the Government

should trust them to do so,BUT they wont,the need for control is

too great

regards Worgeordie


This is the problem one gets when the powers that be want their populace to remain uneducated and uncritical. I won't at all be surprised that all forms of social media end up be blocked by the Great Firewall....but on the other hand, there would likely be a revolt if facebook was blocked herelaugh.png .


He advised people to consider various factors such as the credibility of the source when reading the information, in an effort to prevent people from being misled, which can in turn affect national security.

Dont worry, Colonel Winthai Suvaree, we all know that we are being misled when fools like you and other Govt spokesmen tell the public more lies. We are also misled when Chief of Police call RTP the best Police in the World or when PM say that Koh Tao case is a perfect investigation ...

The examples are many from this Legion of Idiots but you should know that not all are as retarded as you and your propaganda staff blink.png


I see their BS indoctrination segments on the news almost everyday. It is confusing to figure out who the intended audience is because multiple languages are used.

Kind of pathetic really. I was all for them taking over from yingluck's puppet (excuse for a) government. But the more i see of this current outfit the more i shake my head because if anything the corruption and scandals have got worse. And uncle bigtu seemingly has less brains than yingluck which is quite frankly scary


NCPO spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvaree went on to remind Thai citizens that the only credible and reliable source of information in Thailand is NCPO spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvaree.

NCPO spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvaree suggested that Facebook users check with the page "NCPO Happy Thai People" and look for the Twitter hashtag #NCPOLuvsU for daily instruction, guidance and moral lessons.

© 2015, Baghdad Bob Productions. All human rights reserved.


I have been assisting the police trying to track down the lady on Facebook that exposed her nipples. So for with 500 and myself looking we have not found her. Trust me she will be brought to justice and serve all 15 years in prison for for such a demoralizing act.They were definitely red shirt nipples so she may have fled the country. Mind you 7 days of being blindfolded in attitude adjustment is not enough. She might try it again. Help to bring this criminal to justice. As a faithful Muslim I can not tolerate this any longer. She is part of the devil and needs to be stoned. Even some Christians agree with me on this. If you agree speak up!


In other words

"Don't go snooping around looking for the truth behind our propaganda, don't dare go looking for truth hidden behind veils of LM laws that expose us all for what we really are."

They are so scared because they have something to hide.

You couldn't handle the truth.


For people living in Thailand it is very difficult if not impossible to get a clear an objective picture of the situation, domestic or abroad as censorship prevents access to thousands of Web sites with information.

Only when we can access all and any information will we be able to make an informed opinion.

So Colonel Winthai, when sitting in a glass house you should not throw stones (at social media).


Do these guys realise that the Lego movie was actually an animated children's fictional adventure story and not based on a real place?

"Everything is awesome when you're part of a team!"

All harmonious and no threat to national security here.


The Arab Spring probably never would have happened without social media. The current chaos of post Arab Spring governments reflects the continuing struggle between established and new political forces. Shut down social media and throttle dissent.


"Use discretion" is code for? Be scared.

Can you send me the link for the propaganda/policy police channel please??

Any odd or even number channel between 1 and 10 plus any other channel with letters of the alphabet in its name.


NCPO spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvaree needs to have a quiet word with the organizations that make up National Security in Thailand before being allowed to make so many hit and miss statements into the public domain. Otherwise, they will (eventually) be included in the 'unreliable' category they are actually targeting.

Tail wags dog.........................wink.png


The colonel has essentially admitted that the fabric of Thai society is so weak that it could be damaged by something as flimsy as a conflicting viewpoint or bit of erroneous information. These things are consequences of freedom.

A firewall is not the answer - educate your people so that they have the ability to critically evaluate the veracity of information on their own, or at least know where to go to find internationally reputable sources.

If the government considers education as a lost cause, then perhaps wrapping the people up in a cozy, walled garden of ignorance is the only option left.

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