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My Wife ,

My Kid ,

My (Edit our) House ,

My (Edit my part of the) Buisiness ,

My Friends ive met here ,

My Visa Situation ,

The Weather ,

The Way im treated by the Thais ,

The Choices I have living here ,

The Cost of Living ,

The Ease of Day to Day living ,

Just put a thumbs up if your'e the same , all the doom and gloom posts to follow I look forward to engaging with you :-)


According to most of the resident TVF posters/gloom and doom naysaying horde your life is impossible and YOU must have a problem (some call it happiness).....

Personally I agree with you....

Most people are as happy as they decide to be.....


Not in Thailand full time yet, maybe one more year at the grindstone. However, I concur with your observations every time I am "home", and looking forward to being there full time thumbsup.gif


5 out of the first 6 things you shouldnt get involved with in thailand.

If you do dont come here and moan about it.


^^ and thats why I love statements like yours ,

Wife 11 years

Son 9 years

Buisiness, turning 1m$ per anum with healthy net margins

House ( morgaged ) costs less than renting a similar property.

So they must be 4 of the 6 , as to the fifth must admit you got me ,

Should I not have friends or the correct Visa ?.

And congrats for keeping TV up to scratch , couldnt have a thread without input like yours , thankyou


Agree, but to some (many?) Nothing to moan and complain about would be like removing oxygen !crazy.gif

Gosh, gasp, shock, horror and certain death would follow,facepalm.gif

how dare you be positive !!biggrin.png


Asean Now Property Advertisement (1).png


^^ and thats why I love statements like yours ,

Wife 11 years

Son 9 years

Buisiness, turning 1m$ per anum with healthy net margins

House ( morgaged ) costs less than renting a similar property.

So they must be 4 of the 6 , as to the fifth must admit you got me ,

Should I not have friends or the correct Visa ?.

And congrats for keeping TV up to scratch , couldnt have a thread without input like yours , thankyou

Wife 11 years??? Don't you think she is a bit young....

Just kidding- great post!!!


I hate Thai driving; (Thai) dogs; Thai food; yet I'm loving my life here in Thailand. I love being retired & having sufficient money to get by on. Love the weather; love the spacious bathroom in my house where I can sit in the shower & wash my feet; love the ladies; love riding my motor bike (came to it late at 70.)

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