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Pre-Firewall Mucking About with Facebook?


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Today (Sunday 27 Sep) since about 4:00 p.m. I have been unable to access Facebook without my VPN. I've gone back and forth at least five times including several reboots and restarting my DSL modem. Win 7, TOT in Jomtien. It's 6:00 p.m. and it's still necessary to access FB with my VPN. None of my other regular sites have been affected (hotmail, Yahoo mail, Google searches, etc.).

Anyone else having the same thing happening to them?

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somethings up with "tinternet" today for sure, some sites saying timed out others just fine including youtube (its fine), I switched from TOT wimax to using my phones hotspot wifi connection going thru the simcard AIS and some will then start working others wont?

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I can only get to about half of the websites I try to hit. Facebook works, but twitter and ThaiVisa don't. I had to tether my cell to my laptop to use my cellular data to get on here. I've reset everything about a half dozen times. Glad it's not just me, but I hope it comes back up soon. Sigh.

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I can only get to about half of the websites I try to hit. Facebook works, but twitter and ThaiVisa don't. I had to tether my cell to my laptop to use my cellular data to get on here. I've reset everything about a half dozen times. Glad it's not just me, but I hope it comes back up soon. Sigh.

Good, that kinda confirms its some foook up in the system then not just me

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Me too. Don't let's get paranoid yet, maybe FB is reconfiguring something.

I would agree except that thaivisa and twitter are down for me, as well as a handful of other sites I've tried. I can get to everything with no trouble on my cellular data, so it's definitely a TOT issue.

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I had same issue, starting after lunch time. This is TOT. First the mobile connections went down -- Facebook, Twitter, New York Times. Then the computer connections went down.

Speedtest still claimed all would be fine -- it wasn't. Facebook page hasn't updated in hours.

Tracert gave a similar assessment -- which didn't match reality.

I've the vague idea that engineers played with network topography on weekend. And weren't able to re-adjust higher protocol traffic routing.

I've now switched to OPEN DNS, again, and traffic is ok.

But indeed -- yes, that's another eye opener for the THAI FIREWALL: it will not work!



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I am on ToT.

I noticed misc sites not accessible sometime in the afternoon.

Not a easy pattern. Some German websites OK, others not.

VPN solved the problem.

Now on the desktop PC looks like things improved.

(I had switched to Google DNS, no idea whether this is still relevant)

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Well I don't know if it's related but the last few days I've been having horrible browsing problems on Chrome. It's not DNS because I checked that.

So I

(1) Turned off Hardware Acceleration in Chrome advanced settings.

(2) Cleared by Browser cache and files.

(3) rebooted.

Now it's fine.

Edited by Chicog
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thai visa has been very slow from within Thailand for the last 36 hours or so. using True.

i have been having problems posting.

two other thailand forums have been so slow that they are almost down.

VPN made things go faster! not the normal case for sure.

i can access youtube and other sites. almost normal.

speed test shows about normal.

it is weird because some thailand specific sites are slow.

so if you are posting to thai visa from within thailand, have something negative to say, like almost everybody,

your ip is now captured, your ip is linked to a physical address, your address is registered at immigration, and out you go the next time you report!

you bad internet man!

does air asia fly to cambodia?

Edited by NCC1701A
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I'm using TOT Wiinet. Since yesterday I have encountered many problems accessing and posting to TV. However, once I use my VPN everything is fine with TV. The cynic in me can't help but think that this is not just coincidence given the reports about implementing internet security measures (the Great Firewall) ...

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I seem to be back up and fully functional again. And, it's much faster than it has been in the past week or so. Bright side to everything. clap2.gif

What? So they decided to do their firewall "test" between 4 pm to 6 pm on Sunday with the hope they could go undetected. Reasoning for the times selected was that there would be less people on the net. If they did get noticed the general "naive" public would clap their hands clap2.gifas soon they finished their test and conclude it was just a blip. Some people just don't get it facepalm.gif

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I seem to be back up and fully functional again. And, it's much faster than it has been in the past week or so. Bright side to everything. clap2.gif

What? So they decided to do their firewall "test" between 4 pm to 6 pm on Sunday with the hope they could go undetected. Reasoning for the times selected was that there would be less people on the net. If they did get noticed the general "naive" public would clap their hands clap2.gifas soon they finished their test and conclude it was just a blip. Some people just don't get it facepalm.gif

I'm certainly not naive about the potential cause of the outage. And yes, I clapped hands at the increase in speed. I'll take what I can get while I can get it. Being happy about increased internet speed does not mean that I necessarily think it was a random outage.

However, I won't go so far as to define the reason behind it. It could have been a test of the impending firewall, or it could have been a drunk programmer that fell asleep on his keyboard and held down the F5 button with his face. It could even have been a monkey playing with the wires somewhere for all we know. This is Thailand. Anything is possible. And the less likely the scenario, the more probable it is that it's exactly what happened.

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I seem to be back up and fully functional again. And, it's much faster than it has been in the past week or so. Bright side to everything. clap2.gif

What? So they decided to do their firewall "test" between 4 pm to 6 pm on Sunday with the hope they could go undetected. Reasoning for the times selected was that there would be less people on the net. If they did get noticed the general "naive" public would clap their hands clap2.gifas soon they finished their test and conclude it was just a blip. Some people just don't get it facepalm.gif

I'm certainly not naive about the potential cause of the outage. And yes, I clapped hands at the increase in speed. I'll take what I can get while I can get it. Being happy about increased internet speed does not mean that I necessarily think it was a random outage.

However, I won't go so far as to define the reason behind it. It could have been a test of the impending firewall, or it could have been a drunk programmer that fell asleep on his keyboard and held down the F5 button with his face. It could even have been a monkey playing with the wires somewhere for all we know. This is Thailand. Anything is possible. And the less likely the scenario, the more probable it is that it's exactly what happened.

The reason you should be suspicious that the Internet was being tampered with was that you could get Google and Youtube but not websites outside the country. When the net is down, its down for all sites. When the net is slow, its slow for all sites. While I could stream youtube videos, which uses up a lot of bandwidth, I could not make a simple connection to a website outside the country. Making a connection to a website requires very little bandwidth. This scenario can only occur by someone controlling the software. In layman terms someone was controlling the flow of traffic.

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I seem to be back up and fully functional again. And, it's much faster than it has been in the past week or so. Bright side to everything. clap2.gif

What? So they decided to do their firewall "test" between 4 pm to 6 pm on Sunday with the hope they could go undetected. Reasoning for the times selected was that there would be less people on the net. If they did get noticed the general "naive" public would clap their hands clap2.gifas soon they finished their test and conclude it was just a blip. Some people just don't get it facepalm.gif

I'm certainly not naive about the potential cause of the outage. And yes, I clapped hands at the increase in speed. I'll take what I can get while I can get it. Being happy about increased internet speed does not mean that I necessarily think it was a random outage.

However, I won't go so far as to define the reason behind it. It could have been a test of the impending firewall, or it could have been a drunk programmer that fell asleep on his keyboard and held down the F5 button with his face. It could even have been a monkey playing with the wires somewhere for all we know. This is Thailand. Anything is possible. And the less likely the scenario, the more probable it is that it's exactly what happened.

The reason you should be suspicious that the Internet was being tampered with was that you could get Google and Youtube but not websites outside the country. When the net is down, its down for all sites. When the net is slow, its slow for all sites. While I could stream youtube videos, which uses up a lot of bandwidth, I could not make a simple connection to a website outside the country. Making a connection to a website requires very little bandwidth. This scenario can only occur by someone controlling the software. In layman terms someone was controlling the flow of traffic.

nonsense, the network can be fast for some destinations and slow for others, it's called traffic shaping.

there seems to be a pattern of TOT having problems, and if Thaivisa wasn't reachable too using other networks, it might just have been because Thaivisa's servers are connected to the internet through a TOT network (I don't know if they are, but it would be an explanation).

my guess is that TOT had to work on its traffic routing and caching.

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I seem to be back up and fully functional again. And, it's much faster than it has been in the past week or so. Bright side to everything. clap2.gif

What? So they decided to do their firewall "test" between 4 pm to 6 pm on Sunday with the hope they could go undetected. Reasoning for the times selected was that there would be less people on the net. If they did get noticed the general "naive" public would clap their hands clap2.gifas soon they finished their test and conclude it was just a blip. Some people just don't get it facepalm.gif

I'm certainly not naive about the potential cause of the outage. And yes, I clapped hands at the increase in speed. I'll take what I can get while I can get it. Being happy about increased internet speed does not mean that I necessarily think it was a random outage.

However, I won't go so far as to define the reason behind it. It could have been a test of the impending firewall, or it could have been a drunk programmer that fell asleep on his keyboard and held down the F5 button with his face. It could even have been a monkey playing with the wires somewhere for all we know. This is Thailand. Anything is possible. And the less likely the scenario, the more probable it is that it's exactly what happened.

The reason you should be suspicious that the Internet was being tampered with was that you could get Google and Youtube but not websites outside the country. When the net is down, its down for all sites. When the net is slow, its slow for all sites. While I could stream youtube videos, which uses up a lot of bandwidth, I could not make a simple connection to a website outside the country. Making a connection to a website requires very little bandwidth. This scenario can only occur by someone controlling the software. In layman terms someone was controlling the flow of traffic.

Interesting theory, but completely untrue. I could reach several US websites with no problem. It was only certain connections that seemed to be down. For instance, I could visit my hometown's local news site, but not ThaiVisa. My US banking site worked fine, but Facebook was unreachable.

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Definition: Traffic shaping, also known as "packet shaping," is the practice of regulating network data transfer to assure a certain level of performance, quality of service (QoS) or return on investment (ROI). Keywords here are "the practice of regulating network data" which is the cornerstone of a firewall. As pointed out, in common layman terms, someone was controlling the flow of traffic. Maintenance, mucking about with the firewall disguised ... up to you. Either way the internet was being manipulated. Contrary to some of comments on this forum there was nothing random on which sites could be accessed and which ones couldn't.

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