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Migrants face growing numbers of challenges


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Migrants face growing numbers of challenges


PARIS: -- “Anti-migration sentiment in Europe is unnecessarily endangering the lives of migrants,” William Lacy Swing, Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), has warned the United Nations General Assembly.

With winter fast approaching, many undertaking the journey face further complications.

In recent days, temperatures have dropped significantly and many migrants have caught colds or the flu following days on the road in the rain and mud.


Officials say more than 70,000 migrants have arrived in Croatia over the past few days.

A transit camp has been set up near the eastern border for the bus loads of people arriving from Serbia.


Some 10,500 people are waiting in Austria to enter Germany. However, with the country preparing to accept as many as 80,000 arrivals in 2015 alone, the German president has warned there are limits to the numbers Germany is able to receive.

But the amount of people making the journey doesn’t seem to be slowing down. According to the IOM, a record half a million migrants have crossed the Mediterranean between January and September 2015.

Between Sunday and Monday (September 27-28), 17 people lost their lives making the crossing.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-09-29

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Anti-migrant sentiment is to be expected as tens of thousands simply arrive and expect, demand to be taken care of. I am sick fed up listening to the UNHCR and other agencies complain as they take the simplistic view that every country should forget sovereignty and allow everyone in.

I nearly wrote ' simply arrive uninvited ' but that would be somewhat inaccurate as leaders like Merkel and Junker happily invited everyone to come without any thought for the chaos they were creating. Hopefully there will be consequences for Merkel come election time.

There's a report on the internet that ' bored ' migrants in a camp in Holland have taken to complaining about bad food, not being given money to buy cigarettes and even slow internet connections. How long will it be before the complaining turns into something far more serious and spreads across the continent ?

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and in the meantime: local homeless people left in cold, while economical refugees are houses in hotels

What about people who have lived in their home for 16 years being evicted to make way for refugees?


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Letting all the people in during the warm months is just storing up big problems once the winter comes and temperatures drop below zero. Then you have to build accommodation with heating to prevent thousands from freezing to death. Life for the immigrants is not going to be pleasant in the coming months, and very costly for the hosts.

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and in the meantime: local homeless people left in cold, while economical refugees are houses in hotels

What about people who have lived in their home for 16 years being evicted to make way for refugees?


Stupid self righteous Germans deserve everything that is going to happen to them.

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The poor migrants in Holland are moaning about boredom, bad food and slow internet.


So to relieve boredom they arrange a football match, which becomes a riot resulting in 40 police called to break it up.


At least they are taking time off from raping and setting their accommodation alight, the poor 72% young male foundlings.

Now just how quickly can they all be rounded up and put on the first train out of Europe.

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Disgusting Crap,Don't let them in the country,Look after your own poor and homeless and pensioners.What is wrong with this Do Gooder and Humanitarian shit. They don't give the Millions needed to keep the Invaders(they are not Migrants) happy,,,,It is all Peoples tax money that is getting ROBBED from the working class people (The Filthy Rich don't pay),It is the normal people whom are going to suffer,Not the Do Gooders or the Filthy Rich. Wake up before it is too late.

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The poor migrants in Holland are moaning about boredom, bad food and slow internet.


So to relieve boredom they arrange a football match, which becomes a riot resulting in 40 police called to break it up.


At least they are taking time off from raping and setting their accommodation alight, the poor 72% young male foundlings.

Now just how quickly can they all be rounded up and put on the first train out of Europe.

Any migrants who break laws, cause disturbances or refuse lawful requests from authorities should be arrested and instantly deported back to where they came from.

72% are young single males, who in many instances have a chip on their shoulder, a belief they are fully entitled to and will make demands, and come from places where the rule and enforcement of law doesn't exist.

If they can't change and behave acceptably - kick them out.

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and in the meantime: local homeless people left in cold, while economical refugees are houses in hotels

What about people who have lived in their home for 16 years being evicted to make way for refugees?


Stupid self righteous Germans deserve everything that is going to happen to them.

Merkel, her puppets and the prima donna Juncker are the ones who deserve everything.

They announced all would be welcome and clearly had no plan or concerns about how to manage it other than trying to force it has a EU problem, for all EU countries to have to sort out.

Well, Merkel and Juncker are achieving that. Merkel was quiet, now you'll hear her push for Germany to manage and lead the EU response.

Nothing to do with humanitarianism. All to do with German aspirations for a more federal centralized EU government under German control and patronage.

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Now the police want Christian and Muslim refugees to be housed separately, for obvious reasons. Hello Merkel, you are the head of a nominally Christian nation, has the penny not dropped yet of trouble you have caused for Germany and indeed the whole of Europe?


Christian and Muslim refugees should be housed separately in Germany to minimise tensions following growing levels of violence at asylum seeker shelters, a police chief has urged.

Jörg Radek, deputy head of Germany’s police union, said migrants should be divided, following increasing numbers of attacks on Christians in refugee centres.

“I think housing separated according to religion makes perfect sense,” Jörg Radek, deputy head of Germany’s police union, told German newspaper Die Welt, particularly for Muslims and Christians.

And good luck with integration if they ever get residency.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Its time all Islamic Invaders were sent back because they don't appreciate Europe's hospitality. Rapes in all areas where these Muslim scum live have gone up ten fold and they are not reported in the media.

Hope Merkel and her friends are removed very soon from power, The woman has gone crazy,

My hope is that the people of Europe find strength to smash the corrupt EU

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Europe has let in 500.000 uncontrolled, unverified immigrants because of 1 boy( R.I.P) dying on a beach. There are like 100 babies dying in southern Afrika every day of hunger etc and no1 gives a damn. This must be the worlds worst setback of all times. My brother from Sweden married a girl from Serbia almost 3 years ago. He waited 2.5 years for her application to go through the immigration because he as Swede couldnt go before in row of all immigrants. Hes wife got a NO to enter Sweden so he need to appeal. Seriously...

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Ever notice how the words 'refugees' and 'immigrants' has now changed to "Migrants" - like people are a flock of birds or a pod of whales. New PC terminology.

It is exactly as you describe- a gaslighting where through revision and repetition new, more desired, meanings are assigned to common place words. Truly Orwellian.

The poor migrants in Holland are moaning about boredom, bad food and slow internet.


So to relieve boredom they arrange a football match, which becomes a riot resulting in 40 police called to break it up.


At least they are taking time off from raping and setting their accommodation alight, the poor 72% young male foundlings.

Now just how quickly can they all be rounded up and put on the first train out of Europe.

The invaders are complaining about a lot of things. At some point in the past this phenomena of masses of people moving to richer countries lost the right to be termed migrants are immigrants or illegals or such. It is simply an inaccurate term. When masses of people move with mercenary motives of co-opting the fruits of another's labor that is called invasion, IMO. While there are certainly those among these many peoples who seek equality in opportunity statistics and history demonstrate that most will immediately go on the public support and remain there. I can if pushed find the stats but the numbers are about 70%. This is untenable.

This is invasion. Both the host and the parasite will be consumed with this math. It cannot be sustained. The assertion that large numbers have ulterior motives can be fairly and easily gleaned by evidencing the large numbers already lying about coming from Syria. It is asking too much to conclude those who lie about their origin are nevertheless coming to Europe to be self reliant and work. Nonsense. They are coming to take your stuff from you and your children. Dont like the way that sounds? Too bad, it is the truth and words like "hate" "bigot" "xenophobe" or "islamophobe" contribute nothing to the discussion. People just want to survive and this whole drama has threat to culture written at every turn.

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Ever notice how the words 'refugees' and 'immigrants' has now changed to "Migrants" - like people are a flock of birds or a pod of whales. New PC terminology.

It is exactly as you describe- a gaslighting where through revision and repetition new, more desired, meanings are assigned to common place words. Truly Orwellian.

The poor migrants in Holland are moaning about boredom, bad food and slow internet.


So to relieve boredom they arrange a football match, which becomes a riot resulting in 40 police called to break it up.


At least they are taking time off from raping and setting their accommodation alight, the poor 72% young male foundlings.

Now just how quickly can they all be rounded up and put on the first train out of Europe.

The invaders are complaining about a lot of things. At some point in the past this phenomena of masses of people moving to richer countries lost the right to be termed migrants are immigrants or illegals or such. It is simply an inaccurate term. When masses of people move with mercenary motives of co-opting the fruits of another's labor that is called invasion, IMO. While there are certainly those among these many peoples who seek equality in opportunity statistics and history demonstrate that most will immediately go on the public support and remain there. I can if pushed find the stats but the numbers are about 70%. This is untenable.

This is invasion. Both the host and the parasite will be consumed with this math. It cannot be sustained. The assertion that large numbers have ulterior motives can be fairly and easily gleaned by evidencing the large numbers already lying about coming from Syria. It is asking too much to conclude those who lie about their origin are nevertheless coming to Europe to be self reliant and work. Nonsense. They are coming to take your stuff from you and your children. Dont like the way that sounds? Too bad, it is the truth and words like "hate" "bigot" "xenophobe" or "islamophobe" contribute nothing to the discussion. People just want to survive and this whole drama has threat to culture written at every turn.

Exactly what are you contributing to the 'discussion' other than vilifying those that are seeking a better life or asylum. At the end of the day its various governments action, or rather lack of, that have created the pull / push factors with the outcomes we are now witnessing.

In reference to high unemployment rates among those that have been given asylum or humanitarian visas, again it is government process failures and active employer discrimination that are the causal reasons.

Another example of vilification.

A current matter that is constantly repeated in a number of topics is residents being 'evicted' to make way for refugees. This claim is based upon an example in Germany where an individual was given a six month notice of cancellation of rental tenancy by her municipal landlord. The individual concerned is being assisted by the municipality to locate suitable alternative accommodation for a single person as her children had moved out.

There are many on this forum that just adore the political right, the very same groups that have attacked more than 170+ places for refugees accommodation in Germany alone in the last year or so. There are reports that refugees have been raped by security personnel in Balkan counties, not one word from the right wing media condemning these & other abuses by members of the political right.

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Perhaps the latest urine related challenges should be kept quiet on grounds of maintaining community cohesion. But on second thoughts nah,


The authorities seem more concerned as to who leaked the report rather than the male culture enrichers taking a leak on sleeping females. Says it all really.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Ever notice how the words 'refugees' and 'immigrants' has now changed to "Migrants" - like people are a flock of birds or a pod of whales. New PC terminology.

It is exactly as you describe- a gaslighting where through revision and repetition new, more desired, meanings are assigned to common place words. Truly Orwellian.

The poor migrants in Holland are moaning about boredom, bad food and slow internet.


So to relieve boredom they arrange a football match, which becomes a riot resulting in 40 police called to break it up.


At least they are taking time off from raping and setting their accommodation alight, the poor 72% young male foundlings.

Now just how quickly can they all be rounded up and put on the first train out of Europe.

The invaders are complaining about a lot of things. At some point in the past this phenomena of masses of people moving to richer countries lost the right to be termed migrants are immigrants or illegals or such. It is simply an inaccurate term. When masses of people move with mercenary motives of co-opting the fruits of another's labor that is called invasion, IMO. While there are certainly those among these many peoples who seek equality in opportunity statistics and history demonstrate that most will immediately go on the public support and remain there. I can if pushed find the stats but the numbers are about 70%. This is untenable.

This is invasion. Both the host and the parasite will be consumed with this math. It cannot be sustained. The assertion that large numbers have ulterior motives can be fairly and easily gleaned by evidencing the large numbers already lying about coming from Syria. It is asking too much to conclude those who lie about their origin are nevertheless coming to Europe to be self reliant and work. Nonsense. They are coming to take your stuff from you and your children. Dont like the way that sounds? Too bad, it is the truth and words like "hate" "bigot" "xenophobe" or "islamophobe" contribute nothing to the discussion. People just want to survive and this whole drama has threat to culture written at every turn.

Exactly what are you contributing to the 'discussion' other than vilifying those that are seeking a better life or asylum. At the end of the day its various governments action, or rather lack of, that have created the pull / push factors with the outcomes we are now witnessing.

In reference to high unemployment rates among those that have been given asylum or humanitarian visas, again it is government process failures and active employer discrimination that are the causal reasons.

Another example of vilification.

A current matter that is constantly repeated in a number of topics is residents being 'evicted' to make way for refugees. This claim is based upon an example in Germany where an individual was given a six month notice of cancellation of rental tenancy by her municipal landlord. The individual concerned is being assisted by the municipality to locate suitable alternative accommodation for a single person as her children had moved out.

There are many on this forum that just adore the political right, the very same groups that have attacked more than 170+ places for refugees accommodation in Germany alone in the last year or so. There are reports that refugees have been raped by security personnel in Balkan counties, not one word from the right wing media condemning these & other abuses by members of the political right.

I put it to you it is you acting as apologist, rather than others indulging in vilification. In answer to your glossing over of the expropriation of property look at this, though I forget, if you don't approve of the source none of its content actually happened.


German authorities are applying heavy-handed tactics to find housing for the hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees pouring into the country from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

With existing shelters filled to capacity, federal, state and local authorities are now using legally and morally dubious measures — including the expropriation of private property and the eviction of German citizens from their homes — to make room for the newcomers.

German taxpayers are also being obliged to make colossal economic sacrifices to accommodate the influx of migrants, many of whom have no prospect of ever finding a job in the country. Sustaining the 800,000 migrants and refugees who are expected to arrive in Germany in 2015 will cost taxpayers at least at least 11 billion euros ($12 billion) a year for years to come.

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It is exactly as you describe- a gaslighting where through revision and repetition new, more desired, meanings are assigned to common place words. Truly Orwellian.The invaders are complaining about a lot of things. At some point in the past this phenomena of masses of people moving to richer countries lost the right to be termed migrants are immigrants or illegals or such. It is simply an inaccurate term. When masses of people move with mercenary motives of co-opting the fruits of another's labor that is called invasion, IMO. While there are certainly those among these many peoples who seek equality in opportunity statistics and history demonstrate that most will immediately go on the public support and remain there. I can if pushed find the stats but the numbers are about 70%. This is untenable.

This is invasion. Both the host and the parasite will be consumed with this math. It cannot be sustained. The assertion that large numbers have ulterior motives can be fairly and easily gleaned by evidencing the large numbers already lying about coming from Syria. It is asking too much to conclude those who lie about their origin are nevertheless coming to Europe to be self reliant and work. Nonsense. They are coming to take your stuff from you and your children. Dont like the way that sounds? Too bad, it is the truth and words like "hate" "bigot" "xenophobe" or "islamophobe" contribute nothing to the discussion. People just want to survive and this whole drama has threat to culture written at every turn.

Exactly what are you contributing to the 'discussion' other than vilifying those that are seeking a better life or asylum. At the end of the day its various governments action, or rather lack of, that have created the pull / push factors with the outcomes we are now witnessing.

In reference to high unemployment rates among those that have been given asylum or humanitarian visas, again it is government process failures and active employer discrimination that are the causal reasons.

Another example of vilification.

A current matter that is constantly repeated in a number of topics is residents being 'evicted' to make way for refugees. This claim is based upon an example in Germany where an individual was given a six month notice of cancellation of rental tenancy by her municipal landlord. The individual concerned is being assisted by the municipality to locate suitable alternative accommodation for a single person as her children had moved out.

There are many on this forum that just adore the political right, the very same groups that have attacked more than 170+ places for refugees accommodation in Germany alone in the last year or so. There are reports that refugees have been raped by security personnel in Balkan counties, not one word from the right wing media condemning these & other abuses by members of the political right.

I put it to you it is you acting as apologist, rather than others indulging in vilification. In answer to your glossing over of the expropriation of property look at this, though I forget, if you don't approve of the source none of its content actually happened.


German authorities are applying heavy-handed tactics to find housing for the hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees pouring into the country from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

With existing shelters filled to capacity, federal, state and local authorities are now using legally and morally dubious measures — including the expropriation of private property and the eviction of German citizens from their homes — to make room for the newcomers.

German taxpayers are also being obliged to make colossal economic sacrifices to accommodate the influx of migrants, many of whom have no prospect of ever finding a job in the country. Sustaining the 800,000 migrants and refugees who are expected to arrive in Germany in 2015 will cost taxpayers at least at least 11 billion euros ($12 billion) a year for years to come.

Post removed to enable response.

Could state you're an apologist for the far right. However, nope not an 'apologist' just trying to establish the facts. Perhaps you can provide some proven examples where German citizens have actually been forcibly evicted from their homes in order to provide accommodation for refugees. I have read that the Hamburg council it considering legislation for taking over vacant private property for housing refugees where the owners refuse to co-operate, no mention of the T&Cs; have to see if the legislation is passed into law.

Whilst you at it what did Gate say about this incident...


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This issue is really quite simple to resolve on this thread if not practically. The problem with accepting my comments below practically is that if incorrect, European culture will be irreversibly set upon another course.

I'll concede the entire argument at this point:

There is no crisis regarding "migrants" massing in Europe.

There is no displacement of citizens and real property secondary to municipal legislation.

Benefits for citizens will not be curtailed to accommodate the influx of millions as the Euro is so strong.

There is no estimated 12 Billion Euro price tag for Germany for 2015 alone.

None of the things fear-mongers like me have said are happening or will are true.

The kindly populations of primarily muslims, minimally Syrians, who are coming to work in Europe will significantly improve the quality of life for all the existing host generations who have invested in their economies and social expectations for their children.

Having equality in outcomes is a basic human right.

This is a win win situation and even if there were dire self preservation issues associated with open arms, moral imperative, though undefined, surely compels our fraternity.

Great! simple1 and others win!~ Visit this in 12 months! Lets see how right you were!

Note: A "warning" is not "vilification."

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This issue is really quite simple to resolve on this thread if not practically. The problem with accepting my comments below practically is that if incorrect, European culture will be irreversibly set upon another course.

I'll concede the entire argument at this point:

There is no crisis regarding "migrants" massing in Europe.

There is no displacement of citizens and real property secondary to municipal legislation.

Benefits for citizens will not be curtailed to accommodate the influx of millions as the Euro is so strong.

There is no estimated 12 Billion Euro price tag for Germany for 2015 alone.

None of the things fear-mongers like me have said are happening or will are true.

The kindly populations of primarily muslims, minimally Syrians, who are coming to work in Europe will significantly improve the quality of life for all the existing host generations who have invested in their economies and social expectations for their children.

Having equality in outcomes is a basic human right.

This is a win win situation and even if there were dire self preservation issues associated with open arms, moral imperative, though undefined, surely compels our fraternity.

Great! simple1 and others win!~ Visit this in 12 months! Lets see how right you were!

Note: A "warning" is not "vilification."

Yep, we will have to see how the various governments manage the enormous challenges. I do agree the decision by Merkel (supported by her Cabinet?) will likely prove to be a policy error leading to friction within European society. However, I firmly believe the far right response is not the path to go down.

Given your background have you read "Aftermath" by Nir Rosen. If so PM your thoughts.

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Perhaps you can provide some proven examples where German citizens have actually been forcibly evicted from their homes in order to provide accommodation for refugees.



You like many others take allegations by far right web sites as truth, without establishing facts, so try again. In the meantime to repeat from a previous post...

A current matter that is constantly repeated in a number of topics is residents being 'evicted' to make way for refugees. This claim is based upon an example in Germany where an individual was given a six month notice of cancellation of rental tenancy by her municipal landlord. The individual concerned is being assisted by the municipality to locate suitable alternative accommodation for a single person as her children had moved out.

In other words better utilisation of municipal rental stock accommodation to assist those without accommodation. Exactly the same scenario applies in Australia for the likes of the poor and homeless.

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Again this individual has not actually been evicted from her government owned rental property. She has been given notice and being assisted to find alternative accommodation to better utilise limited government owned housing stock space.

Personally I cannot foresee forcible eviction without alternative accommodation being provided as it would create a national outcry.

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