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Hear me out my problems

I'm living in a rented apartment for 4000bath in Chonburi province. 1year contract.

It is quite a small room, 26 sqm.

I could hear every single sound that the neighbors make from putting stuff on their table, piss/flush/hawking in the toilet, tv, foot stomps from above and frequent door slams.

I'm unemployed and seems some neighbors are too.

I'm at a point very distressed to get back to my room if my neighbors are in.

They seem to slam their drawers and doors, so I do correspond by reflecting them. I slammed, kicked the desk drawer so hard that it broke.

My heart is beating fast. I feel the rush. I feel it is unhealthy. Or is it healthy to have the heart pumping for blood circulation?

I own a car. 2 year old silver Altis. Seems there are few new scratches and dents appearing from time to time.

I'm afraid of the tyres being sabotaged as they are around 3000bath a pop. Also I can't change tyres on my own.

There is a sleeping security guard, but no cameras. One can easily put a nail under the tyres or use a knife to give a stab.

I have looked at other apartments with the budget of around 5000bath, but their building standard is all similar to the current place.

I'm constantly thinking about the noises from the neighbor and I feel stressed and it shows in my face.

What would civilized one would do in such case as mine?

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I onced lived in a 15,000baht 1 bedroom apt. But same problems still existed.

Foot stomps from above, noises from the toilet, tv, door/drawer slams, etc.

Also had noises from near by pub till midnight.

I also visited a friend's modern apt which is around 6000baht.

But seems the wall is made out of cardboard. You can hear them voices.


Also if I rip the contract I will not get the refund of my deposit of around 9000baht. I'm 6months into the contract.

I'm tight with the money as money ain't infinite as in my case.

If 9,000 baht is a deal breaker then I'd have to say you have more serious problems to be concerned with as in money flow. Ear Plugs are an option especially for sleeping, no i'm serious. Stopping the noise won't happen. I work on ships and sometimes if I want any sleep ear plugs are the only solution.


Most condos are built to an equally poor standard, but the ones the wife has in Bang Na (supalai) you can't hear any of the neighbours, although you can hear everything in the halls (but people are rarely in them). So there are some good ones out there.

Have any of the decent builders come to Chonburi ? Not that I know of.

Maybe Sri Racha or Pattaya although both may have loud bars around.

You can rent houses for that money in Chonburi although I doubt you will get on with the neighbours any better when they surround you at ground level.


Move to an Issan village, nice and quiet night and day.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif ..........cheesy.gif ......cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....kon ban do do do boom boom boom boom BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM yyeah bbbrrrrrrrrr BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.


I know exactly what you mean ,but it is not just in Thailand with their 7 cm concrete block walls. All condo's will have noise from neighbours. Back home with solid brick walls 20-25 cm thick or more , you still can hear them.

The eye for an eye , or ear for an ear , is risky , especially with a vehicle in common parkingspace.

In this case , moving is the only way.


Ear plugs and if environment is very loud, add noise canceling headphones. I use them frequently. Besides neighbor sounds and yapping dogs, construction nearby starts at 8 AM and often continues until midnight. And a new bar just opened across the street.

I recommend Hearos ear plugs and Peltor 3M muffs (X1A is lighter and can be worn to sleep - X5A is heavy duty but efficient for blocking most sounds especially when paired with ear plugs. They're not that comfortable wearing for long periods but better than being stressed by noise.


Move back to your home country.

These days quiet to many blokes hanging around here who are clearly not made for Thailand.

You can get bad (noisy) neighbours anywhere, not just Thailand.


Move back to your home country.

These days quiet to many blokes hanging around here who are clearly not made for Thailand.

You can get bad (noisy) neighbours anywhere, not just Thailand.

Hit the nail on the head there mate.

My old home in the UK, neighbour, a coked up maniac living with his, shall we say "vociferous" girlfriend and their 2 year old son. Most nights, an argument accompanied by the poor kids screaming.

Here, a family who I wouldnt know existed if it wasnt for presents of snack food and the fathers shouting whenever Man Utd are on the telly.


Move back to your home country.

These days quiet to many blokes hanging around here who are clearly not made for Thailand.

If you come from the UK, there are no Mozzies, but plenty of Muzzies.


I sympathise with you,everyone should be entitled to a decent nights sleep,but think yourself lucky that you only rent it on a one year contract and can move out once the contract expires.Imagine you'd purchased it,then you really would have something to moan about.


Move back to your home country.

These days quiet to many blokes hanging around here who are clearly not made for Thailand.

stupid man.


Move to an Issan village, nice and quiet night and day.

I live in an Isaan village, the noise starts at 6am, if there are celebrations of any kind (regularly), noise until after midnight, or even 6am, haha! "Nice & quiet", I can only agree with the NICE part, haha!


Pot luck whether you get a noisy neighbour or not, but some condos will enforce limits during nighttime hours. Doesn't stop some moron across the soi using speakers designed for a disco or roaring down the soi in a vehicle with a megaphone exhaust though.


If you are in an apartment building and not a condo why don't you transfer to a top floor unit? You could even offer 5k instead of 4k and at least be done with the noisy neighbor above you. Also what is it with soooo many older gents here always fighting fire with fire? It's petty and it will get your precious tires slashed.


Wow.....You don't value your peace of mind much. 9000b that you may or may never get back as the desk is broke. Anything else ?....door frames?.....Sell the car. Its not like you would need it.Move.


Well if you can not move because you are tight in money and u don't want to loose your 9000 Baht then there is hardly any other solution for you. Really amazed that you are so tight in money but drive a 2 years old car. How much is that car???????


Have you ever thought that by you retaliating that you are just making it worse?

I had a similar problem, and I offered him a beer one day outside, and explained to him, that perhaps I am too loud and that you can also hear him as well and that you hope you are not keeping him awake? (Reverse psychology) Also now you realise that you are going to be thinking of him asleep and try to be quieter! With my neighbour the penny dropped and he understood, since then no problems.

I did later give him some (in my opinion) crappy sea caught fish and he seemed to appreciate this a lot!

Failing this, its time to move!

Good luck


Have you tried getting to know your neighbours first chatting to them without mentioning the noise then as you get to know them more mention as casual as you can about the noise situation maybe they are not aware or equal maybe they are noisy to drowned out there neighbours! !!!. As for the people posting here about money and if you can't afford to loose 9000bht they wonder why your on Thailand I wouldn't listen to them 9000bht is 9000bht and not throw away money as a lot of posters on here seem to think. Look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves as my old gran used to say. We live in a money orientated society here most thai would love 9000 bht so if the posters who don't care about 9000bht could give that amount to a thai family it would make there month Food for thought maybe.

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