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I have stuck with IPhones since they came out, I suppose I just followed others without really thinking what best suited me.

I currently have a 4S, so there I'm not really hooked, it's just about given up the ghost and I was all set to purchase a 6 this weekend.

I'm not sure that I need to spend around 25,000 Baht for a new phone, I need to calls and sms's, have a half reasonable camera and reasonable Wi-Fi.

Can anybody recommend something suitable and half the price or less.

Is it easy to transfer all my numbers from IOS to Android?


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excellent phones, I have had three of the 2014 version and a lot of people with Iphones liked mine better.

about 7000 baht, but however I don't think available for purchase directly in Thailand, sadly.

not impossible to import, wonderful phone

transferring the numbers from IOS to android should be simple, if it's not transfered via SIM card to the new phone (might be different SIM, I don't know) then it should work via bluetooth

just so you know, i'm not sure if it's still applicable as of now but apparenlty if you have an iphone the sms are sent via something like Imessage and if you switch phones and someone sends you a SMS you will not get them because Apple intercepts them


that's the page where you deregister it apparently, but you can look that up on google if you want.


I need to calls and sms's, have a half reasonable camera and reasonable Wi-Fi.

Can anybody recommend something suitable and half the price or less.

Half? You mean a fraction tongue.png

The granddaugthers have Androids in the 5xxx Baht range, 5 inch displays.

Completely satisfied.


It depends what you want.I had A Samsung Gallaxy.It was constantly crashing.Would take it to the shop.It would be ok for A little while.As far as upgrading IPhones,after awhile Apple will not go to the next IOS if the phone is to old.Then it starts getting more

Difficult to do things.

Myself when my phone gets A little older I will get the newest iPhone there is.Til then I just get by on the old one.


It depends what you want.I had A Samsung Gallaxy.It was constantly crashing.Would take it to the shop.It would be ok for A little while.As far as upgrading IPhones,after awhile Apple will not go to the next IOS if the phone is to old.Then it starts getting more

Difficult to do things.

Myself when my phone gets A little older I will get the newest iPhone there is.Til then I just get by on the old one.

that hardly means anything, there are hundreds of different Samsung Galaxy and a lot of them are fake ripoffs in Thailand too


most of them are garbage apart from a few of them and of course the flagship models


My iphone 6 plus works much better than my iphone 5 did. Softbank here in Japan sent out a $180 coupon to upgrade and I got $220 for trading in my iphone 5 so my 6 plus ended up costing me $250. It's 4G LTE and has a nice display. It feels much better in my hand than the 5 did. More rounded and slimmer. Oh it is the 64GB model with a stronger signal and better sound than the iphone 5. Don't know if they have similar trade-in policies in Bangkok.


Tons of good value phones under 10K now from China. Have a look at the asus zenphone or go pick up the htc one from dtac for around 10K (they are over 20K normally). Iphone is overated and overpriced. If you stripped off the name it would be around 18k or less.



excellent phones, I have had three of the 2014 version and a lot of people with Iphones liked mine better.

about 7000 baht, but however I don't think available for purchase directly in Thailand, sadly.

not impossible to import, wonderful phone

transferring the numbers from IOS to android should be simple, if it's not transfered via SIM card to the new phone (might be different SIM, I don't know) then it should work via bluetooth

just so you know, i'm not sure if it's still applicable as of now but apparenlty if you have an iphone the sms are sent via something like Imessage and if you switch phones and someone sends you a SMS you will not get them because Apple intercepts them


that's the page where you deregister it apparently, but you can look that up on google if you want.

I've got a two and a half yr old Moto G dual sim recently upgraded to 4.1, fantastic phone infinitely superior to my previous LG4X HD, cost me £130. I laugh at iphone owners, just fashion slaves.


I've got a two and a half yr old Moto G dual sim recently upgraded to 4.1, fantastic phone infinitely superior to my previous LG4X HD, cost me £130. I laugh at iphone owners, just fashion slaves.

The fashion problem is its transience. In my country wear Nike or Addidas became perfectly corny and limited now to scum of the suburbs ph34r.png
This is already somewhat the case for I Phone and I bet big that the phenomenon will grow.
Let us add that Apple Production mainly comes from China and that there is in this country plethora of devices with equivalent performance for the quarter of the price, free of import tax in Thailand.

I just got my second hand Samsung Note 3 a year ago, my first ever smart phone.

I only bought it because my old phone died after 8 years, could only call and text.

Now with my smarter then me phone I only call and text, and sometimes I make a photo, WOW, anybody wants to buy my old camera?


Tons of good value phones under 10K now from China. Have a look at the asus zenphone or go pick up the htc one from dtac for around 10K (they are over 20K normally). Iphone is overated and overpriced. If you stripped off the name it would be around 18k or less.

Iphones are made there anyhow!

It is just too expensive to keep upgrading to the latest Iphone.

I would say the same wrt the Samsung flagship phone.

You get features you will never use, but the reality is many are out to impress others, if you can afford it, fine.


I have stuck with IPhones since they came out, I suppose I just followed others without really thinking what best suited me.

I currently have a 4S, so there I'm not really hooked, it's just about given up the ghost and I was all set to purchase a 6 this weekend.

I'm not sure that I need to spend around 25,000 Baht for a new phone, I need to calls and sms's, have a half reasonable camera and reasonable Wi-Fi.

Can anybody recommend something suitable and half the price or less.

Is it easy to transfer all my numbers from IOS to Android?


1st don't get an iPhone 6. In a very short time, 1 to 2 months, there will be the 6s which has a much better camera plus a lot of other changes and is the same price.

Although iPhones cameras don't have the highest pixel count they are at the top in picture quality.

If you are only making calls and SMS why do you want WiFi? You probably don't need a smartphone.

If you do more than that and use apps on the 4s then if you switch to android or windows phone you will have to get them all again. You will also have to work to protect yourself against malware, malware is virtually impossible on the iPhone.


No you dont need another iPhone. Technology has moved a lot in the past few years nd android phones are extremely good.

Don't get me wrong I am a fan of Apple, I only use Macbook Air's simply because of speed, reliability and easy to carry around, PC based laptops just dont cut it for me anymore. But in my opinion iPhones are ridiculously overpriced and are more a status now then anything else. I steer clear and save my money for more important things.

Of course they are well built, relaible, high quality etc but so are many others at far less.

Your useage sounds pretty basic (as is mine, I use email, camera, calls, texts, whats app and sometimes online but not much more) and for that you do not need a high end phone nowadays.

You can buy a decent phone for under 10,000 baht very easily. Just pick one with a decent processor and a good amount of ram and you probably won't go too far wrong. Best to google reviews and build a shortlist then go shopping.


I've had several generations of Samsung on Android. Always perfectly happy with them, though the last 2 phones I've had, I decided I didn't need flagship models for little more than calls and sms. The camera is excellent as phone cameras go, and battery lasts between 7-10 days as I'm not a phone addict. It's an "A5" model. I have never and will never own an Apple product on principle, no matter how good they might be (I'd say different, but not better). To be honest though, apart from the camera, a 500 baht phone would do me fine.


You don't need an I Phone,,You don't need Wi Fi if you use a Laptop ,I do ,,I got a Samsung Ace S5830 Nice small Phone About 5K Thai bath Got good Camera, Makes calls and does Txts That's all I want .


I had a iphone 3GS now changed to VIVO X5 never an iphone again..............my wife had a Samsung but never again now VIVO as well....


I last thing made from Apple I owned was an Apple computer. I have watched the sickness called Apple take so many people and corrupt their lives so that they are obsessed with the brand Apple and have to have the newest product. Try to tell a Mac owner that it has a Intel processor and they will say no it is a Mac. I have a 10 year old Nokia phone that works just fine, no email, just text. If I want a picture I use my camera and if I want to use the internet I use my 5 year old computer which works just fine and doesn't need up graded anything, that is how so many people's electronics get ruined is by always upgrading, the old saying "If is working, don't fix it." I know this as I repair computers for a living and so many times it is the operator who has caused the computer to malfunction, I will not repair laptops as there are no two alike even within the same model, it is just part of the business, the biggest enemy of any computer is heat so make sure you have good cooling and a properly grounded electrical connection for your electronics. I ca not cure you of your Apple induced sickness, you have to do that yourself.


My Samsung smartphone cost 890 baht.I can make phone calls on it and send SMS. I call it a smartphone because it can remember 100 phone numbers, and I can;t. Anything touch screen is the wife's department.


go android and say bye bye to imessage and face time.

have fun with constant cut calls on Viber or Skype.

any iphone is way better than Android crap.

have both So i know what I m talking about.

stay with the 4s, steal frame, solid, easy battery replacement and plenty of repair place for the 4s.

no virus, good camera, good sound, loud enough, and pocketable.


My 4S is still functioning... when it dies I will get a simple call/text phone.
I use an iPad mini cellular version now mostly and hardly ever use the iPhone for other than calling.

IF I was in the US, I would seriously consider another iPhone only because there are more things I could do with it there. And then I would probably get a full sized iPad air.

But for now, no upgrades for me, not worth the cost for what I need.


Thanks to all those who have meaningful advice, I've jumped the iPhone ship and purchased an Android phone for about a third of the price of an iPhone.

Went to the mobile exhibition at the Queen Sirikit NCC yesterday, spoiled for choice but purchased an oppo phone that seems to meet my requirements, buying there they threw in loads of goodies.

Thanks again for the advice, time will tell if I've made the right decision.

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm seriously considering caving in and buying a smartphone. Presently a simple PC and clamshell. However, some back up when PC goes belly up, together with a wassap for friend in UK who refuses to use email/skype, together with fact won't be restricted to just one room of spacious house/grounds (no bragging, it was a miscommunication with architect laugh.png ), has persuaded me smartphone may be good idea. I don't want anything 'faddist' but good quality screen imaging/sound a plus. A friend has a Samsung Galaxy J7 bought on offer at around 9k. Will that do d'ya think?

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