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MRT will have ladies-only compartment during rush hour

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This is the most stupid decision I have seen here in a long time....the MRT has operated since 2004 with the same 3 car trains and the new line they will operate will have only 3 car trains as well. If they want a Women Only Car they need to order 2 more cars for each train ! This will take a long time since Siemens would have to make a special production run....they should have tagged onto the BTS order when they increased trains from 3 to 4 cars.

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This is truely idiotic, and all so they can cram an additional 10 or so people into the already overcrowded carriages.

So what is the game plan? a) To make one of the 3 current carriages ladies only, or cool.png to add a 4th carriage only for the ladies? My guess is it will be option A, as it would take 18 or so months to implement option B.

Or it could be option C. Just hot air.

PS: Personally I detest trying to cram into those over crowded carriages, be it MRT or BTS.

Edited by WhizBang
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What about a carriage for people who don't use deodorant?....

How about a carriage for whinging know it all farangs ? biggrin.png

You lost me on that one Soutpeel, and I normally agree with you on most topics.

Do you advocate crowded places with stinky-smelly people?

Aside from groping sex maniacs/rapists & murderers, they rank right up there with the most offensive idiots on the planet in my book.

I recall being on a ferry out to Koh Larn once & some Paki was up front, upwind, and about to gag everybody, Thai's mostly, who were covering their faces.

He was gagging me too! I Told him he stunk like a pig and that half the boatload of people were ready to throw him overboard, and that he needed a bath, in no uncertain terms.

I was quite the hero of many a Thai that day.

I suggested he go sit at the back of the boat, downwind of us clean folks. He did, but was utterly bewildered.

But,but,but...you protesteth too much Surr... I am indeedly offended by your exemplary protestation. I have a brother who will make you a real suit for little money.., trust me

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To the best of my knowledge, to date, the only exception is Muslim dominated Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Makes one wonder about the coming ASEAN event of 2016, that perhaps those same (religiously motivated) socially uptight "head-trip" pressures, are now being brought to bare on Buddhist dominate Thailand, by some Malaysian "Datuk", with a loaded suitcase.. They (the Malaysians) already tried to get that "female only" designated coach law passed in Singapore. Fortunately Singapore's indigenous Malay population is miniscule, compared to that of the Chinese wai2.gif

In Manila, LRT trains have the first carriage exclusively for women (no transgender).

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Peerayuth Singpattanakul, Director of Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand, said yesterday the trains don’t get to transport the passengers at full capacity during rush hours because of the empty spaces. Well it must be true then .......erm I wonder if he has every travelled on the MRT during rush hour! Empty spaces? Must be on other MRT trains because the one's I've travelled on are completely full. You have to fight your way in when trying to get on one and you have to fight your way to the door when its your stop. Guess he wants it more like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VblpZELt6dc

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This is the most stupid decision I have seen here in a long time....the MRT has operated since 2004 with the same 3 car trains and the new line they will operate will have only 3 car trains as well. If they want a Women Only Car they need to order 2 more cars for each train ! This will take a long time since Siemens would have to make a special production run....they should have tagged onto the BTS order when they increased trains from 3 to 4 cars.

Go and buy a dress then ...your whinging sounds like a little girl anyway :rolleyes:

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What about a carriage for people who don't use deodorant?....

How about a carriage for whinging know it all farangs ? biggrin.png

You lost me on that one Soutpeel, and I normally agree with you on most topics.

Do you advocate crowded places with stinky-smelly people?

Aside from groping sex maniacs/rapists & murderers, they rank right up there with the most offensive idiots on the planet in my book.

I recall being on a ferry out to Koh Larn once & some Paki was up front, upwind, and about to gag everybody, Thai's mostly, who were covering their faces.

He was gagging me too! I Told him he stunk like a pig and that half the boatload of people were ready to throw him overboard, and that he needed a bath, in no uncertain terms.

I was quite the hero of many a Thai that day.

I suggested he go sit at the back of the boat, downwind of us clean folks. He did, but was utterly bewildered.

Why insult the Pig..?

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What about a carriage for people who don't use deodorant?....

How about a carriage for whinging know it all farangs ? biggrin.png

You lost me on that one Soutpeel, and I normally agree with you on most topics.

Do you advocate crowded places with stinky-smelly people?

Aside from groping sex maniacs/rapists & murderers, they rank right up there with the most offensive idiots on the planet in my book.

I recall being on a ferry out to Koh Larn once & some Paki was up front, upwind, and about to gag everybody, Thai's mostly, who were covering their faces.

He was gagging me too! I Told him he stunk like a pig and that half the boatload of people were ready to throw him overboard, and that he needed a bath, in no uncertain terms.

I was quite the hero of many a Thai that day.

I suggested he go sit at the back of the boat, downwind of us clean folks. He did, but was utterly bewildered.


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As other posters have suggested - if the women only carriage is in addition to the 4 carriages then I am all for it.

Some genius went to all the trouble of designing the platforms to accommodate 6 carriage trains. The demand at rush hour is obviously there. The constant traffic jams would be reduced.

Maybe they will form a committee to "mull" it over sometime soon.....

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What about a carriage for people who don't use deodorant?....

How about a carriage for whinging know it all farangs ? :D
Seems reasonable... Only problem is how to distinguish them from normal farangs who just just think they know it all!

Don't give them ideas.

Farang only carriages - double price. Must wear micro chip arm bands and report to staff every 10 minutes.

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hah! They should visit New York City when it is crowded. They should try Tokyo. The logistics of packing people in by specifying a lady only compartment is impractical. There will either be not enough ladies to fill a compartment which will be a waste of space, or there will be too many ladies for a compartment. What will they do then? Let the ladies overflow into the Men's compartment? Make the ladies not board the MRT?

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What about a carriage for people who don't use deodorant?....

As they are thankfully in the minority I would just stop smelly people getting on. Everytime I smell body odour I take a glance around the carrigae and almost always find someone from the sub continent, however I occasionally spot the occasional farang who has given up on life.

It was Italian tourists the other day. Made me so sick, I got out of the car early.

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Whereas I think, this generally a good idea, one word comes to mind: Thailand!

Who will ever see this through, how will this be implemented and controlled?

Not in my lifetime, not here!

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Whereas I think, this generally a good idea, one word comes to mind: Thailand!

Who will ever see this through, how will this be implemented and controlled?

Not in my lifetime, not here!

It would be the security guards that would have to enforce it.

They seem (to me) to take their jobs seriously, unlike the BIB.

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Unbelievable! London, Paris, New York, Chicago, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Singapore, Beijing, Mekka (Saudi Arabia) Shenzhen, Hongkog, Chianghai, Moscow and Sao Paulo (the world's most densely populated city), have both elevated and underground commuter train systems (for many decades), without having to legislatively mandate the use of "female-only' designated coaches, during rush-hour.

To the best of my knowledge, to date, the only exception is Muslim dominated Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Makes one wonder about the coming ASEAN event of 2016, that perhaps those same (religiously motivated) socially uptight "head-trip" pressures, are now being brought to bare on Buddhist dominate Thailand, by some Malaysian "Datuk", with a loaded suitcase.. They (the Malaysians) already tried to get that "female only" designated coach law passed in Singapore. Fortunately Singapore's indigenous Malay population is miniscule, compared to that of the Chinese wai2.gif

Tokyo has pink women only carriages on the Metro because the men used to feel up the women on crowded trains

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