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Donald Trump: I would send Syrian refugees home

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Donald Trump: I would send Syrian refugees home

NEW HAMPSHIRE: -- Donald Trump has said he would send home all Syrian refugees the US accepts, if he becomes president.

The billionaire, who is the current frontrunner in the Republican race for the White House, told a New Hampshire rally: "If I win, they're going back."

It marks a reversal in policy - earlier this month he told Fox News the US should take in more refugees.

A migrant crisis has gripped parts of Europe and the US has pledged to take 10,000 refugees from Syria next year.

Half a million people have crossed the Mediterranean into Europe in 2015, with the largest number from Syria, where 250,000 people have been killed in a civil war.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34397272

-- BBC 2015-10-01

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He's in buffoon mode again.

He would be damaging the credibility of entire U.S.A. brand doing stuff like that.

Give asylum, it's done, as the new U.S. president he would be obligated to honor previous asylum grants.

If he could manage his mouth, he might really have a chance. But it's clear he can't, so he doesn't.


Send the Indians home Donald. They're stealing jobs from Americans in Silicon Valley under a ridiculous "K-visa" scheme. The Syrians are a small matter compared to Asian immigration from India and China who now are arriving in much greater numbers than the Mexicans.


Send the Indians home Donald. They're stealing jobs from Americans in Silicon Valley under a ridiculous "K-visa" scheme. The Syrians are a small matter compared to Asian immigration from India and China who now are arriving in much greater numbers than the Mexicans.

I disagree. Silicon Valley would have never been Silicon Valley without foreign talent and investment.

Next ...


He's in buffoon mode again.

He would be damaging the credibility of entire U.S.A. brand doing stuff like that.

Give asylum, it's done, as the new U.S. president he would be obligated to honor previous asylum grants.

If he could manage his mouth, he might really have a chance. But it's clear he can't, so he doesn't.

Take them in and send them all to Detroit to help bring that city back. If they complain it isn't good enough send them back. win win.


Send the Indians home Donald. They're stealing jobs from Americans in Silicon Valley under a ridiculous "K-visa" scheme. The Syrians are a small matter compared to Asian immigration from India and China who now are arriving in much greater numbers than the Mexicans.

Hell no. Let Indians immigrate by a million every year. They're much better educated as doctors/ engineers/ CEO's than Americans and they're not terrorists.

It shows why you use a USB port made by an Indian-American, or go to a hospital with an Indian-American doctor or use Windows which has an Indian-American CEO.

The places we're losing jobs are not to the K visa since in the USA the wages have to be the same. We're losing jobs to outsourcing since inside Vietnam you can pay 38 cents for a whole days worth of work!


Trump is the only guy who can keep changing his position, insult people, outright lie, and still poll higher than everyone else. He truly is "different."

It marks a reversal in policy - earlier this month he told Fox News the US should take in more refugees.

So once again Trump shows that he actually has no clear policies, but just turns his coat to the wind direction.

Good luck with such a mental unstable person in the white house.


Trump and Putin fighting against Syrians possibly right here joined in one thread.

Obama wants Assad gone while Trump, Putin and Assad want Obama gone. Prez Obama will go in due time but the three should be careful what they wish for.

The Republican party is pissing into the wind cause going forward Asian Americans will outnumber Hispanic Americans.



Having trouble with refugees, Donald?

Yeah, so did native Americans.

Why don't you go back where your ancestors came from, Donald?

What a buffoon. He is just pandering to the paranoia of xenophobes. Has no real policies to fight an election campaign so relies on slogans and cheap shots.


You got to love it. He makes perfect sense to me. I work for a Thai employer and she changes her mind all the time. She calls it 'policy' and I call it the whim of the day.

On a more serious note, though Donald may have a little trouble with sending them back. There are numerous laws he would be breaking and a number of international agreements including the UN agreements.

The other sticky point is that the country of origin has to agree to take them back and given the not-so-cordial relations between the US and Syria, that might be a problem. It might be a bigger problem if Syria did take them back and then started punishing them.

The US is in a unique position at this point because it can make choices on who it accepts and who it does not. Europe is stuck with whoever shows up.

Whatever happens with Donald, I hope he things about his actions carefully.


Having trouble with refugees, Donald?

Yeah, so did native Americans.

Why don't you go back where your ancestors came from, Donald?

What a buffoon. He is just pandering to the paranoia of xenophobes. Has no real policies to fight an election campaign so relies on slogans and cheap shots.

Dex the Native Americans had a war a week trying to kick other tribes out of their territory. They had the same problem that Trump has. Native Americans did not come from America in case this is news to you, try a history book or two.


Half a million people have crossed the Mediterranean into Europe in 2015, with the largest number from Syria, where 250,000 people have been killed in a civil war.

Just to get some figures right here:

Since Sept. 1st 270.00 refugees came to Germany alone, half oft hem unregistered.

By now it is almost a daily routine for the police to stop fights between different ethnic and religious groups in the camps. It looks like the "refuge seekers" only import the problems which left their home countries in a mess to a new location where they receive shelter, food, housing, and money.

How long will the native population tolerate this behavior?


I hear Trump wants to send Native Americans back to Asia because they never had proper visas. "I don't care how long they've been here, they have to do it my way or the highway."


Half a million people have crossed the Mediterranean into Europe in 2015, with the largest number from Syria, where 250,000 people have been killed in a civil war.

Just to get some figures right here:

Since Sept. 1st 270.00 refugees came to Germany alone, half oft hem unregistered.

By now it is almost a daily routine for the police to stop fights between different ethnic and religious groups in the camps. It looks like the "refuge seekers" only import the problems which left their home countries in a mess to a new location where they receive shelter, food, housing, and money.

How long will the native population tolerate this behavior?

Until a guy like Trump runs for office in Germany and France and the UK.


I think that we should set up a special international category for those politicians who do not allow refuge to people who are fleeing torture and killing - put those politicians on an international no-entry list. Yes, you can fly to Scotland but we won't let you in to view your investment, Donald - after all, we cannot have folks coming in to invest in the country and then not carrying out what they said they would do, can we Donald?


Another moron destined for failure ...if he gets elected ...it's because the democratic electorate is truly dumb and want to send USA foreign policy to the gutters and be an international embarrassment


Please stop dumping on the poor man. (Well...not really poor.) Haven't you heard? Immigrants are ruining everything.

He'll make the perfect Presidential candidate for the Republicans.The party of Lincoln has become the party of neo-secessionists and unrepentant racists. They're on a mission from God.

Think of Trump as the Pope of wingnuttia.


He's in buffoon mode again.

He would be damaging the credibility of entire U.S.A. brand doing stuff like that.

Give asylum, it's done, as the new U.S. president he would be obligated to honor previous asylum grants.

If he could manage his mouth, he might really have a chance. But it's clear he can't, so he doesn't.

You sound very noble but these Refugees I reminder have religion that dislikes Jews and Gay I think you are very noble even if cost your head my asword


Maybe we should tell the Russians...that if they do not lay off of the Syrian free army...we will elect Donald Trump as our next President...


I can understand where he is coming from. It worries me that ISIS would try to infiltrate terrorists into the US through these refugees and I do not trust our intelligence services to weed them all out. It's very tempting to agree with him, but that type of attitude does not fit well with the morals of most Americans.


The funniest show in Bollywood - watching Americans electing their Presidents.

The results are just as funny as the process.


He's in buffoon mode again.

He would be damaging the credibility of entire U.S.A. brand doing stuff like that.

Give asylum, it's done, as the new U.S. president he would be obligated to honor previous asylum grants.

If he could manage his mouth, he might really have a chance. But it's clear he can't, so he doesn't.

The USA 'brand' no longer has any credibility.


Having trouble with refugees, Donald?

Yeah, so did native Americans.

Why don't you go back where your ancestors came from, Donald?

What a buffoon. He is just pandering to the paranoia of xenophobes. Has no real policies to fight an election campaign so relies on slogans and cheap shots.

Dex the Native Americans had a war a week trying to kick other tribes out of their territory. They had the same problem that Trump has. Native Americans did not come from America in case this is news to you, try a history book or two.

Your comparison is fallacious. European migration, as you well know, completely swamped native American culture and population.

Whereas USA has so far taken in a mere 1,500 Syrian refugees. Kerry proposes a further 185,000 over 2016-17... a drop in the ocean in a US population of 320,000,000.

Some of whom will be Christians. Trump is playing the nasty race card (again!) and Islamophobic paranoia, when Muslims form only 0.8% of the US population.

13,500 years - 40,000 years ago trumps Trump and your 400 years ago for European migrations to North America re indigenousness.

Read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas

It marks a reversal in policy - earlier this month he told Fox News the US should take in more refugees.

So once again Trump shows that he actually has no clear policies, but just turns his coat to the wind direction.

Good luck with such a mental unstable person in the white house.

Trump is not in the White House nor will Trump be in the White House. Far from it and you can bet the farm on the fact the only way in for Trump is as a tourist.


It marks a reversal in policy - earlier this month he told Fox News the US should take in more refugees.

So once again Trump shows that he actually has no clear policies, but just turns his coat to the wind direction.

Good luck with such a mental unstable person in the white house.

Trump is not in the White House nor will Trump be in the White House. Far from it and you can bet the farm on the fact the only way in for Trump is as a tourist.

One rare occasion I hope you are right ...electoral votes are at times dumb and easily fooled by the glamor of TV and cheap tough talk ...hopefully at the end of the exercise we can breathe easy knowing not all are that easily fooled

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