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Russia defends air strikes in Syria

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Russia defends air strikes in Syria


MOSCOW: -- On the diplomatic front, Russia has mounted a firm defence of its air strikes in Syria.

President Vladimir Putin told a cabinet meeting that the action was legal under international law and fully supported by the Syrian government.

Sentiments echoed at the United Nations by his foreign minister Sergei Lavrov.

“The Russian Ministry of Defence presented a full report on what was hit and what was the targets. We targeted ISIL associated depots, armaments and sites. We would be coordinating with the Syrian army and that is, I think, commonplace, recognised everywhere that airstrikes alone will not solve the problem.”

Lavrov also went on to say that the legal basis for US coalition air strikes was “really flawed.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-02


Russia is doing exactly what everyone was afraid they would do. They could care less about a rabid, fanatical ISIS and are only there to help Assad who is a rabid fanatical leader.


In your rabid fanatical post you forgot to mention that Russians are also rabid fanatics.

Do you know any other words?

And BTW why "everyone was afraid" of what Russians would do? Do you mean everyone who does not like bad man Assad?


I know Hussain Obama does not have the goolies to sort out this mess, neither does Mr Cameron ... Lets all hope the French put a stop to these Russian jets.. But a few dozen Raptor 22s would help his cause..... come on Hussain, lets find out if these very expensive fighters are worth the moneys..! blink.png


Funny this.

A week or so ago, there was news that of the Syrian rebels the US trained, only 5 remained.

Yet in the news today, I saw Russians were bombing 'US trained' rebels.

Cant have it both ways.

If Assad goes, who replaces him? He is no threat to us but ISIS is.

I side with Putin on this. Stability n the region comes first.


I know Hussain Obama does not have the goolies to sort out this mess, neither does Mr Cameron ... Lets all hope the French put a stop to these Russian jets.. But a few dozen Raptor 22s would help his cause..... come on Hussain, lets find out if these very expensive fighters are worth the moneys..! blink.png

I am really glad you have nothing to do with foreign policy.

You are suggesting we initiate an act of war against a superpower who has jets that are very bit as good, the Sokorsky's, as good as anything the US has in our arsenal.

Further, alluding Obama to Saddam Hussein is laughable, infantile and disingenuous, at best. The Russians have a point, and I don't like it, but they have a point -- a LOT of those groups are supporting ISIL, with ISIL being a gift from Dickless Cheney and George the Butcher Bush in the murderous and pointless Iraq War, where NO weapons of mass destruction were found. Mission Unaccomplished! Our ex-pres GWB is a wanted war criminal in several countries for leading NATO into that disastrous, stupid, inhumane, pointless and expensive fiasco.

A perfect example of someone who can read facts, and instead chooses to be a cheerleader for Rush Windbag.


Funny this.

A week or so ago, there was news that of the Syrian rebels the US trained, only 5 remained.

Yet in the news today, I saw Russians were bombing 'US trained' rebels.

Cant have it both ways.

If Assad goes, who replaces him? He is no threat to us but ISIS is.

I side with Putin on this. Stability n the region comes first.

The group you're referring to were the ones trained in Jordan by the US. It is claimed the Russians have attacked, among others, the Free Syrian Army who are mainly operational in Southern Syria and supported by the US. The FSA are close to Damascus & maybe the reason they were bombed. However, the Russians have now stated they do not view FSA as a terrorist organisation and OK to work with them; strange world!

Lavrov did not specifically deny that Russian planes had attacked Free Syrian Army facilities, but said: "We don't consider Free Syrian Army a terrorist group.

"We believe that the Free Syrian Army should be part of the political process, like some other armed groups on the ground composed of the Syrians' patriotic opposition individuals," Lavrov said.



Russia is doing exactly what everyone was afraid they would do. They could care less about a rabid, fanatical ISIS and are only there to help Assad who is a rabid fanatical leader.

Umm Russia is doing exactly what it said they would do. Vladimir Putin has made no secret of his intent to keep the Assad regime from falling. Indeed, it's not clear what else Putin could do besides invite Charlie Rose for a two hour interview and explain three separate times that Moscow intends to support Assad.

What Russia is doing is also legal under international law.


Funny this.

A week or so ago, there was news that of the Syrian rebels the US trained, only 5 remained.

Yet in the news today, I saw Russians were bombing 'US trained' rebels.

Cant have it both ways.

If Assad goes, who replaces him? He is no threat to us but ISIS is.

I side with Putin on this. Stability n the region comes first.

The group you're referring to were the ones trained in Jordan by the US. It is claimed the Russians have attacked, among others, the Free Syrian Army who are mainly operational in Southern Syria and supported by the US. The FSA are close to Damascus & maybe the reason they were bombed. However, the Russians have now stated they do not view FSA as a terrorist organisation and OK to work with them; strange world!

Lavrov did not specifically deny that Russian planes had attacked Free Syrian Army facilities, but said: "We don't consider Free Syrian Army a terrorist group.

"We believe that the Free Syrian Army should be part of the political process, like some other armed groups on the ground composed of the Syrians' patriotic opposition individuals," Lavrov said.


EDIT: FSA are also operational in Homs and Aleppo areas and alleged from time to time FSA collaborate with Islamist forces for tactical war fighting objectives.


Looks like the Yanks now need to "accidentally" drop even more weapons and supplies at ISIS controlled zones since otherwise their very own and new chain dog of war will be reduced to dust in no time. Toyota might also lose some of their best clients... :)



Looks like the Yanks now need to "accidentally" drop even more weapons and supplies at ISIS controlled zones since otherwise their very own and new chain dog of war will be reduced to dust in no time. Toyota might also lose some of their best clients... smile.png


Just a few weeks ago an ISIS convoy like this travelled from Iraq to Syria, it took them 6 hours, through open desert in broad daylight. Yet not a US plane to be seen in the sky, despite the fact that most US planes who are supposed to be attacking ISIS return to base with bombs still on board because there 'were not any targets'! The Russian Foreign Minister was absolutely correct yesterday when he said the US have spent the last couple of years "pretending to bomb ISIS". I well remember threads on here a year or so ago when some of us were accused of wearing 'tin foil hats', when we posted links showing that the CIA were training Islamists in Turkey and Jordan, for the sole purpose of bringing down Assad. Now it is openly admitted. Just like Tony Blair and GW Bush endlessly repeating 'weapons of mass destruction', Obama, Cameron and Hollande think that if they keep repeating, over and over again, 'moderate rebels' it will make it true. It won't. People should make up their minds, you are either against ISIS and other Islamic militants and want them dealt with, or you are not. The idea that somehow some of them should be untouchable because they are perceived to be 'useful to the West', is clearly nonsense. When push comes to shove they will be no different to the rest of them, their ultimate loyalty is to ISIS, as is proved by the fact that only 4 or 5 out of the ones trained by the US are left. There will be no equivocation from Russia, they will do what the US have been pretending to do, and take no prisoners.


And now the Chinese may be about to try their luck. I'm skeptical that airstrikes from anyone will do much good in eliminating ISIS, why China should intervene? Perhaps for domestic consumption due to a bad economy and the Uighur terrorists stabbing 50 mine workers to death. Also since Obama has abdicated all responsibility for U.S involvement in the region it is an easy task to make him look even more powerless and incompetent.



And now the Chinese may be about to try their luck. I'm skeptical that airstrikes from anyone will do much good in eliminating ISIS, why China should intervene? Perhaps for domestic consumption due to a bad economy and the Uighur terrorists stabbing 50 mine workers to death. Also since Obama has abdicated all responsibility for U.S involvement in the region it is an easy task to make him look even more powerless and incompetent.


Russia is hoping to form a ground invasion of ISIS territory involving several Shia allies. That IMO will root out ISIS. Russia and China will likely only provide close air and resupply.


And now the Chinese may be about to try their luck. I'm skeptical that airstrikes from anyone will do much good in eliminating ISIS, why China should intervene? Perhaps for domestic consumption due to a bad economy and the Uighur terrorists stabbing 50 mine workers to death. Also since Obama has abdicated all responsibility for U.S involvement in the region it is an easy task to make him look even more powerless and incompetent.


Russia is hoping to form a ground invasion of ISIS territory involving several Shia allies. That IMO will root out ISIS. Russia and China will likely only provide close air and resupply.


Interesting comment about the bombs being use. Old technology and not accurate. Also interesting comments about how the coalition is targeting their bombs. Completely different:


The Syrian air force has been bombing anti-government rebels—as well as innocent civilians—with crude barrel bombs that rarely hit their targets. But the arrival of the Russian air force isn’t bringing a big increase in accuracy. Their bombing technology is a generation behind American weapons, and that could end up pinning a target on the back of every Russian soldier in Syria as well as back home.

The U.S. has claimed that the Russian air strikes that began this week appear aimed at Syrian rebel forces fighting to topple President Bashar Assad instead of the Islamic State in Syria and Greater Iraq. But they may not be very effective. Video released by the Russians—and U.S. intelligence reports—indicate the bombs being dropped are unguided, and that at least some of them are going astray.

That could lead to big problems for the Russians, according to Lieut. General Bob Otto, the Air Force’s deputy chief of staff for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. “Those aren’t precision weapons,” Otto said Thursday of the Russian bombs. “We can tell what’s hanging off the airplane” via intelligence imagery, he said. They’re “dumb” bombs, guided to their targets only by gravity and the plane’s position and velocity when they’re released. Such weapons are notoriously inaccurate.

The U.S. and its allies have been using smart bombs against ISIS targets, and won’t attack them unless it believes there is a low chance of civilian casualties. That’s kept the number of bombing missions low, Otto added.


And now the Chinese may be about to try their luck. I'm skeptical that airstrikes from anyone will do much good in eliminating ISIS, why China should intervene? Perhaps for domestic consumption due to a bad economy and the Uighur terrorists stabbing 50 mine workers to death. Also since Obama has abdicated all responsibility for U.S involvement in the region it is an easy task to make him look even more powerless and incompetent.


Russia is hoping to form a ground invasion of ISIS territory involving several Shia allies. That IMO will root out ISIS. Russia and China will likely only provide close air and resupply.
If you are correct this could get really interesting as from what I read Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the GCC want to tackle ISIS themselves, but only after tackling Hezbollah and Iran. I think the ancient town of Megido (Armageddon) might have been more appropriately situated further to the north.

And now the Chinese may be about to try their luck. I'm skeptical that airstrikes from anyone will do much good in eliminating ISIS, why China should intervene? Perhaps for domestic consumption due to a bad economy and the Uighur terrorists stabbing 50 mine workers to death. Also since Obama has abdicated all responsibility for U.S involvement in the region it is an easy task to make him look even more powerless and incompetent.


Russia is hoping to form a ground invasion of ISIS territory involving several Shia allies. That IMO will root out ISIS. Russia and China will likely only provide close air and resupply.
If you are correct this could get really interesting as from what I read Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the GCC want to tackle ISIS themselves, but only after tackling Hezbollah and Iran. I think the ancient town of Megido (Armageddon) might have been more appropriately situated further to the north.
I agree completely with your post.

Indeed since ISIS/ISIL started to conquer territory in Iraq and Syria they've always prioritised the domination of the Euphrate river : diagonal in Syria and Iraq. They've never lost it since then. I bet my 10 shekels coin that this has an important strategic impact if they control water dams like Ramadi to force local population by force or naturally to flee their region.

For your quote of Armaggedon I would refer to revelations 16: 12-16

"12The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. 13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.

15 “Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.”

16 Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon."


Did the coalition forces bombed any target on the Euphrate ? Euh, no....

Did China and Russia voted previously against UN bombing in Lybia ? Euh, yes...


And now the Chinese may be about to try their luck. I'm skeptical that airstrikes from anyone will do much good in eliminating ISIS, why China should intervene? Perhaps for domestic consumption due to a bad economy and the Uighur terrorists stabbing 50 mine workers to death. Also since Obama has abdicated all responsibility for U.S involvement in the region it is an easy task to make him look even more powerless and incompetent.


Russia is hoping to form a ground invasion of ISIS territory involving several Shia allies. That IMO will root out ISIS. Russia and China will likely only provide close air and resupply.
If you are correct this could get really interesting as from what I read Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the GCC want to tackle ISIS themselves, but only after tackling Hezbollah and Iran. I think the ancient town of Megido (Armageddon) might have been more appropriately situated further to the north.
I agree completely with your post.

Indeed since ISIS/ISIL started to conquer territory in Iraq and Syria they've always prioritised the domination of the Euphrate river : diagonal in Syria and Iraq. They've never lost it since then. I bet my 10 shekels coin that this has an important strategic impact if they control water dams like Ramadi to force local population by force or naturally to flee their region.

For your quote of Armaggedon I would refer to revelations 16: 12-16

"12The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. 13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.

15 “Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.”

16 Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon."


Did the coalition forces bombed any target on the Euphrate ? Euh, no....

Just guessing of course but I expect Putin is wanting the US and Israel to squirm a bit. He wants to see what happens as the Shia coalition approaches the Golan in some kind of mass. Do they continue on through the Golan or do they simply stall on the Syrian side of the border.

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